The Braselton news. (Jefferson, Ga) 2006-current, December 14, 2022, Image 1
o O Serving Braselton, Hoschton, Chateau Elan, Traditions, Reunion, Deaton Creek and West Jackson $1.00 copy Wednesday, December 14, 2022 Vol. 16 No. 1 A publication of MainStreet Newspapers, Inc. 2 sections, 16 pages Scenes from the JCHS winter band concert The Jackson County High School band program performed its winter concert last week, which included a reading of "The Night Before Christmas" for kids PAGE 6B New NGMC fellows Northeast Georgia Medical Center recently announced a new class of fellows PAGE 7A Braselton Braselton Town Council pauses on Lowe’s designs By Ben Munro ben@mainstreetnews. com Approval of architectural drawings for a Lowe's are on hold alter the Braselton Town Council postponed a vote on them. The proposed home-im provement store is part of Braselton Village, a planned- unit development (PUD) on Hwy. 211. The initial drawings did not pass the eye test of Bra selton leaders during Thurs day’s (Dec. 8) work session, and they then opted to take a longer look at revised draw ings presented during their Monday (Dec. 11) business session, voting unanimously to table their decision. Under the conditions of the development’s PUD zoning, the council must review and then vote on all architectural elevations for commercial buildings. Council members during the work session said the appearance of the Lowe's shown in the drawings did not match the French-inspired character of the Chateau Elan architecture across the road. Conditions of the PUD “strongly urge” that the ar chitectural style is consistent with the Chateau Elan resort and commercial area. The area was described as the “gateway” to that commu nity. “This feels like, to me, it brings the neighborhood down and down significant ly.” councilman Jim Joedecke said. “I understand properties have to be developed, but I expected more.” Mayor Kurt Ward offered a similar opinion. “I don't think what we’re seeing at the moment is meet ing the architectural compo nent that we're looking for,” he said. The project architect. Trent Ferrell, on Monday (Dec. 12), provided revised designs which he said incorporated elements used for the special ized design of the Hampton Inn at Chateau Elan, which mirrors the aesthetics of the resort. Ward, however, made a motion to table the decision to allow the applicant to talk further with town staff over the revised drawings, provide time for planning commis sion review and allow more opportunity for public input. “On this one, we feel like we would like our staff to work with you guys more,” Ward said to Ferrell, who par ticipated in Monday’s meet ing via phone. “We've given you some recommendations on how to do that, and to night’s vote is to table it.” See Braselton, page 7A INDEX News 1-3A Opinion 4A Public safety 5A Social 6A Sports 1B School 2B Obituaries 4B-5B Classifieds 7B The JCHS girls’ wres tling team placed third at weekend tourney PAGE1B Christmas sounds I w UP ' - ■ j g^_ 1M| K — i ‘ II W MM , fcJT. ^ J k Photo by Ben Munro The North Georgia Winds played its “Night Before Christmas” concert on Sunday (Dec. 11) at the Braselton Civic Center. South Hall August-Sept, opening projected for ambulatory surgery center Photo courtesy of NGMC-Braselton An ambulatory surgery center being con structed at Northeast Georgia Medical Cen- ter-Braselton is projected to open in either August or September. By Ben Munro ben@mainstreetnews. com A hospital official is targeting a possible lat er-summer opening for the Northeast Georgia Health System's ambulatory sur gery center in Braselton. Construction for the sur gery center, dedicated to outpatient procedures, be gan in April. “I think we're looking at opening some time at this point in the August-Sep- tember range,” said North east Georgia Medical Center (NGMC)-Braselton President Anthony Wil liamson. The three-story. 90,000-square-foot facility is under construction on NGMC-Braselton's Hwy. 347 campus and was orig inally on pace to open in May or June. Williamson noted that construction will See Construction, page 3A Hoschton Jingle Mingle set for Dec. 17 The City of Hoschtoris second-annual Jingle Min gle will feature a Santa's workshop and horse-drawn carriage rides around downtown to go with the slate of holiday activities introduced last year. This year's Jingle Mingle is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 17(2-8 p.m.) The carriage rides will feature Clydesdales which will carry passengers around the city square block. More food and beverage kiosks are planned for this year's event. Organizers expect 15-20 stops on the Jingle Mingle walk. Santa Claus will be on hand his year, along with six to eight Disney characters. The event will include a tree lighting. MAILING LABEL Jackson County Crescenti named Chamber’s 2022 Woman of the Year By Hannah Barron hannah@mainstreetnews. com Rosa Crescenti, owner and CEO of At Work Person nel, has been named Woman of the Year for 2022. The Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce gave the award during the 15th annual luncheon held on Nov. 30 at the Braselton Civic Center. Through the many chal lenges she first faced in moving to the United States and learning English, Cres centi is “immensely proud” to own her company — a certified minority business enterprise. She and her husband opened the business in 2017. Crescenti is a graduate of the Leadership Jackson program and is part of the Leadership Jackson Alumni Association. She serves as a board member for both the Jackson EMC Foundation and The Treehouse. She also serves with Heirbom Servants as a mentor for sin gle mothers. Crescenti is also an ac tive member of the 12Stone Church in Braselton and Photos by Hannah Barron Rosa Crescenti and her family are pictured after she was named the Worn- See Crescenti ,page 3A ‘0 4 8 7 9 1 4 5 4 0