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The Braselton News
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Church N e ws
Try to listen to reason
In the Eyes
of the Father
• j
The Rev. Parrish
Let me tell you what’s
frustrating: Trying to reason
with a child who has no
concept of what reasoning
This weekend, I found
Chloe playing with (that’s
code for “making a mess
of’) a stack of papers on
the coffee table. From the
doorway of the room I said,
“Chloe, please leave that alone.
Those are important papers, and
Daddy doesn’t want you to mess
them up.’’
Chloe looked at me and smiled,
and for a moment I thought I heard
the angels in heaven singing. She’s
such a beautiful child.
I started to turn from the doorway
when out of the corner of my eye, I
saw her hand move. I looked back,
and couldn’t believe what I was see
ing. She was reaching for the same
stack of papers, mere seconds after I
told her to leave them alone!
Again, I told her to leave the
papers alone because it was very
important that they stay in the order
I had placed them.
This time, however, she didn’t
even do me the courtesy of looking
at me. Or smiling. Or stopping. In
fact, she dug in deeper, scattering
the papers across the coffee table
and causing some of them to spill
onto the floor.
I walked into the room and started
gathering up the papers. Chloe didn’t
like that, and she started crying.
From Chloe’s point of view, the
papers were hers - or at least a
source of fun for her. Now mean
old Daddy was taking her fun away.
From my point of view, I thought it
should be enough for me to tell her
to leave the papers alone, tell her
why she should leave them alone,
and then expect her to obey me.
But understanding an adult’s rea
soning is not a child’s strong suit.
Just ask Adam and Eve.
God placed them in the Garden
of Eden and said, “You are free to
eat from any tree in the garden; but
you must not eat from the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, for
when you eat of it you will surely
die” (Genesis 2:16-17).
God told them to leave a certain
tree alone. He told them why they
should leave it alone. And he expect
ed them to obey him. But what hap
pened? It wasn’t long before they
did exactly what he told them not
to do, and he had to deal with their
Let’s not be too hard on Adam
and Eve, though. When you get
right down to it, we’re not very
different from them, are we? Our
heavenly father makes it very clear
in the Bible what he expects of us.
Sometimes, he even goes so far as
to tell us why he expects it of us.
Then he expects us to obey him. But
do we?
Not always. Which means he then
has to deal with our disobedience.
It makes me wonder: Does God
get as frustrated with our inabil
ity (or unwillingness) to follow his
directions as I did with Chloe? I
don’t know. I do know an easy
way to keep that from happening,
though. All we have to do is listen
to reason.
And where God doesn’t give us a
reason, just listen to him, anyway.
The Rev. Parrish Myers is a resi
dent of Braselton and pastor of
Pine Crest Baptist Church. You can
e-mail him from his website at www.
eyesofthefather. com.
Senior luncheon
Center United Methodist announc
es its monthly Super Senior Citizens
luncheon, will be held Thursday,
April 17, at 11 a.m.
“Door prizes, delicious food, fel
lowship, and fun are all a part of this
event,” church leaders say.
All area senior citizens are invit
The pastor is Jeff Wright.
The church is located at 7641
Jackson Trail Road, Hoschton.
For more information, call
Hoschton UMC
Church Bible
group to meet
Hoschton United Methodist
Church will hold adult bible study on
Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
followed by a meal. The Bible study
starts with “Precept Upon Precept”
by Kay Arthur Precept Ministries,
and begins with Abraham in the
book of Genesis 12-25. The course
materials and meal are free and
participants are asked to bring color
pencils, a notebook and a bible to
the class.
The church is located at 12
Mulberry St.
For more information, call
706-654-1422, or email hoschton-
April 12 -13
Choir program
The Music Ministry of Winder
First United Methodist Church
will present “I’ve Seen Jesus” on
Saturday, April 12 at 7 p.m. and
Sunday April 13 at 8:45 a.m. and
10:55 a.m. The program features the
Chancel Choir, acoustic ensemble
and soloists.
For more information, call
Why can’t I lose weight?
The answer to this question has
more to do with your individual body
chemistry than with what particular
diet works best. In fact, there isn’t
one diet perfect for everybody. Our
individual heritage and genetic
makeup predispose us to what foods
are best for our body’s needs. What
we eat also accounts for many of the
so-called “21 st Century Diseases.”
Drs. Chad and Teresa Hyatt, along
with the Haven of Hope Counseling
Center of Sugar Hill Methodist
Church, are sponsoring a semi
nar titled “Answers to the Weight
Loss & Chronic Illness Epidemic
in America” on Saturday, May 3. It
will be in the Chapel at Sugar Hill
United Methodist Church, located
on GA 20 (4600 Nelson Brogdon
Blvd - Sugar Hill from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. The registration fee is $45
per person and $60 per couple, and
includes a resource guide, body
fat analysis, a snack and a special
gift for each participant. Register
by April 20 for an “early bird”
So many of the auto-immune
diseases plaguing Americans, such
as fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis,
allergies, chronic fatigue and
infertility, are directly linked to
food additives and environmental
toxins and the hormonal damage
created by these substances.
These assertions are supported by
independent clinical studies and
by direct observation in the Hyatts’
medical practice. Simple dietary and
lifestyle changes can dramatically
increase vitality and health, and the
Drs. Chad and Teresa Hyatt teach
us what to do in a non-threatening
In their basic nutrition plan, the
Hyatts discuss three things that need
to be changed in everyone’s diet,
regardless of heritage or genetics.
These three essential changes are:
the type of fats you are eating,
switching from grain-fed to grass-
fed meats and eliminating processed
The Drs. Chad and Teresa Hyatt
have been teaching health and well
ness in the Gwinnett County area
since 1996. Dr. Teresa has an exten
sive background in biochemistry,
molecular biology and nutrition. Dr.
Chad is a lecturer on nutrition and
biotoxic illness. They have prac
ticed in Suwanee for over 10 years.
To register, request more informa
tion or hear testimonials, contact
Lisa at Hyatt Holistic Health at
770-237-3300, or register online at
www.SugarHill UMC. org.
770-867-4594 or visit www.winder-
The church is located at 280 N.
Broad Street, Winder.
‘Youth Bash’ to
be held April 26
Center United Methodist,
Hoschton, announces a “Youth
Bash” to be held from 2-6 p.m. on
Saturday, April 26.
The event will be held at the West
Jackson Primary School Gym at
4825 Highway 53, Braselton, and
will include games and door prizes.
Music and worship will be led by
the band “Fish Force.”
The speaker will be Jamie Hudgins,
the youth pastor at Jonesboro United
Methodist Church.
Advance ticket sales are $2 each
and available by calling Carol
Hamlin at 678-887-1419, Tina Hayes
at 706-654-9280, or Tony and Lisa
Campbell at 706-654-3735.
Tickets at the door will be on a
first come/first serve basis and will
be $3 each. Concessions will be
For more information, call Tina
Hayes at 706-654-9280.
People’s Baptist
Gospel singing
The People’s Baptist Church will
hold a gospel singing Saturday, April
26, at 7 p.m. featuring Dr. Brenda
Robinson and New Desire.
Everyone is welcome.
The church is located at 6182
McEver Rd., Flowery Branch.
set at Flowery
Branch UMC
Flowery Branch United Methodist
Church will host a chicken BBQ on
Saturday, April 12, beginning at 5
The Homeland Boys will perform
at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $7 for adults and $3.50
for children. For further informa
tion, call 770-967-3441.
The church is located at the cor
ner of Spring and Church streets in
downtown Flowery Branch.
Ladies banquet
set at Glory
Baptist Church
Glory Baptist Church WMU is
hosting a Ladies Banquet at 6 p.m.
Thursday, April 24, at the First
Georgia Bank Community Room in
Homer, Georgia at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $15 and include a
catered dinner by Sweet Sensations,
music provided by Janell Roberts
and door prizes.
The inspirational speaker is
Michelle Sterling, of Lawrenceville.
“Michelle has a passion for women
to know God, love God and grow
in their relationship with God,”
said organizers. “She loves sharing
from God’s word through teach
ing at women’s events and in her
ladies’Sunday school class at North
Metro First Baptist Church.”
For tickets, contact Charlotte
Maxwell at 706-335-6948.
Morning Side
Gospel singing
Morning Side Assisted Living
Center, Gainesville, will host a gos
pel singing Sunday, April 13, at 2
Larry Mayfield will be singing.
Everyone is welcome.
For more information, call
The center is located at 2215
Limestone Parkway.
Gwinnet Arena
conference set
A Forward Student Conference
will be held at the Gwinnett Arena,
Duluth, July 10-12, and then at Free
Chapel, in Gainesville on Sunday,
July 13.
The cost is $85 per person.
“We are very excited about what
will be taking place at this year’s
conference. With the incredible
line up of speakers and musicians,
we are certain that every person in
attendance will be propelled into a
greater level of living,” stated orga
Guest speakers for the conference
include Jentezen Franklin, Delirious,
Louie Giglio, Chris Tomlin, Ron
Luce, Jeremy Camp, Ricardo
Sanchez and John Gray.
Register online for the conference
at or
call at 678-677-8310.
New service
times started
Restoration World Outreach
Center announces new service
times. Sunday services are now 10
a.m. and 6:45 p.m. with “Kingdom
Dynamics” at 6 p.m. Wednesday
services are at 7 p.m.
An overflow section has been
added to accommodate these ser
vices. The church is located at 7200
Hwy 59 in Lavonia. For more infor
mation, call 706-356-1914.
celebration set
Restoration World Outreach
Center will hold a “second year
anniversary” celebration on Sunday,
April 13.
The celebration begins with the 10
a.m. worship service; at 5 p.m. an
“anniversary dinner Luau” will be
held; and, a special service will be
held at 6:45 p.m.
The church is located at 7200
Hwy. 59, Lavonia. For more infor
mation, call 706-356-1914.
Hospice needs
Compassionate Hospice,
Gainesville, is seeking individuals
and group organizations to volun
teer their time to help those who are
terminally-ill and their loved ones.
Volunteering opportunities include
companionship, reading to patients,
respite for a caregiver, preparing
simple meals, clerical support and
running errands.
For more information, call the vol
unteer coordinator at 678-717-0969
or 678-651-1440 or visit www.
Health Fair Set
The Barrow Regional Medical
Center, Winder, will hold its com
munity health fair on Saturday, April
26, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the
The event will show residents how
to live a more healthy life. For more
information, call 770-307-5383.
Local church
info requested
The Braselton News is seeking
information about services, address
es and phone numbers for churches
in Braselton, Hoschton, Mill Creek,
West Jackson and South Hall. The
information will be listed occa
sionally in The Braselton News for
readers. The listings will include
days and times for worship services
and Sunday school.
The listings will also include
information about the church’s
address, phone number, website
and senior pastor/minister.
Please e-mail the information to
churchnews @
or fax to 706-387-5430.
Area news
items wanted
The Braselton News will publish
church news announcements from
the Braselton-Hoschton area.
Items will be published according
to available space. The deadline is
Monday at noon.
All church news is subject to edit
ing for content and lengh. Photos
are welcome, but those of poor
quality may not be published.
To submit church items, e-mail
or fax them to Suzanne Reed at
churchnews @ mains treetnews.
com or fax them to 706-387-5430.
Church announcements are not
taken over the phone.
Church news
is due by noon
on Monday.
Fax news to
or send to
churchnews @
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Are you a...Cancer Survivor?
Or, do yott...Know Someone Who Is?
If so.• • We Need You!!
On May 30, 2008, at 6:00 p.m...
Relay For Life Survivor Activities
will Kick Off!!!
The Jackson County Relay For Life presented by Wayne and Heather Abbs, Wavne-Neal Chevrolet will be held on
May 30 and 31 at Peach State Speedway. Opening ceremonies will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the Survivor’s lap shortly
thereafter. Please meet at the track between 6:00-6:30 p.m. to receive your free T-shirt, pin, sash and other surprises,
as well as enjoy refreshments in your hospitality tent. The survivor’s lap is sponsored by The Pendergrass Flea
Market and the survivor’s hospitality tent is sponsored by The Jefferson Rotary Club. After your lap, you are invited
back to the hospitality tent for more refreshments; visit with other survivors and to enjoy the relay in comfort. Your
participation costs nothing...we are there to honor you! Help us show our community that people do survive Cancer.
You can make a difference. Your presence as a survivor will give others hope. Please join us and let us honor your
courage, strength and victory. Invite your family and friends. The Relay is open to the public,
Please complete the form and return to the address below so that we can have your correct T-shirt size.
Look forward to seeing you on Victory Lap. For more information, call Denise @ 706-367-5583.
Yes, I would like to participate in the survivor’s reception and survivor’s lap at the Relay For Life.
This is the name of a cancer survivor. (Please Contact)
^ ame T-shirt size (please circle)
City, State, Zip
Please complete and mail to or drop by:
Community Bank & Trust
Attn: Relay For Life, J.C.
71 Memorial Drive, Jefferson, GA 30549
Survivor Lap sponsored by
The Pendergrass Flea Market
Survivor Hospitality Tent sponsored by:
Jefferson Rotary Club