Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The Braselton News
Page 5A
Public Safety
Braselton PD
Woman trying to recover $66,000 from man she met on dating website
A woman said she’s trying
to recover $66,000 she gave
to a man she met on Match,
com, according to a report
filed with Braselton police.
The woman said she met
the man on the dating web
site and has been sending him
money. She said she’s sent
him the $66,000 sum over the
span of nearly a year.
She said she believes the
man lives in Kentucky but
isn’t sure since the two have
never met. The woman said
the man used a fake name
when they first met online.
The woman said she “just
wants to get her money back.”
A man who attempted to
flee Braselton police faces
charges of obstruction as well
as driving with a suspended
driver’s license.
According to an incident
report filed by the depart
ment. an officer pulled the
man over at a Hwy. 124 gas
station for driving with sus
pended registration. The of
ficer later learned the man’s
driver’s license was suspend
ed and that he had an arrest
warrant out of Barrow Coun
ty for unpaid child support.
The man reportedly strug
gled with the officer when he
attempted to handcuff him.
The man then fled the offi
cer after pulling out of his
hoodie, which the officer had
grabbed onto while attempt
ing to restrain him.
The officer chased him on
foot but lost sight of the man
when he reached a woodline,
according to the incident re
Meanwhile, a female pas
senger in the vehicle report
edly entered the gas station
bathroom and drugs and a
gun were later found in the
bathroom trash can. The
woman also fled the scene,
according to the report.
The man was later found
hiding nearby and was placed
in an ambulance. His condi
tion, which was unspecified
in the incident report, re
quired a 24-hour hospital stay
at Northeast Georgia Medical
Center in Braselton.
The drugs reportedly found
in the bathroom were a bag of
a white crystal-like substance
weighing 15.5 grams and
four bags of a leafy material
weighing 41.7 grams. The
firearm was reportedly load
ed with 11 rounds. A glass
“drug smoking device” was
also found.
Other incidents reported to
Braselton Police included:
•agency assist on Sienna
Valley Dr. where a man was
reportedly found on a bath
room floor not breathing. He
was transported to Northeast
Georgia Medical Center in
•information on Hwy. 211
where a woman said she re
ceived a phone call from a
male who said she wouldn’t
see her daughter again if she
didn’t pay him money. She
said she then heard a woman
screaming in the background.
The woman then called her
daughter who said she was
fine. The man reportedly
called the woman multiple
•simple assault on Lewis
Braselton Blvd. where a man
said he was assaulted by two
co-workers after asking if he
could leave work early. He
said one of the men shoved
him. After shoving the man
back, he said he went to clock
out and was punched by the
man. who also pulled his hair.
He said he was then pushed
to the ground by the man,
while another man began
kicking him.
•traffic stop on 1-85 South
where a motorist was cited
for possession of marijuana
and driving with both an ex
pired license plate and with
out a valid driver’s license.
The driver also received a
citation for possession of
drug-related objects.
•information on Broad
moor Dr. where a woman,
who out was out of state,
said several people had en
tered her residence. Police
responded and searched the
home, finding four people,
one of which was the boy
friend of the woman’s daugh
ter. The woman did not press
charges, but asked the other
three people to leave the resi
dence, All four people report
edly left the residence.
•miscellaneous report on
Whitebeam Trail where a
woman accused a man of
blocking her vehicle in her
driveway and throwing a
milkshake at her door. The
man said the woman invit
ed him to her residence and
asked him to bring a milk
shake. The man said he ac
cidentally dropped the milk
shake at the door.
•theft on Miravista Way
where a vent hood, cooktop,
oven combo and sink were
reportedly stolen from a res
idence. The complainant said
the doors of the residence
were left unlocked by a paint
ing crew.
•battery on Hwy. 53 where
individuals were reportedly
engaged in a restaurant park
ing lot fight over a woman.
A man involved in the fight
was later found inside the
restaurant and told police
he’d gotten drunk and made
rude remarks about a wom
an in their group. He said he
and another male got into a
fight over his comments. The
man said the rest of the group
had since left. He declined to
press charges.
•criminal damage to prop
erty on Mossy Oak Landing
where a woman said someone
struck her mailbox, pushing it
to an angle and breaking the
concrete base.
Recent arrests reported to
Braselton police include:
•Brian Tramions Ingram,
43, 715 Sienna Valley, Bra
selton — simple assault.
Ingram was arrested after
reportedly chasing his wife
with a piece of wood and at
tempting to hit her.
•Windell Carter. 47, 353
Franklin St., Braselton —
simple assault. Carter was ar
rested for allegedly slapping
a woman in the face during
an argument.
•Terron Derell Kinnie, 37,
235 Griffin St., Jackson. Ten
nessee — criminal trespass/
intrusion upon property and
obstructing or hindering a law
enforcement officer. Kinnie
was arrested after reportedly
refusing to leave a hotel. He
had reportedly locked him
self in a room, for which he
didn’t play, for two days. Ac
cording to the arrest report,
he reportedly became loud
and boisterous and attempted
to talk to the property manag
er after she told him to leave.
Kinnie was then placed under
arrest. He reportedly attempt
ed to pull away from officers
before being detained.
West Jackson Incidents
Man chases person who entered his truck
A man said he grabbed a fire
arm and chased after a person he
saw inside of his truck at his In
dian Creek residence.
The man told the Jackson
County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO)
that he grabbed his pistol and
yelled at the male, who ran away.
The man reportedly gave chase
but the male got into a car and
fled towards Barrow County. The
male reportedly said “I’m sorry"
as he ran from the truck owner.
No signs of forced entry to
the truck were reported. Only a
self-defense baton and flashlight
were removed from the truck,
but those items were found in the
yard next to the truck, according
to the incident report.
Other recent incidents report
ed to the JCSO include:
•criminal trespass on Prescott
Point where a man said a pack
age was stolen from his front
porch. He said video surveil
lance footage showed a masked
person run onto his porch, take
the package, run to the roadway
and leave the area in an SUV. He
said the package had been deliv
ered to his residence by mistake,
and he had planned to deliver it
to the correct address prior to it
being stolen.
•theft on Poplar Springs Rd.
where a woman said her mother
paid $650 to a man to lay mulch
but the job was not completed.
•theft on Hwy. 124 where
a man said someone stole his
semi-tractor from where it was
parked behind a business.
•harassing communications on
Boyd Dr. where a man said he’s
been receiving vague threats via
social media, calls and texts from
the ex-husband of a woman with
whom he’d taken out on multiple
Hall County Sheriff’s Office
Man arrested by HCSO in computer sex sting
A 26-year-old Gaines
ville man was arrested by
the Hall County Sheriff’s
Office (HCSO) this week
after he had sexually ex
plicit online conversa
tions with someone he
believed to be a child, ac
cording to a press release
from the HCSO.
Jason Allen Looney,
who also goes by the
name Jason Allen Keeler,
faces two felony counts
of electronic exploitation
of a minor, according to
the release. Investigators
said the suspect used an
instant messaging service
to engage in sexually ex
plicit conversations with
a person he understood
to be under the age of 16.
Looney also arranged to
meet the child at a loca
tion in Hall County for
sex. Looney was arrested
at his residence on East
Hall Road Tuesday, Nov.
At this point in the in
vestigation, HCSO has
not found evidence that
Looney has any local
victims. Investigators
seized electronic devices
from the suspect, and ad
ditional charges may be
forthcoming pending the
outcome of forensic pro
Looney remained in
the Hall County Jail with
no bond on Wednesday
Georgia Sheriff’s Association
Operation Watchful Eye VII arrests 42 sex offenders across state
Thanks to an initiative by
the Georgia Sheriffs’ Asso
ciation (GSA) involving 66
sheriffs across the state. 42
sex offenders were arrested
and 117 warrants were issued
across the state from Oct. 24-
31 for violations of state reg
istration laws.
Preliminary reporting by
the 66 participating sheriff’s
offices revealed 10.232 regis
tered sex offenders, 366 pred
ators and 329 homeless sex
offenders are currently living
in their counties. During the
one week operation, 7,878
residence verifications were
conducted, 64 new sex of
fenders moved into the re
porting counties, 79 warrants
were issued for residency
violations of the sex offender
registry, nine new warrants
were issued for violations of
the sex offender registry law
(other than residency vio
lations), two warrants were
issued for new sex offenses
and 27 warrants were issued
for other miscellaneous new
More importantly, it was
discovered that 476 sex of
fenders had absconded from
their last known address,
which will require the sheriff
to work with other supporting
agencies and track these indi
viduals down.
In 2015, the first coordi
nated effort across the state
was launched to conduct res
idence verifications and com
pliance checks of registered
sex offenders during a specif
ic time period.
The coordinated initiative
became known as Operation
Watchful Eye. Due to the
overwhelming success of the
original initiative. GSA made
this an annual operation and
recently conducted Operation
Watchful Eye VII.
The Office of Sheriff is
mandated by law to reg
ister sex offenders and to
keep the public informed of
where registered sex offend
ers reside, work and attend
school. Throughout the year,
each sheriff’s office verifies
addresses provided by reg
istered sex offenders. While
conducting residence verifi
cations, deputies also assure
additional registration re
quirements are being adhered
The purpose of this state
wide effort is to create aware
ness that sheriffs’ offices
work collectively, network,
and actively engage their of
fice by participating in state
wide verification checks and
other non-compliant matters
in order to make our state
safer. In numerous counties,
deputy sheriffs, U.S. Mar
shals, U.S. Probation officers
and Department of Commu
nity Supervision probation/
parole officers worked to
gether to verify sex offenders
comply with the law.
For the protection of your
family and neighbors, vis
it your local sheriff’s office
website or visit the http://gbi.
fender-registry for more in
formation on the whereabouts
of registered sex offenders in
your community.
November 30, 2022 ~ Crossword Puzzle
1. The thing there
5. Ref’s cousin
8. Includes
12. Coupe, e.g.
13. Baltic or North
14. Tack
15. Sandbar
16. Football
18. Shoe fillers
20. Ruled
21. Emerge
24. Quick
25. Odd
26. VI
27. Provoke
30. Jars
31. Alcoholic liquor
32. Ornery
33. Picasso’s specialty
34. Male person
35. Savor
36. Tow
38. Sofa
39. Fish
41. Wound remainder
42. Vegas wheel
44. Had an obligation
48. Otherwise
49. Overcame
50. PBS science show
51. Eager
52. Elect
53. Look to be
1. Roofing goo
2. Color tone
3. Dined
4. Chewy candies
5. Wedding member
6. Steak, e.g.
7. Companion
8. Nonsupporters
9. Most exquisite
10. Thin coin
11. Arctic transport
17. Linen source
19. Corn portion
21. Greenish blue
22. Feline sound
23. Luxury suite
24. Five-spot
26. Moral wrong
28. Judge
29. Lower joint
31. “My Sal”
32. Married women
34. Stubborn sort
35. English drink
37. Woody or Tim
38. Perfume
39. “Star ”
40. Film part
41. Call it quits
43. 1+1
45. Distress
46. Night before Christmas
47. Water barrier
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