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Wednesday, February 1, 2023
The Braselton News
Page 5A
Public Safety
Braselton PD
Duluth man tased while resisting arrest for reckless driving
A Duluth man was report
edly tased while struggling
with a Braselton police offi
cer during a reckless driving
John Landfrance Baptiste,
31, 1470 Boggs Rd„ Duluth,
was charged with obstruction
or hindering a law enforce
ment officer, reckless driving,
speeding, driving with no
proof of insurance and affixed
material obstructing vision
during a recent traffic stop.
According to the arrest
report, Baptiste was pulled
over for driving 73 mph in a
35-mph zone on Braselton
Pkwy. and became combat
ive with the officer during the
traffic stop. After being asked
to exit the vehicle and told he
was under arrest for speeding
and reckless driving, Baptiste
reportedly spun around and
pulled back his arms from
the officer as he tried to cuff
him. A struggle then ensued,
according to the arrest report.
The officer reportedly warned
Baptiste he would tase him if
he continued to resist. Baptiste
Jail Log
reportedly went to the ground
as commanded but refused
to place his hands behind his
back. After reportedly asking
Baptiste multiple times to put
his hands behind his back, the
officer tased him when he did
not comply. Baptiste reported
ly stopped resisting arrest after
being tased and told the officer
he suffered from a heart con
A medical unit examined
Baptiste and cleared him for
transport to the Jackson Coun
ty Jail.
Other recent arrests reported
to Braselton Police include:
•Darron Donnell Ross,
20, 2066 Ben Hill Rd„ East
Point — theft. Police arrested
Ross after he reportedly stole
six cell phones and an Ap
ple watch from packages at a
Braselton Pkwy. distribution
center. An employee said she
saw Ross remove a cell phone
from his pocket and throw it
into a trashcan as she escorted
him to her office to discuss the
missing items. Ross report
edly admitted to taking the
phone and three others from
packages. According to the ar
rest report, he also admitted to
taking an Apple watch. During
a search, an officer reportedly
found another stolen phone
concealed in Ross's under
wear. Before being processed
into the Jackson County Jail,
Ross reportedly admitted to
concealing another phone in
his underwear.
•Seth A Asante, 53, 530
Simonton Crest Dr., Law-
renceville — driving under
the influence of alcohol and
failure to obey a traffic control
device. According to the arrest
report, police booked Asante
following a field sobriety test
and a positive reading from a
portable breath test. An officer
pulled Asante over for report
edly running a traffic light,
nearly striking the officer’s pa
trol vehicle.
Other recent incidents re
ported to Braselton Police in
•information on Friendship
Rd. where a female driver
reportedly struck a building.
The woman told police her car
“would not stop,” causing her
to strike the building. Medical
workers treated the woman.
•criminal trespass on Riv-
erview Pkwy. where a man
reportedly rang a woman's
doorbell, stood at the door for
a moment and left. The man
reportedly did the same at a
mutual friend’s house. Ac
cording to the incident report,
the woman had a no-contact
order against the man who
burglarized the woman’s
home in December.
•miscellaneous report on
Berkshire where a woman
said someone broke into a res
idence and stole her hat.
•domestic disturbance on
Bald Cypress Dr. where a
woman said she stopped her
teenage son from getting a gun
from her father’s bedroom.
The teen reportedly became
upset after hearing a phone
conversation between his
mother and a family member.
According to the incident re
port, he cursed at two officers
who responded to the scene
and refused to discuss the sit
•stalking on Hwy. 53 where
a woman said her ex-boy
friend was following her. An
officer advised her to seek a
temporary protective order.
•damage to a vehicle on No
ble Vines Dr. where a man said
he found scratch marks on his
•identity theft on Keys Dr.
where a woman said she re
ceived mail addressed to a
woman who’d previously sto
len her identity. She told po
lice she feared the woman was
using her identity again. She
said the woman, who resides
in Kentucky, used her personal
information for rent, utilities
and to pay for major surgeries.
•miscellaneous report on
Ventura Place where an officer
found a garage door open and
a door ajar at a residence after
responding to an alarm. Ac
cording to the incident report,
the officer found no one inside
the home and saw no signs of
forced entry.
•damage to property on
New Liberty Way where a
man said a driver struck his
mailbox and continued driv
ing. The collision reportedly
ripped the mailbox pole from
the ground and launched the
mailbox across the front yard,
according to the incident re
•damage to property where
a driver reportedly struck and
knocked over a light pole on
Silk Tree Pointe with his ve
hicle. He reportedly attempted
to leave the scene without re
porting the accident. The driv
er initially denied striking the
pole but later admitted running
into it. He said the accident
occurred after he dropped his
phone while driving and at
tempted to retrieve it. He said
the car then fishtailed, causing
the collision. An officer cited
the driver for driving too fast
for conditions, failing to main
tain lane, failing to report strik
ing a fixed object and possess
ing tobacco products under the
age of 21.
Recent arrests made across Jackson County
The following people were
recently arrested by various
agencies across Jackson Coun
•Jonathan Dwayne Ar-
wood, 43, 302 Highland Es
tates, Commerce — probation
•Amanda Kay Brock, 40,
200 East Pine St., Cornelia —
probation violation.
•De’Andre Kevin Brown,
22, 323 Crescent Dr., Dallas
— hold for Immigrations and
Customs Enforcement (ICE)
and probation violation.
•Denise Smith Chester, 46,
138 Tanner Ln„ Nicholson —
holds for Clarke and Madison
counties and probation viola
•Austin Alan Crawford,
29, 5811 Mt. Olive Rd., Com
merce — simple battery-fami
ly violence.
•Heath Bradley Gilley, 29,
1005 Lexington Rd., Carlton
— hold for St. Clair, Ala.
• Charles Tyron Hill, 33, 44
Coles Court Dr., Commerce
— peeping Tom.
•Brian Kevin Powers, 47,
7705 Maysville Rd., Mays-
ville — probation violation.
• Justin Alexander Robin
son, 28, 325 Steeple Chase
Rd., Nicholson — drugs not
in original container; headlight
violation; possession and use
of drug-related objects; and
Violation of the Georgia Con
trolled Substances Act.
•Dixie Marie Sims, 25, 690
4th St. Village, Athens — pro
bation violation.
•Jason James Wilkie, 41,
141 Will Clark Rd., Jefferson
— disorderly conduct; public
drunkenness; and violation of
a temporary protection order.
• Dwight Neil Burris Jr., 45,
344 Trotters Chase, Jefferson
— suspended license and tail-
light violation.
• Carlos Demetrius Long,
26,6552 Snowbird Ln„ Doug-
lasville — giving false name,
address or birthdate to a law
enforcement officer; hold for
Clarke County; no license; and
tag light violation.
•Wesley Christopher Mor
ris, 29, 319 Red Oak Rd.,
Maysville — hold for Candler
•Jay Khong Mung Moua,
38, 2499 Old Winder-Jeffer-
son Hwy., Jefferson — hold
for Hall County.
•Levi Jackson Sears, 21,
387 Hope Rd., Commerce —
two counts of possession of
a Schedule I or II Controlled
substance with intent to dis
tribute; possession of a firearm
during the commission of a
crime; and purchase, posses
sion, manufacture, distribution
or sale of marijuana.
• Rita Elaine Standridge, 62,
2352 Brockton Rd., Jefferson
— driving under the influ
ence (DUI)-alcohol; failure to
maintain lane; and open con
• Mary Anne McCrackin,
54, 2968 Hwy. 51 S, Lula —
holds for Banks and Barrow
counties and probation viola
•Elijah Terrance Souther
land, 17, 140 Arbor Trace,
Braselton — terroristic threats
and acts.
•Robert Junior Tate, 57,
2199 Cleveland Rd., Bogart
— probation violation.
• Cecil Dean Walker, 44,182
Epps St., Jefferson — hold for
Hall County.
• Mildred Elizabeth Love,
42, 402 Thurston Williams
Rd., Maysville — identity theft
fraud when using/possessing
identification information con
cerning a person-felony.
•David Earl Britt, 65, 31
Stone Mt. St., Lawrenceville
— probation violation.
•Amy Beth Conger, 36,
3474 Gillen Cir., Gainesville
— criminal trespass; disor
derly conduct; and willful ob
struction of law enforcement
•Marion Scott Noojin, 58,
80 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.,
Winder—probation violation.
• Deonte Leione Burton, 25,
1631 Stanton Rd. SW Apt. 58,
Atlanta — failure to appear.
•Adam Bryce Butcher, 28,
no address listed — hold for
Clarke County; possession of
a Schedule I Controlled Sub
stance; probation violation;
and theft by deception.
•Joshua Tyler Colquitt, 17,
no address listed — terroristic
threats and acts.
•Arland Namkona Dwight
Patton, 22, 2238 Old Gaines
ville Hwy., Talmo — two
counts of probation violation.
•William Scott Rice, 48,
2022 Poplar St., Comer —
probation violation.
• Major Caslin Simmons,
38, 157 Michelle Dr., Athens
— hold for Clarke County and
probation violation.
•Kevin Santoro Smith, 42,
565 Andre Ln., Spartanburg,
S.C. — probation violation.
• Steven Andrew Smith, 37,
540 Baycreek Rd., Loganville
— battery-family violence.
• Shelly Vanessa Wallace,
45,407 Water Plant Rd., Com
merce — hold for Barrow
• Jennifer Marie Baughcum,
35, 351 Nathaniel Dr., Jeffer
son — probation violation.
•Jessica Nicole Clark, 31,
173 Beccas Ln., Hoschton —
hold for Rabun County.
•Thomas Edward Markee,
59, no address listed — two
counts of aggravated sexual
battery and two counts of sex
ual battery.
•Devin Taylor Stancil, 30,
549 Rock Forge Rd., Jefferson
— probation violation.
•Jesse Neko Tolbert Jr., 32,
5040 Miss Water Ln., Cum-
ming — hold for Forsyth
• Christopher Donnell
Blackshear, 36, 1000 Duluth
Hwy., Lawrenceville — hold
for Lawrenceville.
• Yolanda Elizabeth Gar-
raway, 55, 8353 Jefferson Rd.,
Commerce — disorderly con
•Lucy Ann Lebron, 37,
95 Beck Rd., Commerce —
discharging a firearm in the
city; maintaining a disorderly
house; and reckless conduct.
• Anthony Tyler Walling,
25, 95 Beck Rd., Commerce
— discharging a firearm in the
city and reckless conduct.
• Timothy Michael Walling,
35, 95 Beck Rd., Commerce
— discharging a firearm in the
city; maintaining a disorderly
house; and reckless conduct.
• Tony Tyus Jr., 32,1270 Tall
Oaks Cir., Conyers — driving
while license is suspended or
• Cheryl Lynn Shook Burch,
41,118 Old Harden Rd., Com
merce — criminal trespass.
•Raymonta Lepaul Collins,
28, 331 Northwood Dr., Com
merce — disorderly conduct
and terroristic threats and acts.
• Miguel Andel Chavez, 38,
159 Pepperridge Ln., Athens
— driving without a valid li
• Sahady Fabrico Lez-
ma-Martinez, 27, 7140 Brook
St., Lithia Springs — driving
without a valid license and
•Darius Bernard Minor, 31,
11 Riverwalk Ln., Jefferson —
defective equipment; DUI; and
failure to stop at a stop sign.
•Alice Stacy Worley, 49,
1851 Washington St., Jef
ferson — hold for Cherokee
•Brandy Jean Griffin, 44,
251 Kissam St., Jefferson —
failure to stop at a stop sign;
license to be carried and ex
hibited on demand; notice of
change of address or name;
possession of heroin; posses
sion of methamphetamine;
and reckless conduct.
• Charles Logan Rogers, 27,
711 Shamilton St., Dalton —
driving while license is sus
pended or revoked.
•James Tyler Sanders, 30,
5990 Maysville Rd., Com
merce — DUI-drugs and fail
ure to maintain lane.
• Kamron Malik Walter, 24,
315 Deacon Dr., Maysville —
battery-family violence act.
West Jackson Incidents
Thousands of dollars missing from couple’s account following scam call
A woman on Pocket Rd.
said $5,000 was taken from
her and her husband's account
after receiving a phone call
from a man claiming to work
for McAfee computer securi
According to the incident
report filed with the Jack-
son County Sheriff's Office
(JCSO), the man instructed
them to buy $2,000 in gift
cards to remedy a payment er
ror. The woman told the caller
this was a scam, but he said
he already had access to their
bank account information and
would take all their funds.
She said only $700 re
mained in their account.
Other recent incidents re
ported to the JCSO include:
•criminal damage on Tom
White Rd. where a man said
someone tied a rope around a
wire to pull it out of its con
•forgery on Hwy. 53 where
a woman said someone wrote
a $1,542 check in her name.
The woman also said some
one attempted to cash the
check. She said someone
made a second attempt to
write a fraudulent check in
Gainesville, which resulted in
an arrest.
•suicide threats on McEver
Lane where law enforcement
responded to a report of a per
son sitting in a running car
in a garage. The person was
removed from the vehicle by
medical personnel and trans
ported to Northeast Georgia
Medical Center in Gainesville.
•animal complaint on Wil
liam Freeman Rd. where a
man said his neighbor’s two
dogs attacked his dogs, caus
ing injuries to both animals.
The man said this is an ongo
ing issue.
•harassing communications
on Hwy. 53 where a man said
his ex-boyfriend threatened
him through calls and voice-
•fraud on Ward Rd. where a
woman said her ex-boyfriend
used her name to enroll for
various services.
•suspicious activity on We-
hunt Rd. where a man report
ed seeing two adults and two
juveniles at an intersection
with signs.
•simple assault and battery
on New Cut Rd. at Hwy. 53
where a woman said her hus
band hit her with a stick.
•theft on Lewis Braselton
Blvd. where a camper was
reported stolen from a rental
facility. The camper was lat
er found in Walton County.
•agency assist on West
Broad St. with detaining a
person being transferred to
a mental health facility.
•harassing communica
tions on Pocket Rd. where
a woman said a man threat
ened to come to her place
of employment and “either
beat her up or shoot her.”
She said the man had ac
cused her of talking about
him behind his back, which
she denied.
•dispute on Crest Club
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Dr. where a woman said her
husband, who has dementia,
put his cane in her back as
they walked down a set of
steps. She also said he hit
their son. A deputy reported
no signs of injury to either
person. The man denied a
physical dispute with either
his wife or son. He agreed
to speak to a mental health
professional about the inci
•dispute on Hwy. 124
where a customer at a phar
macy reportedly yelled at
employees due to his pre
scription going unfilled for
multiple days. A woman
also said the customer asked
her when she got off work,
causing her to feel uneasy.
January 25, 2023
Crossword Answers