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The Braselton News
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Page 2A
Around town
Weekly snapshots from around the Braselton-Hoschton community
i St
Photo by Ben Munro
(L to R) Lindsay Starnes, Lori Hayes and Heidi Krieger, all of the Braselton Library, pose for a
photo as the library reopened its doors March 7. The facility was closed for over two months for
water damage.
Community calendar
Walnut Fork Baptist Church
selling BBQMach 18
Walnut Fork Baptist Church, located on Hwy. 60 in Hoschton, will hold a bar
becue sale March 18 from 11 a.m to 3 p.m.
Barbecue pork plates cost $10 and include pork, stew, beans chips and bread.
Quarts of stew will be on sale for $10, along with baked goods. For more infor
mation, call 706-654-6434.
Hoschton Church of God of Prophecy
hosting Mwdi 18 funckriser
The Hoschton Church of God of Prophecy and pastor/bishop Jerry Gaddis will
sponsor a fundraiser dinner for building and construction funds on March 18
from 3-6 p.m.
The dinner will include chicken stew plates (a quart of chicken stew, crackers,
a drink and dessert) for $6, hot dog plates (hot dog with slaw and onions, chips, a
drink and dessert) for $6 and baked goods (prices vary). Both eat-in and carry-out
options will be offered.
The church will have small crafts and yard sale items for sale.
Hoschton Church of God of Prophecy is located at 8187 Pendergrass Rd.,
Hoschton. The dinner will be held in the lower gym fellowship hall. Everyone is
welcome to attend, according to organizers.
For more information, call 706-654-2570 or 678-898-0560.
Friends of Braselton Library booksde
dread March 23-25
Friends of the Braselton-West Jackson library will host another "giant book
sale" on March 23-25.
Sale proceeds support books and programs of the library in downtown Bra
selton. Field in the community room on the lower level of the Braselton Police
and Court Building (5040 Flwy. 53), the sale hours are 9 a.m to 5 p.m. on March
23 and 24 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 25. Hardbacks and paper
backs of all categories will be available. For additional information, call June
McRae at 404-245-0725.
Cub Scout Pack 282 hosting
Touch a Truck Mach 27
Cub Scout Pack 282 will host "Touch a Truck" March 27 from 6-7 p.m. at West
Jackson Elementary School at 391 East Jefferson St. in Hoschton.
"Join us for a fun night of getting up close and learning about different types
of vehicles you may see in our community," organizers said.
Braselton Friends of the Ubrcry to meet April 6
The Braselton-West Jackson Friends of the Library will hold their annual
meeting on Thursday, April 6, at 5 p.m. in the community room of the Braselton
Police and Municipal Court building. The public is invited to attend.
Braselton Antique aid Artisan Festival
set for April 21-23
The spring Braselton Antique and Artisan Festival is scheduled for April 21 -23
in downtown Braselton on Harrison St.
The event will feature over 350 vendors (including 12 food vendors), live mu
sic and drink tents. Admission, parking and shuttle are free.
For more information, visit or call 706-824-7204.
Hoschton Farmers Market Preview Day
ahead April 29
The Hoschton Farmers Market Preview Day is scheduled for April 29 from
11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 115 Towne Center Pkwy. This event will provide a sneak
preview of the 2023 market, including face painting, live music and a bounce
slide. The market will run from June to September.
Jackson County High School
fine arts performance schedule
Here is the remaining performance schedule at the JCHS Auditorium for the
Jackson County High School (JCHS) fine arts programs:
•"Ordinary Days" — March 17-19*
•"The Wedding Singer"—April 27-30*
•Chorus spring concert—May 4,7 p.m.
•March 16,7 p.m.
•May 11,7 p.m.
•Jazz band—April 11*
•Spring concert—April 18,7 p.m.
• May jazz band dessert concert—date and time TBD
* Times not yet available
Braselton Farmers Maket continues
The Braselton Farmers Market will continue with monthly markets until May
5 when it shifts to weekly markets. Weekly markets run through September.
Monthly markets will resume in October. There is no December market. Each
market starts at 4 p.m. The market is moving to the Braselton Town Green, adja
cent to its previous location on Davis St., to allow for more space.
BraseltonTech Spak Sessions continue
BraseltonTech — a private-public initiative between the Town of Braselton
and the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) at Georgia Tech —
continues its "spark sessions" at the Braselton Civic Center to provide advice
and support for startup tech companies. The remaining schedule is as follows:
April 13, May 18, June 15, July 13 and Aug. 10. All sessions begin at 6 p.m.
BraseltonTech's partner, ATDC, is a Georgia economic development organi
zation funded by the state legislature and managed under the Georgia Tech En
terprise Innovation Institute. ATDC is the oldest technology business accelerator
in the U.S., and its graduating companies have raised over $3 billion in venture
capital. The BraseltonTech workshops are free and open to the public. Space,
however, is limited.
For more information or to register,
News briefs
Hoschton City Council
holding March 28-30 retreat
at Lake Lanier Resort
The Hoschton City Council, mayor and staff, along with
the Hoschton Downtown Development Authority, will hold a
three-day retreat March 28-30 at Lake Lanier Resort.
The retreat runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 28,8 a.m. to
4 p.m. on March 29 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 30. The re
sort is located at Lake Lanier Resort, 7000 Lanier Islands Pkwy.
Tuesday, March 28
•9 a.m. to noon: city manager. City Manager, Jennifer
Kidd-Harrison, and Mayor Lauren O’Leary, council relation
and future city vision and projects, part 1
•noon to 1 p.m.: lunch
•1-4 p.m.: City Manager, Jennifer Kidd-Hanison, and May
or Lauren O’Leary, council relation and future city vision and
projects, part 2
Wednesday, March 29
•8-9 a.m.: breakfast and networking
•9 a.m. to noon: Jerry weitz. city planner presentation
•noon to 1 p.m.: lunch
•1-3 p.m.: Downtown Development Authority presentation
on previous and future projects
•3-4 p.m.: wrapup discussion
Thursday, March 30
•8-9 a.m.: breakfast and networking
•9 a.m. to noon: Engineering Management Inc. presentation
on previous and future projects
•noon to 1 p.m.: lunch
•1-3 p.m.: engineering management inc. presentation on pre
vious and future
•3-4 p.m.: wrap up discussion
Gwinnett County BOC
approves multiple
SPLOST projects
The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners gave the
green light to several new SPLOST-funded items last week,
according to a press release from the county. Here are some
Connecting neighborhoods with retail
The Board approved a contract to install new sidewalks
from Old Suwanee Rd. to Buford Hwy. to connect residential
homes and a retail center. Sidewalks will be placed on either
side of Chatham Road and the road will be widened to a stan
dard two-lane width. The project also includes curb and gutter
as well as drainage improvements. A portion of the $2.2 mil
lion project is paid for by the 2017 SPLOST program.
Gwinnett County extends the life of roadways
Neighborhood roads across the county will soon get a
facelift. A recently approved contract will resurface coun
ty-maintained subdivisions and streets to keep up road quality
and fix existing issues. The $39.7 million contract is funded
by the 2017 SPLOST program.
Sugarloaf Parkway may be widened
With Gwinnett’s population growing, a study will look at
the need to widen Sugarloaf Parkway from Scenic Hwy. to
Old Norcross Rd. The county partnered with the Georgia De
partment of Transportation on the project and will contribute
$187,500 from the 2017 SPLOST program. GDOT will fund
the remaining $750,000 toward the study.
Town Center park upgrades and upkeep
Gwinnett will help upgrade the park for the Suwanee Town
Center on Main project. The intergovernmental agreement
with the city is part of the jointly funded parks and recreation
Projects program. The county’s contribution of a little more
than $820,000 is funded by the 2017 SPLOST pro
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