Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, April 06, 1833, Image 1

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OHSIISKISB fWTWMieEWEK. 77ie Truth —The whole Truth, • the intelligencer Is published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance or at four dollars, it not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of file Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at kite customary prices. Communication to the Editor must be post paid to entitle them to attention. 'l'he lollo.ving gentlemen are requested and au ■ hotised to act as our agents in their respective •uouutics, to wit In lite county Baldwin—Captain JA. Cuthbert. ' Bryan—(J. H Starr, e sq. Bullock—l’eft.r Cone, eaq. Bibb—Luke Ross, esq Butts—John Cargile. esq. Columbia■ Col. Z Williams. '■ rawford-—John Blackstone, esq, Cantdeu—Hugh Brown, esq. Coweta—S. I). Echols, esq. <,'iunj hell—J. P. IL Campbell, esq. | Carroll—Christopher Bowen,esq. and Dr. James Rodgers. Chatham—R. R. Cuylcr esq Clark—Col. J. A. Cobb. Lass—Chester Hawks, esq. Cobb- William Morris, esq, Dooly—Thomas 11. Key, esq. DeKalb—Blaj >r J. F. Cleveland. Decatur—Stiring Scarborough, esq. Early—Capt. S. V. Wilson. Eirumie!—Stephen Swain, esq. layette— F. G. Steward, esq. Ftnnklin—Dr. Freeman. I* !i*yd-*-l.dwiii G. Rodgers, esq, 1 orsy th—Hubbard Barker, e.-q. Giltner—Montgomery Bell, esq. Glynn—Col. D. M. Steward Gu innette—Wm. Greene,esq, ! Elisha Belts, esq. nnd J. (}, Parks,esq. I Greeny-Major Thomas Stocks and col. I Y. P. King. Habersham—Gen. W B. Wofford, T. i J. Rusk and W. Steelman e>qs. Hall—Gen. John Bites, and 11. L. Simms, esq. j I’enry— 'I'. D Johnson,esq, col. O.W. Cox and A.T Hardin, esq. Houston—John Chaits esst. and Col. 1 J- B M’Carter. Hirris—Gen. Vv m, 11. Lowe, and C. I Blanford, esq. I Heard Winston Wood, esq. il Hancock—Standard of Union. Irwin —Janies Wilcox, esq. Jones —Joseph Day, esq, and .Major ! James Smith. j; Jackson—Dr. Singleton. f Jasper—Col. J. W. Burney. j Lumpkin—Young Johnson, esq. Lowndes —William Blair, esq. Laurens—Gen. Eli Warren. Liberty—C. Hines, esq. Lee —.) B. Coleman, esq. M’iutoish—Major Jacob V* ood. Morgan-—J. Burney, esq. ftladtson-—StimiK’l Groves, esq. M »>iroe—John Watson, » q. aud col. | L. L. Gridin. Murray--Willi un Hardin,; q. SitFCogee —.l. T. Camp esq Oglethorpe- James Wellborn, esq. Pautding -Woodson Hubbard, I’.itmim- -I. Hudson, c.-.q. i’ike—•Allen B. Prior, esq. Pulaski—Nei >ui Claxton, esq. Richmond—-Absalom Rhodes, esq. Randolph—-Gim. 'Am •Vtiiboru. lUilmn—Su iiuvl Fat is, esq. So' a ai d —Jarno Irw in, e-q. Scriven-- Jacob Bryan, <■. q. ; Sumpter— L. 11. Smith, esq. 1 Telfair- -Gen John Coffer. Twiggs—D. W. Shine, eq. < Talbot—Col- G W.'loans. I Thomas—Col. Isaac 1 Bi o-ks. ' Troup—Leroy M’Uoy, e.-q : ! Union—lsaac N. Green, esq. J Up', on—Joseph Sturges esq Wilkinson—D BL 11 ill,* 1 q. Washington—Col. V. m 1 nolle. Ware—James Fur.vood • q Wilkes-—Col. James \ Warren—D. L. i<x < ■ • ; W niton- •( id I. Bi i chols and Judge IL" ix persons holding our prospectus »\ ill please remit US, by the earliest mail, a list it such names as they m«y have procuri il. We roquet such ot our friends, ns teel willing, to hand to ttie above named gentle man nearest them, the amount ot their subscription. Il will be very acceptable at this time- In order that the intelligencer max appear and i be seen in eat h count', ot till; xtat . i i tl: counties Where we hive no sn.'scri- . > ; id > not ev.-eed : halt a dozen, x.••• dire, tit I 'i • < -ot tin' supe- rior Court, wl.<> i’ll.;'. i«o i -e; xe it lor the in tp T’ion ot an) pet‘ on interc-ted. The f ollow tug is a listol Post Offices established «a this Judicial Circuit, to wit : CHEROKEE COUNTY- At the Court House —Win. l-nsliam, r. M. ilarnagev lie—ll T. Simmons, r. .xi.—l'-ii Bi ’Connell, r. Ji- CASS COUNTY. • At the Court-House. Two Run—Chester Hawks, p. m. .Adairsville--Barnet S. Hardeman, p. M. Sandfordville—John Dawson. P- M Fine-Log—James A- Thompson, r- M. i FLOYD COUNTY. At the Court-House. Head of Coosa—G. M. Lavender, p. M. Van's Vally—James Hemphill, p. M. FORSYTH COI N IY. At the Court House. Hightower—J. AL Scudder, r. M. GILMER COUNTY. At the Court House. Talking-Rock—-C. IL Nelson, r. M, LUMPKIN COUNTY. .At the Court-House. New Bridge—Robert L* gen. p. M. Harben’s Store—N- B. Harben. r- M. MURRAY COUNTY- New-EehOta —William Tarvin, p. m- Spring Place-—W. X. Bishop, p. at- PAULDING COUNTY. At the Court-House. I’XION’ COUNTY. At the Court-House. I Vol. I—No. 8. ' LA AV! LAW! LA AV! : The subscriber has located himself at Hickory Flat : Post-Office, near the centre of Cherokee county, and intends practicing jJj.A AV in the various counties r of the Cherokee Circiht: he pledges himself, promptly and faithfully, to discharge any business in ' his Professional Line that may be submitted to bis . care ; to attend to the collection of money due on I executions, in any part of the circuit, for a very rea sonable compensation Should any person wish to-; , return Land, as fraudulently drawn, to ascertain, im i mediately, whether the Land is worth returning or : not, and notify the informer accordingly. Comma- ' j nivations maybe sent, by mail, either to the Post- Office at which he re-ides or to Cherokee court-house MARSHAL DOUGLAS. j feb 16—3 m—l “I IO AVE llTTobb, ATTORKEy AT I,AW. Lnerokee Luurt Hvuse, Georgia, Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him. He tenders his thanks to I I those persons that have, so liberally patronized him in i 1 the Courts where he has practiced.’ Communications to ensure attention, must come post-paid feb 20—1 liacii a iso3i- hoT/E ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at Cherokee Court-House, will > practice iti the various branches ot the profession, in I the several counties of Cherokee circuit. He promis- j es diligence in lite adjustment of all business submitt-j ed to liis cate and attention. feb 2D—l Law Police. Ihe undersigned his located himself in Cass 1 I county, and will practice LAW in the several counties i ■ot the Cliei'ol;ce i I‘Ciiit. All Letters addressed to him i at 1 wo-Rtms, will oe promptly attended to. WILLIAM L .MORGAN march 16—m—5 — j She riff's Sales i AND LaipJ Agency. •' Vi i ii j ii A-. 3 Formerly of Bi cionough, Henry county, hits locate | iiimsi.-il in Hie Cherokee Territory NEAR. XIAV ECIIOTA, Where he proposes to attend the Sheriff’s sales in the adjoining coutities, and superintend the examining and having endorsed by Justices ol the Peace, ail small Executions, that may be directed to him, from other counties, for collection ; also, all I large Inventions that mny tie submitted to his manage- j . ment ; he promise.’ all his assiduity and care in tins i : biijito'st Ile will, strictly, pursue such directions as may be given him. Discharges will, in all cases, be moderate. The Georgia Journal. Federal Union, Savannah Georgian,/Augusta Constitutionalist and Courier, B!a --con Telegraph and Columbus Enquirer, will give t!:t> above two insertions and send me their accounts tor payment. W. ii. 1 feb 20—1 MAP or the j COUNTY OF t HI IIOKEE. I have now in ti e Ir.'ids ol the Engraver, which i will be c itnplcted t»y the tint •>! November ne:-.>. a ' general amiaccmate BiAP ol itie CL i. i.ei country, ' the Disti l, t our. eyors.— ! Owing t, th.- great num. ei of Lots into winch the’ e aintry has been divided, particulars the <iold R« - [ giixi.atid the iargt dimensions id the sheet it. will re- I quire, to have all tho-e number-: distinctly and accu rately laid down 1 imxeih ugh: it aevisalile to form the 'I ip int > m tie at< ■ sections ; which i designate as Go'.l Map and 1...nd Blap. J Al! the Laud <u.ducts m the territory are laid dowu | on one sheet, and < -istiiute u uis'.inct ami separate < .Map by 1 hemsc!x s. I'm- di.sli lets rcserx ed and suivexvdas Gold dis tricis, are du idcd tine, bluets or .Maps. Districts Nos. J. 2,3, 4 11, 12, 13 I i and 10. ot the first : seclum, I'.Hiii 1 i.- ti d Map. Districts X.. I, 2, 3. 14 13,16, 17,18,19,20,21 and 22, of the see nd section, form the second Map. | Distrii - . X. -1, 2. 3 i. 17 18, 19.2 21 and 220 f )he thirxl section, end tiistricts Nos. 1,2, 3. 16 and 17 ot the tourtli sectt iii, formthe third .Map. (Ju these i Map xx ill be lound c<i‘h district in ttie te ritory, w ith every squ ire lot ol Land and Fraction distinctly laid down and numbered —all .Mountains Rivers, Creeks Branches, Roads. Ferries, Xe. are correctly and iiiitlitul'.y delinea led Tile .Map will be linnd-oniely engraved, printed on strong silk papv.-, colored and put up in Blortoco cases, at the follow ing piict s, viz Land Map §.’> CO Gold Maps $? 50 each, or for the three 10 00 •-’or Gold at’ < Land Maps, comprising the whole Ti rritory 15 60 Persons desirous ot obtaining this valnabh- BL.p. xx ill do well to inform the ptibli her soon, as lint a li mited number can be obtained during the draw ing ol the lotteries. Al! communications addressed to the suhscrihei-, in Milledgeville, (ui. postage laid of course, xxill meet' with prompt attention. ORANGE GREEN. ltl jg2‘3 1832 Gold and Land Maps. Owing to the delay of some of ’he surveyors, in 1 making their returns, and the consequent delay that ' has unavnidablv attended the publication of the tiold I .M ips of Cherokee, I have concluded to rrduce the | I price c.f them from I' l N to SIN DOLLARS. Ihe ' Gold Map is divided into three parts, and the price ot I the three, comprising all the Gold District*, xx it!i the • ! exception of the eleventh in the fit st section, xx hich I ' has ir t yet been returned, will hereafter be six dollars | lor two dollars fifty cents each I have also now pre . paring, which xx ill lie completed in a text xxeeks, a • I CII ART representing all the QUALITIES of and j ' IMPROVEMENTS on every Let on my Land .Map. i I which, together with the Map. will be sold tor i 1\ I DOLLARS All persons who have purchased, and ;all who may hereafter purchase, the Land Map. si.all ■ receive a List of the Qualities, gratis, so soon rs com |I ~ctea ’ ORANGE GREEN- I f c b 5 1833 Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, April 6, 1833. BRUCE’S ! NEW-YORK TYPE FOUNDRY. Established in 1813. I THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of his book of specimen, with which his customers,and j other Printers disposed to buy from him, may be su Pi'-cd on application at his foundry, Nos. 18 and I ~0. Augusta street, behind the City Dall. He would ; remat k, for the inturmation ot those who have not been in the habit ot dealing with him, and because a different practice has been extensively introduced, lhathis Book contains nothing but the actual produc tions of his own Foundry, and presents a true speci men of what will be furnished to orders. The as sortment is very complete, has been deliberately and i carefully, in twenty years, brought, to its present: high state of perfection, and embraces a variety of styles adopted to diffrerent tastes, and to 'he various departments of Printing, Newspaper Book and Job, highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable me tal. Not to notice the varieties which are distin guished by their numbers in the Book, it non tains of. | ROMAN & ITALIC 27 sizes, from Twelve-line . Pice. Jto Pearl. TWO-LINE and TITLE, 15 sizes, Two Line Columbian to Agate. SHADED, 13 sizes, Ten-line Pica, to Long Primer. ITALIAN, 7 sizes, Seven-line Pica to Long ’ Primer. j ! ANTIQUE, 17 sizes, Ten-line Pica to Nonpariel. i | BLACK. 12 sizes, Four-line Pica to Minion. I OPEN BLACK, 5 sizes. Four-line Pica to Great ; Primer. j ! SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Small Pica, and Great j j Primer. j Besides .Music, Back Slope, Ornamental Letters, j ' Lottery Figures, Piece Fractions, Superior Astrono j mical, and other Signs, Space Rules, Brass Rules, j Ornametital Dashes, Long Braces, more, than 200 kinds of Flowers, and 166(1 Cuts and ornaments for I Books. Newpapers aud Scientific works. Oi ilers tor any ot these, and also for Presses, Chas es, Composing Sticks. Cases. Furniture, Printing Ink, or any thing required in the Printing business, i will be executed on the most favorable terms, Ar. with J (he. utmost promptitude, a large s.ackof the Foundry ■ articles being always on nand. GEORGE BRUCE. I New-York. Jan. 28, 1832. I SPIRIT OF THE TIBIES, ' axp LIFE IN NEW-YORK. I A Sporting Paper, on the plan of BI LL’S LIFE IN LONDON. | Enlarged to the largest class imperial, the only simi- ' lar publication it; the United States. Devoted to the TURF, the ANGLF.R, the HUNTER ; Foreign and Domestic News, Literature, Fashion, Taste. The Drama, Police Repot Is and Scenes of Real Life. Price three dollars, payable in advance,four dollars | if not paid within six months or live dollars ii not paid » xxitiiiii tbi‘ year. Address, post-paid or left in the post-office. WILLIABI T. PORTER Co. I Chatham square, New-York. ■ AGENTS IN ALABAMA, Ilunlsville, P. T. Posey. .Mobile, T Sr.nford, esq. Agents or oth-rs areallowcd one paper gratis for ; five responsible subscribers; (hey may retain a com- j musion ot twelve per cent, when the money is re- I milled in advance. Agents, on these terms, will be I lit ld responsible tor every one for whom they may j order our paper. I Address, post paid or left nt the post-office. W. T. PORTER & Co. No. 58 W all street, New-York. Philadelphia 1 SAT URD A Y COU RIER, A Family Newspaper, of the largest class. At only two dollars per annum, payable in advance- ’ Enlargement and Improvement. j The pnb'isheis ot the Saturday Courier gratefully { ack now ledge the exten-ix e and unexampled patronage 1 which they have received. Scarcely eighteen months i h ive passed since the commencement of their paper | and the list of subscribers now exceeds di ven thousawl. a lad xx inch sufficiently attest- the high standing which the CtJl RIER enjoys in public estimation. The plan ot the Saturday Courier is so comprehen sive as to embrace every vaiiety of topics which can be introduced into a public journal. Literature— Scienct—the Arts—Foreign anti Domestic N’ews— Police Reports —Sporting liilclligetice—a Register o! j Passing Events—Commentai ies on New Publications Dramatic Criticisms, and other subjects, rec< ive constant mid sedulous attention ; and the publishers do not hesitate to assert that in the interest, uovcltv, appropriateness, diversity and general exceilt nee of ils contents, the Courier may fairly claim precedence over any similar publication. The Literary Department of ibis Paper is supplied ' by original c.nitiitiuliens fram the bcH ind most dis- | tie tai to d American xvriters ; ami - lections carefully aud judiciously made Lorn the vx hole range of English I periodical literature. hatever can be obtained, ; vxhetherat home or al.ioad, enhu'ated to amuse, in- , 'ercst or instruct, provided if be suitable, is t rocared ' and published, without reference to expense or i trouble. j . In furnishing News, foreign or domestic, the pub-j li-hcrs of th<- Saturday < ourier have verv ureal ad x.Ullages, anti th«y confidently appeal to the past ex pel u-iice ot their patrons to s.i.-lain flit in in saying tun , they lia- c. generally, been, in this respect, in advance ot their weekly contetnpoinrle'. The SATURD \Y ( ()l RIER is the largest Paper i ; I’iiconnected with politics,published iiitlo. I nlted States. ft has always been printed on a sheet of greater size and ccnlainctl. by actual adme siiremetit. a larger ! ■ amount ot reading mailer than any other weekly i j journal of a purely miscellaneous character. Not-- xx ithstanding. this -nperiority. the pubiis! < r-. anxious , not merely to merit, but to insure a and A-xtcnsii u of their greet patronage, dett i rained to in crease tii- sure mu! otbervx-ise inane vc the Cuuri* r so I as to make it bey ond all question, the largest, cheap- ’ j est and most desirable weekly paper in this country., I mar 9—l i - The Inteiiigeiicer 73 PUBLISHED EVERY S.VJ’URB \Y MORNING M, I i tea . tea | Itditertanijnent, AT THE SIXES, GOLD MINES. Cherokee, county. I The subscriber, thankful tor the liberal support he has already received, notifies his friends and all per sons visiting this country, that he now keeps and Will continue to keep, at the above place a HOUSE GF ENTERTAINMENT He will, without regard to trouble and expense, pro-1 vide every thing that will conduce to the comfort, pleasure and convenience of those that may call upon him. He has commodious and well supplied STABLES, To which the attention of an experienced Hostler ' xvill be, unremittingly devoted. NOBLE P. BELL. march 36 7 E NTERT AINME N T. The subscriber respectfully informs all who may ! draw LAND in the Gold or Land LOTTERIES, That he has made arrangements for the j ACCOMMODATION Os such as may favor him with a CALL ; He will give any information in his power, to persons exploring the country, especially the | SIXES, GOLD MINES ; t As bis Stand is within a few miles of eaid Mines and I on the Road from Warsaw to Cherokee court-house, i : lie would, also observe, that he expects in a short time, to be furnished with a i ticneral MAP of this COUNTRY. There is a Fost-Oflice kept at his House Where the MAIL I Arrives every Saturday by El o’clock a. m. Bringing .Milledgeville papers up to Thursday, proceeding. He has now on hand, and intends keeping a GOOD SUP Pt. Y OF ARTICLES Generally used in I Gold Mines, Where persons can, at ail times, be supplied withan assortment ot DRY GOODS AND ; GROCERIES, | AH of winch are otfered on die most liberal terms, t FJi 'ti’Conncil. Hickory Fie!, Cherokee county— fell 16—1 cTk > taTlyiTlT - 'Il tttt.-.v COUNTY', Georgia. The subscriberlias opened a HOL SE OF i ENTER TAIN MENT, ! At the village of New-Eclmta in Murray county, 1 where he flatters himself from the unremitted attention i of himself and brother, to be able to give general salis ; faction lo all his friends who may favor him with their j patronage. His Table will be furnished with the best j i the country can afford. His Stables will be well sup-. I plied with Provender and underthe care of an atten-1 I tive Ostler. No pains will be spared or expense I avoided that will conduce to the convenience of those I i that may visit his 110u c e ; and bis charges will ba ac- ' commodated. to the times. A few constant Borders ! xi'ill be taken. This Establishment is airy and pleas- I ant. The subscriber will, also, be able to give LAND i examiners, in the Cherokee territory, information in j relation to value and quality, in the most valuable parts of be territory, as well as directions to'hem. ' From the situation ot Echota, being immediately on' ! the road from the western parts of Georgia to East and j West. Tennessee, situated at the head of Oostonoila ■ | River and junction of Coosawattee and Ccnnasaiiga I ■ Rivers, ; I which place there is the only fi rry on said j I rivers this must be the crossing place for all travellers I ito the westward. His House is the first on the Road ; j south of Bl’Coy’s Ferry. Archibald Slone. | feb 16—1 ’ GENERAL AGRICULTURAL HORTICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENT t j Comprising a Seed and Implement Stoic, a general I Agricultural Agency and the Ofi ee ot the American } Earmei, at N< . 16, Souih-street, Baltimore: In j connection with a stock and experimental Farm, J i Garden and Nursery, in the vicinity. The subscriber, proprietor of the above named es-j tablishmcnt, respectfully Farmers, Gardeners I and the public generally, and dealers particular, that : he i; prepared t > execute orders in any or all ot its de- I partments ; and lie solicits those who leel interest in ’ ins plan to furnish htm with their address, free ( I ex-1 pense to hitn, on receipt of which he will forward to! tlieni an extra number of 1 is paper, the American, j Farmer, < ontaininga full desciiption cf his establish- ( ' ment, and a priced catalogue of Seeds, 2. e. tor sale. I ! fu e»< ry xillage in tin- Lnion, a quantity large or : small ot CIIOIC i. G.VRDE?* SEEDS xtould find a ' ready and profitable sale, and the advertiser has rue- ' I pan d Lis Sced-'hore specially with a view to -upply . tb/alers on vt ry liberal terms, torcash or acceptance in : Baltimore, with first rate seeds, papered and labelled, : put up in box- s expit -sly for country dealers. He | x i ntu; es tv affirm, that for (Lose v ho wt-sire a ry of the 1 article-< impi i-ed in 1 is ' xter sh e Cstal li -bment, there is ii t iii til-' L’ni'i d Stales a more eligible place thin. ! this to apply for lle«i. as it is a repository in which are concentrated, or may be procured on siioit notice. i from aii parts <.f our ccun.ry. mid 1,-4 a texx are tiom rtmote pa. tsvftbe t ai'h a ■ a-t variety,’y <1 xx l.ich 1 ' are very tare and vnluaide. of Seeds, l'lmd> Trees.- I Roots Vines, Dcnjcstic Animals. Roots, Implements, j ; and last, though not least, a constant fund of timely and impoitani inturmation on almost ex ery subject in-. lerei tiiig ton cultivator f '.l. s< il This last is im parted weekly tn .mb cr'ber.-, t’er a small annual con tributi'.‘i! 1! rough the colnmus of the Ameiiean Farm er, in xx hich are indicated also, ' y au; erti’cment and t otiierxv ise, tlie supplies ct c.'.ioice vumniodiucs, both' animal am! vegitabie, as they fre received at the es-: tai h 'imei t Toe subscriber is agent also ter the i principal \'t se’irs and Gardens in the Union : and tor several celebrated breeders cf fine rattle, sheep . and other domestic animals ; aiso for the United So ciety if Shakers, «.■ Xi-.-.-Lal am N. Y a full as ] sort! lei *i t xvl i -*• ' tel' d Garden Seeds, li-e h , and genuine m; ; nt ml times be bad from him, ! wholesale ;;ml retail on the ‘nest terms. i Address. I IRVINE HtTCHCOC'K. ina.-' b ’ — r p /"■' M>. Whole Ao. 8. [Beware of the Impostor. . TIRE EATER !.' f 1 A .vagrant fellow calling himself xMr. Gordon, came I to this place during the past week, in the character of ** t ,l( j Later, and on Saturday morning the 2d inst. I mn* 3 ,e . , ’' jai '■ ,u . 9 printer’s bill, the washer-woman’* ( bill and a part of his tavern-bill. lie is about five feet six or seven inches high, r.of | tav y, nt fairly proportioned, full mouth, nose a little aquehne fair complexion, sandy hair &c. m ilcre dressed in a bottle-green frock coat, P ail, aloons. tight made, wi.h a speckled u' c ’ 1 Uee stll! s a black hat a little rusty from He is an impostor and swindler, and we hereby warnthe public against giving him countenance and . Tr P! ? Cl i t a< . carnesl| y 3ope every newspaper in the . iJmted States may republish this notice, in order that - ~e . c . la “ nia y not be further imposed upon by such a vjl ‘ a * n - Sparta, March 9, 1833. Address TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS, Among the numerous cheap publications of the d?.y« none lias been offered to that numerous class ot society I xx no most need instruction and amusement; and.wits ! a P,P rova ' assistance, the publisher of the lo'iz./ts Literary Gazette,” proposes to furnish tt years reading at the ordinary cost of two small vo lumes. It is well known, that even among the wealthy. , many parents hesitate to lay out a’dollar, seventy-five 1 eta lhtj cents, tor a volume that is exhausted in au evening; vyhile a still more numerous class are en- I tiiely deprived by the price from purchasing useful ■ and agreeable books tor their children. j . I' ie Gazette will contain as much good, useful and , interestiug matter as would form twelve of the usual s-zed volumes for children. The articles will be adapted to all ages from five to fifteen years It will I thus pass from hand to hand in the family circle, and | the mother will find amusement in what she is called upon to explain to her children. Io instruct and entertain, to create 11 deArc for in formation, and lead youtliful mind to 0 fondness for study, will bathe object of the work. Its pages will be devoted to— -1 Travels and Voyages 2 I nmiliar i’ales and Narativcs 3 Dialogues on Scientific si-.ljcc s 4 Biography and Natural History 5 Notices ol all new Works for Children 6 Interesting Historical Anecdotes 7 Charades, Conundrumsand Puzzles The assistance of most of (he writers for children is promised ; each number will contain one two or three* I wood cuts illustrative of different subjects ; and evei*y i exertion vyiil be made to make the work interesting. : Philadelphia, 1833. A LIST. * I Ofleiters remaining in the Post OJfice at Cherokee 1 Ccurl-iiot ;e., r. n the thirty-first day of March. 1833, I which if not taken out in three months will be forwarded j to the General Post Office, as dead letters. ! 15 John \V. Barton, Stephen W. Blount, C Stephen F. Collins, Samuel C. Candler, Geu, John Coffee, Howel Cobb esq. 5 I. D ‘ David Delk esq. " v T G j James Gilbert, James A. Groves, ■ Stephen Ilnrvey, Fiolding Hl'l, 2 Col. VVm. Hardin, Z. B. Hargrove, S. B. Hargrove esq. Nathan B. Hyatt, Hon. John W. Hooper, V. illiam D. Jones, * Oliv- r Jeter, J. Mm ph ‘v esq. John Bl'Biide esq. 1 .. K ; M illiam A. Ray esq. t| * Sln-riffof Cherokee county, j 1 John Smith, r C D. Terhune, u Ilarberd Upchurch, W Albert A. Wynn, John P. Wynn, 2 WILLIAM GRISHAM P. M. i LOST CHILD SSOO Reward ! A T.ITTLE GIKLS years old, fair skin, blue eyes, ! Ugh hair and a remarkably pleasent countenance, named CAROLINE HAWKINS BULLOCK, xx bo can read very well, xx as lost on the (he JCth ulf. , six miles eu.-t of Courtland near the road, leading to J Decaturc. Hundreds of men have searched in every’ direction ;t the nr.i’.iborho': d. and no tracts of her can be found. The above reward ; lv cn f.rr her delivery, and any information re.«|recting hes whether dead or alive, thankfully received. April6—JOHN BULLOCK, t T Diligent search has been made and as no tiace < f the above child can be found, the distressed par <•.l I avc noon uidiiserl’<> belb-ve that <h« has been stolen Al! editors will confer a favoronthe deeply distressed, by giving the above an insertion in their re spective pi'peis. AD Vr.RTI 8 INT EXTIf AOK DIN ARY. Georgia Chciokee ) Mr. Hering Sir after my re* county, $ spects to you Xe. I forwarn you or any others of l.eeping or trading with my daughter in any shape or form, and ii she doesnot come home i -ha;! incfict y 11 —! r? ois i‘ y m Jo not come I -ball adverti 05 >u in the public papers—you are under age aud I intend ) < u shall obey me a while yet. Yours Respectfully, I JAME BAltNf?r. I HEAD <7 U MUI 1.1! 8, ’ Miiledg.. He, January 1833., Wn.r.iAT llahpin, of the first brigade ‘«f ih n sever;*: division, Georgia Militia be. and he is hereby appointed Aid-de Camp 1o the (.'omrnander-in ( 'ef with the rank of < ’ ,'ionei, and that be be obey ed and respected accordingly. L' : j 'dec of the Comma.> ’~r ’ 7’• f, W. J. \V. WEI 1 "-ripv, Li. Dp-