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College updates
The Braselton News
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Rogers makes director’s list
at University of Alabama
A total of 501 students enrolled in UA Early College
during fall semester 2022 at The University of Alabama
were named to the director’s list with an academic re
cord of 3.6 (or higher).
Morgan Rogers, of Jefferson, was among those
named to the list.
The director’s list recognizes students enrolled in
classes through the UA Early College program. UA
Early College allows high school students to get a head
start on their college courses. High school sophomores,
juniors and seniors enrolled in UA Early College can
choose from more than 80 different online and on-cam-
pus courses and earn up to 30 hours of college credit.
All high school students who apply to and are admit
ted into UA Early College take their first course, UAEC
200, for free — saving each student more than $700.
UAEC 200 is a five-week readiness course that ensures
students are prepared for the rigors of college-lev-
el studies. Upon completion, students earn two credit
hours from UA.
Phillips earns nursing degree
at University of Alabama
Jennifer Phillips, of Hoschton. has received a bach
elor of science degree in nursing from The University
of Alabama. UA awarded over 1,650 degrees during its
fall commencement ceremonies on Dec. 10.
Phan makes dean’s list
at Worcester Polytechnic
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has an
nounced that Giai Phan, a member of the class of 2025
majoring in mechanical engineering (bachelor of sci
ence), was named to the university’s dean’s list for ac
ademic excellence for the fall 2022 semester.
A total of 2.069 undergraduate students achieved the
criteria required for WPI’s fall 2022 dean’s list.
The criteria for the WPI dean’s list differs from that
of most other universities as WPI does not compute a
grade point average (GPA).
Instead, WPI defines the dean’s list by the amount
of work completed at the A level in courses and proj
Harris graduates
from Troy University
Erin Harris of Jefferson graduated from Troy Uni
versity during the fall semester/term 2 of the 2022-23
academic year.
Harris graduated with the bachelor of science in po
litical science-American politics and public administra
tion degree.
Ellis earns certificate
at University
of North Georgia
For the fall 2022 semester, the University of North
Georgia (UNG) awarded more than 900 degrees and 12
certificates to graduates. About 600 graduates partici
pated in the fall 2022 commencement ceremonies held
Dec. 17 at the Convocation Center at UNG’s Dahlonega
Lisa Ellis, of Jefferson, graduated with a certificate in
Tier 1 School Leadership and Administration.
Jackson Trail Christian School FFA recently attended the Floyd County Young Farmers Forestry In
vitational in Rome. Jackson Trail had two teams competing in the junior career development event
consisting of middle school and high school FFA chapters from North Georgia. Timber stand im
provement, compass, sawtimber estimation and tree identification were the four events members
competed in. Team 1 placed first and Team 2 placed fourth. Six of the team members placed in the
top 10. Daniel Jung placed first and Gavin Rice was second in individual competition. Pictured are
(L-R): Cooper Jackson, RJ Nicholson, Brooklynn Harkins, Gavin Rice, Emma Jernigan, Logan Perry,
Daniel Jung and Jason Cartey.
Submitted photo
Top finishers from the Hall County School District’s recent spelling bee were (L to R) Noah Chowd-
hury, Cherokee Bluff Middle (third place); Isaac Borg, North Hall Middle (second Place); and Andrew
Boyd, North Hall Middle (first place).
Locals earn degrees
from Valdosta State
Valdosta State University has announced the mem
bers of its graduating class of fall 2022. This includes
the following area residents:
•Emily Donat of Hoschton, master of education in
communication disorders
•Bryce Hankinson of Jefferson, bachelor of science
in computer information systems
•Kathryn Junco of Jefferson, master of library and
information science
Western Carolina
announces dean’s,
chancellor’s lists
Western Carolina University has announced its dean’s
and chancellor’s lists for the fall 2022 semester.
Locals named to the dean’s and chancellor’s list were:
• Courtney Burleigh of Hoschton
• Kaylee Lankford of Jefferson
• Kaitlyn Lindman of Braselton
To qualify for the dean’s list honor, students must
achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher while completing 12 or
more credit hours.
To qualify for the chancellor’s list, students must
achieve a GPA of 3.8 or higher while completing 12 or
more credit hours.
Richardson graduates
from Abraham Baldwin
Agricultural College
Trevis Grant Richardson of Braselton earned a Bach
elor of Science degree in environmental horticulture
from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC)
at the end of the 2022 fall semester.
A total of 243 students completed the requirements
for graduation from ABAC during the fall semester.
Kennesaw State announces fall dean’s list
Kennesaw State Univer
sity has announced that
more than 7,600 Owls
were named to the Uni
versity’s dean’s list, which
recognizes students for
their academic achieve
ment during the fall 2022
semester. Undergraduate
students enrolled in at least
nine credit hours and with
a grade point average of at
least 3.5 were named to the
Local students named to
the dean’s list included:
• Emma Thetford of Bra
selton, majoring in middle
grades education-interest
•Jaydah Christian of
Braselton. majoring in in
ternational business-inter
•Dennis Constantinescu
of Hoschton, majoring in
•Juan Mora of Hoschton,
majoring in finance-inter
• Deven Cross of
Hoschton. majoring in in
formation security and as
•Sarah Grant of Bra
selton, majoring in market
• Olivia Hall of Hoschton.
majoring in marketing
• Carson Rudd of
Hoschton. majoring in ac
•John Bejin of Hoschton,
majoring in manage
•Reese Boroff of Jeffer
son, majoring in manage
•Augusta Haughaboo
of Jefferson, majoring in
• Caroline Mcallister
of Jefferson, majoring in
•Christopher Dennis of
Braselton, majoring in ar
•Jameson Wall of Jeffer
son, majoring in construc
tion management
•Tyler Torbett of Jeffer
son, majoring in computer
•James McCarthy of
Hoschton, majoring in in
formation technology
• Chance Boecker of Jef
ferson, majoring in com
puter game design and de
•Layne Robinson of
Hoschton, majoring in
computer engineering
•Thomas Diaconescu of
Hoschton, majoring in in
dustrial engineering tech
• Collin Lewis of
Hoschton, majoring in in
dustrial and systems engi
•Matthew Lor of Bra
selton, majoring in me
chanical engineering
•Jared Brand of
Hoschton, majoring in
mechatronics engineering
• Chandler Mays of
Hoschton, majoring in
mechatronics engineering
•Madison Mitchell of
Jefferson, majoring in ex
ercise science
•Olivia Burrage of Jef
ferson, majoring in public
health education-interest
•Mackenzie McDonald
of Jefferson, majoring in
integrated health science
•Reagan Bewley of Jef
ferson, majoring in nurs
•Ryley Bray of
Hoschton, majoring in
•Jenna Cheong of Bra
selton, majoring in nurs
•Tania Rashid of
Hoschton, majoring in
•Jamir Tolbert of Bra
selton, majoring in nurs
• Sebastian Ladino of
Jefferson, majoring in hu
man services interest
•Bradley Coppola of
Braselton, majoring in bi
•Emily Parker of Jeffer
son, majoring in music ed
•Jessica Hicks of
Hoschton, majoring in the
atre and performance stud
•Sean Ledbetter of Jef
ferson, majoring in cy
•Benjamin Taylor of
Jefferson, majoring in
cybersecurity interest
•Sabrina Escobar of
Hoschton, majoring in
•Brian Habeck of Jef
ferson, majoring in his
tory education-interest
•Lauren Henderson of
Hoschton, majoring in
interdisciplinary studies
•Lillianna Blackstock
of Jefferson, majoring in
•Meghan Cald-
well-Long of Braselton,
majoring in psychology
•Brooks Beddow of
Jefferson, majoring in
media and entertainment
•Ashton Donnelly of
Braselton, majoring in
public relations-interest
•Madison Reese of
Hoschton, majoring in
public relations
•Alexandra William
son of Hoschton, major
ing in media and enter
•Camren Hardy of Jef
ferson, majoring in po
litical science
•Grace Krieger of
Hoschton, majoring in
political science
•Kimani Jackson of
Hoschton, majoring in
criminal justice