Newspaper Page Text
* f'/iut we should seek m the Sciences is truth, and truth,
is in Ihcficls." —Broussais.
ST is now more than six years since I first con
ceived tiie idea of publishing periodically the
ybove work, tor the tallowing reasons, winch arc ob- j
viousand striking: There being no publication of the
kin J in the State.; and, tor ought I know, throughout
the whole Southern States; we are compelled, con
sequently, to look to the North, and through her to
Europe, tor every thing new. rare, and interesting in
the science. It would seem peculiary appropriate
just at the present time, when :he most awful visita
tion is hovering over the land—the Asiatic Cholera.
It has already swept across a great extent < t Noitli
America; from Montreal and Quebec to New Or-|
leans; visiting .Im .st every city and town ol any uu-'
portanee in the Northern Middle and W estern States. I
There is left no reasonable ground to justity the con- ■
elusion, that our highly favoured section ot country,
can much longer escape the impending evil Best tea, ,
have we no disease or modification ot disease, met-'
dent and peculiar to our climate, and remedies native ;
of our country ? |
Medicine had its origin, in necessity ! Id iiiotives of.
benevolence and philanthropy—in a disposition to
mitigate the evils—to ameliorate the condition o suf
fering human nature to liatffe fell disease — the greatest
curse inflicted on fallen man —and bestow, on him
iJeallh, the chiefesl blessing, saving the atoning blood
of our Saviour. Our much lamented Hush said, “while
the world, from the progress of intellectual, moral,
and p ilitical truth, is becoming a more sate and agree |
able abode for man, the votaries ot Medicine should i
not be idle.” The American Linnanis, the late ven-|
erable Benj. S. Bartoh said, “he who discovers one (
valuable new Medicine, is a more important bem tac
tor of his snecies than Alexander, Cesar, Bonaparte,
or an hundred other conquerors Lven his glory.
the estimation ot a truly civilized age, Will be
; r 'md more lasting, than that of these admired ravag
ers ot the wot id i
Whai is the condition of our department ot science
in Georgia? Indeed and in truth our Medical lore is ,
Lirking tar behind (comparatively speakmg) the active
improvements of the day—the spirit ot the times ad
monishing us to look forward wnh an mirivHed gaze, |
upon tin advance ot man and the • march ot inind. ,
There is medical talent m Georgia, and yei -lie is al- .
most without proiessi it"l character , ‘ 1
not enterprise, industry and energy. 1 neie i- mar - ,
folly but little written on medicine m mi. .oat- , m -
ical reading too, is imt pursued with avidity, kssstuu
ied, properly undeistood and i.'gai «-<l. . ,
Let <r 'urn our attention to tin* constant and Hide- i
fatigable efforts ot many American teach-is ; but es
pecially to toe. late works of our own countryman,
nrotessor Jackson of Philadelphia, lie inculcates
principles upon the unerring guide ot g. nume atm in
ductive declaims against nutlmniy ;
and boldly asserts tlw non-exinciice y •’ s l’ ecl . h s
trie juice, .il l advocates olnor certaintn s, •
taut, to physiology and truth . , t
'The recent spleiidpj* ULWoveries of Abercrombie *-‘:
Scotland .♦.berueihy, Lawrence. CbHterbuck,
Ti'rtte.&.c. &c of England, are their everlasting ni“li
nmeiits. Germany is likewise movingon but
nil, stand the sons of France, and oi true medical phi
losophy, Audral Broussais. Baron Liny, ’mid Laeu
nec and others; these moderns of the moderns, have
'ivhollv uprooted the old and ancient systems of roti- |
tine medicine:—they have sought, however, not so ;
much to overthrow former systems founded m error,
as they have to discover truth, ind the real cho mey of ,
disease. They have not only succeeded .n removing ,
the rubbish, but in establishing medicine on a surer I
and firmer foundation, and giving to it the line ol
match.onwardto perfection. . . '
If would be u.icandid, audit is md lobe denied or
concealed, that the doctrines ot tne Frencn school
and particularly those ol the deserved y renowned
and immortal reiormer Broussais, 1 ,f " 11 ■*
maiuta ned in thi- Gazette We regard them (and
they m-.-uni versallv admitted) as contruunu the purest
amt m -st substantial ot the great fundamental truths
of physiological medicine. They ye founded m data:
the dissecting knife has been made ti iev. a am <<
v. lope from pathological anatomy, pr.nciples ot a ,
fixed character . i „„ „ >; i 1
They will be as enduring as time, and as s • s,
adamant. Principles involved in cause ami erne t
that were heretofore considered my- cries .nexph ~ -
ble, are now known and established acts. In h
Tiiiml of Broussais, positive philo-ophy has song > u
found confessedly » regenerating and ledteming
"’’uT come not without ‘Hlfidence, presentinz our I
hnmble offering, feeble and ret ired a* i i- '• ’
ule our mite at the altar of professional sen*n ; e w
•an bill eivc a Z.-st to the young mind, an m. h mtlon
,u.d direction to medical inquiry, it
expect ; it is the ••m’'dbu of oin «i--hi.
!;. m’- .t the best Vdem of the State is e-.uagedto
n , sls , and to contribute in the work, and we ooh
d..'.lV expect to m- able to concentrate and cmnbme
surimi mud ot foreign and domestic intelligent in
o,u journal, as to make it acceptmm, d '“’t »g “•■‘ b
alm .st any where.
Selections and Extracts will be made from the follow
inic Periodicals; and all new works as they come out;
American Journal ot the Medical Science.
N.-w Y «rk Medical and Physical Journal
N .th \merican Medical and Surgica Journal
Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sci
e,Tran-ylvanimi Journal ot tiie Medicine and Asso
ciate Societies.
The Medico-Chirurgical Review.
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal.
London Medical and Physical Journal.
Londi n Medical mid Surgical Journal.
London Medical Gazette.
Archives Gencrales de Medicine.
Ainalrs de la Medicine Physioloqmqiie.
Trans.ictions Medicales
Revue Medicale Francais et Etrangcre.
Bulletin des Sciences Medicale; .
Journal General de Medicine de Chirurgie et de
Pl arm icie Fiane.ais et Etnmgires. Jtc.
The co-operation ot professional gentlemen every
where isearnestly desired. Original communications
and essays well written, und ca-cs n ported accurately
and scientilicaliy, in the practice ot ■neihe.m’ surgerv
ami obstetrics, are soheited. Ihe work « ill be ■“• m-d
from the piess in M con, in an cctavo pamphlet Imm
comprising some l’>o pages, once in two month-, to
commence on the first ot January, or as soon as a -iilh- ■
< ient number of subscribers are obtained to authorize
the undertaking et tour dallars per annum I
The following tnedicn! gentlemen, with several otl>
ersoi standing in the profession, will be contrib
utor- to ?he work Dr. Autiumv oi Angnsla. Dr (.or
mm of Milledgeville. Dis Be n- ami l er-on-ol Ma
eon Drs. Boykin. Fort md White ot M die. gm ule.
Dr Phili .-of Powelton. Dr. Gorman of I orsyth. Dr.
R.m ,f Monticello. Dr Garvin of W avnesh trough.
Dr l| vnes of Sparta. Dr. Hovey ol Eatonton. Dr.
Jonesot 1 Augusta, Dr. Jones ot ILmdolt h.
He who undertakes t >e publication of a Journal,
for the promotion of useful knowledge. I am periectly
nw re at once as.-umesa high prerogative and heavy
responsibility I anticipate and abendv feel the
vvei -ht of selfish opposition and the shafts ot rigid cm
ms.n; these however are not to lie dreaded it regnr
ed when c inducted in a spirit <M high minded and
honorable impiirv ; with a pure intention : « uh an eye
fixed singly up m’ simple truth and virtuous cam.our;
is to subserve the cause ot humanity and benevo
lence. is nt least th. ulterior it not the primary motive
of this enterprise.
\\ ith this declararion. being fully convinced and
fboroughlv persuaded of the propriety, usefulness and
resolute necessity of such a work a- the pre-ent con
*empb«ted one. I no longer he-itate, 1 v aeillate no more
Bar waver ag>»iu; le t the conscqncncas fall v ith deso-
I®ion on my head ; let my what it may, and '
•v.omfilurc come when it will, I resolve to s’ep for
to the fulfilment of my object, to ’he perform
ance of m/ work, and the arduous duties of which it
necessarily imposes. Itrust however, with a due sense
of modesty, yea w ith “fear and trembling,” and vet
with the spirit of a man—respecting all men’s opinions
as 1 respect my own—extending to others the same
rights and pt ivileges that I claim and reserve to my.
self. J. G. S.
I Gentlemen, who may feel disposed to patronise
; this enterprise, novel as it is, are desired to address
us at Tarversville, Twiggs county, Georgia, our place
ot residence. November 1832.
Transylvania University.
The Lectures in this Institution will commence, a j
usual on the first Monday in November, and continue !
without intermission, until the first Saturday of
March ensuing. The courses are at follows, viz :
SuroEi'V ( Benjamin W. Dudley, >l. D.
Institutes of Medicine )
and >ByChS. Oldwell, M. D.
Clinical Practice j
Theory and Practice )
of > By John E. Cook, M. D.
Medicine y
Obstetrics and the > Wm n R i c | jardson M D
Diseases of Women j
and >Charles W. Short, M. D.
Medical Botany, j
Chemistry )
and > Lunsford P. Yandell, M. D
I Pharmacy y
I Daring tlie entire term, the Professor of Anatomy j
I and Surgery, Lectures nine times each week, and the
I other Professors, daily, Sabbath excepted. The fee
of admission to the entire course, including matricula
tion and the use of the Library, is 10 00
Graduation 20 00
Within the past year, large additions have been
made to the Medical Library and Chemical Appara
; tus By order ol the Faculty, »
C.W. SHORT, Dean.
The session of the Law Department will com-!
' inenee on the first Monday in November and continue •
' four mouths. The students will be divided into class j
' es and each class separately lectured and examined, 1
daily, Sabbath excepted. Mock court held every
Saturday. Students furnished with text-books from
the Library. There are now in the Institution stu
dents from the following states, Mississippi, Tennes
see, Kentucky, Missouri, New York and Pennsylva- ;
nia In all 'aspects the will be as during the !
las’ two veat which is now 100 well known to re
quire further I ’nils.
Matriculation ami Library Fee
Ticket so> ctures
Medical Jm imprudence , J l *
i A student may take ei’her Ticket without the
other. !> MAY' S. Prof. Leg. i
C. C \LDWELL M I>. !
Arof Med jiirisprudmice. ,
Mercer Institute.
1 Mercer Institute, tor combining study and
‘ St manual labour, wiilgo into operation on the 2d
I Monday in January next, under the direction oi the
' Rev. B 11. Sanders.
i The principle object of the Institution is the educa
i tion of pious young men, wlio are called to the gospel
ministry and have been licensed by the cuurch to
which they belong, and have a good report of ihern
that are without —and particularly those who are indi
gent —and such are utfeclionately invited to bring
their testimonials and avail themselves gratuitously of
' the advantages ot the institution. But as we have no ,
reason to believe that this class ot pupils will fill up 1
the school; it will receive, in addition, as many young
men of good moral character, as can be pro ided lor,
irrespective of religious sentiments. Til” < ommittee
are of opinion that, from the limited state oi its pres-
I ent accommodations, they will not be able to receive
more than 30 to board on the premises the first Term
! ,A S fast, as our friends may find themselves well
pleased with the experiment we may make, as to con
tribute to our means, we design to tilarge our accom
modations lor students, and open our doors tor them.
All the branches of science, usually taught in gram-
I mer schools, will be taught in this Institution No stu-
I dent will be received for less than one year —theyear
will be divided into two terms —the first of six months,
from the 2d Monday in January, to the 2d in July
the 2d <>f 5 months, from the 3d Monday in July, to
thi’ 3 i Monday in December.
j BOARD, tor all over !i> years of age, will be s>3o
for th> scholastic year, and s>i> for washing : those un
der 111. at <’ per montn, having a reasonable deduction
for their labour —each student furnishing his own bed
i amt candles. For want ol funds, board and tuition
1 will be required in advance, to be paid to the stew
ard. Tuition will be s'■) lor the first term, to all en
-1 in reading,, arithmetic, grammar, ge
!r>.rranhy and history. All the higher branches oi
I science and the iangu iges, will be taught tor sia the
' first term —the second ill pi portion.
R ich student w’l! be required to labourthree hours
' each day, five and a halt days in the wre.k The time
ami kind of labour will be directed by the teward,
( under the control ot the Trustees ; and each student
’ will be expected to conform strictly to the regulations
i>f the Institution. It will be expedient for each stu
i dent to have coarse clothes to work in ; and it is de
sired that the wearing apparel of all should he plain
and cheap, that there may be as little distinction as
possible, and that the principle ot economy may be
fully carrier! into* very department of the Institution.
: As our Institution is in its infancy. and in want ot ev
| ery thin", any useful book, to aid in forming a library,
i ami an v implement for labour, or any suitable article
i ot furniture, that any friend may find it convenmit to
i contribute, will be thankfully received.
Ji'.SSE MERGER. Chairman Com.
'ril’FS SrOC’KS. Sec'y. pro tern.
County-Line October 15, 1832 3
I*. S As nil th” books in the same class must be of
I the same kind. B’oksand Stationary will be. kept at
1 the Instituteiii. at co-t,forall those w ho may not otb
erw i-e have supplied themselves.
IT Ail the Editors in the State, friendly to the
■ cruise of e luent m.and the Editor of the “Christian
lndex’’are ea: ncslly Im. respectfully requested to copy
the above circular into their respective papers.
Military Encampment.
With a view’ to the proin tion ot Military Science
and the encouragement ot X’.ilunteer Cores, a sy stem
l ot annual encampments is proposed. \irangements
i are in progress, lor an extensive Encampment in this
neighborhood to commence on Monday the l.llli May
next ; in which all the A oluntver Corps of hilantry
in the state are respectfully invited to join us. I'he
lime proposed t*>r the continuance ot the Encampment
is one wei k Abeautiiul location lias been selected,
commanding an extensive view ot the town and sur
rounding country. An arrangement has been made
for the construction of comfortable Tents and Mar
quees, for the accommodation ot as many < ompxnjes
as may come ; and a contract h is been m ule with in
dividual;. who will act as sutlers am! furnish the men
w ith good board, on the ground, at seventy-hve cents
each per day. On the last day. an Encampinent-.Ale
dal will be shot for. The first of this senesot Encamp
ments took place near Macon, last spring, and was at
tended with much benefit to the Compa* l,es piesent.
1.. D BIT KN ER.)
T T GRF.EN, I Commdtee
E. E. PARK > b -'
j G I’OI.HILL. | rangemeufj.
Milledgeville, March 14. ISA
Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales.’
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in May, at the court
house in Cherokee county, between the lawlul hours
otsule, the tollowing property, to-wit :
Lot oi LAND number two hundred and cighty-tou*
n the sixteenth district ol the luurlb section, oi i<'iiiaiiy
CiiiToKee now Floyd county ; levied on as me pro
perty ol Edmund Hicks lo satisfy a fi m trom .las’ier
•superior cairn itilavur ol Garland Ma.\ey against said
Also, Lot number three hundred and twentv-live in
the iweiily-Uiird district ol the unrd section, originally
Cherokee now Floy u county ; levied on as me pioperiy
ol John Raise to salisiy sundry li tas in Uvor ul VI n
lard Boyuion against said Raise, levied on and return-
I cd to me by a constable.
( Also, lot ol L.h\U number filly i tl the eighteenth '
I district ol tlie lust section, originally i.uw
I Union county ; levied on as the property oi liichard
Blackstock to satisty a ii la irom iiad superior court hi
lavorot Andrew * . Woolley against Julm iitacksluck
and lliciiard Blackstock unu Luis Yancy.
;iisj,ovu:M.uaV£.S, fuuuu.a *ci|owabuut forty
ortortylive years ol age; Rusanali, a woman about
twenty-live or six years, and one lour wheel Carria»e ;
levied on as tbepruperiy ol Reuben Thornton lo salisiv
afi ia troiu Greene mlei tor court m iavoi ol .Smith and
Robins against saiti I'liurntoii., lot ol LAad number one hundred and seventy
' eMitin Um l,niu ul '* le u, ird section, originally
Cherokee now t’auiumg comity ; levieu on as tiie pro
perty ot Mary Page satisiy one small fi la in tav ( ,r of
John Kelly tor the use oi B. A- IL Jones against Mary
l’a c ’e and sundry others.
Also, lot ol uAND number one hundred and eighty
in the fourteenth district ot the first section, originally
Cherokee now Forsyth county ; levied on as the pro
perty ot Joseph Roe to satisfy tw o small fi fa one in
favor of E & H Byne the other in favor of Abisha
Scrubs tor tiie use oi the poorot Burke county.
Ai°o lotol LAND number three hundred and eleven
in the fifth district of me third section, origmaliy
Cherokee now Lass county ; levied on as the property
oi Samuel Forbs to satisfy one small fi la m iavoi ol
John Boiie against said l oibs.
Also, lot”! LAND number one hundred and seventy
five in the twenty lourlli district ot the second section,
orio-inallv Cherokee now Gumer county ; levied on as
the & property ol Henry W V\ atersonto satisfy sundry •
ii fas infavor of John Boiie against said Watcrson.
I Also lot of i.AN L> number nine Hundred and seven
i tv ill die second district ol the second section, original
ity Cherokee now Paului.ig county ; levied on as the
' property of tieurge D. Luster to sau«iy sundry fi ms
in favor ot John Boiie agaiiut said Luster.
Also, lot of land numbei twenty Iwo in the nine-!
teimtli di-tricl ol the second section oiigin.illy * nero-
, kee now Cob!) county ; lwi* d mi as the piop. rty ot i
James Eakin to satisfy one small ti la in favor oi Hide i
*k Boiie and sundry others against said Eakin, all levi- *
■ ed on and returned lo me by a constable . |
Also, lot number tour hundred and eighty five in the j
third district ot the third section originally Lberokee I
now Paulding, levied on as the property ol \V m. W .
Barroti to satisfy a fi fa issued from Campbell superi. |
or court in fa-or of John Boiie against said Barrell. j
Lot number six hundred and ninety-eight, m I
the eiuhteenth district of the fourth se. tion, Mur- ;
! ray: levied on as the property ot Montford VV nl- I satisfy a fi fa in favor ot ILury li. Field, j
| Also, lot number three hundred and twenty one
! in the fourth dismet of the fourth sec tion, Floyd ;
' levied on as the ’>rop«-rty of Jami s Skaggs to satis
fy a ti la in lavor ot Pendleton 1 . Biome.
Also, I’.it number thirteen oumlred and seven in
the fourteenth district of the first section, Forsyth;
levied on as the property ot John vV. Glass to sa- j
tisfy a fi la i i favor ot P. i'- Biddle.
Also, lot number fifty one in the twenty second
district of the second section, Cherokee; levied on
as tlrn propertv ot Solomon Williams to satisfy a
fi fa in lavor of P. I'. Biddle, levied on and return
ed to me by a constable.
I Also, lot number six hundred and twenty-six in
the third district of me second section. Cherokee;
levied "n as the properly ol David Cockran to sa
tisfy a ti fa in favor ol Barden & Brown and other
fi fas levied on and returned io me by a constable.
Also, hit number one hundred and thirty two
in the second district of the second section. Cher- ,
bkee, levied on as the property of P. T Biddle to j
satisfv a fi fa in favor of Sheldati Smith and W il- |
ham Wright.
Also, lot number one hundred and sixty seven in
the sixth district of the third section : levied on i
as the proper 1 ' tit P. T. Biddle to satisfy afifa in
lavor of James M ‘ arier
Also, lot number five hundred and ei.hty-seveii
in the firs district of the second section. (. obb ;
levied on as the property ot Amos King to satisfy J
a ti i i in lavor of William C. Osborn, levied cm
and returned io me by a constable.
Also, lot number eight hundred and twenty-six ‘
in the fourth district of the limrth se-tion, Floyd ; j
levied on as ihe property of .1 mes zYtwell to satis i
t v ,i fi l i in lavor <4 W illiam C. Osborn, livied cti j
ami returned to me by a constable.
Ai*o. lot number two hundred and twenty-nine
in the vialiiti district of the second section. Gil [
mer; levied on as the property ot John Griffith to i
sa<i“D a fi la it* favor of W illiam C Osborn, levied
on and returned to me by a constable
Also. nimber five hundred and fifty-six tn
the seventi etith district, of the third secno:.. Cass ;
levied on as the pioperiy ot W iley Mitchell to sa
tisfy a fi fa tn favor of W illiam C. Osburn, levied
on and returned to me by a constable.
i Also, lot number two hundred and fifty-nine in j
1 the thirteenth district ot the second section, Cher i
okce ; levied on as the prupeity ol Muses 0. White i
to satisfy a ti fa in favor ot William C. Osborn, i
levied on and returned to me by a constable. i
Also, lot number three hundred ami ten in the I
! eighth district of the second section, Cobb; levied,
on as the propertv of Carlos F. M’Kinzie to.satisly a j
i fi fa in lavor of John Fife, levied on and relumed
to me by a constable. j
Also, lot number twohtimlrerl and twenty-eight
in the twenty-fourih distrii t of tiie second section,
levied on as the propertv ol Riley L ollins to satis- >
iy a fi fa in favor ol John Fife and other fi la* levied i
on and returned te me by a
Also, lo’ number tour n—’rried and eighty-seven j
in the third of the first section l orsyih ;
“ levied on as the property ol Lizy B. Reynolds tu
1 satisfy a fifa from De Kalb superior court tn favor of-
John'lL 6i. W in- H- Pope against said Reynolds. |
■ Also, lot number forty in the twenty-second <iis
i trict second section. Cheiokee ; levied on as the
’ property of William Hubbard to sati-fy sundry fi fas
1 horn a justices court of Hall county in favor of F.
C. Andoe against said Hubbard, levied on and re ;
turned to me bv a constable. j
Also lot number two hundred and twenty-nine .
1 (229) in the twenty-sixth (26 ; district,second section.. ,
’ evied i n as the property of Eli W’oo‘l to satisfy afi !
"fa issued from the Superior court of I i-mk lie county, i
‘ in favor of Robert T. Banks ngainst Eli Wood ami
’ James Edmcrson, property | united out Ly plamUtl s
5 a’toruov
’ \Go’lot number two hundred and seventy-five
' in the tif-eenth district of trie secon-l section. Chero
kee: levied on as the propel :v ot Thomas Lovelady
- to satisfv a fi fi fren> Rabun superior court in favor
of \ndr’ew Miller ami sundry others against said
A Iso lot number two hundred and five in the
twei'.tv-seventh district of tlia tlrrd section, levied
on as‘th*’ propertv of Samuel Peppers to sa’isfy
a fifa in favor of B- P Goodrich, levied c.iaud re
turned to me by a constable.
Lot of land r.tunber two hundred nncl three in the
sixth district of the fourth section Union; levied on
as the property of Robert R. Atkinson, to satisfy a li
fa from Burk superior court in saver of John M’Neil.
Also, lot number one thousand and ninety-nine in
ihe nineteenth district of the second section, Chero
kee ; levied on as the property of Reuben VVilkinson
to satisfy a ti fa from Harris infeiior court in favor of
1. VV. Wortham and sundry others againstsaid Wil
Also, lot number one hundred and thirtv-seven in
the eighth distaict of the second section Gilmer ; levi
ed on as the property of Thomas Pierce to satisfv an
execution from a justices court in favor ot James Rus
sell, levied on and returned to me by a constable.
Also, lot number one thousand and sixty-one i>> the
seventeenth district ot the third section Cass; levied
on as the property of Joseph Roe lo satisfy a fi fa in
favor of Hastings Warren and others.
April C- 8 Sheriff'.
i be sold at Ihe Cotirt-lloiise in Cherokee
i V v County, on Ihe first Tuesday in Al ay next, be
i tween the lawful hours of sale.
j Lol number two hundred and ninety-five in the
nineteenth district second section levied on as the
j property of AVilliam Bradley to satisfy a ii fa from
Halt inferior court in favor of Daniel Byrd.
j Also, lot niimbersixty-seven in the seventeenth dis
trict first section Cherokee ; levied on by virtue of a
; ii ta from a justices of Hail county in favor of F. C.
j.Andoe against Abner Bishop principal and Edward
! Dame] security to reimburse said security; levied on
, and returned to me by a constabl.
’ .A jirl G— B Hherijf.
f W ill be sold, at the Court-House in Cherokee county
on the first Tuesday in Alay next, between the law
ful hours of sale, the foliowmg property, to-wit :
One negro GIRL by the name of Elizer, fourteen or
fifteen years ot age ; levied on as the property of Jo
seph VV aters, to satisfy afi fa issued frum a justice’s
court in favor ot W inchester Dumas against Joseph
Waters; levied on and returned to me by a consta
Also, one ROAD W’AGGON and one yoke of
OXEN and LUMBER in a state oi preparation for a
flat or terry-boat ; levied on as the property of Jesse
Day to satisfy a fi fa founded on an attachment in
lavor ot Barren A’ It win against Jesse Day ; levied on
( and returned to me by a constable
: Also, one hundred and sixty acres of LAND, more
; or less, known as number three hundred and seven in
the eleventh district of the fourth section, originally
‘ of Cherokee now Murray county ; levied on as the
! pn,perty of Drury Strickland to satisfy a fi fa issued
j from Henry superior court in favor of John Boyle
! against Drury Strickland, property pointed out by the
' plaintiff.
i Also, one hundred and sixty acres of LAND, more
i or less, known as number two hundred and titty-seven
I in the twenty-eighth district of the third section and
j lot number one hundred and two in the eighth district
i and fourth section ; both levied on as the property of
i Elijah Nash to satisfy afi fa issued from Jackson su
; perior court in lavor of Boyle & Webb against Elijah
j Nash, property pointed out by plaintiff.
| A so. one i>IFLE-GUN ; levied on as the property
I of Thomas York to satisfv a ti fa issued from Carrol
superior court in favoppt John Boston'against Thomas
York. A. H. JUHNBO •,
march 23—G dep. shff.
Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales.
'KIS/TLLbe sold at the Court-House in Cherokee
V < county, on the lirst Tuesday in May, the loi
iowmg property to-wit. ,
Lol number one hundred and seven in (he fourteenth
district second section levied on as the property of
W iliam VV. W ash to satisfy a fi ta in lavor ot Michael
Also, 10l number three hundred and twenty-one in
ihe second district second section to satisfy a fi ta in
I lavor ol Michael rendergastvs. Frederick Cullies,
M) les D. Cudius and William F. Collins.
Also, lot number two hundred and ninety-two thir
. teeuth district second section levied 01. as the proper
' ty oi i’.iti ick Gray to salisiy afi ta in tavor of Micuael
I'endeigast, levii d on ano returned to me by a con- ;
j stable. ,
i .Also, lot number two hundred and sixty in the four-
I teeuth district of the second section levied on as the
I property ot Henry Carter to saiisly a fi ta in tavor oi
l R ilslon X Jones, levied on and returned to me by a |
, constable
.Also, lot numbei* four hundred and five in the tit
teenlh district ot tile second section levied on as the
! property of Valentine Nix tosatislya fi ta in tavor of
; Winn A, Clayton, levied on and returned to me by a i
I constable
j Also, lot number two hundred aud ninety one in I
| the tom li-entli district second section levied on as the
1 property ot Wiley Alford to satisfy a fi fa in tavor of
I Absalon Baugh, levied on and returned to me by a
Also, lot number two hundred and three in the four
-1 teeuth district oi tiie second section levied on us the
properly ot Sherwood Stroud to satisfy a fi fa in ia
vorofJotm P. Winn, levied on and returned tome
by a constable.
Also, lot number fifty-five in the twenty-second dis
trict of the seeixnd section levied on as the property
ol John Wallis to satisfy a 11 fa injl’avorot F. C Andoe
tor the use ot P J- Murray, levied on and returned lo
me by a constable.
At»o, lot number five hundred and fifty-seven in
j (he thin! district of the second section levied on :•.* (he
I propertv ot Edward inaddox to satisfy a fi ta in lavor
i ot P. J. Murrav. levied on and returned tu me by a
: cinstable.
| Also, lot number one inthethird district second sec
i tion levied on as the property of James 11. Fielder
’ to satisfy a fi fa in favor oi Ruben Watson tor P. J.
I Murray, one other in lavor of P. J. Alurray vs. said
Fielder levied on and returned to me. by a constable.
I Also, lot number one thousand and titty-eight in the
fifteenth district of the second section levied on asthe
property of Hezekiah Brow n to satisfy two ti fas one in
tavor <»T John Brown tortile use of P. J. Murray,
one in favor ot P J. Murray vs. said Brown, levied
! on and returned to me by a cons-table.
Also, lot number one hundred and eighty-two in
! the second district of the second section levied on as
the property of Charles Haynes to satisfy a fi fa issued
trom Hall superior court in tavor of P. .1. Mnrray.
Also, lot number eleven hundred and nine in the
I fifteenth district of the second section levied on as the
property of John Crosier to satisfy three fi fas inta
, vor »>f James Russel, levied on and returned tome
l by a constable.
i .Also, lot number twelve hundred and fifty eight in
! the district of the second section levied on as
the property ot William .Metcalt to satisfy ■’ litas in
• favor ot Stephen Corker, Administrator, levied on
I and returned to me by a constable-
! Also, lot number seventy-three in the fourth district
! of the second section levied on as the property <4
Willis Mavner to satisfy two fi tas in tavor of Rod
; dick Rutland vs Willis Mavner and Edward Hughs,
\ Indorsers, levied on and ret u rued to me by a c oust able.
AFo, kit number two hundred and seventy-nine in
j the fourteenth district second section levied on as
• the property of Samuel Spillard to sati-fyfivc fi tas is
‘ sued from a justices court in Hancock county in tavor
' <>t A. R F. Hunter levied on and returned to me by a
I Also hit of LAND number seventy-four in the tmir distiict of the second section lev ted on as the
property of Reuben \\ iikinson tn sal’siy ’• fi la from
Harris in'Mior comt in favor of J V, A ortham and
sundry others V> B j. rK tK«?
Anri! 6-8
Forsyth Sheriffs’ Sales. U
' ,e So ’ l V 0,1 the first Tuesday in May next
*. between the lawful hours of sale, at the
t hliam Hammond, the following
conri fi , ve hundred and sixty-one in the se
ertv <>t vvo*.° sec '*°n, levied on as the prop- 1
iu/iceocourtTf <O sat,sl y " la issued from a »
■P-TcHy Po!nßdu^E’;^ff° f R
i ? r,> -':■'
I jusuces couit tu Hall county, in favor of P 1 Mnri»v
J property pointed out by the piantiff J J ’
Also, tot number one thousand and thirty-five in the
fourteenth district oi the first section levied on a" the
pioperiy ot Henry Huff to satisfy a fi fa from a justf
ces couit of Hall county, in favor of P. J Mu'rrav
property pointed out by the plaintiff.
Also lot number six hundred and ninety-nine in thn i
fourteenth district and first section, levied on ns ie /
property c f I aiding Thurmond to satisfy a fi fa from Z
justices court in Hall county in favor of P I Murrav
property pointed out by the plantiff, levied on and re
turned to me by a constable.
Also, lot number five hundred and ninety-seven in
the seconu district first section, levied on as the icon,
e; ty oi Isaac Lindsey to satisfy a fi fa from Hall sune
i p - J - M “ ,raj '’
i Also, lot number nine hundred and sixty-six in the
i second district of the first section, levied on as
property of Wdey P.erce by virtue of a fifa fronf?
Hall supermr court in favor of P J Murrgy, property
! ponded out by the plaintiff. ox i i y
I Also, two hundred barrels of corn more or less with
■ jwenty nead of cattle more or less levied on as the
propel ty ot Larkin Cleveland to satisfy a fi fa from
Hal! superior court in tavor of Thomas Barret A Co
and sundry othm fi fas, property pointed out by Da
vid (>. Neal, plantilF.
Also, lot number fifteen in ihe third district first «ec
.Jton levied on asthe propeity <4A J. Johnston'to
: saiisly afi ta from n justices court in Jackson county '
i in favor of Willian Pye for the use of L. W. Shac'k
leford property pointed out by L. W. Shackleford
( levied on and returned to me by a constable.
/Also, lot number four hundred and seventy-five io
t he first district ofthefir-t section levied on as the
property ot Charles Mason lo satisfy a fi fa from a jus
tices court ot Jackson county in favor of Lojd W.
| Shackleford property pointed out bv the plantifF. levi
ed on and returned to me by a constable.
. Af ll ' l (, ~ s Dept. Sliff. .
Lumpkin Sheriffs’ gales.
be sold at Ihe regular place of holding
V y court in Lumpkin comity, on the first Tues
day in May, the following propei ty to-wit.
Lot number five hundred and eighty-four in the
fourth disti ict of the first section Lumpkin ; levied on
asthe property of Vineent Hulsey to satisfy a fi fa trom
a justices comt ot Hall county in favor oi P J. Murray.
Also, lot number seventy-one in the fifteenth dis
trict ot the first section Lumpkin; levied on as the
j pioperiy ol James G. Davis to satisfy a fi fa from a ius
i tices court ot Hall county in favor of P. J. Murray'.
| Also, lot number three hundred and forty in the fit
teeuth district ol the first section Lumpkin ; levied on
i as the property ot Elijal! Hulsey to satisfy a fi fa from
I ajustices court oi Hall county in favor ot P. J. Murrny.
j Also, lot number one hundred and fifty-two in the
j tout th uisii'ict oi the first section Lumpkin ; levied erj
| as the property of Byrd Bruit to satisfy a fi fa fionm
justices court in Hall county in lavorot P. J Murray.
Also, lot number one hundred aud forty-five in the
twelfth district ot tin- first section Lumpkin ; levied
on as the property of’l hoinas Carver to satisfy a fi fa
from a justices court of Hail countv in favor of P.nJ.
Mim-siy. ' u
Also lot number six hundred and eighty eight in the
fifth district first section Lumpkin; levied on as the
proper yot Nehemiah Payne to satisfy a fi f*i from a
justices court in Hall county in tavor of P. J. Murray
Also, lot number one thousand and fifty-one in the
fifth district of the first section Lumpkin ; levied on ha
the property or James Watters to satisfy a fi fa from a
justices court of Hall county in la* or of P. J. Murray.
Also, lot number (wo hundred and seventv four in
the fifth district of the first section Lumpkin; levied
> on as Ihe property of Lewis Whitehead to satisfy a fi
I la issued from a justices court oi Hall county in fa
vor of P. J. Murray
i Also, lot number three hundred and eighty-five in
I the fifth district ot the first section Lumpkin; levied
j on as the property of Basil Going to satisfy a fi fa from
a justices court of Hall countv in favor of P J Mur»
1 |a y*
| A'so. lot nnmlier eight hundred and sixty-four in the
I eleventh district <4 the first ‘ection Lumpkin ; levied
on as the property *4' Isaac Chapman to satisfy a fi fa
from a justices court oi Hall county in favor of P. J.
' Murray.
Also, lot number three hundred and ninety-two in
, the fifth district ot the first section Lumpkin ; levied
on as the propei ty of Fielding Thurmond to satisfy u
fi fa from ajustices court of Hall county in favor of
P. J. Murray.
i Also, lot number one hundred and twenty-seven in
; sixth district <4 (lie first section Lumpkin; levied on
as the property of James Kegkindall to satisfy a fi fa.
I from a justises court of Hall county in favor ot P. J
j Also lot number one thousand and eighty-two in
I the twelfth district of the first section Lumpkin ; lev
ied on as the property of Edwin Pettigrue to satisfy
; a fi fa from a justices court in Hall county fn fe.vor of
P. J Murray.
_April 6—B Sheriff,
infoiination wanted
A NY Information respecting GEORGE J. CONN,
7 who left Augusta, Geo., sometime in the year
; 182Gor 1827, tor New Orleans, and lias not been heard
| ol since, will be thankfully received, by his diseonso*
late mother. Information caribe given, b»’ addressing
1 A. Z. Augusta. Georgia. feb 16-1
I [ETEdilors ol Newspapers in Louisiana and Ala
bama. and the. adjoining Slates, w ill confer a tavor on
the parents and friends of said G. J. CONN, by gtv
ingthe above a few inser'ions. f *
Law iieports. ...
rWTHE subscriber has obtained from some of the
Judges, and others a number of Decisions made
m important law cases. He expects to enlarge hie
Collection ; and so soon as the subscription will au
thorize, to publish them in a plain, cheap style, ia
pamphlet form.
The object of this undertaking is so awaken among
the people a sense oft lie importance of a
Tiie Judges, Solicitors, and Members of tlie Rar,
lhestate, are respectfully reqaeste’J to fur
lii~h authentic reports. To those who mat do so, a
a reasonable allowance in the price of the work will
te made.
VlHity alone, and nc.t profit. is the object of the un
dertaking. And with this view he solicits warmly the
cooperation ol'he Bar and Bench. His situation as
an editor wiil enable him to print the work more
cheaply than other persons. JOHN G. POLHIL.
march 9 —4 ’ . .
■ar i:d wp
LUM PKI.X, Court-House..
A. B. & IL Holt have removed to this place
ami will practice LAW in to partnership in all the
counties oi the Chert, kee circuit anti it) the adjoin
ing counties ot the \\ estern and Chatalurebrc cir
march SC r 7