Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, March 30, 1833, Image 1

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CHEIWKEE IXTELLIGEWER. ' "gLiJ. TUB INTELLiGENCLR Is published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance -Qt at tour dollars, if not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at I the customary prices. Communication to the Editor must be post paid to ♦ ntitie them to attention. , The following gentlemen are requested and au thorised to act as our agents in their respective counties, to wit : In the county Baldwin—Captain J. A. Cuthbert. Bryan—C. 11. Starr, esq. Bullock—Peter Cone, e o q. Bibb—Luke Ross, esq Butts—John Cargile, esq. Columbia—Col. Z Williams. Crawford—John Blackstone, esq, Camdeti—Hugh Brown, esq. Coweta —3. D. Echols, esq. Campbell—J. P. H. Campbell, esq. Carroll—Christopher Bowen, esq. and 1 Dr. James Rodgers. Chatham—ll. R. Cuylcr, esq, Clark—Col. J. A. Cobb. Cass—Chester Hawks, esq. Cobb-- William 'Morris, esq, Dooly—Thomas H. Key, esq. DeKalb —Major J. F. Cleveland. ; Decatur—Stiring Scarborough, esq. | Early—Capt. S. V. Wilson. Emanuel—Stephen Swain, esq. Fayette—F. G. Steward, esq. Franklin—Dr. Freeman. Floy d—Edwin G. Rodgers, esq, Forsyth—Hubbard Barker, esq. Gilmer—Montgomery Bell, esq. Glynn—Col. I). M. Steward Gwinnett e—Win. G rec n e, esq. Elisha Belts, esq. and J G. Parks,esq. j Green —Major Thomas Stocks and col. Y P. King „ Habersham—Gon. W. B. Wofford, T. I J. Rusk and W. Steelman etqs Hall —Gen. John Bites, and 11. L- Simms, esq. Henry—T. 1) Johnson,esq,col. O. W. Cos and A. T Hardin, esq. Houston—John Chain esq. and Col. J. B M’Curter. Harris—lien. Win. .11. Lowe, andC- Blanford, esq. Heard—Winston Wood, esq. Hancock—Standard id' Union. Irwin —James Wilcox, esq. Jones—Joseph Day, esq, and Major Janies Smith. Jackson—Dr. Singleton. Jasper—Col J. W. Burney. Lumpkin—Young Johnson, esq. Lowndes—William Blair, esq. Laurens—Gen. Eli Wairen. Liberty— C. Hines,esq. Lee—J. B. Coleman, esq. M'intosb—-Major J neon Wood. Morgan-—!. Burney, esq. Madison—Samuel Groves, esq ftlonroe—-John Watson, esq. uudccl. L. L. Griffin. Murray— W illiam Hardin, esq. Muscogee —J. T Camp, esq Oglethorpe—James W ellborn, esq. Paulding- -Woodson Hubbard, esq. Putnam—-I. Hudson, esq. Pike—• Allen B. Prior, esq Pulaski—Nelson Clayton, esq. Richmond—Absalom Rhodes, esq. Randolph-—Gen. Win. Wellborn. Kubun—Samuel Faris, esq. Stenard—Jarad Irwin, esq. Jscrivcn—Jacob Bryan, esq. Sumpter—L. B. Smith, esq. Telfair- -Gen John Uoilee. Twiggs—D. W Shine, esq. Talbot—Col. G W. Tow ns. Thomas—Col. Isaac P Brocks. Troup—Leroy M‘Uoy, esq. Union— Isaac N. Green, esq. Upson—Joseph Sturges, esq Wilkinson—D M- Hall, esq. Washington—Col. Win. Tennille. Ware- -James Fulwood. esq. Wilkes—Col. James Willis. Warren—D. L. Ryan, esq Walton—Col. R. M. Echoh nnd Judge Harris. Persons holding our prospectus will please remit Us, by the earliest mail, a list ot such names as they ■ may have procured. We request such ot our friends, ( as feel willing, to hand to toe above nuincd gentle man nearest them, the amount of their subscription. It will be very acceptable at this time. In order that the Intelligencer may appear and be seen in each county of this state, in the counties where we have no subscribers, which do not exceed halt a dozen, we direct it to the Clerk ot the Supe rior Court who is requested to preserve it tor the in spection pt any (terson interested The following in a list of Post Offices established in lliis Judicial Circuit, to wit:— CHEROKEE COUN PY At the Court-House—Wm. Grisham, P. M. Harnageville—H- T. Simmons, r. m. Hickory-Flat—Eli M’C onnell. F. N. CASS COUNT Y. At the Court-House. Two Runs—Chester Hawks, j>. M. Adairsville-—Barnet S. Ilamenmn. p M. Sandlordville—John Dawson, p- m Pine-Log—James A. Thompson, P. M. FLOYD COUNTY. At the Court-House. Head of Coosa— G. M. Lavender, r M. Van’s Vnllv—James Hemphill, p. M FORSYTH COUNIY. At the Court-House. Hightower—J. M. Scudder, r. M. GILMER COUNT Y. At the Court-House. Talking-Rock- C. 11. Nel son, r. M. LUMPKIN COUNTY. At the Court-Jlouse. New Bridge—Robert 1 ,egen. P. M. llarben's Store—N. B. Harben. y. M. MURRAY COUNTY. William Tarvin, >•. m- Spring-Place—W. N. Bishop, p. jj PAULDING COUNT Y. , At the Court-House. k - UNION COUNTY. •At thp Court-Housth Vol. I—No. 7. I LAW! LAW! LAW! The subscriber has located himself at Hickory Flat j Post-Office, near the centre of Cherokee county, and intends practicing LAW in the various counties ot the Chekokke Circuit : he pledges himself, promptly and faithfully, to discharge any business in | his Professional Line that may be submitted to his ) I care; to attend to the collection of money due on executions, in any part of the circuit, for a very rea sonable compensation Should any person wish to return Land, as fraudulently drawn, to ascertain, im ; mediately, whether the Land is worth returning or not, and notify the informer accordingly Commu- : nivations may be sent, by mail, either to the Post- i Office at which he resides orto Cherokee court-house. 1 MARSHAL DOUGLAS. feb IG—3m—l “HOWELL COBB? ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cherokee. Court House, Georgia, Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him. He tenders his thanks to those persons that have, so liberally patronised him in the Courts where he has practiced. Communications to ensure attention, must come post-paid ! feb 20—1 R ICH ARD HmThOI/E ~~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at Cherokee Court-House, will ' practice it. the various branches of the profession, in I the several counties of Cherokee circuit. He promis es diligence in the adjustment of all business submitt ed to his care and attention. feb 20—1 Law Notice. j The undersigned has located himself in Cass' i ooonty, and will practice LAW' in the several counties ' |of the Cherokee. Ci'ruit. Al! letters addressed to him ; at Two-Runs, will be promptly attended to. WILLIAM L MORGAN j march IG—m—s Sheriff’s Sales AND Jjand Agency. WILLIAM HARDIN Formerly ofM’Donough, Henry county, has locate himself in the Cherokee Territory NEAR NEW I.CIIOTA, Where he pronoses to attend the Sheriff’s sales i in the adjoining counties, and superintend the examining and having endorsed by Justices of the Peace, all small Executions, that may be directed to him, from other counties, for collection ; also, all ’ large Executions that may fie submitted to his manage- j ment ; he promises all his assiduity and care in this j business He will, strictly, pursue such directions as I •may be given him. Hischarges will, in all cases, be I moderate. The Georgia Journal. Federal Union, Savannah i Georgian, Augusta Constitutionalist and Courier, Ma-1 con Telegraph and Columbus Enquirer, will give the ' rbove two insertions and send me their accounts tor i payment. W, 11. i feb 20—1 MAP OF TIIIC COUNTY <>F CHEROKEE. I have now in the hands ot the Engraver, which ; will be completed by tiie first of November next, a ! general amt accurate MAP ot the Cherokee country, drawn from the returns of the District Surveyors Owing to the great number of Lots into which the country Ims been divided. particularly the Gold Re gion, and the large dimensions of the sheet it will re quire, to have all those numbers distinctly and accu rately laid down, 1 have thought it advisable to form the Map nit.) separate and distinct sections ; which 1 designate as Gold Map and Land Map. Ail the Land districts in the territory arc laid dowu | on one sheet, and constitute a distinct and separate ’ Map by themselves. The' districts reserved and surveyed ns Gold dis-! tricts. are divided into three sheets or Maps. Districts j Nos. 1.2, 3,1, 5, 11, 12, 13, 11 and 15. ot the first j section, form the first Map. Districts Nos. I. 2. 3, 14 15. IG, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21 and 22, oi the second section, form the second Map. ' Districts Nos. 1,2, 3. 4, 17 IH, 19,20,21 nnd22ofi ;lie third section, and districts Nos. 1,2. 3. IG and 17 !of the fourth section, form the third Map. On these ' .Maps wit! fie found eac h district in the te.ritory, with every square lot of Land and Frnction distinctly laid ; down and numbered —all Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, Brunches, Roads, Ferries, Ac. nre correctly and ’ laithfully delineated. , The Map will lie handsomely engraved, printed on 'strong silk paper, colored and put up in Morroco 1 cases, lit the following prices, vis Lane 1 Map S"’ GO I Gold Maps $3 50 each, or for the three 10 00 , Cor Gold and Land Maps, comprising the whole Territory 15 00 Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable .Map. will do well to inform the publisln r soon, as but a li- ■ ni'ted number can lie obtained during the draw ingot I th- lotteries. All communications addressed to the subscriber, in Milledgeville, («a. postage paid of course, will meet with prompt attention. ORANGE GREEN. nug23 1832 ■ Gohl and i,and Maps. i Owing to ti e delay of •> ,ne ot *he sniv yois. in making their re-turns, and ti e consequent delay that 1 };:is unavoidable, attended the inihlivaiion of the Gold ! M ips<>t 1 htrokee. I have concluded to reduce the • price- of tl-em from T* Nto SIN DOLLARS The ; Gold Map is divided into three part*, nnd the |>ri< e ol ! the three, comprising all the Gold Districts, w ith the exception of the eleventh in the- fust section, which has n. t vet been returned, w ill hereafter be six dollars or two dollars fifty cents each I have also now pre paring, winch will lie completed in a few weeks a CHART representing all the QI AI.ITIi.S of. ai d IMI’Rt ‘VI Ml. NTS on every Lot on my Land Map, I which, together with the Map. will be sold tor FIX I DOLLARS AH per sons who have purclm<ed, and i nil w ho nuiv hereaiter purchase, the Land .Map. shall I receive a List of the Qualities, g-ntis. so soon is vein ! rdeted. ; ORANGE GREEN, (eb ‘ IST The Truth—The whole Truth. Cherokee, [C. EL] Saturday, March 30, 1833. BEWCE’S NEW-YORK TYPE FOUNDRY. Established in 1813. THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of . bis book of specimen, with which his customers, and ' other Printers disposed to buy from him, may be supplied on application at his foundry, Nos. 18 and Augusta street, behind the City Hall. He would reniaik, lor the information of those who have not been in the habit of dealing with him, and because a | , different practice has been extensively introduced, « j that his Book'contains nothing but the actual produc- < • tions oi his own Foundry, and presents a true speci men of what will be furnished to orders. The as sortment is veiy complete, has been deliberately anu > carefully, in twenty years, brought, to its present • , high state of perfection, and embraces a variety oi • styles adopted to diffrerent tastes, and to the various | departments of Ptinting, Newspaper Book and Job, highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable me- ’ , tai. Not to notice the varieties which are. distin guished by their numbers in the Book, it contains of. ROMAN & ITALIC 27 sizes, from Twelve-line Pica to Pearl. TWO-LINE and TITLE, 15 sizes. Two Line I Columbian to Agate. I ©HADED. 13 sifiesr Ten-line Pica, to Long Primer. ITALIAN, 7 sizes, Seven-line Pica to Long Primer. ANTIQUE, 17 sizes, Ten-line I'ica to Nonpariel. BLACK, 12 sizes, Four-hue Pica to Minion. OPEN BLACK, 5 sizes, Four-line Pica to Great Primer. SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Small Pica, and Great ; Primer. I Besides Music, Back Slope, Ornamental Letters, I ■ L'-’Uery Figures, Piece Fractions, Superior Astrono- 1 i tnical, and other Signs, Space Rules, brass Rules, ; Ornamental Dashes, Long Braces, more than 200 kinds of Flowers, and lIOU Cuts and ornaments for Books. Newpapers and Scientific works. Orders tor any of these, and also tor Presses, Chas es, Composing Sticks, Cases. Furniture, Printing Ink, or any thing required in the Printing business. { will be executed on the most favorable terms, A. with ; the utmost promptitude, a large s.ackofthc Foundry I articles be’mg always on Band. GEORGE BRUCE. | New-York, Jan. 23,1632. j SPIRIT OF THE TIMES AND LIFE IN NEW-YORK. A Sporting Paper, on the plan of BILL’S Li FL IN LONDON. Enlarged to the iar.est class imperial, the only simi lar publication in the Lnited States. Devoted to the TURF, the ANGLER, the j HUNTER; Foreign and Domestic News, Literature, j Fashion, Taste, The Drama, Police Repoifs and ; I Scenes of Real Life. I Price three dollars, payable in advance, four dollars ’ J if not paid within six months or five dollars ii not paid j > within the year. Address, post-paid or left in the post-office. WILLI AM T. PORTER A-Co. Chatham square, New-York. AGENTS IN ALABAMA, Huntsville, P T. Posey. Mobile, T Sanford, esq. Agents or others are allowed one paper gratis for five responsible subscribers; they may retain a com n.’-sion of twelve per cent, when tile money is re tl'iiled in advance. Agents, on these terms, will be ; held responsible tor every one for whom they may j order our paper. i Address, post raid or left ut the post-, slice W. T. PORTER A. Co. No. 58 Wall street, New-York. Philadelphia SAT U R DAY COU RI ER, A Family Newspaper, of the largest class, i At only two dollars per annum, payable in advance Enlargement and Improvement. • The publishers of the Saturday Courier gratefully ' arluiow ledge, the extensive and unexampled patronage i which they have received. Scarcely eighteen months have passed since the commencement of their paper, and the list of subsvaibers now exceeds eleven thousand. a tact w hich sufficiently attest- the high standing w inch the COURIER enjoys in public estimation. • The plan oi the Saturday Courier is so comprehen sive as to embrace every variety of topics w hich can Ibe introduced into a public journal Literature— Science—the Arts—Foreign and Domestic News— Police Reports —Sporting Intelligenc e—a Register of Passing Events —Commentaries on New Publications Dramatic Criticisms, and other subjects, receive const; nt and sedulous attention ; and the publishers do not hesitate to assert that in the interest, novelty, appropriateness, diversity and general excellence oi its contents, the Courier may fairly claim precedence j over any similar publication. The Literary Department of this Paper is supplied • by original contributions from the best and most dis tinguished American w l iters ; and selections carefully and judiciously made from the w hole range ol English periodical literature. Whatever can be obtained, w hether at home or abroad, calculated to amuse, in- • 1 terest or instruct, provided it be suitable, is procured i , and published, without reference to expense or j ! trouble. , I In furnishing News, foreign or domestic, the pub-j j lishers of the Saturday Courier have very great ad- , vantages, and they confidently appeal to the past ex perience of their patrons to sustain them in saying tha i tin y have, generally, been, in this respect, in advance ; o! their weekly contemporaries. The SATURDAY COUR’FR » b’■ - ! ui’coiinec'ed with polities, published in the I ai'ed S'ctes. | ‘ ! It has always been printed on a sheet oi greater size " | aed contained, by actual admeasurement, a larger ‘ amount ot readoig inciter than any other weekly ' journal of f. > ureiy r..iscei|,?i'eoi:s character. Not ; withstanding, this <ui»ei':ority. *he publishers, anxious ‘ • not merely to merit, but to insure a continnance and • extension of their great natronage. determined to in ' cii-a-se the size and otherwise improve the Coutif rso ' , as to make it bey >nd al: question, tin I tig.-s’.. cheap ! est and most desirable weekly paper !r th:’ country. ’ mar 9—4 The Intelligencer I- i 7.S PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Lhitertaimnent, AT THE SIXES, GOLD MINES. Cherokee county. The subscriber, thankful for the liberal support he has already received, notifies bis friends and all per sons visiting this country, that he now keeps and will continue to keep, at the above place a HOUSEOF ENTERTAINMENT. He wilt, w ithout regard to trouble and expense, pro-; vide every thing that will conduce to the comfort, pleasure and convenience of those that may call upon him. He has commodious and well supplied STABLES, ■t* — llic attention of an experienced Hostler will be, unremittingly devoted. NOBLE P. BELL, march 30 7 ENTERTAINMENT. I The subscriber respectfully informs all who may ( draw Lz\ND in the Gold or Land LOTTERIES. That be has made arrangements for the I ACCOMMODATION Os such as may favor him with a CALL He will give any information in his power, to persons ■ exploring tllß Coiintrv, especially the SIXES, GOLD MINES ; As his Stand is within a few miles of said Mines and ; on the Road from Warsaw to Cherokee court-house. , He would, also observe, that he expects in a short I i Vine, to be furnished with a I General MAP of this COUNTRY. There is a Post-Office kept at his House Where the MAIL Arrives every Saturday by 11 o’clock a. m. Bringing Milledgeville papers up to Thursday, preceeding. ; He has now on hand, and intends keeping a j ‘ GOOD SUPPLY OF ARTICLES Generally used in i Gold Mines, > Where persons can, at all times, be supplied with an assortment ol DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, All of which are offered on the most liberal terms, j Eli M’C onnell. Hickory Flat, Cherokee county— feb IG —1 EC 1 IOTAT HAL lT MURRAY COUNTY, I Georgia. j The subscriber has opened a I HOUSE OF ' ENTER TA IN Mi: NT, At the village of New-Echota in Murray conntv, where he flatters iiimself from the unremitted attention ot himself and brother, to be able to give general satis faction to ail bislrieiids w ho may favor him w ith their patronage. His Table will be furnished with the best the country can afford. His Stables w ill be w ell sup plied with Provender and underthe care of an atten tive Ostler. No pains will be spared or expense avoided that w it! conduce to the convenience of those that may visit his House ; and bis charges w ill be ac . commodated to the times. A few constant Borders) will be taken. This Establishment is airy and pleas ant. The subscriber will, also, be able to give LA.M) examiners, in the Cherokee territory, into, mation in relation to value quality, in the most valuable parts of the territory, ns well as directions to them. From the situation of Echota, being immediately on the road from the western parts of Georgia to East and West Tennessee, situated at the head of Oostonolla River and junction of Coosawattee and Connasauga Rivers, at which place there is the only ferry on said rivers this must be the crossing place for all travellers to the westward. His House is the first on the Road south of M’Coy’s Ferry. Archibald Slone. feb IG—l GENERAL AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENT : Comprising a Seed and Implement Store, a genera! Agricultural Agency and the Oilice of the American Farmci, at No. hi, South-sheet, Baltimore: In connection with a stock and experimental Farm, Garden and Nursery, in the vicinity. lhe subscriber, proprietor of lhe above named es tablishment, resticciful'y informs Farmers, Gmileiuis ! and the public generally, and dealers particular, that I he is prepared to execute orders in any or all of its de partments ; and he .solicits those who' feei interest in i his plan to ft.rni.h h.m wiih (heir address, free of ex-' p nse to him, on receipt of which he will forward to 1 them an extra number of h;s paper, the American ; Farmer, containing a full description of his < stabii,li- i ment, and a priced catalogue of Seeds, Ac. for sale. In every village in the Union, a quantity large or sma‘! of CHOICE GARDEN SEED© would find a i ready and prufifeble sale, am! the advertiser has pre ) pared his Seed-Store specially with a. view to supply j dealers on very liberal terms, for cash or acceptance in • j Baltimore, with first rate seeds, papereu tin J labelled, ' lutup in boxes exp.-msly for country dealers, lie ; . ventures to affirm, 11tat tor those who desire rr<y of the . articles comprised ir hi* ex‘ensi»< esteblls'.me it, there ' i is not m the I niied ©tales a more eligible place than' this to apply for them, as it is a repository in which ; |: re cot: ct at rated, c. n...y procmed on .-’bort notice, from a!! ua '.. of- tn t- an! y, am! a few tot lr >r.. ■ i remote oartsof the ea. th,«. va-i . aricty, «ra:iv of tvh’t h • are very rare and valuable, ot Seeds. Piai t--. Trees Roots, v tries. Dctueslic Animals, Roots. Implements, ami last, though not luaL. a cor.stuiil fund of t.nely and important information on almost every subject iu . ter-sting :<, h ciiltivf.ter of tie roi!. TSH iut is im parted weekly to subscribers, for a sma'i annual con tribution. througn the columns of the American Form er, iit >. !:-cl. are indicated r.i -o, by advet ti“ ,j ment and m’.e wise the Ji.- ofc! mm- commodities, both animal and ' ee'tafde, as the-,’s-e receHco at lhe es tablishment. T.-’c subscriber is agent al--> 'or rhe principal Nurseries and Gardens m the Union ; and tor s.'.eiar ee.< m a.e.i bi'redeis of line cattle, sheep »’ ' •- "I also for the Inited So- ciety t Shak—t;t Ne-A-Labaßor N v r f u) | n 3. isor’-aent of whose celebrated Garden Seeds, tredi land genuine, may at all times tie had from him, 1 wholesale and retail on the i>< «t terms. Addns-. I. IRVINE HITCHCOCK, j march 2d— • B-r.'l'n.ore, 5/ W hole Ao. 7. Beware of the Impostor, FIRE EATER ! ! A vagrant fellow calling himself Mr. Gordon, cam* during the past week, in the character of a I 1 ire Eater, and on Saturday morning the 2d iust. gave leg-bail for his printer’s bill,-the washer-woman’s bnl and a part of his tavern-bill. He is about five feet six or seven inches high, not heavy, but fairly proportioned, full mouth, nose a little aquehne, fair complexion, sandy hair, &c. He left here dressed in a bottle-green frock coat, cassimere pantaloons, tight made, with a speckled jacket, three shirts and a black hat ,a little rusty from use. He is an impostor and swindler, and we hereby warn the public against giving him countenance and support, and earnestly hope every newspaper in the United States may republish this notice, in order that the craft may not be further imposed upon by such b villain. Sparta, March 9, 1833. Medical Colleo;e © OF OHIO, SITUATED AT CINCINATTI. ) The Lectures in this Institution will commence ' on the last Monday in October and continue until • the last week in February. The addition to the Col ’ ledge Edifice will be completed by the middle of Oc j tober and the whole structure will be found to afi’ord | the most ample accommodation that can be desired in such an establishment. The Faculty consists of the i following persons : 1 Jedediah Cobb, M. D. Professor es Anatomy artfi ) Physiology. i Thomas D. Mitchell, M. D. Professor of Chyinistry j and Pharmacy. • James M. Staughton, M. D. Professor as Surgery. Charles E. Pierson, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica John Morehead, M. D, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. John Eberle, M. D. Professor of the Theory and Fractide of Medicine. The cost of the entire course including tlip use of the Library, and the privilege of attending at the Hospital twice a week is ninetv-three dollars. THOMAS D. MITCHELL, Denn of the Faculty. Cincinnati, Sept. 25, 1832. Address TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS. Among the numerous cheap publications of the day, none has been offered to that numerous class ot society ! who most need instruction and amusement ; and.witjj I your approval and assistance, the publisher of the | “ Youltvs Literary Gazelle,” proposes to furnish a I years reading at the ordinary cost of two small vo lumes. It is well known, that even among the wealthy, many parents hesitate to lay out u*dollar, seventy livo even fifty cents, for a volume that is exhausted hi »u evening ; while a still more numerous class are en tirely deprived by the price from purchasing useful and agreeable books for their children. j I'lie Gazette will contain as much good, useful nnd ’ interesting matter as would form twelve of the usual ; sized volumes for children. The articles will be J adapted to all ages from five to fifteen years It will thus pass from hand to hand in the family circle, and • lhe mother will find amusement in what she is called upon to explain to her children. ' To instruct and entertain, to create a desire for in formation, and lead youthful mind to a fondness tor • study, will be the object of the work. Its pages will ' be devoted to — 1 Travels and Voyages ) 2 Familiar Tales and Naratives ■ 3 Dialogues on Scientific subjects ' 4 Biography and Natural History 5 Notices of all new Works tor Children 6 Interesting Historical Anecdotes 7 Charades, Conundrums nnd Puzzles The assistance of most of the writers for children ia promised ; each number will contain one two or tlnw ) wood cuts illustrative of different subjects; and every I exertion will be made to make the work interesting. Philadelphia, 1833. Military Encampment. With a view to the promt linn o' Military Science, an d the encouragement ot Volunteef Corns, a svsh cb. ofannual encampments is proposed. Arrangements are in progress, tor an extensive Encampment in this neighborhood to commence on Monday the J3th May next ; in which all the Volunteer Corps of Infantry in the state are respectfully inc ited to join us. The time proposed for the continuance -of the Encampment |is one week. A beautiful location has been selected, commanding an extensive view of the town and ‘-•i:» j rounding country. An arrangement has been made I for the construction <,f comfortable Tents and Mar ■ queer, for the accommodation of as many Companies I a? may come ; and a contract has been m ide with in i div iduak, w ho will act as sutlers, and furnish the nt eu i w ith good board, on the ground, at seventy-five cents , each per day. Co the last day, co I',rt an,, »r,ent Me , da! will be shot for. The first of this? series of J’ncan p ; menlstook tilace near Macon, lust spring, and was «t --' tended with much benefit to the Cotnnanies preset t I, I>. BCCKXER, ) T. F. GilL’N, | Con.miileb E E. 17.EK. > lr. J. | JOHN MILLER. J : Mllletii'eriUe, March 11.1833. WARSAW *’ TOAVM LOTS PORS YT L’. d " ,e I,lh «’»voi Marchnext,l will offcrlorsnTft, ; to the highest bidder, a number of MALI ACRE of ut this place, oh accommodating terms, 'hi d. will be made kroon on «h< day WARSAW is shunted on t | lf . ehi , p,,, 1!{ r)f Ch itahoochee river, on the direct route tri m Law rtticeviile to Cherokee Court House, New Echota, and soon, and twelve miles w est or tiorlbwestoi Law icneevi! o It is ah. oltliy Pud handsome situation, w »rt by several str-inas of as good waler as any I that Georgia affords Its locality is si" h 'hat 1 aw. renceville wtll be several miles neaicr to it lhari any otitei Court House; it will therefore enjoy a ury large opening tor any kin J of btuiness commonly car ried on in villager. J ,-<-spr< tful'y r'<p:c*t all prisons, 'hat may feet an inclination to purchase. to call and view the premises, before the they of sale. A gooj J erry-Boat is kept here and entertainment can be had l on rcasoriablb ti i ;ns. J’lic. pub ic hands are now at wnt't on the rond t'rt.m law rrnet villi; to (bis place t ai dI am infoimn'. t!.at ; t is the Govei nn,< nt\ in tenticn to open the r ind on to Cherokee Coiilt Iloute, Ne.v I.i hota, and ti ence to the line. I.LbHA BI*IVS.