Miners recorder and spy in the west. (Auraria, Lumpkin County, Georgia) 18??-????, October 28, 1837, Image 1

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MINERS RECORDER AND SPY IN THE WEST. Vm . V. -3 Jkl O-i —* A j \ i I i I f > ; ide ii .<■•:,> iiji.s-.m New dp<ip< r, I'ublletifci at Dl ii>.i 21 i.l il.ifii i J•ia .v , m ai2l a, devoted to I ttie > 'diviiiia ol the jigoh, did SovtutiGsTY o' the • irss. i' ie .-tv’c ><ii <t » io «'<iitj —the Slanderer ; OI il Jll 11 ' ldil.ll —t lie iII' nd 111 J ACKSUN. PJ31.11 telO l.H'.nr SA"! KOA» .rIOHMNG, . ■»< o i -«- i.<ci 1\ Fill n I’l,o sty -4 k JU ■: a riri T n. Ts.t-ts -Hue- ).>!! ;rs per inn .in when paid in ad vane" »’■ tour I J-i's. it no p >id til the end oi (lie \. ... N> > i per .vd I'><• lHcidii.ued.hnt.it (he option of the , lit ir. to any snoscrihci i i arrears. \ I v • •! i i-n • it - hi i Jo'i Work will be executed at the ensto.nary prices. t ’ > n ii i i... Pio is i • t lie Editors must be post naid to entitle them to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. EXECU rolls \\> XDMINIS I’RATORS DUTY Notice to Debtors and Creditors to be published six weeks. i’lince’s Digest, page 157. All intended Sales oi goods and chattels belonging to testators ir iiitesla’es co ids and chattels, shall l.e pu dished in two or m ire public places in the parish | cnuiiu/| where such etFects are Io be sold, and in the gazette, at east to.lv days before the day’ ot such in tended s: te. — ibid 15). All sales to be between the hours of ten and four o'clock, and it continued from day to day. notice to be g'ven thereof on the first day of sale— ibid 167. Sales of real property to be on the first Tuesday iti the ii luth, at the place of public sales,after sixty days piiblieal ion. ibid 17 I \ iplicitt iii >r Letters of Dismission published six months.— ibid 168. ESTR \VS To be advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Court OUR Cp>t i i-’i - .1" n l i is ,a\, by mutual con sent, . B. Ho LT. \ .1 . D5M’1.1.. Ai torneys at law. D ildo iiiega, 1 ith • *<-) |B3t>. 3 shall conti >ue ~i p ;i« 11 ein the Clier- k. e, and lie ad| ■<• it t! in di of th ■ W. t ‘in Circuit. A.td.ess, DAll .Dll \ E(i X. L impkill County, tin. AND A. J. II iN ELL. I) li, H 36. 2 stf T>e il piib.'ii. iti Savannah llec rdet Milledgeville. Scnlt ict \u ii .( , .vii; give I tie above three mont ily nserti ns and forward accounts. A. .1. H. k3.‘ s.i >’ Ji L> J Ail ~ N Dmluhm'gii, L mikin' ** county, <•>«., <>n the 26 !i Vxf.£ Jk lust. n negrno tn tn hv the n nn» |’i\ of GEORGE, about 60 vears of • ”•<■, d ok i omphxmn, al .hi ’ j fl * e lee' ihr.e and a halt inches h'U l '- I’l s.is lie tu i mgs io J .Im I her, of U umma. T.m owner is re q . sled io come forw ar Ipr >ve prop' rty, pay Ch .tire- iO I take hull aw <y. l> !• IEI J>, Jr. .Sii fi. S p 30, 1837 —8 i. PRO* PI? I L’s O F 1 11 E il >OJ£. 77/ 1 'i1)1 !>!. U. 1/ /■.’, ( I 'em .I cries.) Devilled Io i'olit Literature such ns diorul ana >' ~i t Jut Tales Humorous mid tiKiinci ' Huecdite-i, Poetry, O, S din l.iy li • 7th it Xm ('tuber, |B3.‘». will he i, in-f ihe nr t imi > r"tt in 1 Hird f elnuu of ihr Seta, hoik, ol ttie iii w -cues Ou issuing proposals i >r i tie Third Volume ot the Snap Book, tlu pipe. 'll. r k niters Ins must sincere th inks io hi' iiiiineiuiis patrons tm the i ry ib rat support lliei h <ve, thus l in, -tie , him i . Hu public i tion ol Ins paper, ami m pcs that his con.-tani and unlii'i g ertoils in please may < mitioue to h in that pair uag tm which lie is irnli ilia ktul \iiy new U'saram i «».. die pad I tin publish* r Unit lu inlemls tm, . vi g .is , ap. r. It. const i< rs as entirely ns* less the übhc bn g «el aware that Ins sole ami is io pl, ..sc, ao.it' pli as*', lie ■■ Ust coll mu* to imp use. I <•Xi >IT i< •X S -i he Set up Book will be pub ever » Sa 111. at o I 11 tin ipi.dlti . I pUJ er. II 111* i] i.nto torni aid " 111 c •ntaiii tilt > two numbers ot . iglit ( a. es ca< a with a Illi*' page amt mil. xu> the i.,lu» • li will be pun.rd in u» ds mu-style, and wit tn k*- at the - .ill o. th v<ar a b. uiulill volume, eouiaiuing malt -r r.pl.d I > tiro tli st!taJ d nuieci ■ pages I I.K l> li* .rm- l l.ie S<i ap B.ok will tie a hr< t re, Oar JJu/Arr per annum. ( ayaul. i . ..dvanc*. 'it >'. ■ i t> > ire. I rll>r I. S- li.nu i y • a., uiiu no papei sI" w h d d umii the ill-- ry is received. X. , ' .1 ' toe the -wu . I.e amo.nl ot s .bsc ip tious io b s ut :>y h 7 I Xoiemtu r, or as somi aiu i a' p S'llilt to i .e pu nsiiei. G. VV HAITI L Hakt» RO Con . IS;V> p, l> \> it oil ne .pii'e an accomodation to have (f-. ,i.l J. ribvrs naiu s *'.ny. die publisher will gn e i th"**' wo • ' ibserdu >< . .r< Ihei om e. ci'ine i t ot ih< 1,1,1) | .e di ii 'llllll ers ol tiie sc. o, d iinmnt* Wuil m tie , bi'. 0 a,t< i ;Ui t ivi, I ol toe sub- SCHptl ,u d ts/rCS 111 rrr 7h> I .1.1 .7, 'if, NU ii 1., Its 1' >r 'll' y.i> a e tain prinisiri Xue. J nade by Kowl.i i Bear >■ n. aid pay ab.e to Jo n •i' , , >i Ji 'ind •do * tn s.inl K.o'tun t. tn, gab . r.b-r, for flinty dm o - heart g dat. the J'dth Jay ol 'latch and du tne 4th dav of July tln realb'i . The p .tdic a e her* by caul, tn dag nst trail g lor said X le, and th make’ iron piying it to i .y me ex i ptomy >eiy .as I am the legal uivutruf th. *amc. JAMES H. UOKLEY l». c t?l h l"'u 2>tl Eliank Deeds KELT EOK SALE Al Hili OFFICE- “let there be hakm isi y in things essential —l ibara li t r i*n r d IN g s not ess ent i a l —c nak it y in al l.” b.mLOib\EGA, liV-VtVKUV TY, GLOHGIA, OCTOBER 28, 1831. James Gaston itlor <ey and Uouncelor al Law, 1 ife 'hiniseit a Spri g Place, Mur a < * Co i.ty, and will puuc ualL .t. nd to any hu in ss entrusted to his care, in ms ptofessien, hi tin Cherokee Circuit. 1 Sept. 9ih, 1837. —stf. Executor’s sale. ! A GRFLABLE to an order of h Honorable the ' jABI I iferior Court of Gilmer County, there will be i sold m Tnutsday the 19th of October next, at the { residence of Robert Ki cai t. ail the personal property 1 of James Kim ail, late of said county deceased, — co'.-isiins of Wagg ms, Horses. Cattle, Household & ’Kt < hen Furniture. Sale to cominue fr. ni day to day I m.til ail are s 1.1 Sol I for the benefit of the heirs 1 and creditor< of said deceased. Ferms made known ou tae day of sale WU LIAM KI ZEY,) £ KOBtiKT KINCAID, xecU - or -- Sept. 9, 1837.--s—4od. GEORGI \, HALL COUNT¥. HENRY EDA ARDS applies to V ▼ me for Leiters of Administration, on the Es tate ot J ihn Byrd sen. late of said comity deceased I this is to cite and ad mo ns/i all and singular the kindred [ and Ci editors . f said deceased, to be and appear at my I office within the time prereribed by law, io shew I <*it.se if any exist, why said Letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand, this 61 h day of June, 1837. E. M, JOHNSON, C. C. O, Sept. 9. 1837.—5—30 d. Administrator’s Sale. be sold at the Coiiit-llouse in Lumpkin W w county, on the first Tuesday i : Di-cmber mxt by ord. rot ne Court ot Ordinary ot Jackson cetin ty, a so ty acie Lot No. 246, in ihe 13th District and Ist Sec ion of Ch-rokee, now Lumpkin coun'v. Sold in or.iei fir a division the I'-i.ite ot the kite Join i(o icrs m J .lacckson c mnty d ceased. ■ Turn Cah. JOHN U LbWi.Y, dm’r with tue Will annexed Sept, id, 18.57. 3 - ds. (luardian’s Sale. A GREF.\Bi.E to an order of the Inferior C iii.t 21R ot 15 il Ii in countv. when selling f ; ordinar ' ii poses w .ll be. s.Jd o. the first Tuesday m N..v- I her m xt, at the Court Ho im in Dahh hm ga Lnmpki Car dy Lot ot Land N■>. 668, in he 5 h Distiict an i Is. Section, of formerly Ch. r kee now Lttrnpki : < unty. Terms made know i n day of sac. MARTHA MYi.l<'K, <iuardian. | Xllgii't 12th, 1837.- 1 t.ls GUAI’JHWS SALE. B’ X, puiHimnce <>t .hi oruer <*t h lloiioiabl* - the Court of Ordinary of Franklin county, there will he sold at the ('unit House dooi tn the twon of l»l irsvtlle. Union < o. n y Ga,, | within the usual hours ol sale, on the first I'nesd >y tn Ih’cemb. r next, L u No- 119. in like 16dt district and Ist sclton Sold l.*r tin b* in th of the heirs and creditors of J ones t h ndlet deceased. 1 ertns made known on the day ol sale. IIEXRY P \RKS, Guardian. Sept 16. 1837.—6 60d. will I**- in de io the honorable me I de run ( . it ol Gilmei I'l.uoty, wi.ile si ting l"t o tliii.'iri , urposrs lot leave ■<» s» l| l.oi ol land t umber .me hutidr* d ..nd s xiy four, tn the ten h Uisti tc t and second S-'.'.-.on, of G liner . otmiv. < rawn by the orph .us of Syne* S m ders, l it*' <»* Dooly county u < east d. JON A I ls \N D. ( II kS’l \I X, G uat d tan. Sept. 30ih, 1837.—8—4 tn ' "?% T ’ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in O.'C.'tnher next, t i the tow n .>t Dahl t'ja. umpkm count v, vit i ; ., th** is tai hours ofsale, ttu f .;L.w mg property, to u it: XII the right, title, tnd equitrhle interest winch S <nniel Ki g bi' m o il to L n tn* het 11’80, and 1055, both in the 12 ii di-trict and l'i section. s i:d county, lei ted on as ins p.ropeitv, to satisiy a nu*rtoage ii 11. in I.nor ol \\ tills J Milner. V'. S inm I K ng. J' ; X D"X \ f.sox. <or nr-r. Pocket Kook L st FBlili. siib'criiu r lom a I .rge ('all *km ® I’m kei Bunk, at th* < herokce ( <*ut>. il fielo nt Li d t lay, Ou li 5 n tD'taut, i trm im ing Fifteen Dollars in B nX .Xoie.s, one on tin R ill Road Bank tor t» n doll .. », and nm for five dollar' on 'he Branch B mk ol D r en piv.lde at Dabfohuega togeiiur Wnti tee I lloivitig not* s and p *p* is. Tiio limes <,f h rd on Ephraim 1 Bhe|mn, one fm §2OO <!..* 'he 25th ..| D* ci mhei n* v. ami one mr jilOO. w ti a credit ol $l7O . one on B. B Q tan for S2OO, m p,*.ibie i* I C ( ios>ley. du. ino 25 nol D etnb* r I ; . < on I ( K g. m .de o \ ,1 B i • with a li.dam e ot 81-0 due on it ; . tie on If < I auirn It 81 i 2. giv n m Mar. > l.i't md due three nu>ii tis .diet dde ; *>i<* on ,1 R V' ill. .in' Im $59, due the 25 h < i D i * tu ber ne\i ; one on .1 .mis Mo.» laud i r • m 50 <ens, w ith a credit *>t S 10. A p> i sot,' ate hereby cautioned ng ~'t tr d ug !■ ari r es and tbe n.akrrs f m prv them to unv person except i • i’_ H K. QUILLIAN. I Brp’.B r p’. 15ib, 1537. —6>.f. Bill foa* OiseeTery, RelieJ and I Ju ’u ti >n in LU'->PkI.V Su-\ < oiu t. SEPTEMBER Term, 1537 > Alfred B. Holt T'd Hints Holt, jr. r.s. i Benj tmin F. P—Don. \rchibald ’XlcT.flUo'ilin, , li-tatio P. filler, Samuel P. R’pley, J'Hies j E. Bissel, Pilules liar.all, William \Vlight j and Edward Vao Antworp. fr apn aring te the Cmiil, from the return of the J S.enii. tha. one i f t.'.e said Defendant , to wit : ; Archi .aid Mcl.aujiiliii, is not to be found in said . county of Lumpkir;—and it fur her appearing tha the i said Archabald Mi L itigh'.i . r< sides without the juris- ■ dictiomil limits of the Stut> ot Georgia. _ j It is ordered, that the said Atchibald McLaughlin] du appear at the next T> rm of this Court and plead answer or demur, not demurring alone, to said 8.1 l ] or i hat the same be t .keii pro confessn as to him—and it is further ordered tnat tins Rule be published once a mo .th for tiiree months before the next term of said Court. A (rue extract from the Minutes of said Court.— Septembu 8, 1837. M. P. QUILLIAN, Cl’k. 11—m.3m. 5(100 oo Three .maths after date I promise to pay John ] B. Chastain or bearer, one hunhred Dollars, for value j receceived. December 1836. iiis JOHN X SATERFIELD, . Witness mark. &AM L E L 1.0 UD E RMILK. GEORGIA, I Lumpkin County SUPERIOR COURT OF S\ID COUNTY, j September Term. 1837. T f appering to t ie Court that the original N<ite. ot J w ic'i h ab vi- i.- a true copy, bus l>. < n lost, i , i|. i. niie ord • d (hat c py be estatuis cl in hen ..I s.ii . ■ igi i d '<"ie, al the next t. rm ot th- -t, u I i anse >esli .-.ii 1.1 e coiit rii -. and tnat . c >py I thi-. ruse be pubii ned in the Miner’s IL co>- i. r once a month, for three months prior to said Court A true copy from the minutes of thia Court, 8 h September, 1837. . .M P. QUILLIAN. Cl’k. Sept. 23, 1837. -7—3 m. IiIST OS’ Z.ETTE:Utf Il I-. M\ I xIX <» in the Po.-t Office, si 'pr ng I’place, M oray < nn*y. Geoigi.i. on i.e li'i day ot Oc oh. r. 1837 ami il not tali o .t before the l'i d .y oi Jauu irv next, will lie sern io the General Post Office as dead Letiers : A J Mr. Anderson \Ym. S Jones Joel Abner Joel Junes B Reuben Jones Elizabeth 11, Berry Mary Elizabeth Jones X i cy Byron Car\ VV . Jackson j Jam. s Boi kin I. ’ It iben T Banks 2 Isaac Laymance I a. Baker A. S l.eanoir i Tamer Ba nett Jesse Levasken Eh Bolan M C James Morris Jfl M Cannon Joseph McC’iiip Mi, hael Ci.-b ir Piiti nee McClure II i\ . Cai Joint ‘lai l x John X Cowi n I’ Sarah C<>r a. II Siephi n Paxson C I Eareli Caiter S D Ki nry Sutton H. i ry Davis .1 ,m. s .'se.if.ir.l E ti urge (' Serry Pi ter I 11. r Aaron Siu:, s m Jan«" I . :in nils II 3 T F I liz.tbi'h Thompson A in Fiancis John VV. T ium t son Ja i es Floyd W G Janu s P Wrig it 2 George Gunby J< sst* Wade 2 II Col Join; Wi fia.n* Moro n Hampton Wa'lii ir on Williams 1 I .hi *• lie. n 2 Mos ' Mi i.iti bury C i II oiper Bern VV illbanks John f> Holbrooks JOHN S. BE L, P M. ol Georgia, ('herokt t '\rdiity. r llLli I. V 8 I i cZv k> . I ' era • plies to » » me f r Leiters of Ao m'Ti'ton, rm the L't.i eoi Dempsey Mi'.u ~ I .’*' of said < i tiiuv die nst d. ] hese are 'lit r>’ .re to c '< .nd admoiii'h all and singular the k ndred th! credii.its of said deceased, to b" h d app*-a’ a mv • (fire wuhm ttie lune pi scribed bylaw io til. heir übjei luui' if any they h ve, why ' id L’-Ueis should not be gran'ed. (»iven under mi h ind, thl' 28>h div oi ''cptcrnber, IS}?. VV M (i Rl HV M. n. c- c o. Oct. 5 - 9—aOd Notic e. public are t er» bv c lutu ned agUD't JL >d tig for im Pr mtsoiv Notes d a«ti ,■ v hie • ii.ii »o!u I red' r. of 11 ill * oimiv, <»e"r_i.i. om of them h r the sum of I > - r y Dollar', d.iii *1 7 ii Min h 1833, and due 12 im*li s li' in il'. it die ; am it *' oihrr note drawn and dat* d 7 h ?♦! .r u 1833, Hnd due <*m moth at.er the dam there C t ; :l a- gin d with »ur names Said notes were ft leotlv ob .:;;* ,] ,;ud we arc determined r.o .■ ;a\ the me or am part thereof, unless • t:.pt lied by lue course • f law. MOON DIC ER SOX U VV . JACki-ex ‘ Dec. I Jib. 1835. 36:f r Jd. sl*'i S t.ll i.'l) 22 jji’ClSS. * FIRST SESSION, Il()USE OF REl’ RE ENTATIVES. Friday, jepte n'wr 22, 1837. The bid to postpo ie the lb irtii in stalment of liie payment to inc states ' being iimJer-t cm. Lita aiion— i Mr. Holsey, of Georgia, sail he I was m favor of the hili under discus sion, so far as it proposed io with hold the fourth instalment from the States. A crisis has arrived (said Mr. II.) when this Government has need of all its treasure. It has no longer the abi.iiy io dispence boun ty to the states in the form ofdepo-j site of a surplus fund. It has no sin -1 plus. Nay, more, sir, if every d.>l-■] lar of the fourth distal ent be with held; ii it were all available in th ; hands of the Secretary of the Preas i ury, it would not enable him to de i fray the necessary expen 'itures of the current year and provide a pio : per fund for the use of the Mint and icontingent calls upon the Treasury. ! But one \ ear since, sir, the coffers ’ of this Government groaned beneath [their superabundance, & your conn-, ]cils were perplexed as to itsdi>posi ; timi. life "trea nos your revenues,' instead oi btiug confined witniii the channels marked out by the n.m lo! tue •- onstitutioi), lias overilowed its i banks with a tlood that could not be drained by the wildest and most ex travagant appropriation. It was di verted to Hie 'talcs, to be again re turned, when demanded by the exi gences of the nation. But, before tne last portion of the surplus has reached ils destination, the fountains oi jour prosperity Have been (hied up; your accustomed supplies are cut off; the wheels of the Govern ment revolve slowly on their axles, and, unless that portion of the reve nue originailj designed for the states be now bi ought to bear upon them, will soon come to pause —a pause, Air. I hairmat), which no man who I lox es hi> counlrj can lor a moment contemplate, and winch must inevit ablj Happen, but ior the adoption of the measure now under considera tion. Sir, we ha\ e strong appeals to the liaith oi Uns xiovcinment to fulfil the expe< ialious oi Hie stales, ioundud upon the dcp<->.te act ol 133(1. I deny the oDng<iiion. I can safclj’ appeal to the Hilur and intelligence ol the Peopie, and asK whether they desire lor pm the money collected bj tiH'> vjuv ernment, w hen it is y lor k t*, crt.il purposes? is the luiiti iiCr(bs<<iij io meet the W(lntS of iiiU ' iOV ci imiciil? 1 lh> In the (picstioi:. i.rl is ruler to the report oi Hie icta.y. lui» re port La.'i been comiemiict. bj lue op ponents oi iliu Lin as t, .mi 11011*. iiiuompruhuusiDie. ini., as it niav as to inc <w elds, Hie aggregate oi meai.s and Haoiiiiics h set down so plain.j tnat mu uno 11 maj rca I.’ 1 Ik aiiioimt oi .m *.>(.» in inc i rua surj ioT the emit i.i jear, in round lllUlllKls, is IWunlJ-SiX imlilOlls Oi doliai sjcXciusß u »jI ne nine miilit due tn.l.er the ioui th instalment, and wlmii is no. a art oi tne income ol the present j t ar. ihe amou.it of expciiuHuic, bj vi.tu< oi appropria tions, is dm IJ -tw o ii.niion*, leaving a balance oi six millions against tne i 11 j'uiy, or a (mncit to th<*i amount. I ins ueot ol six minions cannot be paid ( XCCpt D > a I’CsOl I to tne ioui’t instaimt nt, oi lothose transfers •. h have already been made ail the States, i’had we give mem the fourth iustalmt nt in ‘ icu hand, draw from them v. x.i the rignt, un der tiiu provisions o! the deposite act ? It is mure easy to deposilc; money with the States than to col lect ii from them Sir, the process of collection will be fraught with de lays, dangers, collisions between the two Governments, which leave your Treasury totally unable to pay the appropriations. It is already an nounced in this hall that the depo sites with the States are a gift to them. Manj r of the States have made permanent investments of this found.-Some have deposited it with banks, to be loaned to the People. /VII will feel reluctant to return it. If we might judge from the tone of de bate, some of the States would, as their representatives have done, at tempt to ‘argue the seal from the bond,’ and prove the loan to be a , ft. The difficulty is inherent in ihe nature iff demands upon political bodies; the same which existed un der the confederation. Some will refuse to paj r under colorable pre texts, and none will paj’ without all will pay! Wc must therefore, dis card the idea of drawing upon the States for the funds already on de posite with them.—The only expe dient left is to arrest the nine mill j ions due under the last instalment. 'This amount in the deposite banks will not, in all probability, cancel the debt of six millions. —Indeed, the general and signal failure of those institutions to comply with their en gagements renders it doubtful wheth er any considerable portion of it can Ibe collected. But as far as this fund : can go to dcfr iy the expenses of the Government, it should go. It is not legitimate to divert it to any other object. But six millions of excess ]of expenditure is a minimum point; lone to which all will, and, I believe, have agreed. I But the honor ol our arms must be sustained in Florida, its blee |ding inhabitants protected against their savage enemies. One million and a half of dollars is estimated for this purposeduring the present year. The present session of Congress will cost half a million. These two amounts are not put down in the re port, and increase the excess to eight (millions. 11 to this you add four I I at the end of the year, for the use of 1 1 he Mint, and contingent calls upon the Treasury, you have an excess of expenditure & liabilities amounting to twelve millions of dollars. Can anj gentleman equalize the income and expenditure of the present year? Will he strike a balance between the meansand liabilities of the Trea sury? The gentlemen from Ten nessee (Mr. Bell) has indeed dis covered a new and singular method of replenishing an exhausted Treasu ry—bj - considering the money in the tt ‘.mis<>fdisbursing officers 5 millions as an mui ease of the meansof the Trca siiij bejond the items already enu merat’d in thesi cretary’s repot 1.1 am s irpriscdthat agentlernan ofhisexpe- i i.i Gmuicial matters should fall i .<o uch an error. At the coni • ■tt'iict nient of the year, the Secreta ry, being required to calculate the amount in the Treasury, found forty two millions remaining after redu cing the outstanding appropriations t > s.xtcen millions. The money then in the hands of disbursing offi cers was then justly considered as L.G.iej paid out of the Treasury, and reduced the outstanding appropria tions precisely that amount; which tmrwise would have been twenty mo mil-ions, supposing five millions to i.'.ve been in tneir hands. Os the ioitj-two millions, there arc nine millions rem-iining for deposite with the States, live millions reserved, ..te i.i.’.ii m six hundred and seventy Shoes’.;;*'? rccci *ed from banks, acJ A’O. 12.