The Advance. (Vidalia, Ga.) 2003-current, May 12, 2021, Image 3

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The ADVANCE, May 12, 2021/Page 3A
Lyons City Clerk Recognized
By Rebekah Arnold
Contributing Writer
Lyons City Clerk Lynn
Rowland missed an item
for the agenda for the May
City Council meeting, but
it wasn’t for lack of atten
tiveness by the clerk who
has served the City of Ly
ons for 21 years. Mayor
Willis NeSmith and the
City Council went be
hind Rowland’s back, so to
speak, to prepare a procla
mation honoring her for
the 52nd Annual Profes
sional Municipal Clerk
Week, May 4-8.
As an agent of the old
est offices of public service,
Rowland provides a vital
professional link between
citizens, the local govern
ing bodies and other gov
ernment agencies. The
Council recognized Row
land for her dedicated
service to anyone seeking
assistance or information
from the City office.
Rowland responded:
“I was not expecting this.
I’m honored to be recog
nized. Not many people re
ally enjoy their career and
I can honestly say I have
never hated getting up and
coming to work. I feel very
Rowland said, “I have
seen the City advance in
modern technology which
always makes our jobs
easier. When I started,
the City operated under a
mayor-run City. Now, the
City operates under a city
manager-run City that was
a big adjustment to every
one, but I have to say it was
a good change. Change is
hard no matter what kind it
is, but I have to say the City
of Lyons is like our family
and we always get through
it with being better on the
other side.”
Rowland continued, “I
love the support I always
get from the mayor, coun
cil, city manager, my staff
and the other City employ
ees. I have grown to love
and enjoy getting to know
the Lyons citizens through
out the years. Without my
staff I could not make my
office work nearly as good
as it does. Trusting them
with their jobs leaves me
able to concentrate on my
job duties, which is a big
City Manager Jason
Hall said, “Lynn is a vital
part of the success of all the
City's departments. She is
MAYOR RECOGNIZES CLERK - Lynn Rowland, left, Lyons
City Clerk, is recognized for her 21 years of dedicated
service by Mayor Willis NeSmith,
Grace Smith's parents, Eric (left) and Laura (right) Smith, present the Grace E. Smith
Scholarship to Gina Williamson (center).
dedicated to her job and
that dedication shows. She
is the first to arrive and the
last to leave. Her office is
always open for both em
ployees and the Council.
Her knowledge of the inner
workings of each depart
ment is very valuable. Her
attitude is a breath of fresh
STC Announces Grace E.
Smith Scholarship Recipient
In further business at
the brief Council meet
ing, Main Street Director
Daphne Walker invited
the Council to the Lyons
Morning Perks, Wednes
day morning, May 12 from
8 to 10, at the French Flea,
at 164 South State Street.
Michele Johnson, Di
rector of Greater Vidalia
Chamber and the Toombs
County Development Au
thority reported on the
Please see Lyons page 9A
On behalf of the South
eastern Technical College
(STC) Foundation and
the family of Grace Smith,
STC announced Gina Wil
liamson as the recipient of
the annual Grace E. Smith
Memorial Scholarship.
“It has been a pleasure
getting to know Gina as
the recipient of this year’s
Grace E. Smith Memo
rial Scholarship. She is an
excellent student and is
currently in the Practical
Nursing program on South
eastern Tech’s Swainsboro
Campus. I know she will
be successful in her future
nursing career and she will
Great Starter Home / 3 bedroom - 2 bath
represent STC well,” said
Blythe Wilcox, Executive
Director of Institutional
This $1,000 scholar
ship was established in
2014 by the friends and
family of Grace Smith, the
daughter of Eric and Laura
Smith of McRae, and Com
munity Hospice. The schol
arship is awarded once per
year to a student in a health
care program.
Grace lost a 10-month
battle with cancer in
2013, at twenty years of
age. Grace’s choice to live
in peace and hope for a fu
ture not only inspired her
family and community, but
all who came in contact
with her. Grace’s memory
and her legacy of love and
inspiration live on through
the work and generous do
nations of those who sup
port the Grace E. Smith
Memorial Scholarship. You
may learn more about
Grace and her journey at
http: / / www.dayofgrace.
“Being touched by
hospice in my own fam
ily put an additional con
sideration on working in
hospice care,” said Gina. “I
thank the Smith family for
offering this scholarship
opportunity and allowing
me to continue my dream
of becoming a nurse.”
Gina resides in Lyons
with her husband and their
two sons.
For more information
on scholarship opportuni
ties at Southeastern Tech
nical College, visit www. or
call (912) 538-3100 or
(478) 289-2200.
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Satellite Access Node
Viasat, Inc. is proposing a new building, Satellite
Access Node (SAN) Facility not to exceed 20 feet
in height near 520 Aimwell Ext Rd, Lyons, Toombs
County, GA 30436 on the east side of Aimwell Ext
Rd, approximately 934 feet southeast from the in
tersection with Old Wing Rd. Public comments re
garding potential effects from this site on historic
properties may be submitted within 30 days from
the date of this publication to, Tetra Tech, C/O Vi
asat Comments, 301 Ellicott St., Buffalo, NY 14203,
or by email,
or by phone 1-833-460-0529.
Weekday mornings at 7:35 A.M.
• Local sports with Bob Roberts
• Sports from around the state from GA News Network
• National Sports from ABC