The Excelsior news. (Excelsior, Bulloch Co., Ga.) 1877-18??, May 30, 1879, Image 1

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THE EXCEBSIOR NEWS Terms : $1.00 & Your. VOL. 2 EXCELSIOR, BULLOCH CO., GA., FRIDAY, MAY 30. 1879. NO. 40. W. L. GLlhEK, Editor »ntl r;<!’ ( »rietor. the excelsior news h published every Friday morning st Excelsior Bulloch Co.. Ga., at the folowing rates in advance : Single copy ono year $1.00 six months 0.60 Six copies one year 5.00’' six months 3.00 „ To Ministers 6. ISO We pay the postage on the pa¬ per at the office of mailing. All communications for the paper or Editor must be directed to Red Branch Bulloch Co., Ga. Money sent in registered package at cur risk The following named gentlemen are our special agents and we trust all who are indebted to us will pay over the amount to the first agent >.e secs or send it, to us by mail : T. H. Esq. Rev. L. Price, Rev J. A. J. Smith, Rev. A. A. An¬ drews. Rev John Gardner. F. R. Tar- ver, Esq., Rev. W M Cowart, Rev. O W. Smith, Rev. J. G. Norris. Peter Jnhnson, Esq , J. C. Geiger, It v W. D. Atkinson, and Hon. H >1. Burch. (-’or the Excelsior Sews. Letters, *»y S>r. Rattler. No. 7. I soon found l haa a pleasant home' a. kind preceptor and a good family to live with. I said to myself "Now. if 1 don’t do right under those cir- enmstan- os I am one of tbb most tarnal for Is that ever did live. I went on with my reading, mak¬ ing very good progress, while it was a pleasant recreation to attend to the little work required of me about the place. One day Dr. Jones remarked to me, •‘Mr. Rattler, I want you to go with mo ten miles in the country toiuor- row. I have an operation to per- form and need your assistance.” I was glad of this tor two reasons, first, It gave me the opertunity of seeing some of the country people, and secondly, It, afforded me the chance to sec something of practical surgery Next morning I arose early and ma-D ready for my departure with the old Dr. When we arrived at the place where the operation was to be performed, we went in ajid«L disetiv- ered the sufferer was a young man about 19 Qi‘ 20 years of age, who had been afflicted for some time, with white welling in the knee joint. His suffering had been indeed great, was pale and emaciated The was swelled to a prodigious siice, and the bone had Iwonine affected to such an extent that Dr. Jones thought it ’ prudent to amputate the limb in order to prevent any spread of the painful disease. in DEVOfto TO RELIGION, EDUCATION,AND GENERAL INTERESTS OF .THE COUNTRY. "THE TEX IS M-IOKTIKUirilAX THE SWOBD." A large table was procured Auger! a«dj placed in a cool veranda. ho it’s were made through the tabloj at proper places to bind the young man's legs‘and body fast to the Water in sufficient quantity was pro^[ vided, sponges, cloths, and cutting instruments were all in readiness, The young man was laid upon bis back on the table, his thighs bound to the table-by cords, then his waist ■ was fastened down in like maiindf - .’ .Every thing bi'ihg made realty, ! chloroform was poured on a sponge and applied to his nostril*. Directly Dr. Jones took up his knife and be* gan the operation of cutting off the i affected limb. He proceeded very , carefully taking up artery after arte.-, finally the b-nio was reached, the saw was handed to the operator, and the work of sawing the bone in two was begun. The patient stood the operation till the saw struck the marrow when be gave a jerk, a scream, and I knew no more for a- wbiie. When consciousness return¬ ed 1 was lying on abed being fanned. while restoratives, in the shape of cainpho', &ti. were being applied-. truth is I had fainted, and whs taken off by the attendants. When I walked out 1 found the young man’s leg lying by itself, the wound dress- eel and he ieposiug ilpon his bed. I felt very much mortified at the effect. the opi-ia.ion had upon me. I febj sure they woulcPali L.ugh SI ine. I feafd that the old Dr. would con elude I was too timid to make a good physhtion and remove me from my position. Tire young nr>n soon dropped off to sic p, resting very quietly for a considerable tame. The old Dr, gave every necessary attention and in a tow weeks he w is well, being able to walk on his artificial leg. Dr Jones laughed at me consider¬ ably about fainting, saying “you must get out of that hoy, before you can ever be a physician.” Throe manths after this circum¬ stance Superior Csurt convened in Pinr-barren, and among the criminal eases for trial was one as follows : "The -State vs Pat O’Larney—willful murder.” l’at, O’Larney was an I- of very low degree, who had been m Pinebarreu but a short time, when in a lit of intoxication he stabb- a tolerably respectable man in the i community, producing almost instant death. Put was arrested, his ease vestigated, and he sentenced to jail to await, his trial before the Bn peri- or Court. It was the belief of every body that Pat would be hung, and Dr. Joins looked forward to that with some anxiety, hoping thereby to got a subject lor rue to dissect. He said, "Pat will be a splendid subject. He is so well de- veloped, ho heavily innsaeled. aud so elegantly formed. You will have a gop i job if we tan get his body, 1 want you to cut on it till yon get over that timid way you have of fainting at trifles. You must not mention our intentions, and if he is bur.g we will prove ourselves to be ^rave-robbers fts all physician's must be to succeed with their professional calling.” I promised secrecy, and ^bought a great deal about thi^gpDnr oppeftunity that wns-rffiout to be ottered for my improvement and i*d- vancement in study. ^ , Court sat at the appointed time, , Pat’s case was taken tip indue order. investigated and lard before the ju- vf"* A verdiet was rendered of "gail ty" J ud the v judge passed sentence dhat he should be hung until he was dead, deaJD.” 1 There was a large bay about half a niilo from Pinebarreu. In this buy w ’ rts H Hijrh, dry island a eom-idcrable distance from the upland on either ' One day Dr. Jones being at leisure asked me to take a walk with him. We walked, to my astonish- |ection ment, through the woods in the di- of the “Big Biy,” as it was called. When we reached the bay, the Dr.-took the lead, without niakv in S explanation, »fod went right through the bushes, water and mud f°* - some distance. Eventually we reached a beautiful hammock sur- rouaked by marshy land on every ;Side Directly the Dr. called a halt finder a large spreading white oak. said, "Mr. Rattler, next Erid .y Pat's hanging takes place, and I de¬ sire that you should clear awiy the bushes about this large oak, and make a suitable scaffold on which to dissect the liishin-m. This is a goon distance from the village, and a se¬ cluded piace where wc can work at our lei-ure without running the risk of being detected.” “Why, Dr., should we uso such caution !" I in- quired. "The law will not give us any subjects, and at the same time corn pells us to understand and p'rao- tioe our profession aright. It is cer¬ tainly a very Dine place in our laws, but nevertheless it is true. We are compelled to violate the law in order to become proficient in our profession, ami if we practice without being proficient, we viomte the law. so you see the physician is conpelled, to act us he may, to be a violator of the law We believe it is light for us to have adjects of the sick for , and dissection, afflicted . the depends wellbeing up «n »t, therefore, we steal bodies from the grave when we think the world may be bei.efiten by such a theft, and we are in consequence called grave robbers and subject to prosecution for the same. We do not think such an act under lhe circumstances sinful, and we hope that the defe< t in our laws will some day be died, so that we may act and at the same time true to our pi (fession. At present too much can ewimot be used in the matter.” I went busily to work with this newJighfc before me and had every needful preparation made by the time we wished it. More nextweefc. Appnintmoits of Elde r T. L. lloiick. / Elder T. "la HouoK><^he blind preacher, wilf(J), V.)preach at Gum Branch Liberty Co. on "Wednesday night June 4, Elom Thursday night Jones’ Creek Friday night 6, Wal- thourville Stit. & Sun. 7&8, Hinesville Sunday night 8, Taylor’s Creek Mon¬ day night 9, Bryan Court House Bryan Co. on Tuesday night 10, Lit¬ tle Creek Wednesday night 11, Hopeful Thursday night 12, Marlow, Effingham Co. on Friday night Id, Whitesville Saturday & Sunday 14 &lo, Bulah Sunday night 15, Spring- ^ Bra,,ch Thursday night ni ht 16, 17 Corinth Turkey » - Wudnes(lay nIgllt l8 - Newington Tl ^rsday mght 19,' Elim Friday n,gUl20 ’ Lufle 0gm ' hee Saturday m * bt 2l * *«ddlegromid Sunday V# XTttKm Sumlny uight 22 ’ Jack8df * Monday night 23, Red Bluff .Tuesday night 24, Double Heads Wednesday night 25, Syivania Thursday night 26, Wades’ Friday night 27, Douglas Branch Saturday night 26, Mill Branch Sunday 29, M’cDonaui's Branch Sunday night 29, Little liXiiaib Iriu*tniuy-rrig-iit-ao,— fvrr- fie Buck Head Tuesday night July 1, Lawtonviile Wednesday night 2, Green Fork Thursday night 6. Brethren and friends will please give publicity to the above appoint¬ ments. EDITORIAL. —For the satisfaction of our nu- melons friends, and according to our promise ot last week, we proceed to give a short account of the last, sickness and death of our beloved Mrs. 0. C. Geiger. A mouth or more ago she began to complain of dull feelings, loss of appe¬ tite, heavy ucheing in pit of stomach, P ain under shoulder blade, Ac. Dr. Ea>on, onriaumy physician, was call¬ ed in, made a prescription, and she soon experienced a considerable lm- proveuient. Four or live days before she was taken down in bed, she a- , to complain. She . hwd been wearied a. great deal, attending Vler little babe that was sulierrng c,; t* 10 with whooping Cough, and we supposed that was the cause . of her bad feelings. On Tnursday 15rh, inst, she took a chili early after break- fast, which terintiiateii in a high ie- ver, suffering at tut same time with ncurnlyUi in the head, though not very severely. By night she was nio-t kelple-s, being compelled zo have aid even in turning upon h*.r bed. Early on Friday morning Dr. tonnniHHl onfuarh