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The Braselton News
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Social News
having successful
year in competition
The Jackson-Empower
Future Farmers of Amer
ica chapter recently re
turned from the National
FFA Conference in Indi
anapolis, Ind.
The Jackson-Empow
er chapter has had quite
the accomplishments so
far this year. To date,
there are 385 members
inside the chapter - 32
of whom attended the
national conference. The
chapter is recognized as
a National 2-Star Gold
en Chapter. Senior Jesse
Cronic is a State FFA
Vice President, while
Maggie Strickland and
Shelby Pruitt both serve
as Area II Officers. Pru
ett was also the recipient
of the Washington Lead
ership Conference Schol
Noel Plunkett, Peyton
Puckett, Ashleigh Allen
and Wyatt Chandler were
all American FFA Degree
Carson Black is the
Georgia National Fair
Livestock Ambassador
while also finishing in
second place in Senior
Tree Identification at the
Ga. National Fair. Cam
eron and Carson Ford
finished third and fifth,
respectively, in that same
category. In Floral De
sign, Katelyn Merritt
finished in First Place in
Area 2, while Elizabeth
Ledford finished fifth.
Nationally, The Jack
son-Empower FFA team
finished in sixth place
in the Meat Evaluation
competition. The team
was made up of Anna
McKinney, Reece Loo
ney, Brooks Franklin
and Bella Chandler, who
finished ninth in the na
tional competition as an
The Agricultural Tech
nology and Equipment
ID Team, composed of
Xander Roberts, Carson
and Cameron Ford and
Tyler Barnes, finished in
third place. Barnes fin
ished 9th as an individ
In livestock, students
exhibit Beef Cattle, Hogs
and Sheep. Chandler
Lampp was Champion
Senior Swine Showman
at the Georgia National
Fair, while Morgan Mc
Daniel was the Reserve
High Percent Simmental,
4th overall Beef Heifer,
while also finishing third
overall Senior Showman
and Champion Breed
er's Group, in the state
competition. Chronic
was the Champion An
gus, Reserve Champion
Beef Heifer and Reserve
Champion Senior Show
man at state. Carson
Black was the Champi
on Hampshire Breeding
Gilt, while Keely Shultz
was the Champion Lim
ousin Heifer. Maggie
Strickland was the Re
serve Champion White
Face Market Lamb and
Reserve Georgia Born
and Bred Market Lamb.
As a chapter, Jack
son-Empower was named
the Reserve Champion
County Group in the
Beef Cattle Division and
Champion County Group
in the Market Lamb Divi
sion, at the Georgia Na
tional Fair.
Photo by Ben Munro
Longtime Braselton Police Chief Terry Esco addresses those on hand at the inaugural police apprecia
tion dinner hosted Nov. 8 by the newly-formed Braselton Police Foundation.
Photo by Ben Munro
Cathy Smith was honored Monday (Nov. 14) for her 20 years of employment with the Town of Braselton.
Smith works in the town’s finance department. She is pictured with Braselton Mayor Kurt Ward.
Elachee Nature Center announces schedule of events
Elachee Nature Science
Center has announced a
number of events through
the end of November.
The schedule is as fol
Home School Day
•Date: Nov. 17, 8 a.m. to
5 p.m.
•Venue: Elachee Na
ture Science Center, 2125
Elachee Dr., Gainesville
•Event: “Foraging through
history.” Jump back in time
to learn about foraging
through Cherokee tech
niques and history. Explore
for edible plants, fungi and
natural tools and techniques
of the Cherokee people.
Available for students in
Pre-K to Grade 5, ages 5
to 12. The cost is $15 per
student. For more informa
tion, visit
event/nov- 17-2022-home-
No School Nature Day
•Date: Nov. 22, 10 a.m. to
•Venue: Elachee Na
ture Science Center. 2125
Elachee Dr., Gainesville
•Event: Take a walk
through the forest to look
for fungi and mushrooms
after learning about the an
cient Cherokee people. The
discussion will include how
the Cherokee lived, where
they lived and what their
lives might look like today.
Admission is $10 per person
ages 2 and older. For more
information, go to www.
In Full Bloom
•Date: Nov. 22, 1-3 p.m.
•Venue: Elachee Na
ture Science Center. 2125
Elachee Dr., Gainesville
•Event: In this adult
learning program for ages
18-and-up, take a guided
walk through the Chicopee
Woods to search for fungi
and mushrooms after learn
ing all about the ancient
Cherokee people. The pro
gram includes a discussion
about the lives of the Cher
okee, where they lived and
what their lives might look
like today. Event cost is $10
per person ages 2 and older.
For more information, go to
Experienced Agents • More Choices
(706) 521-4141
6342 Grand Hickory Dr
Suite 204
Braselton, GA 30517
No School Nature Day
•Date: Nov. 23. 10 a.m. to
•Venue: Elachee Na
ture Science Center, 2125
Elachee Dr., Gainesville
•Event: Learn about the
ancient Cherokee people and
their way of life. A class
room program is followed
by a hike, complete with a
Native American scavenger
hunt to look for things in the
forest they might have used
in their daily lives. Event
cost is admission is $10 per
person ages 2 and older.
For more information, go
Stars Over Elachee
•Date: Nov. 26, 5:15-
7:15 p.m.
•Venue: Chicopee Lake
2100 Calvary Church Rd„
•Event: During this two-
hour Elachee Nature Sci
ence Center astronomy
education program, learn to
set up and use a telescope,
then embark on a guided
tour of the night sky to see
the first quarter moon and
bright seasonal stars. Rec
ommended for adults and
children ages 8 and older.
Participants are asked to
bring a flashlight and pen
cil. Participants can bring
their own telescopes. Re
serve a telescope for $30
(one telescope seats up to
five people). Admission
is $15 for those bringing
their own telescopes (up to
5 people). For more infor
mation, visit www.elachee.
For more information
over Elachee’s programs,
call 770-535-1976.
Whether you are looking lor the
perlect piece of furniture, want to
accessorize your home, need to
liquidate an entire home or sell
a single item, House of Boykin is
the perfect place. Give us a call!
Caryn McGarity, Owner
And her Boykin Spaniels