Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The Braselton News
Page 5A
Public Safety
Suspects sought in Gainsville shooting death
A search continues for sus
pects after a man was shot and
killed Tuesday morning at a
location in the 1300 block of
Brown Street off Old Athens
Road in Gainesville, according
to a press release from the Hall
County Sheriff’s Office.
A caller reported the shoot
ing to Hall County 911 around
10:25 a.m. The victim, Christo
pher Dixon, 25, of Gainesville
was shot once in the chest. He
was transported to the hospital
where he died from his injuries.
Initially, deputies acted on
information that two men in
volved in the shooting had
barricaded themselves in an
apartment at the J Building of
the Harrison Square complex
on Athens Street. Hall County
Sheriff's Office SWAT was ac
tivated and secured the building
to ensure the safety of local res
idents. Team members eventu
ally entered the unit where the
pair were believed to be hiding,
but they found no sign of the
At this time, Hall County
Sheriff’s Office investigators
are following viable leads as
they continue to search for the
suspects. This incident is be
lieved to be isolated.
Braselton PD
Man flees in vehicle after being approached by police
A Valdosta man was arrested
on a host of charges in connec
tion with fleeing Braselton Po
lice in his vehicle after being ap
proached by an officer in a hotel
parking lot.
Felix Luis Santiago, 24, 707
Vallontton Dr., Valdosta, was
booked for fleeing or attempt
ing to elude, reckless driving,
speeding, failure to maintain
lane, loitering or prowling, driv
ing on a one-way road, failure
to yield while entering a road
way, driving with a suspended
driver’s license and operating an
unregistered vehicle.
According to the arrest re
port, Braselton Police was
called to a hotel parking lot on
Zion Church Rd. to a report of
a suspicious vehicle. There, an
officer reportedly found Santi
ago laying back in his seat and
made contact with Santiago,
who sat up in his vehicle. But
after the officer provided the tag
number of Santiago's vehicle to
dispatch, Santiago reportedly
sped off.
Santiago reportedly drove the
wrong way on a one-way road
way on Zion Church Rd. and
nearly caused an accident upon
entering Hwy. 53. Santiago then
reportedly drove South in 1-85,
driving recklessly and reaching
speeds of 112 mph. He, how
ever, reduced his speed after
approaching another Braselton
Police vehicle at the bottom of
the Exit 126 exit ramp. He then
stopped the vehicle and was tak
en into custody by officers.
Santiago said he fled because
his license was expired and that
he had a possible warrant for his
arrest. It was learned that San
tiago had a possible probation
violation out of Valdosta, ac
cording to the arrest report.
Other recent arrests reported
to Braselton Police included:
•Jordy Armadndo Peral-
ta-Lugo, 21, 2271 Fawns Hvn.,
Suwanee — theft by receiving,
possession of marijuana, reck
less driving and speeding. Peral-
ta-Lugo was arrested for report
edly possessing a stolen firearm
and 30 grams of marijuana. Ac
cording to the arrest report, Per-
alta-Lugo was pulled over on
1-85 for speeding. He reportedly
admitted to having marijuana
and a pistol in the trunk, which
was later determined to be sto
len. He said he was unaware
that the weapon, which he’d
reportedly purchased without
documentation, was stolen.
•Nathan Allen Manca-Wells,
43, 5375 Forest Way, Braselton
— bench warrant magistrate.
Manca-Wells was arrested at
a gas station after it was deter
mined that he had a warrant for
his arrest and that the vehicle he
was driving was stolen. Man
ca-Wells said he borrowed the
vehicle from a man he did not
know, and said he was unaware
that it was stolen. The arrest oc
curred after police were called
to the scene by the station man
ager, who wanted Manca-Wells
barred from the property be
cause he’d allegedly attempted
to enter an automobile at the
business the previous week.
Recent incidents reported to
Braselton Police included:
•missing person on Monta
Vista Way where a woman said
she had not had contact with her
husband since Oct. 24. She said
her husband is a drug addict and
possibly had a relapse.
•harassment on Broadway
Ave. where a woman said a for
mer patient was harassing her
via phone and email. She said
this is an ongoing issue with the
•traffic stop on 1-85 where a
motorist was reportedly found
in possession of marijuana (less
than one ounce).
•auto theft on Old Winder
Hwy. where a run of a vehicle’s
identification number revealed
that it was stolen from a towing
service in Winder. The vehi
cle was parked in a restaurant
parking lot where an officer was
conducting an area check.
•criminal trespass on Fisk
Falls Dr. where a woman said
two men heckled her while she
played tennis at a neighborhood
court. She said the incident be
gan when she asked them to stop
smoking because it bothered her
while she was playing. She said
they cursed at her after she left
the court to confront them. One
of the men said he and his friend
stopped smoking at her request
and never said anything to her.
The man said the woman came
over to his table, grabbed his
food and threw it away.
•suspicious activity on Lake-
shore Circle where a female ju
venile was reportedly standing
at a school bus stop when a man
asked her if she needed a ride to
school. The juvenile, who told
the man she did not need a ride,
said he had a beard and spoke
with a northern accent.
West Jackson Incidents
Woman said $79,000 taken from her banking account
Woman said $79,000 taken
from her banking account
A woman on Sweetwater
Ridge told the Jackson Coun
ty Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) that
over $79,000 was taken from
her bank account following
a phone conversation with
someone about an alleged fake
She said the number she
called came via text while
she was visiting her online
banking website. She said
the person she discussed the
matter with asked her to ar
range a money wire transfer
for $79,198. She said that af
ter the transfer was over that
she'd lost that amount from
her account.
Other recent incidents re
ported to the JCSO included:
•harassing communications
on Frost Cove where a woman
said the father of her two chil
dren continues to contact her
despite being told to stop,
•agency assist on Reece Dr.
where an unresponsive male
had reportedly fallen while
walking to the kitchen. The
man was taken to Northeast
Georgia Medical Center in
•theft on Pocket Rd. where
a man said another man took
two of his EBT cards valued
at $700.
•suspicious activity on
Lame Lane where a deer was
reportedly shot on a man’s
property. The man reported a
deer stand behind his neigh
bor’s property. A deputy noted
that the deer possibly ran onto
the man’s property after being
•theft on Davis St. where
a man said he paid $5,000
via cashier’s check for a fifth
wheel for a lowboy trailer but
said he has not been able to
reach the seller since March.
•theft on Davis St. where 43
Fed Ex packages were found
thrown on the ground. Two
packages were reportedly
opened with the contents tak
en. It’s not known what was in
the packages.
•hit-and-run on 1-85 North
where a motorist said the driv
er of a tractor trailer came out
of his lane, struck his vehicle
and continued driving. The
motorist said the collision
caused his vehicle to strike the
barrier wall on the left side of
the interstate.
•fraud on Registry Lane
where a woman said a tag of
hers from two years ago is be
ing used by a woman in New
York who is being fined by
New York authorities for not
paying road tolls.
•simple battery and juvenile
issue on Ridge Way where a
woman said her daughter as
saulted her while trying to take
her purse. She said her daugh
ter pulled her purse while
pushing her neck. The woman
said the incident began when
her daughter became upset
because she couldn’t find her
phone and started throwing
Jail Log
Recent arrests made across Jackson Co.
The following people were
recently arrested by various
agencies across Jackson Coun
• Stanley Demaro Arnold, 36,
5334 Heritage Crossing, Com
merce — probation violation.
•Jason Malachi Culver, 19,
852 Briscoe Mill Rd., Bethle
hem — five counts of terroristic
threats and acts-felony and here
for court.
•Jeremy Duane Head, 46,
2754 Squires Rd., Gainesville
— probation violation.
•Marquise Darieon Jackson,
21,430 Ruth St., Athens — theft
by shoplifting-felony.
• Leslie Denise McKinney,
48, 4722 Autumn Rose Trail,
Oakwood — failure to appear.
•Justin Kyle Nixon, 29, 156
Old Ginn Rd., Pendergrass —
probation violation.
•Melissa Ann Rossborough,
41, 2594 Old Gray Hwy., Ma
con — hold for Barrow County
and probation violation.
•Bobby Shane Standridge,
44, 4040 Hyde Mill Rd.,
Gainesville — burglary-first de
gree (felony) and entering auto.
• Evert Jerome Francisco
Thompson, 42, 4830 Coronado
Dr., Charlotte, N.C. — willful
obstruction of law enforcement
•Dennis Aaron Wells, 49,
4316 Carytown Rd., Roy ston —
probation violation.
• Charles Joseph Williams Jr.,
49,1687 Hickory Level Rd., Vil
la Rica—probation violation.
•Marin Adriana Aramburo,
39, 311 Ivy Creek Dr., Nichol
son — battery-family violence.
•Stacy Fay Cromer, 46, 61
Daffodil Ct., Nicholson—crim
inal trespass.
• Susan Kay Collins, 40,4727
Hudson River Church, Daniels-
ville — probation violation.
• Thomas Christopher Smith,
47, 307 Jim David Rd., Nichol
son — driving while license is
suspended or revoked and stop/
yield sign violation.
• Scott Alexander Terrell, 41,
23 Central Ave., Toccoa — theft
by deception-felony.
• Jeffrey Brandon Worley, 29,
3934 Greenview Dr., Oakwood
— violation of a family violence
•Donquavious Aluwon Jay-
von Hill, 17,464 State St., Com
merce — affray (fighting).
•Tyrone Payne, 56, 1203
Baywood Cir., Morrow — driv
ing while license is suspended or
•Terron Derell Kinnie, 37,
Quality Inn, Commerce — pro
bation violation.
• De’Quan Donae’ Lewis, 27,
5778 Wells Cir., Stone Moun
tain — probation violation.
• William Matthew Green
way, 50, 2350 West Broad St.,
Athens — drivers to exercise
due care violation; driving un
der the influence (DUI); failure
to maintain lane; and failure to
wear a seat belt.
•Francis Elizabeth Dills, 35,
4173 Holly Springs Rd., Pen
dergrass — driving unsafe or
improperly equipped vehicle;
drugs not in original contain
er; possession of a Schedule
IV controlled substance; and
trafficking in cocaine, illegal
drugs, marijuana or metham-
• Alfred Vemard Gillespie,
49, 1078 Hwy. 59, Commerce
— two counts of probation vi
•Michael Ryan King, 38,
Winder — coming off bond on
one charge.
• Ashley Diane Thomason,
38, 1615 Stockton Farm Rd.,
Pendergrass—failure to appear.
• Kristan Jane Colley, 27, 331
Modoc Dr., Cornelia — two
counts of prohibition on nude
or sexually explicit electronic
• Cynthia Ann Ellen, 33, 382
Dixie Red Ave., Jefferson —
prohibited acts relating to tobac
co products.
•Jose Daniel Galdamez-Ro-
driguez, 22, 1995 Winterville
Rd., Athens — DUI-less safe
and failure to maintain lane.
• Jorge Cervantes Castillo, 33,
Atlanta — hold for Norcross.
• Jonathan Demon Rob
erts, 37, 2211 Crossing Place,
Commerce — driving while li
cense is suspended or revoked;
DUI-alcohol; and headlight vi
•Billy Tairaun Mattox, 44,
4445 Whipper Will Rd., Gills-
ville — hold for Hall County.
•Dennis Delanor Lord, 69,
230Alwana Dr., Athens — driv
ing while license is suspended or
• Ociel Albarran Salgado,
24, 256 Railroad St., Jefferson
— driving while license is sus
pended or revoked and speeding
• Drew Shandon Jacquez
Brown, 23, 160 Chalfont Dr.,
Athens — hold for Baldwin.
• Andres Antonio Mon-
tero-Finol, 32, 41 Mead Ct.,
Hoschton — driving while un
licensed and speeding (58/35).
• William Aaron Cooper, 28,
671 Lake Overlook Dr., Canton
— aggravated sodomy and child
•Clifford Scott Mewbome,
55,1 Fox Chase Rd., Columbia,
S.C. — driving while license
is suspended or revoked and
speeding (77/45).
•Robert Labraun Sutton, 31,
433 Unit B. Maryland Ave., Fort
Campbell, Ky. — DUI-alcohol;
speeding (80/55); and too fast
for conditions.
• Manuel Aguilar-Mendo-
za, 30, 854 Branford Ln„ NW,
Lilbum — DUI; possession of
marijuana less than an ounce;
and speeding (82/60).
1689 Old Pendergrass Road
Suite 340
Jefferson, GA 30549
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