Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
The Braselton News
Page 3A
Health care
NGMC’s cancer services earns national accreditation
Northeast Georgia Medi
cal Center’s cancer centers
in Braselton, Gainesville
and Toccoa are now the
only accredited radiation
oncology locations north of
“It is an honor to be rec
ognized for the high-qual
ity radiation oncology care
we provide,” said Geoffrey
Weidner, MD, a radiation
oncologist with Northeast
Georgia Physicians Group
and medical director of ra
diation oncology at NGMC.
“No one wants to under
go cancer treatment, but
knowing that your radiation
oncology team meets such
high standards provides re
assurance that you couldn’t
be in better hands.”
NGMC received this na
tional accreditation from
the American Society for
Radiation Oncology, which
evaluated the radiation on
cology service’s safety and
quality processes. NGMC
range of cancer services
includes cancer prevention
and screening; early diag
nosis; cancer staging; ad
vanced treatment through
medical oncology, radiation
oncology and surgery; pa
tient navigation; and reha
NGMC’s physicians and
clinical staff care for ap
proximately 3,000 new
ly-diagnosed cancer pa
tients each year at locations
in Braselton, Gainesville,
Toccoa and Winder.
For more information
about NGMC’s cancer ser
vices and physicians, visit or call
Northeast Georgia Medical Center’s cancer centers in Braselton, Gainesville
and Toccoa received national accreditation from the American Society for Ra
diation Oncology.
Library extension completion expected in May now
By Ben Munro
ben@mainstreetnews. com
Due to recent weather
delays, Braselton’s library
extension project likely
won’t wrap up until May.
The town had been target
ing an April finish.
“The weather delays
have just been so signif
icant,” Braselton Town
Manager Jennifer Scott
The $4.1 million con
struction project began
in late June and will add
8,166 square feet to the fa
The two-story addition
will house a children’s
wing and study rooms, al
lowing for more circulation
materials and program
ming. A children’s garden
with a story time amphi
theater and an environmen-
Photo by Ben Munro
Town officials hope Braselton’s library extension will be ready by May.
Recent weather delays pushed the timetable back a month.
tal educational pier are also tinues near the library for eas. However, some of the
planned. The construction street improvements on grading and curb work has
project includes $1.73 mil- Brassie Lane and Davis St. begun. Scott still expects
lion in state funds. Road work has yet to start work to finish in April.
ROAD PROJECTS in earnest as crews are re- “So far. it’s actually been
Meanwhile, work con- locating utilities in both ar- really smooth,” Scott said.
“... We haven’t had some
of the more intensive work
done yet, so we’ll definite
ly interfere more with day-
to-day stuff as we move
The project will widen
Brassie Lane and install
90-degree parking while
placing a landscaped me
dian with street lighting
down the leg of Davis St.
west of Hwy. 53 running
to Hwy. 124. The work
will include planting street
trees along the road up to
Hwy. 124. The street im
provements will cost $1.5
million, most of which will
be covered by American
Rescue Plan Act (AREA)
Scott hopes the street
and the library extension
projects will finish roughly
at the same time.
swell said during a Feb. 16 city
council meeting that districting
would ensure all parts of town
have representation on the coun
cil. He noted that at one time, four
Hoschton council members lived in
the same four-block area in the city.
Districting continued from 1A
The council, however, initially
considered two different districting
options drawn by the state. One
option divided the city into two
districts with three members per
district. The other divided the city
into three districts with two council
members per district. During the
Feb. 16 work session, the coun
cil indicated a preference for the
three-district option.
That, however, proved unpop
ular with residents who attended
that meeting, particularly those
who live in the Cresswind neigh
borhood. They argued that the
Cresswind-Twin Lakes segment
of the city would represent a large
majority of Hoschton’s population
but would only have two council
Mill cont’d from 1A
of this project is $2 million.
In February, the council discussed
a plan suggested by town manager
Jennifer Scott to turn the building
over to the BVBA, which is eligible
to take out a loan for the mill im
This plan would allow the BVBA
to have a permanent office space,
something it has lacked for its ap
proximate 20-year existence. The
BVBA would then rent out the other
office space, possibly to Braselton
Tech, a fledgling tech company in
cubator, for revenue. Scott pointed
to another facet of this plan.
“It’s exciting that the mill will
be opened regularly for tours.” she
Scott said the plan to pair the mill
with rentable office space presents a
solution for funding a museum-type
“Because we needed office space
anyway, by putting them together
means the funding is already cov
ered,” she said. “There’s not real
ly any additional cost for staff and
things like that.”
The town has opened the mill for
tours sporadically over the years.
Its interior remains essentially the
same as it did six decades ago when
the building closed. The town has
owned the mill for over a decade. It
repaired its exterior and foundation
in 2010.
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Paddijs Daij
-‘athFest ‘
Paddijs Daij #
Gather your feather boas,
green tutus, 4-leaf clovers,
and Paddy’s Day t-shirts,
and join the festive golf cart
parade along the LifePath.
Roll the dice, hit the buzzer,
flip the hourglass and join in
the games! Scan the QR code
at the bottom of the page to
register your team!