The Braselton news. (Jefferson, Ga) 2006-current, November 16, 2022, Image 2
The Braselton News Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Page 2A Community calendar Celebrate the Holidays in Braselton set for Nov. 19 The Town of Braselton will host its annual Celebrate the Hol idays in Braselton event on Nov. 19. The celebration will run from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. in downtown. Festivities are planned throughout the day and include a pa rade through historic downtown and the annual lighting of the Christmas tree. White Plains pirns fourth Sunday singing White Plains Baptist Church will host its fourth Sunday night singing on Nov. 27 at 6 p.m. The Dixie Echoes will perform. White Plains is located at 3650 Hwy. 124 West, Jefferson. Braselton's Cravin' Bacon Walk set for Dec 1 The Town of Braselton's third-annual Cravin' Bacon Walk is set for Dec. 1 from 5-9 p.m. in downtown. Two ticket options are available: "squealer" tickets and VIP tickets. Squealer tickets cost $35 and include a map of locations where bacon appetizers will be available. Those purchasing squealer tickets must be at least 16 years old. VIP tickets holders will receive special access to bourbon tast ing rooms in addition to the bacon-snack stations. The cost is $65 and includes a souvenir glass. VIP ticket holders must be at least 21 years old and present a valid ID at check-in. All participants are eligible to win a $100 Buy Local Braselton E-gift card. Hoschton Jingle Mingle set for Dec 17 The City of Hoschton's second-annual Jingle Mingle will fea ture a Santa's workshop and horse-drawn carriage rides around downtown to go with the slate of holiday activities introduced last year. This year's Jingle Mingle is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 17(2-8 p.m.) The carriage rides will feature Clydesdales which will carry passengers around the city square block. More food and beverage kiosks are planned for this year's event. Organizers expect 15-20 stops on the Jingle Mingle walk. Santa Claus will be on hand his year, along with six to eight Dis ney characters. The event will include a tree lighting. This year's tree, donated by Ash Patel, will stand over 20 feet. Schools Jackson Co. BOE approves new attendance zones New school attendance zones to accommodate the planned opening of a new middle school and elementary school were approved Nov. 14 by the Jackson County Board of Education. The BOE approved new zones for the system’s middle schools for the next school year (2023-2024) and for the system’s middle schools for the following school year (2024-2025). The system plans to open Legacy Knoll Middle School next fall on the west side of the county near Jackson County High School and then open a new elementary school on the same campus in the fall of 2024. A huge amount of growth on the west side of Jack- son County has led to some overcrowding in the system. Students currently attending West Jackson Middle School will be split to accommodate the opening of Legacy Knoll. Currently, North Jackson, Gum Springs, and West Jack- son elementary schools all feed into WJMS. Next year, Legacy Knoll will take the northern half of that zone while WJMS will have the southern part. When the new elementary school opens in 2024, NJES and the new elementary will feed into Legacy Knoll while WJES and GSES will feed into WJMS. NEW SCHOOL CMR The BOE also selected a construction manager at risk at its Nov. 14 meeting. The board selected Carroll Daniel Construction from a final list of three firms. Construction on the school, which hasn't been named yet, is slated to begin soon. Carroll Daniel is also con struction Legacy Knoll Mid dle School and previously build the new JCHS facility. TURF CHANGE ORDER Also related to the sys tem’s new schools, the BOE approved a $911,000 change order to add synthetic turf for its football field at Legacy Knoll. Officials said the syn thetic turf will be safer to play on and will have easier main tenance. The total cost of Legacy Knoll is now expected to be $39.4 million. Crime Canadian comic book author arrested in Braselton for child cruelty Body Ngoy, a noted Ca nadian comic book author, was recently arrested in Bra selton for felony child cruelty, according to a report from Channel 2 WSB. According the report. Ngoy allegedly touched a child inappropriately while in town for a wedding at Cha teau Elan on Nov. 12. In the WSB report, Ngoy’s attorney, Jackie Patterson, claimed the incident was a misunderstanding. He said Ngoy noticed a person he thought was a man passed out on a bench. Ngoy said his client reached down to check on him. “When my client leaned over to say, ‘Are you OK, it startled the person,’” Pat terson said, according to the WSB report. “That per son then abruptly raised up and their lips accidentally touched.” But according to the WSB report. Braselton authorities did not believe the incident was an accident. Ngoy was subsequently arrested. A judge granted Ngoy $5,000 bond with orders to stay away from the victim and Chateau Elan as he faces charges, ac cording to the report. Quality Professional Craftsmanship Southern Painting 770-513-4470 ; *200 OFF Complete Int./Ext. I or 10% OFF Any Painting Job We now offer southern pressure washing. Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Around town Weekly snapshots from around the Braselton-Hoschton community Photo by Ben Munro MURRER HONORED BY COUNCIL FOR TRIBUTE TO GREAT-GRANDFATHER The Town of Braselton on Monday (Nov. 14) recognized Spout Springs Elementary School student Evan Murrer for a recent tribute to his late great-grandfather, William Dewey Freeman Jr., who fought in the Korean War. Murrer, a fourth grader, walked 100 miles in 30 days to honor the 1,000 miles Free man walked as a prisoner of war. Freeman eventually gained his freedom after the war ended. Murrer’s efforts raised over $5,600 for Rolling Thunder, a national non-profit group which advocates for POWs and soldiers missing in action. The council read an official town proclamation honoring Murrer. Murrer is pictured with Braselton Mayor Kurt Ward. News briefs JACKSON CO. County tipping fees could go up Some area garbage disposal rates could be going up if plans to raise the tipping fees at the Jackson County Trans fer Station are approved. The Jackson County Board of Commissioners are con sidering a proposal to raise its tipping fees between 12% and 12.7% depending on the tonnage per month. Firms using the transfer station would see a hike of $7 per ton across the board. Presumably, at least some of that increase would be passed along to customers. The county is in the process of upgrading and expanding its waste transfer station due to an increased growth in the amount of garbage being processed. Once processed, the garbage is then taken to a large landfill in Banks County. HALL CO. Two Gainesville teens charged in Brown Street murder Hall County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) investigators took two suspects into custody late Wednesday night, Nov. 9. in connection with the Nov. 8, shooting death of a Gainesville man on Brown Street, according to an HCSO press release. Jamarco Patton, 16, and Syn’sere Antrell Deshaun Pat ton, 17, both of Gainesville, have been charged as adults with felony murder, aggravated battery and aggravated as sault in the death of Christopher Dixon, 25. The suspects are brothers. The suspects turned themselves in to HCSO investiga tors in the Atlanta area, where authorities had tracked them since the time of the murder Tuesday morning. The motive in the murder remains under investigation. Additional charges are pending. Syn’sere Patton is being held at the Hall County Jail, while Jamarco Patton is in custody at the Regional Youth Detention Center (RYDC) in Gainesville. Both suspects are being held without bond. BRASELTON Braselton DDA seeking board applications The Braselton Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is seeking applications for two vacancies on its board after the recent resignation of DDA members Cindy Green and Tracy Bradenburg. Town residents or local downtown business owners and operators are eligible to serve on the DDA. For more information, contact Jessica Payne at jpayne@ Schools JCSS announces Ledford-Lyle as Legacy Knoll Middle School principal The Jackson County School System announced Nov. 14 that Miriam Ledford-Lyle will be the principal of the new Legacy Knoll Middle School. Legacy Knoll Middle will open in August 2023. “It is an exciting time to be able to welcome Mrs. Led ford-Lyle to the Jackson County School System as the first-ev er principal of Legacy Knoll Middle School,” said JCSS superintendent Philip Brown. “Miriam is an exceptional edu cator who brings a high-level of energy and enthusiasm to our district. She has a history of high expectations and leading a positive school culture. Our students at Legacy Knoll Middle School will have a remarkable experience as a student because of the leadership of Mrs. Ledford-Lyle.” Ledford-Lyle has served as the assistant principal of Social Circle High School since 2018. she served as a Social Studies teacher at both the middle and high school levels prior to her current position at SCHS. She began her teaching career in 1998 at Sweetwater Mid dle School in Gwinnett County. She has also taught in Clarke County and Oconee County School Systems. Ledford-Lyle will officially begin her new position inside JCSS in January. “I am really honored to be selected and I am really excited to be joining the team in Jackson County to work on educat ing our most-precious resource, which is our students,” Led ford-Lyle said. Mrs. Ledford-Lyle, who is currently pursuing her Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership at the University of Geor gia, will work in partnership with district leaders and West Jackson Middle School principal Melissa Conway in prepara tion for the opening of LKMS, which will see an enrollment of approximately 800 students when it opens next year. North Jackson Elementary School and a new elementary school will feed into LKMS. HOLIDAY AD DEADLINE November 9, 2022 Crossword Answers ARCS A L _L A A M N A AAA OGLE w A R A R E G 1 C A u N R O W R E v\ T 1 R A A T j U V A T E H U T SAGA I S E Vi R AAA SLY T O N C H SNOW EGGS Classified and Display Ads 12 Noon, Thursday, Nov. 17 for the Nov. 23 publication Office will be closed Thurs. 11/24 and Fri. 11/25. The Braselton News