Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, June 15, 1833, Image 1

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CHEMKEE INTELLIGENCES. The Truth —The whole Truth. Tll EIN f E LLIG E NCI?11 Is published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance or at four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of tbe Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at the customary prices. Communicatioß to the Editor must be post paid to entitle them to attention. 1 No subscription received for less than a year. A.. ~>;t to alter the third section of the fourth article oi tl.e Constitution ot tins state, so far as io authorise the people to elect the general officers of the Millitiaol this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the State of Georgia in Gneral as sembly tnet, and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the same, That from and immediately after this act shall nave passed, in conformity with the Constitution of this State, it shall and may be lawful for all Major Generals, to be elected by the people of the respective Divisions or Brigades, and all persons subject to (Io millitary duty shall be entitled to vote for the same only. And be it further enacted by the authority a foresaid, That hereafter when any vacancy of a Major General or Brigadier General, shall happen in any Division or Brigade in this shall be the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to give notice of such vacancy to the millifary officer high est in command in each county, comoosing the di vision or brigade in which such vaca < v has hap period, and it shall be the duty of the Colonel or Oiher Military officer highest in command in each County, to give notice by advertisement ai three of the most public plat es in the county, at I- twenty days before the election, that an election will be held on the first Monday in October next ensuing, at all the [places ofholding election, in ■aid coudty, to fill sm.h vacancy, aud it sh ill Im ; the duty of the maeiagers of elections, to receive the votes so given in for such military officers, ami to transmit immediately after the < lose oi the elec tion a correct statemei it of the polls to ids Ecellen cy the Governor, an d it shall be the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to cause the votes so given in for each c,u iditate to he counted, ami to ! issue a commission to the person having the high- j •st number of votes M>o given in. And be it further ent cted by the authority afore said, That all laws am I par’s of laws militating a- I gainst (his act, be an I the same me hereby re- I pealed. AKRURY HULL, Speaker of the llt use ot Representatives, TI IOM STOCKS, 1 ’resilient uOthr r’en.uc. Assented to, Dec, 24. 1832: WILSON LUMPKIN, may 4—-12 Governor. i -- | AN act to alter and amend the ninth section of the third article of the ’Constitution, relative ; to divorces. Whereas the said section t nd article of the Con- ! •titutton of the Slate of Georgia, requires alteration, i Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House j of Representatives of the H tale of Georgia in Gen- | era! Assembly met, ami it is hereby enacted by the authority of’he same. That so soon as the fol lowing amendment shall be passed agreeable io the fifteenth section of the fourth article of the consti tution. it shall be received in heu of ninth section ot the third article to wji : •‘Thai the superior courts of the several counties i in this State shall have tulK power, to decide on ! the last resort in all caseu of divorces, in the follow- ! ing mariner, to wit : The parties concerned shall , bring their case before a petit jury, as a common ' issue at law, and as such the proceedings shall be ; had thereon: That in the verdict is in favor oi a * divorce, the said cause shall be put on the appeal, j docket end be tried by a special jurv, and it the special Jury confirms the verdict of tne petit jury •nd the m’.vt succeeding grand jury shall, by their recommendation confirm the verdicts of the a foresail! juries, the said divorce between the parties i •hali be final: ar.’d it shall be the duty of the Judge of the superior court to have all the evidence and i proceeding on s.ud divorce, down to the last de- 1 cision as heretofore directed, entered on the mine , ntes of said court, ac.d from this proceeding (her- j ahall bo no appeal -vmt the divorce shall be final yml complet® a vinculo .matrmionii.” Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That this •ct having passed both bran’ hes oi the legislature, •nd having been advertised six months ami all the irquisites of the constitution complied with, shall thereaftor be the law of the land in th** case ol di-, worses. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of the House of Representatives: THOMAS STOCKS, President vs the Senate: may 4—l? Dec. 24. 1832. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. GEORGIA. Milledgeville, 17th May, 18:53. j WHERE AS, by an act of the General \xsem. bly of this State, passed <he 24'h day De-' •ember, 1842. entitled “an Act to provide for the! call ol a Convention to reduce the number ot the j General Assembly of the State of Georgia. a”d tor Other purposes therein named,” it is provided •‘That it shall be the duty of His Excellency the Governor to give publicity to the alterations and . amendments made in the Constitution in reference, jo the reduction of the number of members i om-| do ong the General Assembly--and the first Mon-1 do ii October next, after the rising of said Con-1 •eiition, he shall fix on for the ratification, by the i people, ot such amendment*, alterations or new arti •les as they may make tor th- objects of reduction & cq tilization ot iheGcneral Assembly only: ami it ratified by a majority of the voters who vote on the question of ”R itification” or “No Ratification” j —ihen, in thst event, the alteration so by them' made and ratified, shall be binding upon the peo- ! pie ofthi* State, and not otherwise.” And. where as, the Delegates ot the people of this State, as •einbled in Convention under the provisions ot the belore recited net, have agreed to. and declared the following to be alteiations ami amendments of the Constiution of this State, touching the iepre grntai<on <>f the people iu the Ge acral Assembly theiaoli to wit: Vol. I—No. 18. I “Whereas, the third section of the first article of | the Constitution of the State of Georgia is in the following words, to wit: “The Senate shall be elect ed annually on the first Monday in November, un til such day of election be altered by law, and shall be composed ofone member horn each coun ty, to be chosen by the electors thereof,” And whereas a part of the seventh section of the fust ! article oi the Constitution of the State of Georgia [ is in the following words, to wit: “The House of Representatives shall be composed of members l from all the counties which now are or hereafter : may be included within the State, according to ' ' their respective numbers ot free white persons and including three fifths ofall the people of colour:” And in the same section, the following, to wit: j ••vavt> 0.-u. »_y ' oui.diiiug Unco itkuusami persons agreeably to the foregoing plan of enumeration, l shall be entitled to two members, seven thousand Ito three member, and ’weive thousand to four , members, but each county shall have at least one i and not more than four members.” | And whereas the aforesaid third section, and {the said parts of the si venth section of the said first article of the Constitution, touching the re presentation of the General Assembly of the State, lias been found, by experience, to be defective, on account of the great numbers in me Legislature and the enormous expense on account thereof—we the Delegates of the people of the State ofGeor gia, in General Convention assembled, chosen and authorised by them to revise, alter and amend the I Said two sections and other parts, if any, touching the representation of the people oi Georgia in the I General Assembly, have, after mature reflection and deliberation, declared the following "to be j amendments in lieu of the aforesaid third section, I and parts ot the seventh section, which, when latified by the people of the State, shall be taken, held ami considered as ( arts of the Consti tution of the State us Georgia m heu of the afore said “ I lie Senate shall be elected annually on the first Monday in October, until such day of elec- 1 turn shall be altered by law, and shall be composed of one member troin each senatorial district to be chosen by (he electors thereof, which said senalo- j 1 rial districts shall be termed by adding two conti- j guous counties together throughout the Slate, I without regard to population, as i-, hereinafter spe- I i i Ofied and defined, the county of Murray excepted, i which shall constitute, together with such county .or counties as may be hereafter formed out of the i territory now composing said county of Murray, 1 I one senatortai district, ttie whole number ofdts- 1 ' tricts s’>.d' be forty-five and no more, and in the ) event of the format ion ol any new county or coun ' (les, the legislature, at the time of such formation, { ’ shall attach the same to some contiguous senate- , : rial district. B<i. h senator shall be a resident or the district i for winch he may be elected- as is required by the i ! present Constitution, ot residence in me county. ! The following shall be the senatorial districts: I i Tin county of Murray shall constitute the first i ! ! district; The second district shall be composed ! lof the counties of Gilmer and Union: The third! jof the counties ol Rabun and Habersham: The; 'fourth, of the counties of Lumpkin and (Micro i kee; The fifth, ot the. counties of Cass and Floyd: i The sixth, ol 111"* counties ot Jackson and I fall: i The seventh, of the counties of Franklin and Madison’ The eighth, of the counties ot Gwinnett and Forsyth; The ninth, of the counties ol Paulding and Cobb: The tenth, of the counties ; ot' Fayette and DeKalb: The eleventh, of the! s counties of Campbell and Carroll. - ihe twelfth, t 1 lol' the counties of Coweta and Merriwethcr. - | { I The thirteenth, of the counties of I'roup and Heard. - 'The fourteenth, of the counties ot Henry ( ! and Newton; 'The fifteenth, of the counties of , Walton and Clark. - 'The sixteenth, of the conn 1 ties of Oglethorpe and Elbert: 'The seventeenth, ’ I <>f the counties ofGteene and Talliaferro. - 'The I ! eighteenth, of the counties of W tikes and Lincoln: ■ . The nineteenth, of the counties of Putman and Morgan: The twentieth, ol the counties of Bu’ts ' ! and Jasper: The twenty-first, of the counties oi Pike an I Upson: ’The twenty-set oud, ol thecotm- , i ties of Harris and 'Talbot - . The twenty third, of' , the counties of Crawford and Monroe: The i twi nty fourth, of the counties of Bibb and llous- I ton. - The twenty-fifth, of the comities of Jones I and Baldwin: The twenty-sixth, of the counties ' {of Twigg* anil Wilkinson: The twenty-seventh, 1 jot the counties ot Warren and Hancock. The; twenty-eighth, of the counties of Columbia and , Richmond: 'The twenty-ninth, of the counties I | of Burke and Scrivcn: The thirtieth, of the conn- | i ties ot Washington and Jeflerson: The thirty first, of the counties of Bullock and Emanuel: The thirty-second, of the counties of Laurens ami ! Montgomery. 'The thirty third, of the counties ot I Dooly & Pulaski: The’hirty-fourth. of the coun ’ ties of Marion and Muscogee; 'Tile thn ty-fifth, of ' the counties of R andolph and I'.arlv. The tbirty- I sixth, of the counties of Sumpter and Stewart: The thirty-seventh, of the counties ot Baker and j Lee: The thirty-’ighth, ot the counties <>( Irwin ■ and Telfair. 'The thirty ninth, of the counties of Appling and ’Tattnall. Ihe tortieth, of the conn ties of Chatham and Effingham. The forty first, i <>| the counties of Bryan and Liberty. The forty-' ' second, of the counties of M'l ntosh and Glynn. ; ''The for’v miid, oi me counties of Wayne and . i Camden. The forty-fourth, of the counties of j ' Ware and Lowndes. Ihe forty-fifth, of the cotin i ties ol Decatur and Thomas. Ihe House of Re j presentativ es shall be composed of members trmn ! I all the comities which now are. or may be. ini hid e<l vvtihm tl:v State, according to their resper live i 1 numbers office white persons. 'The w hole number of me», bers in the House of I ReprrseniatiV’s shall be one hundred andlortv four .mil no trKuN. except in the case ot a newly i treated coimtv or counties; such new county oi ■ counties shall have one member for each county 1 until the taking of the .next census thereafter, and . the whole number shall be apportioned in the following manner, viz; thv* fifteen counties having the highest number ot tret white peisons siiai) be I entitled to three members each, the twenty five counties having the next highest number ot tree white persons shall have two members each, and the remaining forty-nine countiKs shall have one , member each. G heuever, from the creation of a new county ot j counties, the whole number ot members in live House of Representatives shall exceed the num , ber of one hundied and forty tour, it shall be the duty of dvo Ltqtulaiuje, at a* first session site/ Cherokee, [C. Sl.] Saturday, June 5.5, 1833. the taking of the first census after the creation of such new county or counties, in apportioning the members, to take one, member from one of the counties having three members, to supply such newly created county, always beginning with the county that has the smallest number of free white persons that may be entitled to three members. The census shall be taken, as heretofore, once in seven years, and the Legislature shall, at its first session after the taking of ea< h census, apportion the members among the several counties of this State, as is heretofoie provided; provided each i county shall have one member. JAMES M. WAYNE, , President ofi 1 May 13, 1833. Attest, Wilkins Hunt, ) „ , . Hamilton B. Gaither, J ‘Scvicfartcs. f, therefore, in conformity with the provisions of the before recited act. do hereby give publicity to the same, and enjoin the voters for members of the General Assembly of this State, on the day there in specified, to wit. on the FIRST MONDAY in OCiOP.ER NEXT, to give their vote of “RA TIFICATION” or “NO RATIFICATION,” as provided in said act, and that the presiding offi cers certify the same to this Department accord ingly. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Ex ecutive Department, at Milledgeville, this ’he day and year first above written. By the Governor. \\ ILSON LUMPKIN. Rhoiiom A. tlv.zi.tiy,. Secretary. 16 Mercer liistiiule. Mercer Institute, for combining study and M manual labour, will go into operation on the 2d Monday in January next, under the direction of the Rev. B fl. Sanders 'The principle object of the Institution is the educa. tion of pious young men, who are called to the gospel ministry and have been licensed by the church to which they belong, and have a good report of them that are without—-and particularly those who are indi gent—and such are affectionately invited to bring their testimonialsand avail themselves gratuitously oi the advantages of the Institution But as we have no reason to believe that this class ol pujiils will till up thescuool; it will receive, in addition, as many young men of good moral character, as can be provided for, irrespective of religious sentiments. The Committee are of opinion that, from the limited state ot its pres ent accommodations, they will not be able to receive more than 30 to board on the premises the first Term —As fast, as our triends may find themselves well ' pleased with the experiment we may make, as to con- 1 tribute to our means, vve design to enlarge our accom modations tor students, and open our doors for them. I All the branches of science, usually taught in gram met schools, will be taught, in this Institution No stu- ! dent will be received for less than one year—theyear will be divided into two terms—the first of six months, from the 2d Monday in January, to the 2d in July the 2d of 5 mor,ths, from the 3d Monday in July, to the 3d Monday in December. BOARD, tor all over 16 years of age, will be iJ?3D for the scholastic year, and $6 for washing : those un der 16, at 5 per month, having-v reasonable deduction lor theirtahour —each student furnishing his own bed and candies. For want of funds, board and tuition will be required in advance, to be paid to the stew ard. Tuition will be $9 tor the first term, to all en gaged in reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, ge ography and history All the higher branches ot science and the languages, will be taught tor sio the first term—the second ill proportion. Each student vviii be required to labourthree hours each day, five and a halfdays in the week The time and kind of labour will be directed by the steward, undertlie control of the Trustees; and each student will be expected to conform strictly to the regulations of the Institution. It will be expedient for each stu dent to have coarse clothes to work in; and it is de sired that the wearing apparel of all should be plain and cheap, that there may be as little distinction as possible, and that the principle of economy may be fully carried iutoivery department of the Institution. As our Institution is in its infancy, and in want of ev ery thing, any useful book, to aid in forming a library .Hid any implement for labour, or any suitable article >f furniture, that any friend may find it convenient to contribute, will be thankfully received. JESSE MERCER, C/mn/n/in Com. THO’S STOCKS, Sec'y. pro teni. County-Line. < Ictober 15, 1832. 3 I’ S. As ail the books in the same class must be ot the same kind, Booksand Stationary will be kept at the Institution, at cost, for all those who may uot oth erwise have supplied themselves. lU’ All the Editors in the State, friendly to the cause of education, and the Editor of the‘ Christian Index” are earnestly but respectfully requested to copy the above circular into their respective papers. Ui)«*t.dT {•■••SMI Entertainment, THE SIXES, Gol.D MINES. Cherokee county. The subscriber, thankful tor the liberal support he has already received, notifies Lis friends and all per sons vi-iting this com.try. that he n-,w keeps and wd: continue to keep, at the above place a HOUSE OF ENTERT tI.X dl NT He will, vv i’ho'it regard to trouble and expense, pro vide every thing that will conduce to the comfort' pleasure and convenience of those that may call upon inm- He has commodious and well suppln d STABLES, To which the attention of an experienced Hostler will be, unremittingly devoted. NOBLE T BELL, march 30 7 JL*J H . LU 11I’KiN, Court-House. A. B & 11. Holt have removed tn thia place and will practice LAW in co-partnership in all the counties ot '.he Cherokee circuit and in the adjoin ing counties of lire Western and Chatahoch-e cir cuits. ALFRED B HOLT. HINES HOLi.jr. march 30 —■ p -7 - oticTT Agreeable to an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Murray C ninty - . the Superior and Interior Courts and Cou r tsof Ordinary, in and tor said county will be tie Li at the place where Col. J. J. Humphries now lives, until otherwise altered by law. v AKKY W. JACKSON, jane I—m—l 6. c. ic. Murray Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR JULY. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July, at the place where colonel J. J. Humphries lives, the place of holding the Courts for said county, as directed by the Inferior Court, between the usual j hours of sale, the following property, to wit;— Lot number twenty-seven in the fourteenth district j of the third section, levied on as the property of Thomas Johnson to satisfy afifa in lavor of Spencer and Mays against Thomas Johnson and Robert 1 Brown and Sundry other fifas against said Johnson; levy made and returned to me by a constable. 1 Also, lot number eighty-eight in the twenty-fifth I district of the second section, levied on as the proper- Ity ot William VV. Young to satisfy afifa in favorof j B. Brown against R. R. Mancili, William W. Young | and Benjamin B. Smith; levied on and returned to I ! me by a constable. | Also, lot number two hundred and thirty-five in the I tenth district of the third section, levied on as the property oi John Slaughter to satisfy a fi fa in favor . of John Thomas; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and thirty-nine in the | thirteenth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Richard Bush to satisfy atifa in favor of H. 11 Tarver, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number three hundred and eleven in th< twenty-eighth district of the third section, levied on as the property of Stephen vV. Stephens to satisfy a u ta m favor of James Long; levied on and returned to . me by a constable. Also, lot hundred and eighty-nine in I . the ninth district of the third section, levied on as the ■ ' property of Robert Johnson to satisfy a ii ta in lavor oi I Ji- L. Nall; levied on and returned to me by acon ! stable. j ; Also, lot number one hundred and fourteen tn the , ’ fourteenth district et ’he fourth section, levied on as the property ot Benjamin Morris to satisfy a ii la in favor ol John Grieve, tor the use of Joseph if Lump kin ' Also, lot number one hundred and ninety-three in ; the eleventh district of the third section, levied on as the property of Thomas Hogan to satisly a li la in fa vor of the Officers of Carroll Superior Court tor costs. I Also, lot number two hundred and eleven iu thv twenty-fifth district of the third section, levied on as j the property ot James Tilley to satisfy afi fa in fa vor of Pemberton and Rey nolds; levied on and re turned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and thirty-six in the ; twenty-eighth district of the third section, levied on i as the property of Andrew Scott to satisfy afi tain 'favor of A. B. Sturges, and Co. levied on and re. .turned to me by a constable. I Also, Jot number two hundred and and fifty-seven I in the twenty-eighth district oi the third section, lev - ! ied on as the property of Elijah Nash to satisfy aii ta I in favor of David G. Baldwin for the use ot Catlett J. | Atkins. Also, lot number one hundred and two in the eighth district of the fourth section, levied on as the { property ot Elijah Nash to satisly a ti bi in favor of I David G 'Baldwin for the use of Catlett J Atkins. Also, lot number one hundred and nine in the twelfth district of the fourth section levied on as the property of John Harris in favor of F C. An doe for the use of P. J. Murray, levy made aud re turned to me by a constable. Also, 10l number three hundred and twenty-two j in the seventh distiict of the third section levi ■ ed on as the property of Samuel l axton to satisfy a fl la from a justices eourtof Hall county in favor of p. J. Murray levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number 138 in the thirteenth dis trict of the third section levied on as the property oi Bryan Pace tosatisfy a ft fain favor ot William Graves against Bryan Pace and Howell Cobb security, tor the use of said security. Also, lot number two hundred and tlnrtv six in the seventh district of the thud section, levied on as the property of Thomas Ussery to satisly a fi la in fa vor of the officers of Houston Inferior Court. \lso. lot number two hundred end ninety in the sixth district of the fourth section, levied on ns the properly John Leverton to satisfy a li fa in favor oi A. Crawford Co. levied on aud returned to me by a constable. Also lot number two hundred and sixty-two in the eight district of the fourth section, levied onus the property of Rowlen A. I'albot to satisfy a li ia in fa vor ol William Maroney, levicdon and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number thirty-six in the fourteenth district '.’f the third section, levied on as the jiroperty of Da vid Holland to satisfy a fi fa in lavor of High A W ig gins, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot number two hundred and torty-four iu the -eventh district of the third section levied on as the property ot Joseph Linsey to satisfy sundry ii fas horn a justices court of Burke county in favor ot Reynolds X Watts, evied on and returned to me by a cousta Ide. Also, lot number three hundred and nineteen in the tenth district oi the third section, levied on as the property ot Isaac Gray to sati.iy a ti la in favor of Robert Ashley against said (May and .Matt Brunson e vied burned to me by a constable. Also, lot number ten in the eighth district of the thini section, levied onus the property oi Daniel Brown tosau-fv afi fa in favor ol 11 li Tarver, lev ied on and returi ed to me by a constable. Also, lot number one hundred and t !gl;ty-s’’e in the tvveiity-.ixtli district ofthe.hird section, levied on as 1 ’he pr iperty ot James (iallilier to -a’l-ty a fi ta m . - vor ot James Long levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also lot number two hundred and thirty in the 14th di-'ric.t of the third section, evird on as ’tie property ot '1 tomia, I. Brown to sa isfy an attachment issm d from Lowndes < mniy in !,<vi 1 of 11 r harpe i< v-! ied on and returned to 0 e by a const a I ie. J C. BARNETT. | june 1 —l6 -Sheriff. y NO HI. I'. The Clerks Office of the Superior and Inferior I Court, and the Office oi the Clerk of the Court of] j Ordinary, ot .Murray courtv, will lie kept at the j place where N'-lson Dicker-on uv.v lives, on the I roa-t leadi’ E tnun Long Swamp to T-nnessee. five mile* a: e Spring i’lace p. o. until otherwise alter ed bv law. NELSON DICKERSON, c. s r JOil N ."T.o \ N. c. 1. c. CARLY VV.JACKSON, c c o. june 1— m —15- NOTICE. All Communications, ol any kind, intended tor me. will reach me earlier to be directed to Spritig . Place, I*. U. Murrav county. JAMES C. BARNETT Sheriff. j (inp 16 Murray county The Intelligencer { IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Whole Ao. 18. Georgia—Murray county 1 Tolled before Roger Harkins, j. p. by Ar chihnld Sloane, of Esq. Dranes district, a small BAY HORSE about five feet high, six or seven years old blind in the right eye. his hind feet white and a small star in his forehead and a small lump under his left side, co ] brands perceiveable, apraised to thirty dollars. Extract from the minutes. J. SLOAN, J. I. c. May 25—15 BRUCE’S NEW YORK TYPE FOUNDRY. Established in 1813. THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of his BOOK OF specimen, with which his customers and ; other Printers disposed to buy from him, may be supplied on application at his foundry, Nos. 18 and 20, Augusta street, behind the City Hall. He would remaik, tor the information of those who have not. been in the habit of dealing with him, and because a different practice has been extensively introduced, that his Book 'contains nothing but the actual produc tions of his own Foundry, and presents a true speci men of what will be furnished to orders. The as sortment is very complete, has been deliberately and carefully, in twenty years, brought, to its present high state of perfection, and embraces a variety of 1 styles adopted to diffrerent tastes, and to the various departments of Printing, Newspaper Book and Job, ' highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable me ! tai. Not to notice the varieties which are dis’in- I guished by their numbers in the Book, it contains of. ; ROMAN & ITALIC 27 sizes, from Twelve-lir.e ; Pica to Pearl TWO-I.INE and TITLE, 15 sizes. Two l.ina Columbian to Agate. SHADED, 13 sizes, Ten-line Pica, to Long Primer. ITALIAN, 7 sizes. Seven-line Pica to Long Primer. ANTIQUE, 17 sizes, Ten-line Pica to Nonpariel. Bi.ACK. 12 sizes, Four-Hue Pica to Minion. OPI N’ BLACK, 5 sizes. Four-line Pica to Great Primer SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Smail Pica, and Great Primer. Besides Music, Back Slope, Ornamental Letter?, I Lottery Figures. Piece Fractions, Superior Astrono mical, and other Signs, Space Rules, Brass Rules, Ornamental Dashes, Long Braces, more than 2<’t) kinds of Flowers, and 100 b Cuts and ornaments tor Books. Newpapers aud Scientific works. Orders tor any of these, and also for Presses, Chas es, Composing Sticks. Cases. Furniture, Printing Ink, or any tiling required in the Printing business, w ill be executed on the most favorable terms A w ith the utmost promptitude, a large stack of the Foundry articles being always on nand. GEORGE BRUCE New York, Jan. 28, 1832. Important to Merchants, AND OTHERS. IMPROVED Fire proof Iron Chests, Sates and strong money chests for Merchants and Banks. The improvod Pattent or Double Fire I’rooi Iren Chests invented and manufactured by the subscribe), offer complete resistance to both Fire and Thieve:, and are allow ed to be superior to all others yet m vented. The Chests have been in extensive use in this an,] other cities of the United States tor the last thx-e years, have been fully tested l.y fire and are fiitr.j w ith locks that cannot be [licked. The subscriber has built many fire proof chests of large dimensions io the use ot banks, vvi’h others the following namelv lor tl.e market bank, the traders bank, and the oriei. ’•al al Boston, the Bristal county bank at Taunton, Mass, the bank at St. Marks, the Collector ano 'I rin: dad de Cube, and the largest Iron chest in the wo. ! 1 be savings bank in this city, its weight being ui.vviiig. of 11.000 pounds. Merchants and others who may wish to purchase i. chest w ill please address the subscriber, giving tin: inside dimensions of the »<> w-11 the !> > and width of the largest books in use, or apply to I agents, Messrs. J. B Herbert &. co. of Savannah, w ho have an assortment on hand The chests are sold by weight and cost from 50 to S2OO each. C. J GAYLER, 248 Water-str. near Peck Slip, New-York, Foudrinier and cylinder paper macliinas. Paper cut ting machines and Drying machies, for Calico Prin teis and Paper Makers, made to order, and warranted equal to any now in use in the United States. Also—For sale. J L. Brown’s superior Patent Bal ances, graduated to home and foreign weights, with apparatus complete. April 6—B For sale. l ot number TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY 'l l 11!! f! in the fifteenth district of the third sei ti.. 11. I’or terms apply to my agent J M. Allen, in Perry, Houston county, or to myself, seven miles west of Perry may 25— ca —15 WILI.IXM BAI L. | aw Notice. The undersigned has located himself in CVs ' county, and w ill practice LAW in the several <• <■»•.:t»: 'i s Inline (hicokee. Circuit. All Letters addressed I at Two-Runs, will be promptiv attended to. WILLIAM L MOR Z \N march 16— m —5 RICH WD M HOLT. ATTORNEY AT LAVV, I Having located at Cherokee Coiirt-ILmse. will practice in the various branches of the [•rcte->ior m ! the several counties of Cherokee circuit. IL- piotni<- les diligence in the adjustment ofall business ■X: .:t --; ed to his caie and attention. j feb2o—l I Diversity of Georg- . Extract from the minutes of the Board of 'iiiistci thur meeting in August, IK>2. I 5 N motion of Ilowrti, Cobb L-q. ae-'i, i * That all Gradu stes of this College on n. ! • <’ i application for the second, or mas’er’s degre— t • 1 ' furnish the Board with the certificate of sorm !< -- p.-ctable or distinguished individual, ot their good ’moral character and respectability in the community in which'hey resida Rt soled further, That ail graduates of other Col leges. applying for the second, degree, shall furnish 'the Boatd with their diplomas and a certificate i f some distinguished or respectable individual, of thei. - good moral character and respectability in the com munity in which they Resolved further, That the foregoing resolution be published. 1 ASBURY HULL. Sec’ry jane 15—13