Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, May 04, 1833, Image 3

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*ur. Miller knows this to be literally triiei Lui should he think Ih to doubt it, and reduce his denials to writing ind furuisli me with a copy of them, 1 will utidert ike to prove the fact, nol direct, because we were aloiie, but will give circumstantial evidence so incontro vertible that Mr. Miller himself will doubt it uo longer. ThL may seem to be a Kittle aflirr, and so it is ol itself. But after he had obtained his < lection, Mr. Miller of his own choice, rung it through the State, for what purpose 1 know not, accompanied with intimations that there was yet much untold. Several gentlemen had long ago requested me to contiadict Mr. Mil ler’s assertion. But knowing that it did not i omport with the character of a gentlemen to I o detailing private conservations even favora ble to myself, I left tho affair wholly to Mr. Miller until it appeared in print. Then I con sidered myself absolved, and give the above solution fur the satisfaction of my friends. 1 here notify the good people of Louisina and Alabama, to whom the eulogist of Vice President Calhoun; has represented me to be tit) office hunter that upon no occasion and un der no circumstances, have I ever asked the most intimate friend, to assist in procuring an office for me, of any description. Ami 1 can fmther assure the citizens of both these States, 'hut my object in settling among them is to cul ivate the soil. By" industry and frugality li have accumulated sufficient to render this an ; oil object much more acceptable to me, than to cek for public offices—the last employment of .;n honest man. But I have- another reason for recurring to this subject. Vice-President hunting is not •Ro much pursued as to be alarming. It is Presiilent hunting which has thrown this country into such fearful convulsions. And if not checked by some agent more energetic dint the ballot box, so much talked ofand so little relied on, it is not to be expected that any honest man will ever again get into that of fice. ’ j And should there no amendments, ami things go on as they have for a few years past, no hon est man will ever wish to get there! Volumes might be, written on this subject without ex hausting it; but 1 must limit my observations to a few short paragraphs. The root of evil is in Congress. There it is that bargains arc made, there it is that men sacrifice lite vital interests of their constituents mid ol‘ their country to secure a popularity for future use-—1 will here instance an ex nnple, corroborated by the, testimony of a man whose fi iittiilship fir his patron, will be a sufficient voucher f<»r the truth he says. As the eulogist of site Vice President has selected me for his example 1 in turn will choose bis friend for mine. Mr. Calhoun, to relieve himself from the imputations cast upon his conduct as an ad vocate of thn tariff, as developed in his speech es of 1816 lias authorised his confidential mid intimate friend, Gen. Duff Green, to say in a letter to the editor of the Richmond Enquirer ami published in tint pnper on the 14th of Nov last tint he had the facts from Mr. Cal houn himself as well as from Mr. f ngram— (lie remarks of Mr. Calhoun up on that occasion, the l niff of 1816, were deliv ered on the spur of the moment at the request <>l Mr. Ingram, and with premeditation. Remember, “they were delivered on me spur of thn moment!” Ami for what purp iso Jet me tiskl Could they have intended for the benefit of his constituents! Bv no means; h • told Congress repeatedly, that bis constituenst had no interest but in the cultivation of the soil.’* Was it for the benefit of die cotton planters of the South that Calhoun volunteer'd his sor vice.sat the request of Mr Ingh mi! No; because fie has assured them, that in consequence ofthe tariff, the southern planter pay to the northern rn inufaciuro a tribute of 40 bales of cotton out of every hundred that he sends to market.— Could his remarks have been made for the im mediate or remote benefit of liiyhim! V»t at nil? because Mr. Ingham w is no manufacturer. R-'t could it have been for tho benefit of the Slate of Pcnsylvania, that Mr. C. Ihuno lent < Jistenine ear to the proposition of Mr. Ingham! Yes! There lies the secret. But how can this be made appeal? tu be continued. Mt » * W'<• >-• w >■t vc >•< >•< >•< CHEROKEE, Saturday, JZoy 4, 1833. *.• a? 5k &ai IS »*a< - J- ft &%«&ftft ft ft We had prepared our remarks of considerable length, butowing to the arrival of Sheriffs’s ites when the greater part of our paper was otherwise disposed of, wc had not room sufficient to insert them. Our reader* will therefore excuse us in this particular. A BATTI E ! On Sunday the 28th April last a battle was (ought near acudder’s in Forsyth county between a party ofliuli.ins ami a party of whites consisting of about thirty on each side. Their weapons of warfare con sisted of G its, sticks ami stones. There were no lives lost, but many a black eye ami broken bone 'vas the result of the conflict. Ur. Luke Robinson, from whom we obtained this intelligence, was pres ent at the scene, and uescribed it as being verv ter rific. We regret that Mr. Robinson was in such a great hurry that we had not sufficient time to en quire into tho particulars. The victory was claim ed by the whites: ami wit presume the quarrel ori ginated in a dispute about the gold mines at that place. Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales. TOR JUNE. WILL be sold nt the Court-House in Cherokee county, on th c Urs . Tuesday in June, the fol lowing property to-wit. 3 ««.mewt- Onc lot of laud nunber one hundred an ! ninrtv it. tho fifteenth Strict of the second section' Irvi rd on ns the property ot Andrew Scott to satisfy sun dry files issued from n.ustises court of Burk county tn tavorof Sturges and Blunt, levy made and returned to ine by n constable Also, lot number eight hundred and seven in the fifteenth district of the second section, levied on as the property of Philip Thurmond and William H Norman th satisfly nft is Lu- u, nor court in favor 1 ui II inry u irii I'or Diiitls Mahoney, property ;> rutted out by plaitUiis attori.ey. Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-five in the wenly-lirst district ot the second section levied on as the property of Ainos Al’Lendon to satisfy a fi fa issued from Jasper superior court in favor of Tandy 1). King, property pointed out by the plaintiff. Also, lot nuniber for hundred sixty-three in the third district of the second section, levied on as the proper ty of John Rose tosatislsy two mall li fas. Issued from Jones superior court in favor of Wiliam Felton, prop erty pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Also, lot number two hundred ‘y twenty three in second district second section levied on asthe proper ty ot John Fryer, to satisfy a ti fa issued from Burke Inferior Court in favor of Thomas S. Baley Adminis trator, of Felix, J. Burns vs John Fryer and Joseph Rue, property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Also, one Yoke of Steers levied on as the property ot Joel Leathers, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Hail J Interior Court, in favor of the officers of said court; I property pointed out by the defendant. -Also, lot of land number two hundred and forty ) five in the 14th district second section levied on as the j property of Ignatius Scott, to satisfy three fi fas issued j from a Justices court of Fayett county, in favor! ot John Bark and others; levy made and returned to ! me by a Constable. Also, lot number one thousand and seventyeight in 1 the fifteenth district of ttie second section levied on as the property of William Jackson to satisfy two small fifas in favor of the executors of Robert Wynn i vs the said Jackson. Levy made and returned to me by u Constable. J. P. BROOKS. .May 4 IS3X Shff. Cuss Sheriffs’ Sales. I FOR JUNE. ’ WILL be sold on the first Tuesday, in June !' next, at the usual place of holding court in < Cass county, the following property to wit. Lot of land number eleven hundred and fonrteen in the twenty first district of th ■ second section Cass; ! levied on as lite property of Charles Gunn, to sat isfy a fi fa, from a justices court of Twigs county, ; in favor of Allien Courtney, levied on and returned , to me by a constable. B. F. ADAIR. April 27-11 Sheriff. Will be sold on the first luesday in June next, at the ; Court-House in Cass county within the usual hours ' of sale the following property to wit: Lot number fie hundred and eighty-eight . in the seventeenth district of the third section levied on as the property of John W. Pate to satisfy afi fa issued from a justices court of Washington county, in ! favor of Edward Garlick levied on and returned to I me by a constable Also, lot number one hundred and sixty-orie in the seventeenth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Joseph Roe to satisfy one Execution I Irotn Burk inferior Court, against John Fryer mid the ' said Joseph Roe in favor of T. rs. Bayley guardian of 1 E L. & R. R Burnes I Also, lot number twenty-one in the twenty-second ' district of the third section, levied on as the property I of Arthur Warren to satisfy one execution from flail ; superior court against Arthur Warren, Reub tti Wiu ' ren, Elijah Roberts and Aaron B. Hardin security in ' favor of P. J. .Murray. j Also, lot number one thousand and seven jn the I Twenty first district of the second section levied I as the property of Shadrack Jean Io satisfy five small j executions in favor of Patrick J Mutray, levy made I and returned to me by a constable. I Also, lot number two hundred mid fifty five in the I fourili district of the third section, leviedon as the prop- I city of Caleb Garrison to satisfy one Execution front , [ Coweta Inferiorcourt against said Garrison in favor of P J. Murray. Also lot number two hundred and seventy.three in 1 | the forth district of the third section levied "on as the I property of Stephen Garner to satisfy three small li fas ; in favor of I’. J .Murray, levied on and returned to me > by a const able. Also, lot number two hundred and forty-five fifth district third section, levied on as lhe property of Win. Jackson to satisfy tour small Executions in favor of I*. J. Muit ay, levy made and returned to me by a con- Also, lot number fifteen in lhe sixteenth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Christo- ' pher Riderto satisfy two executions in favor of P J. i j Murray levied on and returned to me by a constable, i 1 | Also, lot number two hundred and eighty in the ! , twenty second district of the second section, levied I 1 on as the property of David Abbot to satisfy two small j Executions in lavor of P. J. Murray. ANDREW \LD. ' . may I—l 2 ‘Dept. Sheriff I Will be »->l<l, nt lhe Court-House in Cass county 1 j <>u the first Tuesday in Juno next, between the law ful horns ot -ale, the tollowing property, to-wit : Lot number two liumlred and twelve in the sixth teeuth district of the third section, levied on as the property of John Crutchfield deceased, and Richard Crutchfield Ad’tur. in favorof Joseph Echols & Co. , LEWIS TUMLIV ; Dept. Sheriff. Forsyth Sherill’s’ Sales. 1 I FOR JUNE. li WTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in june next v V between the lawful hours ot sale, at the house of William Hammond, the following prop erly, to-wit : Lot lumber six hundred and nineteen second <!<•• strict first section, levied on ns the property <>t Isaiah Whitlock, to satisfy one small li la trorn Ball coun ty, in favor of Cary W Jackson against said Whit lock levied on and returned to by a Constable Also, lot number two hundred end eighty four, in I the second destrict first section levied on as the t'ro perty of William Westbrooks to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice eonrt ot Green county,"in fave’r of R 1 L. Cato tigai ist said \\ illiam Westbrooks, also lot ' number one hundred and ninety two in the fourteenth district first section, asthe property of Lew is Smith i to satisfy afi ta trom Hail Superior Court in favor of . j Lawhorn and Venable. Also, lot number twelve hundred and twenty seven ! in the fourteenth district first section levied on as the property of Rawland Berdin to satisfy a fi fa from Hall Superior Court in tavor of John Muller. Also, lot number twelve hundred mid sixty eight inthc fourteenth destrict first section, levied on asthe property of I*. Powell to satisfy a li fa from Hall Su perior Court in favor of Anthony Steel against said Beardin. Also, lot numbe six hundred & twenty nine in the third destrict first section I vied on as the property of Abraham Leathers to satisfy a fi fa Irotn Hall Supe rior Court in favor of Caleb Field for the use ot S. Brown. JOHN JOLLY _M :, 5’ I bit (riff". Will be sold on the first'Tuesday in June, at the court house in Forsyth county, between the lawful hours of sale, lhe following property, to-wit : Lot number nine hundred and fifty in the fourt eenth distict first section, levied on as the the proper ty of Anderson Baker to satisfy a fi ta from a justices court of Walton county, in favor of Samuel M'Junkin property pointed out by the plaintiff, levied on and re turned to ine by a constable Also, lot number three hundred anil thirty one in ! the second district of the first section," levied on ns the property of William Wilkerson to satisfy a fi ta from a Justices court ot Walton county, in favor I ot .Samuel M'funkin property pointed out by the plan tiff leviedon and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number eighty in the third destrict of tho first section levied on as the property Joshua i Holder to satisfy three fi f.n iro n a justices court 1 ot Habbershatn count in favour cf I?. F Portera gaiust tho said Holder. ' Aho, u>t number two tifndred nnd sixteen in the, fourteenth district of the first section L viedyn ns the property ot William Davis to satisfy six fi tas in favor of Henry Terrel lor the use ot Richard’Butler property pointed out by the plantiff, levied oh and returned to me by a constable. HUBBARD BARKER, may 4—12 Dept rfhff. Floyd Sheriffs’ FOR JUNE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June! next, at the house of James Cunningham,) the usual place of holding court in t Fioyd county the following property to wit: Lot of land number twenty four in the twenty second district ot the third section Floyd ; levied on as the property of Fryer Crittenton to satisfy a! fi fa issued from a justices court in favor of James Long, levied an and returned to me by a consta ble Also, lot number twenty in the fourteenth dis trict of the fourth section levied on as the proper ty of Seth Orm s to satisfy sundry fi fas in tavor of Cornelius D. Terhune and Benjamme Cone, levied ( on and returned to me bv a constable. 'A. 11. JOHNSTON, april 27-11 Dept. Sheriff. Murray - lieriffs’ i FOR JUNE. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June » v next at the Court-House in Murray county the fol.owing property to wit:— Lot of. land number forty-six in the twenty fifth district of the third section levied on as the proper ’ ty of John N. Kile issued from a justices court of Hall county in favorof P. J. Murray, levy madeand retired to me by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and nine in the twenty-fifth district of the fourth section levied o as the property of John Harris in favor of F C Au doe for the use of P. J. Murray, levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-two i in the seventeenth district of the third section levi ' cd on asthe property of sainuel 1 axtonto satisfy a | fi (a from a justises coertof Hall county in favor of P. J. Murray leviedon and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and twenty-three in the twenty sixth district of the third section lev ied on as the property of Burrel Thompson to sat isfy sundry fi fas from a justices court oi Hall coun ty in favor of P. J. Murray levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number thirty in the ninth district of! the fourth section leviedon as the property of Will iam Davis to satisfy sundry fi fas from a' justices court of Habersham county in favor of P. J Mutiay. levy made and returned to me by a constable, z\lso, lot nunber two hundred and sixty in the eighth district of the thitd section b-vied on as the property of Henry Unit to satisfy sundry fi las. from a justices court of Hall county in favor of P. J Murray, levy made and returned to me by a contsa ble. Also, lot number twenty in tho twenty-sixth dis trie’ of the third section levied on as the property of John l<. Cain to satisfy afi fa from a justices court of Hall county in favor ofP J. Murray, levy ma le and tetnrned to me by a constable, Also, lot number seventy-five in the thirteenth district of the third section levied on as the proper j ty of James Higgins to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court o( Gwinnett conty in tavor ot P. J. Murray, levy made and returned to me by a constable. JAMES C. BARNETT, may 4—12 Sheriff. | Treasury Department, MILLEDGEVILLE Aprd 17th 1833. i AGAIN it becomes my painful duty to inform ! Tax Collectors, and other public officers, of I the failure of another Lank; viz: the Merchants and Planters Bank, of Augusta ; and to notify l them that its bills will not be received at this Of fice in payment of Taxes due the State, or in the fulfilment of any contracts of which the Slate may be a party. JOHN WILLIAMS, Treasurer. ff/ 3 * The papers through the state are requested to give the above two insertions, and forward their accounts for pavment. t i EO KG i .A (J ames Tipper of the sev- Cherokee county, \ en hundred and ninety sec ond district G. M tolled before Eli M’Connell J. P. one brown bay stud pony, three years old Inst spring, branded on the left shoulder with IX S. Appraised by iMartrn Evans and Daniel Butler to twenty dollars, on the 12th January 1333. A true extract from the estray book. april 27—11 WILLIM GRISHAM, c.t. c. AN act to alter the third section of the fourth article of the Constitution of this State, so far is to authorise the people to elect lhe general officers of the Millitia of this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the State id Georgia in Gneral as sembly met, and i* is hereby enacted bv the au thority id the same, That from and immediately after this act shall lave passed, in conformity with tile Constitulio of this State, it shall and may be lawful lor all Major Generals, to be elected by (he people ol the respective Divisions or Brigades, aud all persons subject to •!<> millitary duty shall be entitled to vot e foi the same only. And be it further enacted by the authority a foresaid, Tha t hereafter when any vacancy of a •Major Gener a | or Brigadier General, shall happen in any I)ivisj on or Brigade in this snail be the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to give notice ot Such vacancy to the millitary olhcerhigh in command in each county, composing the di vision or pened, and it slian t he duty <»f the Colonel or I other Military officer highest ■» command in each county, to give notice by advertisement at three of the most public places in the county, at least twenty days before the election, that an election will be held on the first Monday in October next ensuing, at all the places ofholding election, in said coudty, to fill such vacancy, and it shall be the duty of the managers ol elections. Jo receive the voles so given in for such military officers, and to transmit immediately after the r lose ot the elec tion a correct statement of the polls to his Lccllen cy the Governor, and it shall be the duty of his Excellency the Governor, tocause the votes so given in for each canditale to be counted, and to issue a commission to the person having the liigb- I est number of votes so given in. And Ire it further enacted by the authority aforc said. That all laws mid parts oi laws militating a i gainst this act. be and the same ate hereby re pealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House ol Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President ol the Semite. Asserted to, Dec, -1 1J32: WILSON LUMPKIN. mav 4 i 2 Governor. jLook at this. j GEORGIA—CIIELOKEE COUNTY. ' There will be sold, on the second Monday in i May next, upon lot or tract of land number two | hundred and twenty-nine, in the fourteenth district j of the second section, of said county, the place se I leeied by us for the site of said county, the TOWN ; LOTS necessary for tke Court-House and other [ necessary Buildings for a town. Terms made ( I known on the day of sale. | WILLIAM LAY,j. i.c. WILLIAM BAKER, j i. c. RADNAL M’DONALD, j. I. c. march 15—7, PROTEST. VIfHEREAS there is great dissatisfaction pre vmling amongst a large majority of the good \ citizens of the County of Cherokee relative to the ’ selection of 10l number two hundred and twenty ■ nine, in the fourteenth district of the second sec-! tion, for the county site of the said county of i , Cherokee; and whereas I myself have just cause ito be dissatisfied with said selection; and do con i aider it essentially necessary for the good ofthe county, that some other, and more suitable place, should yet be selected; ( Ranilol McDonald, one oi the Judges of the Inferior Court for the countv aforesaid, do hereby revoke all power that may : seem to be placed, or may have been placed by me; either by word, writing, assent, or any other manner whatsoever in a majority, oranv part of the inferior Court of’he county of Cherokee, for the purpose of selecting said lot: and do hereby enter 1 my protest against the selection of said lot: and do j declare null and void any act or acts, thing or things heretofore done by me, or by mv assent, ’ ither by word, writing, or in any other manner whatsoever, iu and towards the selection of said i lot no. 229-14-2. as, and (or, the county site ot the ' -.aid county of Cherokee. Done in Cherokee County the 4th day of April 1833. j raxdol McDonald j. l c. l s. Elias Putman, and John McConnell, two ’ ’ of the Judges of the Inferior Court for the I lounty of Cherokee and State of Georgia, do oikewise dissent from, and enter our protest against, the selecction of lot of land number two hundred and twenty nine in the fourteenth disuict ot the second section of the Cherokee territory, as, and for. the county site of said county of Cherokee; for the reasons set forth in the above protest bv Randol , McDonald, one of the Judges of said court, and ! because we consider the said lot as wholly un i suitable for the purpose aforesaid. Done in Cherokee County the 4th day Apr* 1833. J ‘ < ELIAS PUTMAN J. J. Ls . I John McConnell j. i. c. i. 3 . GEORGIA ?\t heieas it appears to us Cherokee county, that three of the Inferior court of said county have selected lot or tract of ■ land number 229 in the 1 ith district of the 2d sec tion as the cite of the public buildings in said coun ty, and since that time Randol M’Donald has pro tested lhe said selection: and it appears that de lay and great injustice may be done the citizens of safil county by a further postponement of said se lection. VVe the undersigned do thciefore from th« best information we can obtain, petition that said > selection may stand, it being a very suitable and convenient place, situated upon the Hightower ri ver, and within one mile ofthe center ofsaid coun try this 4th April. WJliant Grisham, Hervey Sm ill, William Dmiel, J.;ln> Waites, Sihati House, J. \V Leonard, J. J. Leonard, George Post, Wiley Hood, Henry Holcombe. J. S. Holcombe, E. Dooley, D. Stansell, J. W. Dooly, W. M. Moore, A. W. Moore, W. M. Wattes, N. Beller, J. Moore, Thomas House, D. Heath, 11. Roach, F. Jones, J. Echols, J. W II iyes, \V. Nix, N. Moore, S. Harvey, J. Chandler, Edwin Mims, I. J. Good, J. Barton, G. M’Castle, W. D. Menifee, C. B. Beavers, L. Shanpton, Y. Pool, J. Jackson, C. Garrison, J. A. Few, R. L. Sparks, J. S. Tucker, D. M’Careiy, J, Cooper, (>. Eilicredge, S. Collins, • W. Collins, T. Collins, A. G. Smithjr. L. Everett, J. Sample, W. G. II mis, A. Holizdaw, E. Hohzclaw, O. Echols, 1* Sample. William Howard, J. Young, J. R. Kelley, AL Evans, S. B. Bucket-, A. Bradford, G S. Bradford, J. 11. Bradford, 11. Guttrv. William White. J. C. B .ily. GEORGIA ( Whereas I protested the se- Cherokee county. $ iectior. of lot number 229 in the 1 Uh district of the 2d section, the placa select- i ■ cd by myself, Wnt. Lay and \V m. Baker, for the ; public buildings in said county, upon tho grounds that 1 was dissatisfied with said selection. But by it appearing to me from the above petition, that a , majority of the citizens ofsaid county arc in favor of tiie said selection to stand ; I leel willing for the wish of trie people to be satisfied, and in order that ! bur county may Sm speedily organized, arid the in people promoted. 1 feel willing to with draw my protest, and therefore the lots will be sold agreealde to the first advertisement- may 4-12 RANDOL M DONAI.D. j. i. c. A LIST Os letters remaining tn the Ojfice cl Hickory-Flat j Cherokee county O r the kt of April, 1833. which if ' < nol taken out i:i three months will be sent io the General Posl-Ojjlcc as dead letters, viz:— 11. T. Brinson, Oliver Jeter, 2. Joseph Johnston, Mr. M'Breer, i Miss, Rebecca .M’lntire, Hon. M. Scudder esq. -Miss Maria T horntun, Noble Timmons, George \V Winters. ELI M CONNEI.L, P M, L W.. THE 'u*>s?ril>cr has resnmed the practice of Law. :.n I having located himself in Cass county, wdt attend to miy busines of’he profession in the Cherokee Circuit. d. Trr.nuxr. i Medical Colleue o I OF OHIO, situated at cixcinatT i. The Lectures in this Instrtutim, w i|) commence ;on the last Monday in October and continue until the last week in February. The addition to the Co' ' ledge Ednjee will be completed by the middle of Oc ( tober and the whole structure will be found to .afford , the most amp e accommodation that can be desnerf m such an establishment. The Faculty consists ofthe following persons : Jedcdiah Cobb, Al. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. J Thomas D. Alitchell, M. D. Professor ofChyinistrv and Pharmacy. J 3 James As. Staughton, AL D Professor as Sureerv Charles E. Pierson, Al. D. Professor of Alateria Medica. John Morehead, Al. D. Professor of Obstetrics and. > Diseases of Womt n and Children. 'John Eberle, M. I). Professor of the Theory and I Practice of .Medicine. The cost of the entire course including the use cf I the Library, and the privilege of attending at tho . Hospital twice a week is ninety-three dollars. THOMAS D. MITCHELL, _ Denn oi the Faculty. Cincinnati,cpt. 25, 1832. S OFFICE OF THE LADY’S BOOK, Is umber three Athenian Buildings Philadelphia 1 L. A. GODEY & CO. ff^E® PECTFULLY inform their patrons, that ■-*' in consequent of a new arrangement in their Printing establishment, they will be able henceforth I to issue the Lady’s Book regularly, about the com mencement of each month. This, it is believed, will be found of general advantage to subscribers. The February number of the Lady’s Book con i tains the Usual original articles of great merit— I The embellishments have been adopted and pre pared with attentive care, and it is believed will give niversal satisfaction. The frontispiece, respect ung the Queen ofbe/gium, is at this juncture, pe culiary appropriate, and hits much merit as a pic i ture. The whole length of Napoleon is one of the specimim-s of that style of engraving, which hast ever been’ presented to the public, and reflects high credit on thcartist. Mr Lnbhren. The Aler maid of Afartin Meer, though of a different kind is no less excellent. Lord Byron’s beautiful stanzas “There is none of beautie’s daughters,” set to music by an eminent composer, will be found in. this number. L A. Godey & Co take this op portunity of requesting agents to forward the sums which they m v respectively be indebted, as they are anxious to close the accounts of the last year. , De'inqnent subscribers are once more invited to ( liquidate the claim's against them. The number of new subscribers received since the commence ment of t'-’e present year has been verv gratifying, and gives assurance that the Book still continues to advance in public favor. Persons wishing to subscribe, are requested to forward their orders a3 i soon as convenient, to L. A. GODEY & Co. March 30—7 Important to Merchants, AND OTHERS. IMPROVED Fire proof Iron Chests. Safes and strong money chests for Alerqhants and Banks. The improved Patte.nt or Double Fire Proof Iron Chests invented and manufactured by the subscriber, off-T complete resistance to both Fire and Thieves, and are allowed to be superior to all otkers yet in vented The Chestshave been in extensive Use in this and other cities of the United States for the last three years, have been fully tested hy fire and arc fitted with locks that cannot be picked The subscriber has built many fire proof chests of large dimensions for the use ot banks, with others the following namely: fortlie market bank, lhetraders bank, and the orien tial at Boston, the Bristal county batik at Taunton, Mtiss. the bank at St. Marks, the Collector an i Trini dad de Cube, and the largest Iron chest in the world the savings bank in this city, its weight being upwards of I LOIKI pounds. Merchants and otliTs who may' wish to purchase ti chest will please address the subscriber, giving the inside dimensions of the same, as well asthe length nnd width ofthe largest books in Use, or apply to his agents, Alessrs. J. B Herbert & co. of Savannah, who have an assortment on hand The chests are sold by weight and cost from 50 to S2OO each. C. J GAYLER, 248 Water-str. near Peck Slip. New-A'ork. Foudrinier and cylinder paper machinas. Paper cut ting machines and Drying inachies, for (Jalico Prin ters nnd Paper Makers, made to order, and warranted equal to any now in use in lhe United States, Also—For sale. J. L. Brown’s superior Patent Bal ances. graduated to home and foreign weights, with apparatus complete. GENERAL AGRICULTURAL ‘ AMD HORTICULTURAL ESTABLISHMENT < Comprising a Seed and Implement Store, a genera Agricultural Agency and the Office of the American Farmei, at No. 16, South-street, Baltimore: In connection with a stock and experimental Farm, Garden and Nursery, in the vicinity. The subscriber, proprietor of the above named es tablishment, respecifully informs Farmers, Gardeners and the public generally, and dealers particular, that he i. prepared to execute orders in any or all of its d»- 1 partnients ; and he solicits those who feel interest iu i his plan to furnivh him with their address, free of ex pense to him, on receipt of which he will forward to them an extra number of his paper, the American Farmer, containing a full description of his estublish i nient. and a priced catalogue of Seeds, /fcc. for sale. In every village in the Union, a quantity large or small of CHOICE GARDEN SEEDS would find u ready and profitable sale, and the advertiser h«< pie . pared his Seed-Store specially with a view to supply dealers on very liberal terms, for cash or acceptance in i Baltimore, with first rate seeds, papered and labelled, ! put up in boxes expressly for country dealers He j ventures to affirm, that for those who desire any of the articles comprised in his extensive establishment 'here | is not in the United States a more eligible place than ! this to apply for them, as it is a repository in which are concentrated, or may be procured on short not ice, from all parts of our country, and not a few are from remote partsofthe earth, a vast variety, many of which arc verv rare and valuable, of Seeds, Plants. ’Frees, Roots, Vines. Domestic ,-Animats Roots, Implements, and last, though not least, a constant fund of timely and important information on almo“t every subp et in teresting to a cultivator of the soil. 'I bis last is itn i parted weekly to subscribers, for a small nritmal con tribution. through the columns of the American I firm er. in which arc indicated also, by adverti-i merit and i othcrw ise, the supplies of choice commodities, both animal and vcgitalde. as they arc received at the es tablishment. Tne siibicriber is agent also or the principal Nurseries and Gardens in tne t. ninn -. and fur several celebrated l i.edets i f fine cattle sheep • nnd other dnmr r tic r.nimul= ; also for the United So ciety of Shake:», at New-f.abaron. N. Y a lull a-- sortment of whose celebrated Garden Feeds, fresh nnd genuine, may id all times be had fir m him, wholesale and retail on the best terns Addi-os. J HiVCsE IHTf UrCCK. morel. “J-“8S Zuitat.iri, Xelr