Barrow journal. (Winder, Ga.) 2008-2016, March 02, 2016, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016
Public Safety
Reporting on local fires,
wrecks and arrests
Three arrested following WPD raid
Three people were arrested last
week by the Winder Police Depart-
meent on various drug-related
On Thursday Feb. 25th at approx
imately 5 p.m.. the WPD executed a
search warrant at a residence on East
Broad Street in reference to the sale
of illegal narcotics. John Michael
Herron, 34, Billy Joe Goodman, 39,
and Tara Leann Zagorski, 31, were
each arrested for possession with
intent to distribute marijuana, posses
sion of drug-related objects and pos
session of marijuana over one ounce.
In addition, Herron was charged
with possession of hash oil, a sched
ule I felony narcotic.
Upon conclusion of the search,
police determined
that approximate
ly 2.2 pounds of
marijuana had
been seized with
an estimated
street value of
$1,300 cash was
also seized from the residence. All
three subjects were transported to the
Barrow County Detention Center and
are awaiting a bond hearing.
BCSO reports numerous arrests in past week
The Barrow County Sheriff’s
Office reported the following arrests:
•William Stanley Delaney, 54, of
Barber Creek Road, Statham; simple
assault/family violence.
•Laci Lucinda Hamm, 32, of River
Trace, Auburn: probation violation.
•Brett Haddon Ware, 40, of
Casey’s Crossing, Winder; simple
battery/family violence.
•Heather M. Christiansen, 27, of
Wadley Lane, Dacula; driving under
the influence of drugs (DUI/drugs),
failure to maintain lane, reckless
driving and seat belt violation.
•Steven Clent Hardeman, 43, of
Howell Trace, Winder; failure to
register as a sex offender/failure to
comply with requirements/provide
false information.
•Nowshed Hossain, 31, of Dora-
ville Street, Doraville; commercial
gambling card operating.
•Jontize Quantavious Giles, 24,
of Peters Cemetery Road, Monroe;
probation violation.
•Shannon Ladvett Faust, 39, of
Johnson Drive, Athens; shoplifting.
•Marco Deon Ellison, 29, of Hunt
er Road, Jefferson; probation viola
•Jason Walter Britton, 44, of East
Boundry Lane, Harlem; willful
obstruction of law enforcement offi
•Carl Asa Baskin, 39, of Pinecrest
Road, Winder; theft of services,
damaging, injuring, or interfering
with property of public utility com
panies and failure to appear.
•Cassondra Leigh Gunter, 24, of
Cantebury Lane, Winder; possession
of marijuana, failure to obey stop
sign or yield after stopping and driv
ing under the influence.
•Rodney Accime, 26, of E. Wright
Street, Winder; failure to maintain
lane, improper passing in a no pass
ing zone, reckless driving and driv
ing wrong side of road.
•Heather Jones Ponder, 39, of Old
Hardin Orchard Road, Commerce;
giving false name, address or date
of birth to law enforcement offi
cers and willful obstruction of law
enforcement officers.
•Amanda Dawn Nix, 28, of High
way 82, Jefferson; failure to appear.
•Toby Eugene Disher, 43, of John
Sharp Road, Colbert; felony proba
tion violation.
•Brent Wayne Willoughby, 45, of
Martin Chappel Road, Lawrencev-
ille; aggravated assault, trafficking
in cocaine, illegal drugs, marijuana
or methamphetamine and sale of
•Jeremy Keith Sidwell, 30, of
Highway 16, Newnan; felony proba
tion violation.
•Joseph Jeffery Harver, 39, of
Westwood Avenue, Atlanta; felony
probation violation.
•Stanley Christopher Vaughn, 29,
of Lanthier Street, Winder; felony
probation violation.
•Dennis Shawn Duncanson, 44, of
Long Peppers Road, Danielsville;
probation violation.
•Matthew Barnette, 27, no address
given, Bethlehem; sentenced inmate.
•Morgan Gossett, 21, no address
given. Auburn; sentenced inmate.
•Dezeray Mesinique Rowland, 18,
of Chestnut Mountain Circle, Flow
ery Branch; probation violation.
•Dylan Thomas Moore, 20, of
Chestnut Mountain Circle, Flowery
Branch; probation violation.
•Marco Aguire Tojin, 37, of 2nd
Street, Winder; cruelty to children
and battery/family violence.
•Nicholas James Thibodeaux,
29, of W. Stephens Street, Winder;
simple assault/family violence and
criminal trespass.
•Amber Jade Church, 32, of Tim-
berridge Lane, Auburn; battery/fam
ily violence.
•Alexa Oscar Ballard, 44, of Jef
ferson Highway, Winder; probation
•Xavier Slayton, 32, of Wood Ave
nue, Winder; sentenced inmate.
•Edward James Fuller, 17, of
MacKinaw Drive, Bethlehem; car
rying weapons without license in
school safety zones/school function/
school property.
•Dionte Deshun Mains, 23, of
Farmington Way, Winder; speeding,
no insurance and driving without a
valid license.
•Kylee Leighann Chandler, 37,
of Marigot Way, Statham; failure to
•Brandi Louise Knight, 32, of
Georgetowne Drive, Winder; shop
•Ryan Lester Hooper, 31, of Smith
Mill Road, Winder; shoplifting and
probation violation (2 counts).
•Colton Ivan Murphy, 22, of Car-
wood Drive, Monroe; failure to
•Quindarius Lyqueon Crutchfield,
21, of Ash Lane, Monroe; probation
•Veronica Andriana Watkins, 19,
of East Broad Street, Winder; shop
•James A. Harvey, 49, of Sweet
water Way, Lula; felony probation
•Kenneth Edwin Gravitt, 51, of
Pinecrest Drive, Gainesville; felony
probation violation.
•Andre Lane Felder, 19, of Ham
mond Road, Marietta; unlawful use
of license, possession of marijuana
and furnishing/purchasing of alco
holic beverages by persons below
legal age.
•Jaidev Shailesh Kalyan, 19, of
Arbor Street, Marietta; furnishing/
purchasing of alcoholic beverages
by persons below legal age, posses
sion of marijuana and speeding.
•Michael Anthony Lumpkin, 31,
of Pinnacle Drive, Winder; willful
obstruction of law enforcement offi
•Travis Denard Flanigan, 35, of
Wood Avenue, Winder; manufac
sell/possess with intent to distribute
a controlled substance (2 counts)
and possession of marijuana.
•Devin Terrell Everage, 21, of
Stonemill Run, Athens; drugs to be
kept in original container, posses
sion of a schedule IV controlled
substance (2 counts), DUI, failure to
maintain lane and speeding.
•Brandon Michael Morris, 32, no
address given; felony probation vio
•Jide Lambert Wilson, 19, of Mill
Brook Lane, Winder; shoplifting.
•Damon Ashley Merrill, 47, of
Whisper Court, Dacula; headlight
requirements, open container of
alcohol and DUI/multiple substanc
•David Michael Roark, 20, of
Princeton View Court, Loganville;
probation violation.
•Leonard Joseph Decker, 51, of
Will Maynard Road, Winder; DUI.
•Tyler Eugene Huckaby, 21, no
address given; possession of mari
juana, lane usage violation, purchse/
possess/manufacture/distribute or
sale marijuana and possession of a
firearm or knife during commission
or attempt to commit certain felo
•James Edward Johnson, Jr., 35,
of Old Athens Highway, Monroe;
failure to appear.
•Kathryn Sierra Lerch, 25, of Ash-
wood Drive, Winder; shoplifting.
Georgia State Patrol makes five local arrests
The Georgia State Patrol
reported five recent arrests
in Barrow County:
•Marion Devin
McGowan, 25, of Oregon
Trail. Augusta; failure to
maintain lane and driving
under the influence (DUI).
•Taylor Danielle Hill,
19, of Bashville Road,
Commerce; defective tires,
seat belt violation and
•Katherine Elyse Aaron,
24, of Old Athens High
way, Monroe; probation
•Dustin Wayne Cum
mins, 20. of Colham
Ferry Road, Watkinsville;
expired driver’s license,
racing on highways or
streets and speeding.
•Steven Emory South,
54, of Lake Rutledge
Road, Rutledge; speeding
and racing on highways or
Man attempts to flee
but is arrested by APD
On Feb. 26, an Auburn Police Department officer
observed a minivan fail to stop at the red light on
Atlanta Highway at Hills Shop Road.
As the officer approached the vehicle to make a
traffic stop, the minivan continued East on Atlanta
Highway passing another vehicle in a no passing zone.
A traffic stop was initiated and the driver pulled into
the Ingles parking lot and exited the vehicle running
behind the store into the woods.
The officer pursued the driver and located him lying
on the ground in the bushes. Anthony Carlos Roark,
40. of Cesar Trail, Winder, was taken to the Gwin
nett County Jail and charged with obstruction of law
enforcement officers, driving while license suspended
or revoked, failure to obey a traffic control device,
driving under the influence (DUI) and passing in a no
passing zone.
Also arrested by the Auburn Police :
•Manasseh Desavieu, 36, of Lexington Road, Ath
ens; giving false name, address or birthdate to a law
enforcement officer, burglary, criminal damage to
property and aggravated stalking.
Auburn PD also reports responding to the following
•damage to property on Jamestown Road; a rental
property was reported to have approximately $20,000
in damages from the previous tenant.
•traffic stop for no insurance on Highway 8 and
Main Street; the driver was issued a citation and the
vehicle was towed.
•uncontrolled burn of a brush pile on Etheridge
Road; the fire department was called to extinguish the
•traffic stop on Mt. Moriah Road for no insurance
and an expired tag; the driver was issued citations and
the vehicle was towed.
SPD reports arrests
The Statham Police Department reported the follow
ing arrests:
•Romero Moises Ayala, 27, of Waverly Trace, Nor-
cross; impeding flow of traffic, failure to exercise due
care when using cell phone and driving without a valid
•Dylan Kajo Beasley. 22, of Providence Road.
Statham; disorderly conduct and discharge of a firearm
on the property of another.
•Courtney Crystal Fleming, 34. of Harvey Lokey
Road, Bethlehem; possession of a schedule IV con
trolled substance (2 counts), drugs to be kept in origi
nal container, speeding and driving under the influence
of drugs.
•Matthew Daron Haulk, 26, of Pebble Stone Drive,
Watkinsville; probation violation.
•Jennifer Rebecca Peace, 39, of Gail Drive, Athens;
DUI/drugs and speeding.
•Jeffrey Scott Cannon, 38, of Oak Spring Street,
Statham; windshield violation, possession and use
of drug related objects, DUI/drugs and possession of
•Basel Gobran, 19, of Lost Oak Drive, Buford; head
light requirements, possession and use of drug related
objects and DUI/drugs.
Arrests made by WPD
The Winder Police Department reports the following
•Jason Patrick King. 40, of Anchors Way, Winder;
felony probation violation.
•Garrett Alexander Hance. 24, of Flat Run Drive,
Bethlehem; public drunkenness.
•Talia Michelle Jones, 59. of Church Street. Wilm
ington. Del.; simple battery/family violence.
•Jermaine Antonio Brown, 41. of 6th Avenue, Wind
er; possession of marijuana, failure to maintain lane,
failure to obey stop sign or yield after stopping (2
counts), no insurance and fleeing/attempting to elude
•Stanley Lapplora Smith, 55, of Venture Way, Wind
er; tag light required, possession of cocaine and pos
session of marijuana.
•Lucile Williams, 62, of Venture Way, Winder; pos
session of marijuana and possession of cocaine.
•Howard Junior Jackson, 58, of Tall Oak Lane, Mon
roe; failure to appear.
See WPD arrests on Page 12A
About published arrest listings:
Subjects listed in arrests reports are innocent until
proven guilty in court. Arrested individuals may have
some, or all, charges against them dismissed.
Being listed in these reports simply means an individu
al was arrested, not that the person in question is guilty or
has been convicted of any crime in a court of law.
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