Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
The Braselton News
Page 3A
Chase continued from 1A
over regulation becomes a
burden for our Senior Citi
zens and our young people
who rent. I am an employer
who knows that our educa
tion system’s covert move
to indoctrinate students with
a social agenda instead of
focusing on teaching them
the skills they need in life,
is destroying our work
force and our society. I am
a Christian, whose faith has
taught me the importance of
honor, integrity and service.
I do what I say I’m going
to do and if I can’t get it
done. I'm going to tell you
up front. I’m a military vet
eran who was trained to do
more with what I have and
to understand that anything
can be done with ingenuity
and a strong desire to get it
done. I’m a patriot! I love
my country and I respect
our flag. I’m a Georgia man
who stands ready to serve
this community — always.
•Why are you running
for office?
I am running for Georgia
House Seat 119 because
this district has been thrown
into turmoil after losing our
representative. Good peo
ple who want nothing more
than to know their family
is safe, that their paycheck
will cover the bills and that
their children will be given a
quality education, have been
left without representation
because political operatives
(some of whom have run
Democrats disguised as Re
publicans) didn’t do their
homework before anointing
a candidate for this seat.
As I answer these ques
tions, our State budget is
being negotiated with no
one to fight for the needs of
the people of House District
119. There is no one to rep
resent us as the terrible idea
of “Ranked Choice Voting’’
comes up for a vote. There
is no one from our district
to say “NO” to a budget that
doesn’t use Georgia’s $6.6
billion dollar surplus to pay
down our debt and return
funds back to the taxpayer
to ease the burden of Joe
Biden’s inflation. There is
no one representing District
119 when social justice war
riors descend on the Capitol
demanding the legislature
put criminals rights ahead
of the rights of victims, de
fund our police or infringe
on our 2nd Amendment
right to bear arms. I am run
ning because it is time that
a working man, who sees
the damage entrenched leg
islators are causing in our
community, stands up to
say, “The people of Georgia
House District 119 have had
enough and we aren’t going
to take it anymore!”
•What are the top three
issues you see affecting the
state in the next five years?
What do you propose to do
about them?
•Education — Ensuring
that our children have a
quality education that pre
pares them for adult life is
the most important thing
we can do as legislators.
I will be a watchdog over
the curriculum to ensure
that reading, writing, math,
science and history is the
focus of what our schools
teach. Parents have inalien
able rights over their chil
dren. They, and they alone,
have the responsibility to
teach their children about
social issues. No school ad
ministrator should have the
ability to decide otherwise.
I will vote to expand Char
ter Schools, support home
schooling, and to allow edu
cation dollars to follow stu
dents. I will vote to reward
good teachers and to release
those who aren’t doing the
job. Our children are our fu
ture — we must ensure that
Georgia’s young people are
given every opportunity to
succeed in adult life. When
our children succeed — all
of Georgia succeeds.
•Public Safety — Ensur
ing that constituents are safe
as they go about their daily
lives is the responsibility
of the government — peri
od! Our law enforcement
community is the best there
is. I will be a champion for
law enforcement and fight
to give them the tools they
need to keep us safe. I will
take on any social justice
warrior who wants to cut
funding for law enforce
ment, or divert funding to
retraining. My years spent
tracking down and return
ing criminals to the justice
system has taught me that
criminals are emboldened
when the consequences for
their crimes are weak. I will
vote against any bill that
puts criminals’ rights ahead
of the rights of the victim. I
will introduce legislation to
increase penalties for those
convicted of domestic vi
olence crimes or crimes
against seniors and children.
•Economy — With a $6.6
billion dollar surplus and
predictions of another sur
plus next Fiscal Year, I will
fight to pay down Georgia’s
debt and return money back
to the taxpayer. I will also
insist that we examine the
reason we have a surplus
so we can find ways to keep
the money in the taxpayers’
pockets in the first place. I
will fight to enact a school
tax exemption for our se
niors. Our seniors built our
economy — we need to do
everything in our power to
keep them living in Georgia
so they don’t flee to sur
rounding states whose prop
erty taxes are lower.
•Why are you the best
choice for this position?
Charlie Chase is the best
choice for voters of District
119 because I do what I say
I am going to do and I tell it
straight. I kneel before God,
stand for my flag and every
one else, I look straight in
the eye. I know how to bal
ance a budget. I know how
to fight for what’s right,
even under pressure. I be
lieve the best government
is small government —
one that exists to serve the
people, not the other way
around. As an employer, I
understand who I will work
for, and let there be no doubt
in your mind — if you send
me to the State House I will
be there to work for you! I
humbly ask for your vote on
Feb. 28.
Persinger continued from 1A
among several other boards
and organizations. We re
side in Winder and are ac
tive members of Winder
First Baptist.
•Why are you running
for office?
I am proud to call this
community home, and I am
running to protect our con
servative values and way of
life that make this a great
place to live. With your
vote, I will be your voice,
and I will use my work eth
ic, common-sense business
experience, and commit
ment to my faith and con
servative values to fight for
you. safeguard our princi
ples. and help build a strong
future for our families.
•What are the top three
issues you see affecting
the state in the next five
years? What do you pro
pose to do about them?
I want to join Governor
Kemp and fellow conserva
tives to continue combating
Biden’s historic inflation
by returning more money
directly back to taxpay
ers. This will also include
placing a referendum on
the ballot to pass a senior
school tax exemption. I
will support policies that
continue to grow our econ
omy around the state and
especially here locally - by
promoting efforts that spur
more small business growth
to create more local jobs
and opportunities. By main
taining Georgia’s pro-busi
ness, pro-freedom policies,
we can continue to grow
jobs, lower taxes, and bet
ter weather any economic
storm that Biden’s big-gov-
ernment agenda brings our
Keeping our community
safe will always remain a
top priority. I will always
back the blue and stand
with law enforcement in
their efforts to keep us all
safe. Luckily, we live in a
district that appreciates our
police and where our pub
lic safety officials do their
job well. But look at the
increased crime going on in
counties nearby, violent an
ti-police protests that have
started again in Atlanta, and
the influx of deadly drugs
coming here because of our
borders that are wide-open.
We can’t let up. I will sup
port proposals to increase
law enforcement pay and
provide loan repayments
for state and local law en
forcement in exchange for
5 years of service. Addi
tionally. we must look for
ways to help bolster law en
forcement retirement, con
tinue to ramp up efforts to
crack down on gangs, and
empower law enforcement
to deport criminal illegal
As the largest portion of
our state’s budget and with
it being vital to the future,
education will always be a
top priority. I look forward
to backing budget propos
als that will again increase
teacher pay, provide re
sources to assist our para-
professionals to become
teachers, and to fully fund
the HOPE Scholarship.
There is also a lot of dis
cussion on possible efforts
to bolster job-training and
other reforms that contin
ue growing a skilled work
force. I will work hard to
support efforts that ensure
our students receive the
very best education and are
prepared for the jobs of to
While our economy, ed
ucation. and public safety
will dominate the debate at
the State Capitol, we also
must remain vigilant to
protect our God-given Con
stitutional rights. I will al
ways stand up for freedom,
safeguard our gun rights,
and protect life, and I will
gladly fight the woke left to
do so.
•Why are you the best
choice for this position?
This race is about who
is best suited to serve us.
It’s about electing a trusted
conservative who will make
us proud. I’m not a loose
cannon or a bomb thrower
who will embarrass you.
As a self-made small busi
nessman, as someone who
is active in leadership roles
to help improve our com
munity, and as someone
fully committed to our con
servative values, I have the
right skills and the right ex
perience to get the job done
for our citizens in the State
House. I’ll serve with prin
ciple, put you first, and hold
the line against the Demo
crats and the radical left.
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