Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, April 13, 1833, Image 1

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CHEROKEE INTELLIGENCER. The Truth — The ir/w/e Truth. THE INTELLIGENCER. | I-; published once a week by lloWKt.r. Conn, nt three 1 dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance! or at four dollars, if not naid untiftlie end ofthe year, i No paper will bo discontinued, but at tile option of the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at ’ •'the customary prices. tOommunication to t!.c Editor must be post paid to I 'Untitle them to attention, j Tlio following gentlemen are requested and nil-j ll.’orised to act e.3 our ugents in their respective counties, to wit : an the county Baldwin —Captain J. A. Cuthbert. Bryan—C. H. Starr, esq. Bullock—Peter Com*, e:q, Bild)—Luke Ross, esq Butts,—John Cargile, es<f.- Columbia —Col. Z Williams. Crawford—John Blackstone, esq, Camden—Hugh Brown, esq. •Coweta—S. 1). Echols, esq. Campbell—L P. 11. Campbell, esq. Carroll—Chris.opher Bowen, esq. and ; Dr. James Rodgers. Chatham—R. It. Cuyler, esq, Clark—Col. J. A. Cobb. Cass—Chester Hawks, esq. Cobb- William Morris, esq, Dooly—Thomas 11. Key, esq. DeKalb—.Maj »r J. F. Cleveland. Decatur— Stiring Scarborough, esq. Early—Capt. S. V. Wilson. Emanuel— Stephen Swain, esq. Fayette—F- (J. Steward, esq. Franklin—Dr. Freeman. Floyd—Edwin G. Rodgers, esq, ... Forsyth—Hubbard Barker, esq. Gilmer—Montgomery Bell, esq. Glynn—Col. I). M. Steward Gwinnette—-Win. Greene,esq, Elisha Belts,esq. and J. G. Parks,esq. G’rcen —Major Thomas Slocks and col. V. P. King. Habersham—Gon. W. B. Wofford, T. J. Rusk and W. Steelman, e;qs. Halt —Gen. John Bates, and 11. L- Simms, esq. Henry—T. t) Johnson,esq,col. O. W. Cox mid A. T Hardin, esq. Houston —John Chain esq. and-Col. J. B M'Carter. Harris—Gen. Win. IL Lowe, andC. Blanford, t'Sq. Heurd Winston Wood, esq. Hancock —Standard of Union. Trwiu —Jame!! Wilcox, esq. Jones —Joseph Day, esq, and Major James Smith. i Jackson —Dr. Singleton. , Jasper—Col J. W. Burney | Lumpkin—Young Johnson, esq. | Lowndes—William Blair, e q. t Laurens— tian- Eli Warvtm. i Liberty—C. Hi’tes,esq. 1 Lee—-J B. Coleman, esq. M'lntosb—-Major .Incob Wood. Morgan—J- Burney, esq. Madison- -Samuel Groves, cm]. Monroe—John VVutson, esq. and col. L. L. Griffin. Murray- Willi-m Hardin, esq. Muscogee—J. T. Camp, esq Oglctho-pe—James Wellborn, esq. Paulding—Woodson Hubbard, esq. Fat num-—I. Hudson, esq. Pike—-Allen B. Prior, esq. Pulaski—Nelson Clayton, esq. Richtnond—-Absalom Rhodes, esq. Kandolph—Gen. Win. Wellborn. Rabun—Samuel Faris, esq. •tewuid-Jarnd Irwin, esq. Bcriv<m-Jucob Bryan, ?sq. Sumpter—L. B- Smith, e«q. '"e'fai'-- -Gen John Coflee. Twiggs-D.W. Shine, esq. Talbot—Col. G. W Towns. Thomas—Col. Isaac I*. Brooks. Troup—Leroy M‘Coy, esq. Union—lsaac N. Green, esq. Jpsou- Joucph Sturges, cq. Wilkii:son-D M Wasl ington—Col. Wm Tennille. Wmc- James Fulwood, esq. Wilkes-Col. James Willis. Warren—D. L. Ryan, esq. VVaiton—Col. K. M. Echols and Judge Harris. Persons bolding our prospectus will please remit I sis by the earliest mail, a list ot such names as they fijiiy have procured. iVe request such m <.ar IneiiJs, * teel willing, to hand Io sue above irnnml gerbe ftan nearest them, the am<.ant of their subserption. it will be very acceptable at this time. In mder ’bat tbc Intelligencer may appear and S be seen in each county of this state, in the counties Where we have no subscribers, which do not exceed halt a dozen, w« direct it to the Clerk ui the Supe rior Court, who is requested to preserve n tor m fpectionet any person interested. r The following is a list of I\»st Offices establish-t in this Judicial Circuit, to wit CHEROKEE COUNTY. At the Court-House—Wm. Ons-ham, P u- 4 Harnagev.llo—H- T. Simmons, r. M. pies orv Flat--Eli M’Connell, p. 'cas3 county. At the Court House. Two Runs—Chester Hawks, p. M. Adairsville—Barnet S. Hardcnun, r. M» Sandfmdv.Hc—John Dawson, P- a- Pine-Lug—-J u.wa A. Thompson, P. M FLOYD COUNTY. > At the Court-House. Dead of Coosa—G. M. Lavender, P. M. Van’s Vallv—James Hemphill, p. ». FORSYTH COUN fY. At the Court- House. Hightower—J. M. Scudder, P. M> GILMER COUNTY. At ths Court-House. Talking Rock- C. IL Nelson, p. M LUMPKIN COUNTY. At the Court-House. New Bridge—Robert Legeo. »■ M. V Warbcu’s Store—N. R. Harben, p. m. MURRAY COUNTY. „_F.chota— William Tarvin, p. M. » Soring Phe»—W. N. Bishop, p. sl > r PAULDING COUNTY. ► - At the Court-House. UNION COUNTY. • At the Vol. I—Ao. 9. LAW! LAW! LAW! - The subscriber has located himself at Hickory Flut | ! Post-Office, near the centre of Cherokee county, and ' intends practicing LAIV in the various counties l of the Circuit : he pledges himself,' j promptly and faithfully, to discharge any business in I his Professional lane that maybe submitted to his I care ; to attend to the collection of money due on ' ■ executions, in any part ofthe circuit, tor a very rea-! j suitable compensation. Should any person wish to- | return Land, as fraudulently drawn, to ascertain, im ; ■ mediately, whether the Land is worth returning or j not, and notify the informer accordingly. Comma- 1 nic.Uions may be sent, by mail, either to the Post- I Office at which lie re tides or to Cherokee court-house. MilliSUai, DOVGEAS. I fob 16—3.1.—! iio vvi: l lcohb, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cherokee Court House, Georgia, Is now prepared to attend to any professional bu siness entrusted to him. He tenders bis thanks to those persons that have, so liberally patronized him in | the Courts where he has practiced. Communications I to ensure attention, must coine post-paid fob 2D— 1 RiCILIKD M- HOLT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having located at Cherokee Court-House, will practice in the various branches of the profession, in the several counties of Cherokee circuit. He promis es diligence in the adjustment of all business submitt ed to his cate and attention. fob 20—1 _ Notice. The undersigned has located himself in Cass county, and will practice LAW in the several counties oi lhe Cherokee Circuit. All Letters addressed to him nt Two-Runs, will be promptly attended to. WILLIAM L. MORGAN- J march 16—M—5 Sheriff’s /Sales i AND Land Agency. WiIvBIAM 11ARDIN. Formerly ofM’Donough, Henry county, has locate bimselfin the Cherokee Territory NEAR NEW EC HOT A, j Where he proposes to attend the Sheriff's sa;csi in the adjoining counties, and superintend the, examining and having endorsed by Justices ot the , Peace, all small Exec jtions, that m»y be directed to him, from other cotint’es, for collectionj also, all large Executions that may be submitted to his manage* tner.l ,he promises bi« nwiduity and care in lais business. He will, strictly, pursue such dirtctruns as may Le given him. Hischarges will, in all cases, be moderate. The Georgia Journal. Federal Union, Savannah Georgian, Augusta Constitutionalist and Courier, Ma- ( con Telegraph mid Columbus Enquirer, will give ..u above two insertions aud send me their at counts tor, poyrm-nt. W. H. M AP of rtiK COUNTY OF CHEROKEE I have now in me hands oi ihu Lagruver, wlhc.i will :>e c iinpleted by the first ol November not a general mid accurate MAJ’of the Cherokee country, drawn from the returns of the District Surveyors Owing tc the great number ot Lots into which tae country has been divided, purticulurly the J< ld Ke aion, uud the large diment’.ors ol t ie stieet it v> II r?- i iire, to have all tVe.-c numbers distinctly at.d accu rately Gid down. 1 have thought it advisable to form ‘he Map into separate and distinct sections ; which 1 designate as Gold Map ami Land Map. All the i.and districts ii. the Urvitoiy are lai ) dowu Oti one sheet, juu cunstitßle cH'itiiyct Mup by th miselves. , i > The districts reserved and surveyed as (.old dis tricts. are divided into three sheets oi Maps. D.striu.s Nos. I, 2,3, 4,5, 11. U, 13, U uud la. oi toe Inst . section, foim the first M-‘p- Districts Nos I, 2,3, 14. 15, 16. 17.18, 19, U>, -1 and oftae second section, form the second Map. Districts Nos. 1,2, 3. 4, 17, 13, •* “““ the third section, mid Districts f.J/ ; *,“• ' ot ilie fourth secue.n, foiuithe t urd Map. <." tb‘. Maps ••■.ii: be mum encl- diitrict in the te'Citory. vyith • very square'ot of Land and Fraction distinctly laid , down and numbered-all Mountain., Rivers, creeks Branches, Roads, l eriics, Ac. are c wrectly <md faithfully uclineatea. ... The Map v'H hi handsomely engraven, printed on strong silk paper, colored ami i»nt up in Morrocc cases, at the following prices, viz Lam 1 M ip *•’ '*X • old Maps $3 50 each, or for the three 10 00 Po - Gob! and Land Maps, comprising the whole Territory 1;> . . I Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Map,, will do weii tv i.ifo.r.l d <• pvMisher soon, as but e >i mitei! nuviber car be obtuiu.-d during the drawing o. the lotteries. , , .. All communications addressed to the subscubs.. in Jlilledgeville, Ga. poitaiepaM oi course, will tnee. ’v'*h m oir r'G'-ttentioi: * ORANGE GiILEN- . eug 23 1832 i Gold and Land Maps, i . .a n» us the sirvevors, ini IL™3.»a ;h- 00.,«q..e..l ddV. “ irb'v »>«ae/ <h« eublK.n'o.. o.,',Ue H... 0 the ’be first section. « hid. | not v*t been returned, will hereafter be six uoila.-s , .Twb?™y u.v'M- •" I receive a Lisi oiu« Qaali.iH. £>»"’■ *’ <P*ted. ORANGE GREEIL < feb 5—»1633 Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, April 13, 1833. BRUCE’S NEW-YORK TYPE FOUNDRY. Established in 1613. THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of Lis book of specimen, with which his customers, and other Printers disposed to buy from him, may be ' supplied on application at his foundry, Nos. io and I 20, Augusta street, behind the City Hall, lie would rematk, for the information of those who have not been in the habit of dealing with him, and because a different practice has been extensively introduced, ! that his Book 'contains nothing but the actual produc tions of his own Foundry, and presents a tiue speci men of what will be furnished to orders.'• The as sortment is very complete, has been deliberately ajiu 1 carefully, in twenty years, brought, to its present high state of perfection, and embraces a variety of styles adopted to diffrerent tastes, and to the various departments of Printing, Newspaper Book and Job, highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable mt luL Not to notice the varieties which are distis guished by their numbers in the Book, it contains of. ROMAN & ITALIC 2? sizes, from Twelve-line I Pica|to Pearl. I TWO-LINE and TITLE, 15 sizes, Two Line Cvl-2?bian to Agate. SHADED, sizes, Ten-line Pica, to Long Primer. ITALIAN, 7 sizes, Seven-line pica to Long Primer. I ANTIQUE, 17 sizes, Ten-line Pica to Nonpariel. < BLACK, 12 sizes, Four-line Pica to Minion. OPEN BLACK, 5 sizes, Four-line Pica to Great Primer. i SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Small Pica, and Great ' Primer. Besides Music, Back. Slone, Ornamental Letters, Lottery Figures, Piece Fractions, Superior Astrono mical, and other Signs, Space Rules, Brass Rules, OrnamCn’tid Dashes, Long Braces, more (han 200 kinds of 1 Jowers, and 1000 Cuts anti ornaments for Books. Newpa;.' Krs au d Scientific works. Orders for any these, and also for Presses, Chas -1 es, Composing St.'cks. Cases. Furniture, Printing 'lnk, or any thing required in the Printing business, i will be executed on the most favorable terms, & with the utmost promptitude, a la/go slack of tho Foundry articles beia£ always on Land. GEORGE BRUCE. Now York, Jan- 28,1832. .SPIRIT OF THE TIMES XIFE IN NEW-YORK. A Sno.tiOK Paper, an the plan ol* LELL’ii Li?T IN LONDON. j Enlarged to the largest da« i "T. er; *'> ' !,e ,H,, 7 sim '* Hr publication in I'*-“ rw <i Devoted to the TU?'F. the ANGLER, the HUNTER; Foreign and Doinest." News, Literature, Fashion Taste. The Drama, Police Reports and Scenes of Real Liie. _ ~, ilivee dcli.-.-j, payable in advance, .our dodars If t ot ,iaid wit'.iii six inontbs or five df’.lar’ •’ notpaid within tt e year. Address, post-paid or left in the post-otfice. WILLIAM T. PORTERS Co. Chatham squar?, New-York- AGF.NTB IN ALABAMA, Huntsville, P T Posev. Mobile, T. ’Sanford, esq. Agen.s or utuers are allowed one paper gratis for five resp.'asible they na^’ rota? ;; oom mission oi twelve per cent, when .'he money is n>- mitted in advance. Arents, on these terms, will be held responsible for every one lor whom they may order our paper. Addr.'ss, poU paid or left at the post-office. W. T. P9RTEP A Co. No. 68 W B H street, New-York. Philadelphia SATURDAY COURIER, ! A Family Newspaper, of tne largest class, At only ‘ vo Joilars per annum, payable in advance* En'arge ncnt end Improverrent. The puhiisheis of il.c Saturday Courier gratefully aex ii-ov tedgi <he exiensiv? nd unexampled patronage vvlii T th:;’ have received. Scarcely eighteen month have passed since the commencement of their paper , and the listot subscribers uowexcevds <.ustn a tact winch sufficiently attedsthe high B’;n<Jli<g vtib-.i t!i 4 COUK ER -iijcys ? n pub r os ,: met>nn The pion of *i<e SaUwday Coune: is so comprehen sive as to embrace every variety of topics whicbcan I be introduced into a puolic jourm.l Liie.atue— Science—the Ans—Foreign and Domestic. Nats— P?liti Reports-Sporting ’.ntelligt ice - ■> Rej s'e oi Pr.ssir’Events—Coinmentaries on New P'lbficekns —Dramatic Criticisms, and other subjects, reteiv ■ constant and sedulous attention ; and the ptiuiniers do not hesitate io assert liiat ir. the intercut, au-wity. approj-rlaieaejs, di’.’vr.*it/ vr.d go on,! < >r.cllcr ,~ <>t its ■: ateati, the Courif rccy fn’rty claim preceoenc; | o”er »nv nm’ljK publication. The Li’erary Department ot this taper is sumlie 1 by original contributions from the bet. and .’i.. t do ti'iiguished A.ns.-i-an v't 'er-; and ?«'ec'.iem c;t f ;'ly >. 3 jtid'i ioti-ly made from the whole range of Ergl's'lt ; ' ne-iodira! literature. Wbr.tever can he obtained, j whether at hoove or abroad, catcuiateo to amuse, in terest or instruct, provided u be suitable, u I ai.d publuhecL .vi’hci’t tde -iuet- to e: pea- or I trouble. •n nishmg N?w« forer«u or domestic, the pub-j | Ushers of the Saturday Courier have very great ad i vantages, and they coniideuily appea. to the past ex-' I pc.-iviice o; .heir pu,rout tj sus ’.i.i ihe’ i >’ ijing ih i i , th. , hav* goi !<ifl' this respect, in ad-vic ? ■ I of their weekly eoi<*emr>eraries. I The SATURDAY COURIER is d>e largest Prpc' I unconnecied witnyolitics,published in the United antes. ilt liasalv.ays -ten printed on u sheet f great?. ;ize nt > cor t iin 1 ’, bv a-teal nd-neasnrcrient. « larger amount ot reading matter than any o‘her weekly journa’ of a purelv miscellaneous character. Not withstanding, this superiority, the publishers, anxious iiOi merely to merit, but to insure £ cc ..ilniianct and x ei.ii.m ,»f ti.cir gist' pa'.-.i. rg?, determined to in ' creese the s-re en 1 otherwise improve the Courier so ‘ as to make it beyond all question, the largest, cheap* I est and most desirable weekly paper hi inis couLtiy. mar 9—4 nn I j he Intelligencer c? /S PUBLISHED EVERY S.’ITuIDAX MOANING I'lirteitainnwat, AT THE SIXES, COLD MISES, Cherokee county. The subscriber, thankful for the liberal support he has already received, notifies bis friends and all per sons visiting this country, that he now keeps and will continue to keep, at the «bovc nlaee a ' i HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT He will, without regard to trouble and expense, pro- i ’vide every thing that will conduce ic the comfort, 1 pleasure end convenif nee cf those that may call upon I him. He lias commodious end well supolied STABLES, To which the. attention of an experienced Hostler will be. unremittingly devoted. NOBLE P. BELL, march 30—7 ENTERTAINMENT. The subscriber respectfully informs al., who may draw LAND in the Gold or Laud LOTTERIES. That he has made ai range merits for the ACCOMMODATION < Os such as may favor'. with a CJILL. He will give any informal km in power, to persons csp’.crs-tg th? country, especially the SIXES, GOLD MINES i As his Stand is within a few miles of said Mines and ‘ on the Road n-oia Warsaw to Cherokee court'house. He would, aise observe, tb?.t hs expects in e short • itne, to be frrnifhed with a General MAP of this COUNTRY. There is a Post Office kept at his House Where iLe MAIL Arrives eveiy Saturday by 11 o’clock a. m. Bringing Milledrcville papers up to Thursday, proceeding. He has now on hand, and intends keeping a good supply of ARI’ICLES Genera;.y used in Gold Mil et. Where persons Cu.ii, et 11! times, be supplied with an assortment ot DRY GOODS GROC£L’/£S, All of which are ciT. red ; i ti e most liberal terms. KH WCoiHiCll. Hickory Flat, Cherokee county—Mt IG—l “echota ha LJ~ M L HR A Y CO U N TY • Georgia The subscriber.hits openedi | HUE'SL OF Z?.V TER i A LX hIENT, At the village ot New-Echotn in Murray county, where he flatters himself irom (lie utiicntitted attention of hmisclf and Lrmher, to be able t-» g : v>- g.? -era!satis fac.iui! •• 2! ' ti'b'ii is wire r.viv fav jr ’'im with their pat _ onage. His'•’able’.vitl be furnished with the best the country can afford His Stables wits be weii sup plied with Provender and unuerlhe careoi u.i atiea tivc Ostier. >'iio pains will i;c sparou or ••xft'iso avoided .hat will tonducc io <hx’ convenience of those f'.at in y 'is’t I.s House; un i his charges will be ac commodated tu the times. A few constant Borders will he tvken. This Establishment is airy and pleas ant. The subscriber Wiil. ulsg, be able to give LAND exainiiieis, i.» «he Cliercke*- te rii-«y, informationh, relailo.! to value nd quality, in the most valuable •cwt? cf the terrtory, ns wr if as directions to them From the situation of Ecliota, being immediately on I I the road from the western parisoi Georgia lo Et.j.c..<! I West Tennessee, rituiited i.t the head of <‘cs‘otc!li, 1 R.vcri-i..’. jc.-.Ltion in"Coosrwn‘te« and Ccnnasaiw. : Ei a s. at which place there is the onlv terry on said I - vers this must be the crossing place for all travellers ito the westwaru. His House is the krit oa the Itouil soutuo. ~/Uoy’s F iry. Archibald Slone. fob 16-1 GENERAL AGKICULTURAD HORTICULTUR'J TST\BL!:HMENT : Comp.isiug a Sc2ii r-id Inqlcment ?tT-o a general Zrgri :v or::’ Agency ardthe Oti ce of the America i E°.ti“. nt N’o. 16. South-street, Baltimore : 11 connection with a stock ano j.,perimeniil Farm, Garden ano Nursery, in the .leintly. The subserlucr, p.opitt?i oft! abo-e tarred n«- ttuk hnv-’r., ”pr.ct f - ly informs Farmers. Gardeneis nr .' the mblic >;en*ra<ly, and dealers particular, that h<» is prepared to execute orders in any or al. m its de partments ; and he solicits those .v.r' .eel u.'.erci. in I iiis piaii io turiiivli i..«n .en.i to' i . dci -*■;», fre ? f *?y.- perte to 1'.:., m -re tijif of which h« w’ll fci’vnid t > (Irti'i er <-xtra nntnbe r of nis paper, the American Farmer, containing a full description ot his establish ment, and a priced catalogue ot Seeds, A.C. lu. sale. .Ip every v;d>g: n the Union a q-wfntitv Urge or! 1 f f'HO'-JJ’GARD'.N SEEDS w< ildtind a 1 readv ind profitable sale, and llie advertiser has pre-! | pared tiis Seed-Store special's wim a view to supply i | uealersou . cry hLcrid te. ras, for ctuli o, > ecep'-nnce in j j Baltimore, v.’idi Crst ra'e e. ;■> pjpereJ and la'o died , I ;iu. up it. hn-.cs expressly for com‘ty dealers He 1 vet 'wes toaffirm that for those who desire any ot the I I articles comprised in his extensiveesiaoii.nmeiil, theie i | is not it. the United Slates a move chg.ble p act that. > | tuis to appiy tor <u3K-.a :• is i?i.' dt--y : n whie i ' art i.on. e.i tr-ted or iray be proevradop short notice, : ' from o'’: parts of our country, and not a few are from J remote partsot tfie earto a vast vat iety, many c. w meh i valuable, ot fceeds, Plant:, frees, j Routs, urns, Ljmfi.ic Animals, h .f' I cp'mnf ts,. u..'.: la. , ir'Uyh o' lea.-t a coi. t?nt f ond of timely I at ? 'Tportant information on almost every subject in- 1 teresting to a cultivator of the soil. 1 bis last is im parted weekly to suoscrioers, for a small aniuiul con- j, througu i..< columns of the A merit an F> nt cr, I . which etc d’ :ated r !-? by advcrti:ccr.ent and <)! •- ,v : s-, the -.?ipp’ies n f choice pooSinodities. both 1 1 ’tn i in;.l and veritable, as they are received at the es-I tablishnient. Tne subscriber is agent also for tne principal Nurseries ana -Gardens .n ,ue U.timi ; and ti.r se.-.'a! ce> LrdeJ hre.ders dne .-.nt-le ; 'mep nl i. l er dr-nt stir ’’nirr-ls; cL-o forth» Uid’ed So- ch ty of Sh«ker«. at New-Labanon. N. Y a full ar-1 sortmen* ci whose celebrated Garden seeds, fresa and genuine, may at all times be La 1 from ii.j, »uCilesate iclail on he .? ;> :er...- ,G!dr I. ISViNT. HITCHCOCK. [ ’ r;.’r;b 23«—6 f!ilti'i<9ec I Whole No. 9. | Beware of the Impostor; I . f I’D*'E EA’.’.'f (j ij . * ito this pface during the past^eek* °h d ° n ’ Cflr ”® r a lire Eater,and on Saturdav mi 1 •* e at gave leg-bail ior bis printer s bill th i’ he 2<i i,,SU bi'i aod a p,:rt O s iis> u" c ®i-bil| ’ thfc Wusb ‘-^w O man’s heavy, but fuiriJuh” b *^ h ’ nOt oassimere pautakons, fk|,t Z ,rock COB< . . (to. ~W -«• - 4 1 iSu?*’ “ d ” c bcreb ’ I support, and eeri e-si'Ar 8 coonJ tnance and United sX e,- in die craft may not be iurther impos'd upon by Xh' J . Sparta, March. 9, 1833. Address TO PARENTS AND T"ICHFn« Among the nowerous ch-ap njblice-ior s nfk a none has been offered to that .mmero UP .cla 8 i who most need instruct,on and amusement - and S r-din, 8{ <bß ordinm It is well known, that even among th" many parents hesitate to lav nn, “ "‘ra'tfy, e- -n ilftv cents i / ‘ y a 3«oliar, seventy-uva . olunie lba t is exhausted in tirelv deprived f>v f? Ut ’ l ‘'" J 3 t l *^ 1 a '* e 7 1 " .nd » s ,ee.bk book, ior*«■’» k le Gazette will contain as much good useful ami Ihe moS^w.ll7'7°^ n<jt and J , L - h, “ am,,sem ent in what she is ca’i'id upon to explain to ner children. 1 To instruct and entertain, to cieatc a desire for i> orrnatmn a,).; had vomhfnl -jind (o a fondness for stnuy, will he 'object of the work. »ts pages vi'J be devoted to— 1 s 1 Travels and Voyages 2 Familiar Tales and Naratlves 3 Scientific objects 1 b-ogrrphv and N 3fHra ] Ilist J - 5 Notices of all new V z ork;; for Cliildrm, 6 I'.'terestmg Anecdotes ° . C ha! ades, Conundrums and puzzles /I- ~ * -‘tST " in thc Post n^ent CherokeA uhic'i. • ;/ / >° n lS tn,r, U'i' rit day nj idarch. 1833; f X moulns will bzTci t.itif :^ ra l ,Cj.: J John W. Rn-ion Blepi.en IV. Blount, Gie-paeu E. Coliias, 5’ imie! G. Cand'er, r 'er. .b-hnUidf c. ; Howel Cobb esc. ft D -••• .D«' id ; <eik csv,. -- .- G 1 James Gilbert James A. Grovefl, N,C|.'.;ci, H..;v*-y, F 'd !hq, Hill, Cot. IV’rj, Hardin, r# Z. B. Hargrove, * B. B. Hargrove esq. I Nathai, D. Hyatt, , ?: I If Ji* f .• in V’.’'oopcr, . Ji XV illiain D. Jo/’es. Oliver Jeter, . *.* M .’. Murphey esq. . ' ..* i Join M’B ide esq. R William A. Ray esq. Fir ? id ,>f Cherokee count JoLt T T'. Terhune. •» II ' Harbcrd Uncbnrcti, w Albert A. Wynn, John p. Wynn, 2 GRISHAM. F. if. LOST CHILO? * B'soo Reward ! A LIT !I E GJRL year® old fair skin, bhie eyeis I gh hair and a remarkably plensent countenance; named CAROLINE liAV- ALNo BULL JCK, who can read very well, was lost on the the 16th nit;. ( -ir; .ni’es east at jot'.rth.nd near t! 3 >T“e<', leading ta ijecp'u' e. Hundreds of men hrve searched in es <ry 1 direction throughout ’lie neighborhood, and no (race lof her can be found. The abovt re'.vaiu will te giv ]en foi her d.'n». iy,and any informs..or r?sp.< ! ing hefl i wiiethuf dead c: aiive, t’ i.nkftdly ecCvm . Ar:. f,—B JOHN BULLOCK ' iTT Di'igent ®earrb has been made and as no tract* ! of the above child can be found, the distressed par | eats nave boon indused io believe that si.e hr.? beeu j stolen. All editor: w ill cun ei a f. o r on lie derplj, ■ vis-res!.-:d, 'ey giving 'he an i<»scr’Jon in their re* ! HEAD QUARTERS. - Milledgeville, Jdnvi/ .y 5, Ordtreu, (hnt Wr.iiiv ID>;■<>,>/ ;f*he. frit ’■ •kaddi of'he scventli Jivisieti. Grnrgia jVi'.’tia, 'e, itnri ti e is I hereby aponiided •Vid-dte-Cnmn tc the Coimiiander Chief, with tfie rank of Colonel, and that he be obey; i ed ano respected accoioingiy. , ; £y order o/thc W. J w. v.’l LI.3CEN, At. .Cr. Dcp. GKJRGIA CHEROKEE j Tolled Lev-is fc" Coen*’-. ( Powell J P ty Davi. I Ellin' ton of Capt- Tippen’s district a small black mard about inurteen or lifteen yearsoid, about four Led; .ict uig.i, blind in :i.u i.;ht eye, no brands pep i« t 'j’c -ue fi -'tn the < tr a I ok . WP.LIAM r r t