The Athens republique. (Athens, Ga.) 1919-????, March 27, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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March 27. 1925 Winterville News On Sunbay, Dec. 27th at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Haney a suprise turkey dinner Which was enjoyed by al Mr. Haney was really surprise when he came in and saw things sturingaround. When all was asked to come iodinnor he did not know what to think. The table was spreaded with many good things a menu of: roast turkey, back bone, spare ribes, slice ham, smother rabbit, cram berries, bake chichen and dressing, fruit salad, chicke salad, jello with whiped cream, boil custard, peach and pear pickle, chocolate cake, siver cake and all kinds of fruits. There was a Christmas tree at the Centrial Baptist Church Friday night Dec 25th which was enjoyed by all, de votions led by Rev. W. M. Smith. Mistress of Ceremonies, Mrs E. C. Haney, Song “A charge to Keep I have* Address by Prof. D. A Starks, “Why we celebrate Christmas.” This was a address. Song If Jesus goes with me I’ll go,” Address by Prof. C. C. Keed. Ad dress by Rev W. M Smith, “How We should live.” Song“Yi»ld not t > Temp tation” by r; F. C. Haney. A idress by Mr. A J. Witcher, “How we should Rear our chrildren,” Song, “God Will take Care of You.” Address by Mrs. Haney, “How Yeung people should carry themselves.” The tree was rushed by Miss Alma Williams assisted by Mr. N. C. Barnett. Miss Sarah L. Clark, assited H r » Virgil Green a choice token was presented to Mr. and Hrs, Starks by Mrs. Haney. From the Young people’s Club Mrs. Starks gave a nice talk thanks for the token the club gave her. Their lecture er Mrs Haney. A choice token was was presented by Miss Hattie Barnett Mrs. Haney in a loving way thauked the Club for their many tokens. A Gentle Reminder As Memorial Day, the time set aside for us to honor our dead, draws near may we not suggest to all who have lots, ai d graves in Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery that they spend a few t hours durin gthe pleasant days leading up t© the Memoral Anniversary clearing a wiy the 1 hat detracts from the beauty of the resting places of our loved ones. By so doing we may inspire some less interested brother to a lofty sense of duty, and thus lighten the burden of life. Yours fora beautiful cemetery, B. L. JACKSON, Pres. Gospel Pilgrim Society Mrs. Viola Yaucy, of Chicago spent the winter with relatives and friends jn the city, she admits her intensive love for ’‘Dixie” and says that it js only the lack of opportunity to make a living that keeps her away. Mrs. S. R. Hunter, a former giocef hastaken up her abode at Los Angeles, California. Miss Gussie Huff Motors to the Sea Miss Huff of T. Tr. Schoo] re turned from Frngmor* South Car olina St. Helena Is. After spend a week there wit her Nice Mrs. Ethel G. Bailey. Mrs. Baileys one of the the ten teacher of Penn’s ■ Schoo], Dr. Y. W. Bailey the on ly Physician of the Island and Penn’s Sahool. The Negroes here are different form the up country Negro and wonderfully folklore. There are nearly 6,000 of them on St, Helena Island, and in the center of the Island Poet office Frogmore Penn Industrail School and Dr. Bailey’s office and Cottage. The campus grounds hold about twenty-five beatiful build ings including domitoriee one for the the boys and the other for the teachers and girls. This is a famous spot founded back in the Seventies among the beautiful Live Baks draped in Spanish moss The party were to the Island bav all the teachers of the •» School and friends 0 Dr. and Mrs. Bailey. M ss Huff took with her one of their School g ! rls Miss U 1 y s se s Johnson and Mrs. Alexander Stephuey (of the communit' .) They motored through the country. After being there sever days they visit Christmas parlies at Penn school and received sever al presents one of vhich was given Mr. and Mrs. Cope of New York. Fort Freemont on the Atlantic Broad River Shores added attrac tions to our visit. This was a Station for the Americans during! the Spanish American War' From tiie shore we brought back | shells containing oysttrs to exhit to the es of llu Teachers Train ing and Industrial School who have never seen any grow in the shell before. We came back with new vigor Inspired by the sights of tiodecal waters teeming with fish and the lands studlieu with live oak for ests draped in sneep 1 g and al most Spanish moss. Miss C. 8. Honored Athtns, Ga. Dear. E litor Athens, Republic, Dear Sir: Please give us space in your pa paper to mention Low we spent Sat. Dec. 26. Our teacher Miss Cora. B. Jones camo out ®n the 8 o’clock train and took breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Goss. They had and old time menu ; hog chittlings and fresh sausage, back bone, spare rib-, hot biscuit and coffee. Rev, and Mrs. H. C. Rucker from Leo; Ga. were there and enjoyed the break.ast wit h m. Rev. Rucker is pa storing two Churehes at Leo, Ga. Rt. 1 Cleveland and Rock spring Chcrcbes. He reports that the are doing well. About 9: 30 o’clock Miss Jones and some of the chiddren went down to the school house to make ready for the planned Christmas Dinner on the 26, of Dec. The pupils and pa- THE ATHENS REPUBLIQUE trons of our school at New Shiloh entertained our teacher Mias Cora B. Jones with a Xmas dinner and she had prepared the children with a lively program. The most interesting plajs were “Bahy and and the Xmas Tree” and School jnst before Christmas, Old St. Nicholas, and music ect. After the program a health table was spread. Menu: Turnip salad, back bonee, spare ribs, fresh sausage several kinds of cike and fruits and candies the children enjoyed as never before. After dinner our teacher gave out several small pre sents such as dolls, toys and can dies. We are so very greatful to our lovely broad-hearted teacher who has net left a thing undone on he r part in the way of helpingthiscom munity around New Shiloh. We uont beleveh r equal can be found She works in the school room. She work vHtn MiaSiou andS. S. when she would visit our homes she read and talked about thi 1 g that uelp both old and youngs she would have prayer id every home wkere she would spend the night. All love herboth children and old people. We are always sorry when she muet leave us to stay a while. We can thankfully aay, that she has <Lne more for our community than any teacher we have ever had, may God bless her to live long. These friends wish to thank Mrs. M. L. Fambro who gave our teacher some things that were of much help to her in these hard times. Mrs. Geo Thomas, Mrs Cleve Howard, Mrs. M. Steward and Mr-. Sweetie King. Wethank Mrs. Fam bro we thank Miss Cora B. Jones for being kind epnnrh to get the packages out tn us; they were very much appreciated. Your Friend, M. L. Sim® Central Junior Mission &Educational Rally WEDNESDAY NIGHT 1 Devotions led by Brother Henry Clark 2 Music by Central Juniors 3 Sermon by Rev. B. B. Dunn 4 Alternate, Rev. W. M. Smith 5 Vijo irn me nt THURSDAY NIGHT 1 Devotions Led by Bro. W. M. Smith 2 Music by the Senior Club 3 Sermon by Rev. C. C. Reid 4 Adjournment FRIDAY NIGHT 1 Devotions Led by Brother Btn Glenn and Geo. Ruth 9 Music by New Grove Juniors 3 Sermon by A. C. Powers 4 Collection Miss Mary Lou McKinley & Clara Belle 2 eely SUNDAY AFTEROON, 2’clock 1 Song Service by Ebein zer J uniors 2 Introduction by-Mrs. Hattie Haney of Mistress of Cere- monies, Mrs. M. E. Hardeman 3 Exerscisos by Ebenezer and Mt. Pleasant Juniors 4 Address by Prof. D. A. Starks 5 Address by Prof. J. L. Brown 6 Address by Rev. W. M. Coil (white) 7 Collection by Ebenezer and Mt. Pleasant Juniors 9 Music by Ebenezer. 10 Adjournment Sister HATTIE HANEY, Directress Sister SARAH L. CLARK, 2d Vice Pres. Sister C. BELLE HUTCHERSON, Sec y Mies Ruby B. Newsome of 367 Finley St.entertained a (group of her friends in honor Mary Kate (Hunter) Wednesday night Jan. 13 Thoes present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newsome. Miss Annie B. Morton, Miss Burney Cofer, Miss Miss Ruby B. Newsome and a delightfull menu served consisting of baked chicken, cramberriee, rice and gravy, creamed peas in timbles, stuff*d eggee scolloped oystershot rolls, irish potatoe salad on let tuce leaves, jello and chocolate cake after supper Mr. Charlie Jones and Mr. Yancie Harris carried the guest to in an h'ssex coach car. Miss Nellie B. Pittman who was a stiltent last year at the Athens High aud Industrial School, has spent Give months in Idaho and Utah has now gone to Los Angles, Calif. Soon she will go to New Mexico. All of her class mates Missts her this term Athens, Ga., Jan. 4, 1926. From the 2nd District S. S. of Athens. Miss Lettie E. Austin, Music Teache at U. B. 1., is ill at this writing. We hope to see her out again soon. Mr. L. C. Ivey, who visited her moth er at Birmingham, Ala., has returned to the city. Mrs. E. Beatrice Prather and children of 22 Harwell street, Atlanta, spent several weeks with their mother and grand mother, Mrs. Mary E. McKinley, of 360 N. Pope street, last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinley, of 540 Prince Avenue,had as their guests dur i n g January and February their daughter-in-law, Mr. Irene Smith, of Atlanta, and her little sou. 3