The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1887-190?, November 24, 1897, Image 1

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•IT IS TRUSTWORTHY. $ f. The one paper that leads— x reaches all classes of people V r —give satisfaction to advor- W • tilers—The Rome Tribune. M ESTABLISHED 1887. BOYNTON BILL DEAD Moated in House By Vote of 74 to 64. VERY BUSY SESSION • * ; Capt, deco's Bill to admit Noy Land to Romo PASSED SENATE IN TEE AFTERNOON "Needs Governor’s Signature Only to Become a Law. CONVICT QUESTION NOT CONSIDERED j Senate Inclined to Be Lenient Towards Lynching—Great Deal of Minor Business Attended To. * Atlanta, Not. 23.—Immediately af »ter the reading of the journal in the house. Mr. Felder of Fulton moved the : reconsideration of the Calvin "mixed” flour bill which passed the house Mon- - day. This bill provides that all mixed . flour put up by dealers in the state - should be so labeled. A motion to re- • consider was lost by a vote of 51 to 38. The antibarroom bill by Mr. Boynton of Spalding came up as a special order of the honse. A motion to table was lost by a vote of 84 to 66. The bill was then put on its passage and defeated by • vote of 74 to 64. The session iu the house was a busy •ne from start to conclusion and a great • deal of minor business was put through. The convict bill did not come up for “Consideratim. The senate is disposed to be lenient with lynchers, and thinks three days ■ are not enough "cooling time” for a man when a member of his family has ' been assaulted. Senator Trammell Starr’s bill, leav ing it to the jury iu criminal cases to - determine whether sufficient time has elapsed for the voice of reason and hu manity to be heard after an assault, was passed by the senate after a spirited discu-sion. The senate spent some time in dis- - cussing Mr. Kemp’s bill to change the « superior court calendar iu the middle 'Circuit. The bill was dually tabled on i motion of Senator B. F. Walker. The house resolution providing for 4 'the purchase by tne state ot 4.0u0 copies of "Georgia Forms and Practice,” by Mr. J. H. Blount, Jr., of Mahon, was ■'read the second time iu the senate, the 'Appropriations committee having recom mended that it be so read aud then be The. vote on this bill in the house was .180 to 11 in its favor. Capt. Reece’s bill to incorporate a strip of land lying between Rome and North Rome into the city of Rome, passed the senate this afternoon. It only requires the governor’s signature 4o become a law. . Galvewtouu An the Terminal. Galveston, Nov. 23.—P. 0. Storey, general freight ageut; O. R. Berry, as sistant freight ageut at St. Joseph; T. N. Hooper, division freight agent at Des Moines, la., and J. Waddy Tate, general freight agent at Dallas, of the Chicago and Great Western, are here looking over the advantages of Galves ton as a terminal. The “Maple Leaf” has for some time been sending a large Amount for Galveston aud it is the pur pose of the officials to post themselves as to the facilities here forhaudliug and giving it quick dispatch. i Railway Telegrapher* W|n. * Peoria, Ills., Nov. 23.—A telegram -was received by the Order of Railway Telegraphers saying Judge Sanborn of the United States court st St Paul, Minn., had decided in their favor a suit against the receiver of the Union Pa cific, holding that railroad employes are entitled to representation ou the board of trustees of the railroad hospital. The amount of 875,000 in the hospital fuud is ordered paid back pro rata to em jtloyes who contributed it and the prop- Arty is ordered sold. Th* Trial or UaiAl* Thorn. New York, Nov. 23.—1 n a little more than au hour three additional juror* for the* trial of Martin Thorn, the alleged assassin of, William Guldeysnppe. were secured iu the criminal branch of the court of Queens couuty. The names of the three jurors are: Nicholas Blake, oarpeuter, of Freesport; Charles Schrei ber, real estate dealer, of Valley Stream, •nd George .Ellard «f Great Neck. -mm ■ <pa- —— —■ - - - —■■ ■■—- ■j • — — < *«■. ■ r .-• • r a- THE ROHE TRIBUNE. CONFERENCE TODAY Athens is Filling Up With Delegates. Interesting Meeting of Widows and Orphans Aid Society Last Night, Athens. Nov. 23 —About 200 dele gates to the North Georgia Conference strived here today, and every incom ing train brings them by the scores. All will not be in until tomorrow. Tonight a most interesting meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Soci ety was held. The treasurer reported $5,000 invested which was yielding a very nice income. Rev. M. J. Cofer made a very touching speech, and Rev. Simon Peter Richardson kept the meeting in one continuous round of laughter by one of bis characterte addresses. The officers elected were Rev. M. J. Cofer, president; Rev. D. 8, Myrick. vice»president; Rev. P. H. Heard, secre tary and treasurer. The conference will convene at 0:30 in the morning, with Bishop Galloway in the chair. JACKSONVILLE NEWS. Marriage of Prominent Young People- Textile Mill Moved to Auniston. Jacksonville, Ala., Nov. 23. —Mr. William Scarbrough and Miss Pearl Pop* ter, of White Plain*, were married last Sunday afternoon at the residence of her uncle, Mr. C. J. Porter, this city. Dr. V. O. Hawkins officiating. They are very popular young people among their many acquaintances. The textile company, consisting of about thirty knitting machines, moved to Anniston last week. Chancery court is in session here this week. Thanksgiving day will be observ ed here by the school and business houses. MINORITY REPORT. Pope Brown Read Blalock [Report Yes terday Afternoon. Atlanta, Nov. 23.—The minority report of£tbe Blalock committee was read in the house this afternoon. It was signed by Brown, Blalock and Kemp. To it was attached Calvin’s codicil favoring taking away the agricultural col lege, but replacing the land scrip fund. The majority report will be read to - morrow. WAYMIRE MAY BE NAMED. California Judja I« Likely to Succeed Attorney General AloKeuiin. Washington. Nov. 28. —President McKinley has not decided npon the man to succeed Attorney General McKenna when that official shall be appointed to the supreme bench iu place of Justice Field. The report that Secretary Long is to be attorney general is without founda tion. The secretary’s health has been impaired by overwork, and he would not conset to take upon himself the ar duous duties of the position in question. Former Judge Waymire of California visited Washington about the time the resignation of Judge Field was made public, and it is said on good authori y that he received a practical assurance that he would be made attorney gen eral. He privately informed friends that he had >een promised the place. Shot Down <ii Hr* Own Store, Selma, Ala., Nov. 23.—News has reached this city of a font attempt to assassinate Colonel Hendrix A. Hardy, a prominent citizen at Polk, in the south end of the comity. He was posting his books iu his store when a shot was fir d from the darkness without and he fcj dangerously wounded. Henry Quarles, a negro, whom Colonel Hardy had or dered out of his store a few honrs be fore, has been arrested. There is strong circumstantial evidence against him. REWARD FOR A MURDERER. Georgia Couv.o: Guard Claim, He Knows the Mayer of Clayton. Atlanta, Nov. 23.—Governor Jones of Arkansas wires The Journal that bo will give a reward of SSOO for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of J. M. Clayton, who was assassinated in Plum merville, Ark., in November, 1888. Luther Aiken, a convict guard at Pitts, Go., teils The Journal that he knows the murderer and has sufficient evidence to convict him, but that a re wHFd of 850 u would be no inducement for him to disclo-e the guilty party. If Aiken’s clue is reliable the murderer of Clayton is probably a convict, who is now serving a term in tbs Georgia pen itentiary. A Capital!.*'. Fatal Fall. Atlanta. Nov. 2T—H. Wiswall, a Boston capitalist, who fell into the base ment of the Grand building ovei. r week asm, bus died of his injuries, HOME, GA., WEDNESDAY, NOVkMBEH UH, 1897. PRESIDENT’S JESSAGE Coming Report About Completed. CABINETCONFERENCE McKinley Informed Members That Mes sage Was Hear Done, DID HOT READ ANT OF IT TO THEM I ; .1: Hopes For Some Kind or Cur rency Reform Legts'ation HIS IDEA OF REFORMS NEEDED Law Providing That Greenbacks Be Paid Out As Fast Redeemed in Gold Should Be Repealed. Washington, Nov. 23.—The cabinet held a very short meeting, as the presi dent and several of its members at tended the wedding of Mr. Harlan, son of Justice Harlan, and Miss Noble. The time of the meeting was taken up with matters of the several departments. President McKinley informed the cabi net that his message was practically completed, but he did not read any por tion of it to them. It is probable that the message will be considered at the next meeting. President McKinley is said to be hope ful of something in the way of currency reform legislation at the coming session of congress, even if it shall not be all that he desires. His friends say that if the matter is made an administration measure and the whole pressure of the executive is exercised a majority in the senate can be obtained. Mr. McKinley’s idea is to secure leg islation that will at least prevent the gold reserve from being drawn on in a time of business stress. The law pro viding that greenbacks shall be paid on t as fast as they are redeemed in go d should, he believes, be repealed. He holds that redeemed greenbacks should not be paid out nnless deposits of gold coin of equal amount are placed in the treasury. A PENSION CASE DECIDED. Claim of Missouri Man For Twenty-SeVela Year.’ Back Par K.J acted. Washington, Nov. 23 —A pension claim which has been pending 27 years and which, if admitted, would- carry back pay of $25,000, has been decided by Assistant Secretary of the Interior Davis. It is the case of Gottlieb Eller sick of Missouri, whose claim for al leged total blindness, due to disease of the eyes contracted during the military service in 1864, is rejected. The case has attracted much interest and aud presented many perplexing features, but it was found that no record of the existence of any disease of the eye in. the service existed, nor was there competent testimony to show the in currence of any such disability iu the service. The claimant was discharged from the army in 1865 and did not lose his sight till 1868. No effort to establish his Claim, presentee iu 1870, was made till 1890, 25 yeats after his discharge, when most of those who could have testified from personal knowledge were dead. The decision holds that the claimant’s own statements were inconsistent and flatly contradictory of his most impor tant witnesses, aside from which the physicians and oculists decline to accept the oase of his present blindness as due to any service origin. GodiiotA*4*r W. «F. Hrya’u Dead. Chicago, Nov. 23. Boyd Bryan Sternsdorf, son of George J. Sternsdorf, smoke inspector of the health depart ment, and godson of ex-Governor Boyd and William Jennings Bryan of N braska, died here of diphtheria. The deceased was born iu Omaha, March 10, 1891, on Bryan’s birthday, and was named after Nebraska’s favorite sons by an act of the state legislature, of which his father was then a member. Floor of a Church Falls. Cleveland, Nov. 23.—Five hundred persons had assembled in Cory Chapel, ■ negro chuych here, te listen to a ser mon by Isabella Horton, the child evan gelist from Jersey City, when the floor collapsed and ths audience fell about 7 fest to ths ground below. There was a wild scramble and something of a panic, but paly three were hurt, and their in juries were slight. FATAL “SKIN” GAME Three Negroes Killed. Two Wounded. Melee Started In a Dispute Over a Very Trival Sum of Money. Colombia, S. C., Nov. 23.—Meagre details of a big fight between negroes near Baleeburg, in Edgefield county has reached heir. Night before last a big crowd were engaged in a “skin” game, and a dis pute arose over a trivial sum less than 25 cents. A general fight ensued, and when the smoke of battle cleared away three ns groes lay dead and two mortally wounded. * - L It iis said that several arrests have been made, but details are very meagre. PIANO MAKERS TO UNITE. The Lcflbdlnh Manufacturers In Thia Comb tr/ Will Form a Tru.t. New York, Nov. 23. The WesM says that an effort is being mads te unite the principal piano manufacturers in the United State*. The Steinway, Ohiokering, Knabe, Kimball aud Cabs (Chicago Cottage) companies will, it is expected by the promoters, with the great supply house of Alfred Dolge, form the backbone of the organisation. The organisation will have branch houses in New York. Boston, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington, Cleve land, Cincinnati, Chicago. St. Louis,- New Orleans, Denver, San Francisco and a few other large cities. Great savings are expected on the out put of JOO,OOO pianos (a good year’s product) the saving in advertising alone would amount to from $2,000,000 to $5.- 000,000. greater saving is ex pected from the concentration in a few factories in the great citie* of the work now done in 100 factories scattered over the country, CHINA CALLS ON RUSSIA. Asks the Ce*r to Ouat the Germaa Treepe From Her Territory. New Yobk, Nov. 23. —According to a Washington dispatch to The World, China has appealed te Russia to oust Germany from her territory, as the re sult of the occnpation by a German force of a part of the Shan Tung penin sula. It is hoped by the Ohinse that the in fluence exerted by Russia, which pre vented the rehabilitation of the Turkish navy, will be exercised upon Germany navy with equal success in the matter of her withdrawal from Chinese terri tory. Notwithstanding the efforts of the Chinese government to get Germany to name a date when she should withdraw her forces, the German government has taken no step in the matter and tho fear is expressed in eastern and European diplomatic circles that her occupation, if not of a permanent character now, is simply preliminary to such an end. Gary to Try Liietgert Case. Chicago, Nov. 23.—Judge Gary, who presided at the trial of the Haymarket •narchists, will occupy the bench at the second trial of Adolph L. Lnetgert, the alleged wife murderer, provided the venerable jurist does not consider the strain of the long contest too severe for his advanced years. Lnetgert appeared before Judge Norton and signed an affi davit in which he stated that both Judge Norton and Judge Baker were prejudiced against him. Waldekirk Trial Fo.tponed. New York, Nov. 23.—The examina tion of J. Waldekirk, who is accused of shooting Richard Mandelbaum on Nov. 13 at a hotel in this city, was postponed in police court ou account of Mandel baum’s still feeble condition. The bul let has not yet been extracted from Mandelbaum’s chest and he will not be able to appear in court for at least two weeks, although his condition is not serious. , Steamer ielegfa£ii Goes Down. Cincinnati, Nov. 23—The steamer Telegraph, one of the largest and best boats plying the Ohio river, sunk at Fern Grove, a short distance from Louisville. The members of the crew aud the passengers had a narrow escape from drowning, and a number of sensa tional scenes were enacted. The cause of the accident conld not be definitely learned. The Telegraph was on her way from Louisville to this city with a small passenger list and a light cargo of freight. The Telegraph was so badly wrecked that it will be a total loss. She Was worth SIO,OOO. W.yl.r Keaoliee Haroelona. Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 23.—The Spanish steamer Montserrat, with Gen eral Weyler on board, arrived here, aud the former captain general of Cuba im mediately debarked. The demonstra tion in his honor, which had been agi tated by the friends of the general for some days past, did not assume the pro portions anticipated, and as he trav ersed the streets the public appeared to bo indifferent, A-nerltn Aetree. Biop'ee. Bebun. Nov. 23. —Paula Wirth, a fa vorite Berlin actress, has eloped to Bu dapest with a married riding master. DEATH ENDS* DISGRACE t A Father’s Defalcation Drove Him To It, POISON AND BULLET J. M. Charnley Stole Finds in His Posi tion:’ of Treasurer, For a ■.• vl . . . ■ i . * > , . v V . PBESBYTEBIAM BENEVOLENT ORDER Son Became Crazed With Grief and EndedjHls Life. FATHER’S SHORTAGE OVER $600,000 It Took Place Last Summer, Since Which Time Youngman Brooded Over _ - Chicago, Nov. 23. —James M. Charn ley, Jr., the son of James M. Oharnley, the defaulting., treasurer of the Presbyterian Board of Aid for Colleges and Academies, disappeared from his uncle’s house last Saturday and is believed to hare committed sui cide in Milwaukee. Lying in the morgue in Milwaukee is the body of a man who answers the description of Oharnley. Hotel people found him dead in bed with a bullet hole in his temple, the right hand clutching a revolver. He had also taken a dose'Of poiton. Chagrin over the disgrace of his father, James M. Oharnley, according to his friends, drove to suicide James M. Oharnley, Jr., who was fonud in his room in the Hotel Pfeister, Milwaukee, with a bullet hole in his heart. James 'M. Oharnley, formerly president of the Presbyterian board of aid for colleges and academies, disappeared last summer short some $60,000 of the funds en trusted to him. This weighed heavily ou the son’s mind, and it Is said that for some time the young man had beeu ill. The sister and brother of yonng Oharnley. both of whom are ont of the city, were notified at once of the second disaster that had come to them. The brother, Charles, is in New York, and the sister, Miss Constance, is at Smith college.. This second chapter in the first sorrow comes with crushing weight, as young Oharnley had assumed the place at the head of the family which his father had so recently left vacant. During the days when the atotf of Mr. James M. Charuley’s shortage was being exploited in the papws, yonng Oharnley had remained iu this city and borne the brunt of the crimination, no toriety and disgrace. For months pre vious to his father’s disappearance, it is said, the impending disaster, which had hung like Damocles’ sword, by a single thread, likeiy at any time to be broken, was known to the youug man. CorporTCthOlaN LUCK. A United States <*aTalrym «n Gets 8140,- 000 by an Uncle** Will. Burlington, Vt., Nov. 23.—Corporal John F. Tholan, U. S. A., is the legatee of $140,000 by the death of his uncle, the late John F. Finch of Malvern, Pa. Corporal Tholan has been, since June, 1895, one of Captain Dodd’s famons Troop F of rough riders of the Third cavalry, stationed on a bleak plateau in Forth Ethan Allen, near Burlington. The corporal’s head is not turned, and he will not leave the army. He will get a brief furlough to establish his identity. He is 21 years old and of athletic build, has good health and good sense. He became a corporal only a month ago. The legacy is partly in cash and partly in choice real estate iu the vicinity of Philadelphia. The nucleus of the for tune fell to the late Malvern capitalist from an English relative, and good management doubled it. Though of English and German ancestry, the cor t>oral is American born. Prlmery Election Legislation. Chicago, Nov. 23. Through the efforts of the Civic Federation of Chi cago a national conference on primary election legislation will be held iu New York early iu January. Ralph M. Eas ley, secretary of the federation, has left for New York, where he will meetwitir representatives of the primary election reforms from eastern cities, and the call for the convention will be formu lated. It is the intention to secure con cert of action ou a uniform law in the various states this winter, when the legislatures of New York. New Jersey. Maryland, Ohio aud MassaohMetM will 1 TELCSAL TNE NEWS. J The best evidence that The X Tribune Is appreciated by the v people Is'the way Its subscrip- w Mon list Increases daily. PKICE .Fiyx CEJSTB ANNA SHAW’S PLAN Noted Female Preacher WouK Be a Policewoman. Ambition to Exchange Pulpit For Club May Be Gratified By Chicago Authorities. _ Chicago, Nov. 23. —The Rev. Anna Shaw may exchange her pulpit for a dub. For ten years dhe has been filled with an ambition for public office and the particular office aha ?* i. ■■ BEV. DR. ANNA SHAW. prefers is that of policeman or rather policewoman. Her wishes are being considered by the police authorities and •he may yet become "one of the finest.” She outlined her views to the dele gates to the National Woman's Suffrage association in these words: "I would rather be a policeman than be president. The one crying reform that is now needed in New York and Chicago is 200 uniformed women police men to walk the streets. "If Mr. Van Wyck or Mayor Harri son had the knowledge of existing so ciological conditions which they ought to have, aud which I hope their suc cessors will have, woman would be an - active police officer. If these gentle men wanted to know where to find women to fill the positions and fill them well. I could tell them. From the ranks of the Salvation Army and the Ameri can Volunteers could be obtained on short notice zOO women, whose pres ence on the streets of Chicago in uni form would do more toward the elimi nation of crime than many times that number of men. "It is often asked wtih relation to the women police idea how a woman would go about arresting a man. The fact is that under present conditions few men are arrested. Arrests constitute but a small part of a policeman’s duty. It ought to be jnst as much his duty to prevent people from becoming criminals as to take them into custody after they have gone wrong. It is in this direc tion that the presence of women iu the police department would be a benefit. , "I would rather be a police officer iff Chicago of Rew York than mayor of either city. Womeji coqjd prevent SO per cent of tie crime that now uit. graces.bptfa cifieg. SRe could save mem bers of hes sex who are driven further down by the brtttal methods Os men. I Am an ehthnSiast In behalf of the Woman policeman. She is £ound to borne, and the sooner the bettdh” COLD ACL OVER COUNTRY.*" A Bm»U Montana Town Reports Sixteen Degrees Below Zero. Chicago, Nov. 23.—The first winter weather of the season is enveloping the Whole middle south and west, the line of freezing temperature extending as far south as central Texas. Upon the northwest it is decidedly frigid. The coldest place in the country is Havre, Mont., where 16 degrees below aero is chronicled, while zero weather is being experienced as far east as Moor head, Minn. It is below that point through North Dakota. At St. Paul it r is 8 above, at Chicago 18 above and at St. Louis 36 above, the latter being the average temperature down into Texas. The cold wave is moving rapidly east ward and the Atlantic coast will, from all indications, have plenty of frost for Tnanksgiving. Qn Thursday, accord ing to the weather bureau officials, it Will be much milder. Royal Standard a •‘Ringer.*’ Chicago, Nov. 23 —Royal Standard, the grand champion coach stallion of the Chicago horse show, has been de clared a "ringer.” and his owners, Graham Bros, of Claremont, Ont., have been ordered to return the trophies of victories as awarded by the judges. It was found that the stallion was au im ported half breed, not registered in America and never can because of the ruling of the American hackney stud book. The state board will at present hold money won by Graham Bros.’ draft stallion “Young McQueen" and the hackney Courier until these trophies shall have been returned. Dsmsm* Fog ’•topi Traffic. Londes, Nov. 23.—A dense feg is hanging mer London. Trains have . been stopped by the darkness at m*ny places and navigation of the chanuel .s seriously interfered with. Fog b«lls are sounded and signal gnus are fired all. , over Loudon. Mr. Gledetene at Leaden. London, Nov. 28. —'M r - and Mrs. piadstone have arrived iu Londoa Mssir wagr to. Omimm*