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The Braselton News
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
School/Social News
Hall County’s Rhonda Samples
Named Pioneer in Education
The Hall County School
District recently announced
Rhonda Samples as its Pio
neer in Education for 2022.
Pioneer RESA presents
the award annually to those
individuals “who make a
positive impact on students
and education,” according
to a press release from the
school district. Each of the
15 districts within its ser
vice area names its recipi
Samples, along with the
other 2022 recipients will
be honored Dec. 9, at The
Venue at Cenita, in Cleve
land Georgia.
Samples has 40 years of
service for the Hall County
School District. She began
her career as an education
and marketing teacher, and
she currently serves as the
district’s executive director
of career, technical and ag
ricultural Education.
“Rhonda Samples has
spent her entire career in
public education empow
ering students and helping
them understand the con-
nections between learning
and meaningful employ
ment,” said Superintendent
Will Schofield. “Whether
it's expanding and improv
ing work-based-learning;
collaborating with state
officials on CTAE curricu
lum and pathways advance
ment; partnering with the
Chamber of Commerce and
Work Force Development;
or managing and oversee
ing the Lanier College and
Career Academy, Rhonda
Samples keeps her focus
on students and how to best
prepare them for the future.
Her influence has helped to
put structures and systems
in place that have provid
ed a pathway of success to
thousands of students here
in Hall County and state
Kevin Bales, deputy su
perintendent for teaching
and learning, said. “Rhonda
Samples, at her very core, is
a relationship builder. She
passionately and tirelessly
leads our CTAE instructors
down the path of innova
tion, providing them with
the resources they need in
order to open doors of op
portunities for our students.
Her willingness to make
connections with post-sec
ondary institutions, indus
try, and the business com
munity, has allowed our
district to develop key part
nerships, which have bene-
fitted students and the Hall
County community. She is
without a doubt, a trail blaz
er — a true pioneer.”
Submitted photo
Sam Chapman was recently honored for his 16 years of service to the Hall
County School District.
Chapman honored by
Hall Co. school board
Sam Chapman, who has
served the East Hall com
munity and the Hall County
School District for a total of
16 years, was honored at the
Dec. 12 Hall County Board
of Education meeting as he
has decided to retire.
A farmer and a long-time
supporter of agricultural ed
ucation, Chapman has spent
much of his tenure advocat
ing for workforce readiness
programs and facility im
provements — most recent
ly the district’s newly devel
oped Agribusiness Center.
Superintendent Will
Schofield, who has served
alongside Chapman for the
entirety of his school board
tenure recently said. “In
many ways, Sam Chapman
represents the man I want to
become. He continues to be
an example of what good,
noble and true looks like
when it is wearing shoes
and serving others.”
Deputy Superinten
dent Kevin Bales, who has
known Chapman since his
days as a principal at East
Hall Middle School said.
“Sam is a man that has over
come challenges in many
forms to chart an admira
ble course for his family,
his church, his community
and his school district. His
impact will be felt for years
to come. We are grateful for
his service.”
Members Chapman’s
family attended the meet
ing to celebrate him and his
contributions to the district.
He was joined by his wife,
Martha; his son. Mitch; and
daughters-in-law Julie and
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)ur offices will be closed Friday,
ember 23 and Friday, December 30.
Elachee Nature center
announces December
schedule of events
Elachee Nature Science
Center, located at 2125
Elachee Dr. in Gaines
ville, has announced its
December slate of events.
Here is the remainder of
this month’s schedule:
In Full Bloom
•Dec. 22. 1-3 p.m..
Elachee Nature Science
•Adult learning pro
gram for ages 18-and-up.
Look through the night
sky at constellations and
other parts of the so
lar system in Elachee’s
STARLAB indoor plan
etarium. This program
will also explain the
story behind the names
of some constellations,
as well as provide facts
about planets. For more
information, visit www.
No School Nature
•Dec. 22, 10 a.m. to
noon, Elachee Nature
Science Center
•Look through the
night sky at constella
tions and other parts
of the solar system in
Elachee’s STARLAB in
door planetarium. This
program will also ex
plain the story behind the
names of some constella
tions, as well as provide
facts about planets. For
more information, visit
No School Nature
•Dec. 28. 10 a.m. to
noon, Elachee Nature
Science Center
Participants will be
introduced to some of
Elachee’s live, resident
animal ambassadors,
followed by a program
in the Discovery Room
with space-themed activ
ities and crafts (such as a
space sensory table and a
scaled solar system and
more). For more informa
tion. visit www.elachee.
Winner of drawing to
receive free roofing services
OC Roofing Systems
out of Hoschton will do
nate time and resourc
es to repair the roofs of
three Jackson County
homeowners in need, ac
cording to an announce
ment from the company.
To enter a relative,
friend or neighbor in
Jackson County who
is struggling financial
ly, email OC Roofing
Systems at ocr@ocroof- or call
706-658-2643 Monday
through Friday from
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Callers will be asked
to provide basic informa
tion, including the home
owner’s name, address,
phone number and details
about their roofing prob
lems. A roof inspection
may be conducted prior
to the day of the drawing.
“The entire team at OC
Roofing System is com
mitted to making a dif
ference in the communi
ties we serve, and to give
back by doing what we
do best — great roofing
work,” the company said
in a press release.
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