Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The Braselton News
Page 3A
18 townhomes approved on Henry St.
By Ben Munro
ben@mainstreetnews. com
A few more townhomes will
be coming into Hoschton.
The Hoschton City Council on
Monday (Nov. 21) approved an
18-townhome development on
2.37 acres on Henry St.
With a 5-1 vote, the council
granted a rezoning from RM
single family urban residential
district (conditional) to multiple
family residential district for the
property to allow for the project.
New council member Debbie
Martin voted in opposition.
The applicant, George Flani
gan, sought to build 24 townho
mes, but a condition of approval
limited tire number of units to 18.
Road improvements are included
in the conditions.
During public comment, resi
dent Christina Brown cautioned
against the approval of more resi
dences. Brown referenced the im
pending number of townhomes
and single-family residences that
are either being built or will even
tually be added to the city. She
said approving more residences
will only worsen the city’s traffic
‘Traffic is a nightmare,”
Brown said. “I just think that in
general I would request that tire
council would consider this ev
er-increasing density. The zoning
from single-family to townhomes
has been persistent and unrelent
ing, and I don’t think it's good for
the city. What’s not good for tire
citizenry is not good for the city.”
The council adopted a new
water connection fee of $3,000,
up from $2,250, to help shift
water-system costs to developers
and prevent city customers from
paying higher rates.
City engineer Jerry Hood from
EMI said tire city will need $8.1
million to serve the next 2,700
homes in Hoschton.
“So what we’d like to do is
have our up-front connection fee,
capacity fees, commensurate to
pay that off without raising the
user rates,” Hood said.
Similarly, Mayor Lauren
O'Leary said this increase “will
help assist us from having to con
tinuously keep raising the prices
for water.”
Additionally, Hood said the
city will need $9 million to ser
vice the next wave of customers
for wastewater. This would pro
vide capacity for about 1,800
new homes. Hood said the cur
rent $5,000 sewer connection
fee "would be commensurate to
cover that cost.”
In other business, the council:
•approved a subdivision reg
ulation amendment requiring
homeowners’ associations of new
subdivisions to pay for streetlight
•approved a city cemetery or
dinance amendment restricting
what items can be placed around
gravesites in a section of the city
cemetery. Tire amendment would
prohibit items such as bench
es, flagpoles, fixtures, inclosed
monument shelters, trees and
shrubs. Coping — a stone frame
outlining of the graves — will be
pennitted in this section of tire
cemetery, however. This amend
ment is part of an effort to clean
up the city cemetery. The council
previously adopted a similar ordi
nance for a separate section of the
•approved tire application of
$722,000 — $500,000 of which
will come from SPLOST — to
ward the city's water system debt.
The payment will bring the bal
ance down to $2 million. Interim
City Manager Jennifer Kidd-Har-
rison noted that the debt stood at
around $9 million about a decade
ago when she began working for
the city.
•approved a clerical update to
the city's budget, at the sugges
tion of the city’s auditor, to add
American Relief funding for
waterline upgrades to indicate the
money has yet to be spent.
•approved $11,217 for layout
and stripe lines for Town Center
Pkwy. due to 300 townhomes be
ing added along tire road.
•approved repairs to tire curve
on West Jackson Rd. which has
been crumbled by heavy truck
•approved a temporaiy outdoor
alcohol special event permit for
Rock Hard Spirits for Hoschton’s
Dec. 17 Jingle Mingle and a reso
lution to allow serving of alcohol
at tire holiday event.
•approved the final plat for 18
townhomes on Broad St. near the
city depot.
•introduced new employee
Jessica Green, who will serve as
the director of the city's down
town development authority and
will also assist with city adminis
trative duties.
Zoning continued from 1A
AR to divide the property into Hull, from A-R to M-H for a and New Kings Bridge Rd„
two tracts to build a house. manufactured home. Athens, from A-3 to A-2 for
• approved the rezoning of • approved the rezoning a large-lot subdivision (over 8
2.13 acres at 837 WardlawRd., of 112.24 acres at Drew Ln. acres.)
BOC continued from 1A
space. Proposed amenities
include an open-air cabana,
pool, dog park, open-air
covered pavilion, outdoor
workout equipment and
grilling area. There’s an
option of 1,500 feet of four-
foot wide walking trails.
The density of the project
is three units per acre, as
recommended by the Hall
County Planning Commis
Hall County planning
staff had recommended de
nial of the rezoning, citing
the density. The planning
commission, however, rec
ommended approval with
10 conditions.
No one spoke against the
development during a pub
lic hearing held by the BOC
for the rezoning request.
In other news related to
South Hall, the BOC ap
proved a rezoning from
Agricultural-Residential IV
to Planned Residential Dis
trict, with 24 conditions, for
a 135-unit townhome devel
opment at the intersection
of Old Winder Hwy. and
Union Church Rd.
The subdivision is pro
posed by Atlas Develop
ment Services, Inc.
Commissioner Kathy
Cooper, who represents
District 1 in which this
project is planned, recused
herself from discussion and
voting on the rezoning.
The proposed project site
is just over 19 acres with a
density 7.03 lots per acre.
The townhomes would be
a minimum of 1,600 square
feet. A pool was removed
from the amenity package.
Sewer for the development
would be accessed along
Howington Rd.
The subdivision would be
situated across from “Rev
eille,” a 491-acre planned
commercial development.
No one spoke against the
rezoning request during
public comment.
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