The Braselton news. (Jefferson, Ga) 2006-current, November 30, 2022, Image 1
o O Serving Braselton, Hoschton, Chateau Elan, Traditions, Reunion, Deaton Creek and West Jackson $1.00 copy Wednesday, November 30, 2022 Vol. 15 No. 51 A publication of MainStreet Newspapers, Inc. 12 pages WJMS art students place at state Multiple West Jackson Middle School art students placed at a recent state competiton in Perry D4r _ _. Grant money Jackson EMC contributed grant money to a host of local organizations PAGE12A South Hall 349-home subdivision approved in South Hall By Ben Munro ben@mainstreetnews. com A large residential de velopment will be com ing to South Hall after it recently gained approval from county leaders. At its November voting meeting, the Hall County Board of Commission ers (BOC) unanimously passed a rezoning to allow for a 349-unit subdivision planned for 116 acres off Friendship Rd. The project developer, Scott Puckett, Inc., was granted a rezoning from Agricultural-Residential III to a Planned Residen tial Development for the project. Plans call for a mix of 209 single-family resi dences and 140 townho- mes. The single-family homes will range from 2.000 to 2,500 square feet of space, while townho- mes would range between 1.600 and 1.800 square feet. Included in the plan is nearly 37 acres of open See BOC, page 3A South Hall Lit up for the holidays Photo by Ben Munro The Hoschton depot and water tower along Hwy. 53 are lit up for the Christmas season. Flowery Branch teen charged with involuntary manslaughter A Flowery Branch teen ager has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection to the drug over dose death of a co-worker earlier this year. According to a press re lease from the Hall County Sheriffs Office (HCSO), HCSO investigators arrest ed Brandon Jared Soto on Friday, Nov. 18. The inves tigation revealed Soto and the victim. Halaya Graciela See Overdose, page 12A INDEX News ... 1-3A Opinion ... 4A Public safety ... 5A School... 6A Classifieds ... 7 A Obituaries ... 8A-9A Sports .. 10A Retired medical director at NGMC-Gainesville honored with inaugural philanthropy award PAGE 12A MAILING LABEL Hoschton Jackson Co. BOC 225 apartments sought for Hoschton mixed-use development A developer will seek to build 225 apartments, rather than construct condomini ums, as part of a proposed planned-unit development on 11.5 acres fronting Industrial Blvd.. White St. and Hwy. 53 in Hoschton. The Hoschton City Coun cil will hold a public hearing over the request on Dec. 15 at 5:30 p.m. at the city’s train depot with a potential vote during its Dec. 19 (5:30 p.m.) meeting. Applicant Ridgeline Land Planning. LLC. and property owner. Winpeacock, LLC, seek to change the zoning condi tions of approval for a planned unit development (PUD) for this project from residential condominiums to market-rate Class-A apartments. The ap plicant also asks to reduce the dwelling sizes of some of the apartment units from the 750 square-foot minimum. The proposed use for this project is a mixed-use planned- unit development. The proposed PUD was slated to come before the city council back in August but property owner, Sri Kumar, of Winpeacock, LLC, withdrew the item from the agenda. In other business, the coun cil will hold public hearings on Dec. 15 over these matters: •Property owner and ap plicant Joy Nicole Morrison seeks to rezone 0.36 acres fronting Jefferson Ave. from R-2 (single-family suburban residential district) to MFR (multiple-family residential district) for a duplex. •Applicant Rochester and Associates and property own er Kolter Land Partners, LLC, seeks four variances reduc ing the minimum front build ing setback for Twin Lakes Planned Unit Development (PUD) conditional zonings to allow for single-family dwell ings. The requested variances are 15 feet to 10 feet for 0.159 acres at 309 Shasta Ct.; 15 feet to eight feet for 0.182 acres at 108 Champlain Rd.; 15 feet to seven feet for 0.21 acres at 264 Canyon Ferry Way: and 15 feet to eight feet for 0.17 acres at 261 Conroe Ct. Applicant withdraws requests for Braselton psychiatric facility By Hannah Barron hannah@mainstreetnews. com Requests that would have allowed for a teen psychiatric facility in Braselton have been withdrawn. Applicant Moishe Shemtov had asked for a change in condition and a special use permit for 3.16 acres on Davenport Rd. for a teen res idential treatment facility. He wanted to allow more than 15 people to reside at the facility, planning space for up to 24 patients aged 13- 17. The Jackson County Planning Commis sion recommended denial in October. The requests were set to come before the Jackson County Board of Commissioners on Nov. 21, but Shemtov asked for the request to be with drawn prior to the meeting. OTHER ZONING MATTERS In other business on Nov. 21, the BOC: • approved a request to consent to the pro posed de-annexation of a 1.81 acre-tract of land within the town limits of Braselton. •approved a map amendment for 1.409 acres at 7957 Hwy. 53, Braselton, to change the use from residential to commercial for a gun shop. •approved the rezoning of 3.68 acres at 1682 Gum Springs Church Rd. from A-2 to See Zoning, page 3A Business ‘BraseltonTec’ to offer workshops for tech start-ups BraseltonTec — a pri vate-public initiative be tween the Town of Bra selton and the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) at Georgia Tech — is launching its “spark sessions” in Janu ary. These workshops, held at the Braselton Civic Center, will provide in formation for start-up tech companies covering fund raising, cap-table forma tion, marketing strategy and a host of topics led by experts. The first session is Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. It will discuss the difference be tween “a lifestyle business and a scalable unicorn and the steps toward startup success.” The town has partnered with ATDC, which is a See Workshops, page 12A Photo by Ben Munro BraseltonTec will host its “Spark Session” work shops for startup tech companies at the Bra selton Civic Center. These sessions will begin in January. '0 4 8 7 9 1 4 5 4 0