The Braselton news. (Jefferson, Ga) 2006-current, March 08, 2023, Image 2

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    The Braselton News
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Page 2A
Community calendar
Hoschton History Harvest
set for March 11
The City of Hoschton will host a "history harvest" on March 11
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at city hall to collect artifacts and digitize
any old photographs, documents, letters, diaries and videos that
Hoschton residents may have.
"Don't let our history fade away," organizers said.
The event is being held in cooperation with the Hoschton Down
town Development Authority and Hoschton Historic Preservation
Committee. Those wishing to donate items are asked to call city
hall at 706-654-3034 to schedule a 30-minute appointment for
March 11.
Braselton Paddy's
Day PathFest set for March 11
Braselton's seventh-annual Paddy's Day PathFest is scheduled for
March 11 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Braselton LifePath.
Festivities start with a golf cart PathParade followed by a Quest
challenge. The parade will feature decorated golf carts, bicycles,
scooters, skateboards, wagons and walking groups along the Life-
Path (sidewalk along Hwy. 211). It begins at Ace Hardware toward
Monterrey Mexican Grill and ends at Primrose School.
Judges will award the top best-decorated entries with prizes. The
Paddy's Day PathQuest is a race involving several businesses along
the LifePath searching for clues to complete a quest challenge. The
scavenger hunt begins immediately following the PathFest Parade,
approximately at 11:15 a.m.
Walnut Fork Baptist Church
selling BBQ March 18
Walnut Fork Baptist Church, located on Hwy. 60 in Hoschton, will
hold a barbecue sale March 18 from 11 a.m to 3 p.m.
Barbecue pork plates cost $10 and include pork, stew, beans
chips and bread.
Quarts of stew will be on sale for $10, along with baked goods.
For more information, call 706-654-6434
Friends of Braselton Library booksale
ahead March 23-25
The Friends of the Braselton-West Jackson Library will hold the
organization's spring book sale March 23-25 in the Braselton Police
and Court Community Room at 5040 Hwy. 53.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 23 and March 24 and 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. on March 25.
Cub Scout Pack 282 hosting
Touch a Truck March 27
Cub Scout Pack 282 will host "Touch a Truck" March 27 from
6-7 p.m. at West Jackson Elementary School at 391 East Jefferson
St. in Hoschton.
"Join us for a fun night of getting up close and learning about
different types of vehicles you may see in our community," orga
nizers said.
Braselton Friends of the Library to meet April 6
The Braselton-West Jackson Friends of the Library will hold their
annual meeting on Thursday, April 6, at 5 p.m. in the community
room of the Braselton Police and Municipal Court building.
The public is invited to attend.
Braselton Antique and Artisan Festival
set for April 21-23
The spring Braselton Antique and Artisan Festival is scheduled
for April 21-23 in downtown Braselton on Harrison St.
The event will feature over 350 vendors (including 12 food ven
dors), live music and drink tents.
Admission, parking and shuttle are free.
For more information, visit or call 706-
Hoschton Farmers Market Preview Day
ahead April 29
The Hoschton Farmers Market Preview Day is scheduled for April
29 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 115 Towne Center Pkwy. This event will
provide a sneak preview of the 2023 market, including face painting,
live music and a bounce slide.
The market will run from June to September.
Jackson County High School
fine arts performance schedule
Here is the remaining performance schedule at the JCHS Audito
rium for the Jackson County High School (JCHS) fine arts programs:
• "Ordinary Days" — March 17-19*
• "The Wedding Singer"—April 27-30*
•Chorus Pre-LGPE concert—Mar. 9,7 p.m.
•Chorus spring concert—May 4,7 p.m.
• March 16,7 p.m.
•May 11,7 p.m.
•Jazz band—April 11*
•Spring concert—April 18,7 p.m.
• May jazz band dessert concert—date and time TBD
• Times not yet available
Braselton Farmers Market continues
The Braselton Farmers Market will continue with monthly
markets until May 5 when it shifts to weekly markets. Weekly
markets run through September.
Monthly markets will resume in October. There is no Decem
ber market.
Each market starts at 4 p.m. The market is moving to the Bra
selton Town Green, adjacent to its previous location on Davis St.,
to allow for more space.
Spark Sessions continue
BraseltonTech — a private-public initiative between the Town
of Braselton and the Advanced Technology Development Center
(ATDC) at Georgia Tech — continues its "spark sessions" at the
Braselton Civic Center to provide advice and support for startup tech
companies. The remaining schedule is as follows: April 13, May 18,
June 15, July 13 and Aug. 10. All sessions begin at 6 p.m.
BraseltonTech's partner, ATDC, is a Georgia economic develop
ment organization funded by the state legislature and managed
under the Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute.
ATDC is the oldest technology business accelerator in the U.S.,
and its graduating companies have raised over $3 billion in venture
The BraseltonTech workshops are free and open to the public.
Space, however, is limited. For more information or to register, visit
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Around town
Weekly snapshots from around the Braselton-Hoschton community
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Photo by Ben Munro
Work continues on Hoschton’s new city hall on City Square. City leaders expect the building to be
ready by the end of May.
News briefs
Hoschton City Council
holding March 28-30 retreat
at Lake Lanier Resort
The Hoschton City Council, mayor and staff, along with the
Hoschton Downtown Development Authority, will hold a three-
day retreat March 28-30 at Lake Lanier Resort.
The retreat runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 28, 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. on March 29 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 30. The resort
is located at Lake Lanier Resort, 7000 Lanier Islands Pkwy.
New department
streamlines processes for
development in Hall County
Hall County is combining departments for development-re
lated needs.
According to a press release. Hall County's Planning and
Development department and Public Works and Utilities de
partment are being integrated to create the new Community De
velopment and Infrastructure (CDI) department in an effort to
streamline the development process.
“This integration is bringing divisions, such as building in
spections, engineering, and planning and zoning that play crit
ical roles in land use and development matters, together provid
ing a single department for the most efficient service delivery
model for development in Hall County.” said new CDI Director
Yamala has served Hall County since 2005 as a Transporta
tion Planner, Transportation Manager. Planning and Develop
ment Director, and most recently as the Director of Public Works
and Utilities, and is a 2018 graduate of Leadership Georgia.
Yamala’s former role as director of Public Works and Utilities
is being assumed by Bill Nash, who has served as the assistant
director of Public Works and Utilities since 2020, while Randi
Doveton will continue to serve as the director of Planning and
The integration plan includes cross-training staff, improving
processes to streamline efficiencies, reducing turnaround times
for permits and completing renovations to the third floor of the
Government Center to create a customer service-oriented com
munity development center.
The change officially went into effect on Wednesday, Mar. 1,
with new measurable goals and objectives being introduced over
the next several months to produce the most effective results in
service to citizens.
Department of Juvenile
Justice holding career
fair in Hall County
The Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) will host
a Career Fair on March 9, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in Hall
County at the Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center.
DJJ is looking to hire juvenile correctional officers, deten
tion counselors, teachers, mental health providers, food ser
vice workers, housekeepers, and general support staff.
Individuals interested in applying should bring their social
security card, valid driver's license and proof of a high school
diploma or GED.
The juvenile correctional officer position now has a new
salary of $37,730. In addition, there is an opportunity for an
additional pay increase of up to 10 percent incentive based on
the number of years served on active military duty.
For more details on the DJJ Career Fair, call 404-508-
Educational opportunity
Braselton accepting citizens academy applications
The Town of Braselton is taking applications for its Braselton
Government Citizens Academy, which begins next month.
“The Town of Braselton Government Citizens Academy Pro
gram is a unique opportunity for citizens to develop a better
understanding about Town of Braselton Government,” organiz
ers said. “Each month covers a different topic related to town
service provision.”
The citizens academy starts in April and runs for seven
months, meeting on the third Thursday of each month from
6-8 p.m. The October session runs until 10 p.m. Applicants
must agree to attend all seven sessions. Extracurricular activi
ties include a trolley tour of town and ride alongs with the Bra
selton Police Department.
Space is limited to the first 10 qualified applicants.
“The classes fill quickly, so don't delay.” organizers said.
For more information, call 706-654-3915.
Library continued from 1A
“There's still going to be some stuff that needs to be done, but
we are so excited that we’re going to be opening back,” library
director Lori Hayes said. “Because we like to see people.”
Hayes noted that some interior work needs finishing, while
painting won't be completed until an already-scheduled library
renovation of the main building is finished.
Hayes also said the inside will “look a little bit different in
here, too.” Construction crews have installed a temporary wall to
separate the usable space from where renovations are on-going.
According to Hayes, those renovations should conclude in May.
Also, most all juvenile and young adult bookshelves are currently
in storage, leaving only a limited selection of those books. The
library only has four public-access computers currently.
The library’s closure over the past two months wasn’t unlike its
operating format during COVID protocols.
“It was very similar to when we had COVID (restrictions),”
Hayes said. “The doors were locked. People couldn’t come in. but
we were doing curbside pickup or holds for people,”
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Hayes said she and her staff are happy to return to something
much closer to normal — as are the library’s patrons.
"They’re all eager to get back in and come in and browse and
check out books and discover the things that they want instead of
having to put in on hold,” Hayes said.
March 1, 2023
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