Newspaper Page Text
The Truth — The whole Truth.
tgyewjiw»w,jwijgi»’xi c uuj 12.
Is published once a week by Howell Cobb, at three
dollars a year, to subscribers, when paid in advance
or at four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year.
No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of
(he Editor, to any subscriber in arrears.
Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at:
the customary prices.
Communication to the Editor must be post paid to *
entitle them to attention. *.
N< - ' ription received for less than a year.
fa io alter the third section of (he fourth
xJL article of the Constitution of this State, so
far as to authorise the people to elect the general
Ciflicers of tire Millilia of ibis State.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- !
resentatives of the State of Georgia in Gneral as
sembly met. and it is hereby enacted by (he an- '
tliority of the same, That from and immediately
after this act shall nave passed, in conformity with
the. Constitution of this Stale, it shall and may
he lawful for all Major Generals, to be elected by
the people of the respective Divisions or Brigades,
a id till persons subject to Io millitary duty shall he
Cctitled to vote lor the same only.
And be it further enacted by the authority a
foresaid, That hereafter when any vacancy of a
Major General or Brigadier General, shall happen I
in any Division or Brigade in this shall be ,
the duty of his Excellency the Governor, to give
notice of such vacancy to the, millitary officer high
est in command in each county, contoosing the di- i
vision or brigade m which such vacancy has hap-j
period, and it shall be the duty of the Colonel or
other Military officer highest in command in each
county, to give notice by advertise:”,ent at three of
the most, public places in the county, at least I
twenty days before the election, that an election !
will be held on the first Monday in October next I
ensuing, at all the places ofhobitng election, in '
Said comity, to fill such vacancy, and it shall be
the duty of the managers of elections, to receive
the votes so given in for such military officers, and
to transmit immediately after the dose of the elec
tion a correct statement of the polls to his Ecelleti
cy the Governor, ami it shall be the duty of his '
Excellency the Governor, to cause the votes so
given in lor each canditate to be counted, and to
issue a commission to the person having the high- i
t*st number of votes so given in.
And be it further enacted by the authority afore- '
Said, That all laws and parts of laws militating a
gainst this act, be ami the same are hereby re
pealed. ASBURY HULL,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
r President of the Senate.
Assented to, Dec, 24. 1832:
may 4—12 Governor.
AN act to alter ami amend the ninth section ot ■,
the third article of the Constitution, relative I
to divorces.
Whereas the said section and article of the < ‘on- ,
stilution of the State of Georgia, requires alteration, I
Beit therefore enai ted by the Senate ami House j
of Representatives of the State of Georgia in Gen
eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same. That so soon as the fol
lowing amendment shall be passed agreeable io the
fifteenth section of the fourth article of the consti
tution. it shall be received in lieu of ninth section
of the third article to wit:
“Thai the superior courts of the several counties
in this Slate shall have lull power, to decide on
the last resort in all cases of divorces, in ;he follow
ing manner, to wit": The parties concerned shall
bring their case before a petit jury, as a common
issue at law, anu as such the proceedings shall he
had (hereon: That tn the verdict is in favor ot a j
divorce, the said cause shall be put on the appeal, I
(locket ami be tried by a special jury, and it the I
special jury confirms the verdict of toe petit jury I
ami ttie next succeeding grand jury ..hall, by their j
recommendation confirm the verdicts of the a- I
foresaid juries, the said divorce between the parties i
tihalt be final: and if shall lie the duty of ihe Judge |
of the superior court to have all the evid«nce and
proceeding on said divorce, down l< the last de
cision as heretofore directed, entered on ihe mine
utes ol said court, and from this proceeding liter
ah.ill ho no appeal -hut the divorce shall be final
and eomplel" a vinculo matrimonii.”
Sec. 2. Ami hu it further enacted. That this
act having passed both branches of the legislature,
and having been advertised six mouths and alt the
requisites of the constitution complied with, shall
thereaftor be the law of the land in th** case of di
Speaker ofthe House ot Rcpiesentatives:
THoM\s s iocks,
President i t the Senate:
may I—l 2 Dec. 24, 1882.
MiLi.Etmivii.Lf, !7th May, 18>3.
XVTIERE \S, by an act of the General Assein
’ ’ bly of this State, passed die 2Uh day De
cember, 1882, entitled "an Act to provide toi the
call ot' a Convention to reduce the number oi the
General \ssemblv of the St He ot Georgia, ami lor
other purposes therein named,” it ts provided
••That it shall be the duty of His Excellency the
Governor to give publicity to the alterations ano
amendments made in the Constitution in reterenee
yo the reduction of the number of members tom the General \ssemnly—and ihe lint Mnti
div t 1 October next, after the rising of said Con
vention, he shall tix on for the ratification, by the
p >ple. of such amendments, alterations or new .tilt
cles as they m.«v make for the objects of reduction &
equalization of ihe General \sseniblv only: ami it
ratified by 4 majority of the voters who v >te on the
question ot “Ratification" or "No Ratification”
—then, tn that event, the alteration so by them
made atnl ratified, shall he binding upon the peo
ple ul this State, and not otherwise." Ami. where ■
as, the Delegates of the people of this S ate, as
semlded tn Convention under the provisions ot the
before recited act, have agreed to. and declared
the lolloning t<» be alterations ; nd intendments of
th” Constiution of this State, to’i. lung the it pre
g n> until “f ’be people iu the G......i‘. Assembly
th ci leo»to "At:
Vol. I—Ao. 19.
I “Whereas, the third section of the first article of
the Constitution of the State of Georgia is in the
I following words to wit: "The Senate shall be elect
ed annually on the first Monday in November, un
til such day of election be altered by law, and
shall be composed of one member from each coun
ty, to be chosen by the electors thereof.” And
whereas a part of the seventh section of the first
| article ot the Constitution of the State of Georgia I
;is in the following words, to wit: “The House of
! Representatives shall be composed of members
( from all the counties which now are or hereafter
| may be included within the State, according to <
their respective numbers of free white persons and
including three-fifths ofall the people of colour:” j
Am. in the same section, the following, to wit: ;
“each comity containing three thousand persons i
: agreeably to the foregoing plan of enumeration, I
.shall be emitled to two members, seven thousand
ito three member, and twelve thousand to four
members, but each county shall have at least one
I ami not more than lour members.”
And whereas the aforesaid third section, and
the said parts of the seventh section of the said
first article of the Constitution, touching the re
presentation ol the General Assembly of the State,
has been found, by experience, to be detective, on
account of the great numbers in the Legislature
and the enormous expense on account thereof—vve
the Delegates of the people of the State of Geor- |
gia, in General Convention assembled, chosen and
i authorised by them to revise, alter and amend the
■ said two sections and othe: parts, if any. touching
the representation of the people of Georgia in the
General Assembly, have, after mature reflection
i and deliberation, declared the following to be
amemimems in lieu of the aforesaid third section,
1 and parts of the seventh section, which,
when latifmd by the. people of the State, shall be
taken, held ami co isub red as parts of the Consti
tution of the Slate ul'G< orgia iu lieu of the afore
“The Senate shall be elected annually on the
first Monday in October, until such day of elec
tion shall be altered by .aw, and shall be composed
<>i one member ii • i senatorial district to be
chosen by tne • I » reof, which said senato
rial districts shall I • a■(! by adding two conti
guous counties to,, th' i throughout the state, ! ’
wi.iiout recard to population, as i-. hereinafter spe- j
' c.ifiedan 1 define i, the county of Murray excepted, \
( which shall constitute, together with such county 1
[ or counties as may be hercaf.t r formed out of the ’ |
! territory now composing sai I county of Murray, j 1
I one senatorial district, the whole number ofdis- I
1 tricts shall be forty five and rm more, ami in the !
event of the tortnation of any new county or conn- ) '
ties, the legislature, at the time of such formation,
shall attach the same to some contiguous senato
rial district.
Each senator shall be a resident of the district
for which he may Im elected, as rttjuirml by the
present Constitution, ofresi n nee iu the county.
The following shall be the senatorial distrii ts: 1 ‘
The county of Murray shall constitute, the first i
district: The second district shall be composed!
lof the counties of Gilmer and Union: The Hur I I
I of the counties of Rabun and Ilabershau;: inei
1 fourth, of the counties of Lumpkin ami t. I . io-j
i kee: The fifth, of the counties ot Cass and Fiovd: I
i The sixth, of the counties of J.r ksim imi ll.dl:
1 The seventh, of the counties ot Erankiin and |
Madison- The eighth, of ihe counties of Gwinnett {
and !'’orsytli; The nin’h, of the counti's o: ,
Paulding and Cobb: The tenth, of the i
of Eayette and DeKalb: The eleventli. ol the
! counties of l ampbell and Carrell; I’ln- twelfth,
of the counties of Coweta ami Merriwether; '
The thirteenth, ol the counties of Troup and i
Heard.- The fourteenth, of the counties of Henry ?
ami Newton: The fifteenth, of the counties of J
W alton and Clark; The sixteenth, of the coun
ties of Og!ethorp< ami iaiiu i : The. seventeenth,
of the counties ot Go < m <md T.dliaferro; The
eighteenth, of the eount.t s ot Vv ilkcs and Linco'ti:
■ Ttie nineteenth, ol the counties ol Putman and
1 llorgan: The twentieth of the counties of Bu’ts
j and Jasper: the twenty fir-t, of the counties ol
' Pike ami Unson: la-twi i v second, of the coun
! ties of Hanis ,i- >at • u-. The twenty-third, of! ,
' the counties >f' < raw. rd ami Monroe: Ihe i
! twenty fourth, ot ihe c.un iesof liibb ami Hous
ton; The twenty-fifth, of tiie counties of Jones ■
and Baldwin: The tw< ty-sixth, of the counties!
of I'wiggs and W ilkinson: ine tweii'v-seventh, i
of ihe counties ot W arren and Hancock, 'i’tie
tw ntv-eighth. of the counties of Columbia and )
Richmond: 'l’he iwentv-nintli, o> the counties
of Burke and Scnven: Tim thirtieth, of the coun
ties of Washington ami Jefieison: 'ihe thirty
first, of the < <nnt>cs of Bullock ami iurauuei:
The thirty second, of the counties of Laurens ami
Montgomery. The ihnty thud, of the counties of
Doolv N Pulaski: Ihe ihirtv-fourlh, ol the t oun
ues.d Marion ami Muscogee: I’ne thiity-fifth, of
the counties ol R imlolph ami Early. The thirty
sixth. of the counties of JStnnplcr ami Stew art;
The ihirt v-seven’h. of the counties of Baker and
Lee: The thirty-eighth, of the counties ot Irwin
and Telfair. The thirty-ninth, of the counties of
\ppiing and T attnall. ihe fortieth, ot the coun-1
; ties ot Cha liani and EHingham. Ihe forty-first,
ol lire counties of Bryan and Libeity. The forty
second, ol the ■•ounlies ot M Intosh and Glynn. I
The forty thud, of the cuumtes of W ayne and
I Camden. The forty-fourth, of the counties of
I Ware and Lowndes. 1 lie forty-filth, ol the conn :
! tics of Decatur and Thomas. The House of Re
presentatives shall In-composed of members from
all the counties w hr*, h now are, or may be, includ
cd w ithin th« State, accoidtng to their respective {
numbers of tree white persons.
The whole number of members in the House ofj
Representatives shall he one hundred and forty-1
four and no more, except in the cas” ot a new |y j
treated cjuntv or counties; such new county oi
counties shall have one member for each county 1
until the taking of the next census thereafter, and |
the whole number shall be apportioned in the j
i following ni.mncr. viz: the fifteen comities having
the highest number et tri e white peisons shall b< t
i entitled to three members each, the twenty-five |
'counties having the next highest number of free ;
' white persons shall have two members each, ami •
‘ the r. forty-nit.c counties shall have cue '
member each.
Whenever, fromthe creation of a new county oi
' counties, the whole number ol members in the
House of Representatives sit ill exceed the num
ber of one hun lied ami lortv tour, it snail be the
aty of the al its first sessicg; a.ler!
Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, June 22, 1833.
the taking of the first census after the creation of
such new county or counties, in apportioning the
members, to take one member from one of the
counties having three members, to supply such
newly created county, always beginning with (he
county that has the smallest number of free white
persons that may be entitled to three members.
The census shall be taken, as heretofore, once
in seven years, and the Legislature shall, at its first
session after the taking of ea< h census, apportion
the members among the sever <1 counties of this
State, as is heretofore provided; provided each
county shall have one member.
President of ihe. Convention.
May 15, 1353.
Wilkins Hunt, »
Hamilton B. Gaither, |
I, therefore, in conformity with the provisions of
the before recited act, do hereby give publicity to
the same, and enjoin the voters lor members of the
General Assembly of this State, on the day there
in specified, to wit, on the FIRST MONDAY in
OC TOBER NEXT, to give their vote of--R A
as provided in said act, ami that the presiding offi
cers certify the same to this Department accord
Given under my hand, ami the seal of the Ex
ecutive Department, at Milledgeville, this the !
day and year first above written. I
By the Governor, W ILSON LUMPKIN. j
RhobomA. G reenk, Secretary. 16 \
Li ill ligw li |> t aHF
nine nt,
Cherokee county.
The subscriber, thankful for the liberal support he
has slreaily received, notifies his friends and all per- ,
sons visiting this cotmtry. that he now keeps and will
continue to keep, at the above place a
He will, without regard to trouble and expense, pro- !
vide every thing that will conduce to the comfort*
pleasure and convenience of those that may call upon
kirn, lie has commodious and well supplied
To which tin-attention ot an experienced Hustler •
w ill be, unremittingly devoted.
march 30 7
/, UM i I <V, Ctmrt- ilouse.
A. P-. il. Holt have removed to tins place
ami will practice LAW tn co-partnership in all ifie
counties ot the Cherokee circuit ami in the adjoin
ing counties of the Western and Chatahoehee cir
iIINES Hi>LT, jr.
irimth 30 r 7
(wihiier Town Lois
•’*, T 1.1, 6e sol I <>n Monday the “4th Jime next, at ■
'*■*' i'.liij ty to-.v.i, all the town Lots laid out fertile
county sit> in said county. Tne sale to continue
from day to day till all are sold. Terms made known
o.i the day of sale.
RALPH SMI PH. j. i. c
BENJAMIN F. GiUhiTTil, j. t. c.
ittne 15 —IS
'Thirty dollars reward.
Stolen Horn the subscriber, on the night of the 12th
iiut. one CREAM COLORED HORSE, Ten ye»>«
old, five feet two inches high, witha white mane and
tail. And one SORREL STUD HORSE six years
old. both hind feet white, near fifteen hands high.
The above reward, of thirty dollars will be given
for (he delivery of the horses and 'heif, with testi
mony ?uflicieut to convict him or them, or a reason
able reward will be paid for the horses. Any infor
mation respecting them will be thankfully received
Hickory Plat, Cherokee County, (iu.
june 15—m—18
Know all men by these presents that I. William A
Taylor, ot said county have made and executed to
Thomas 1.. Hardamau a deed of conveyance to lot of
land number thirty seven in the seventh district of
the third section, ot originally Cherokee, now Murray
county, which said lot of land was drawn by me in
the late lottery tor the disposition of said Cherokee
county-. And I do hereby revoke and declare and
make void a certain power of Attorney made to
James II Bryant, by tne, thereby authorising to
sell and convey the aforementioned lot ot land,; ;
Andthesaid power and all others made by metothe.
said James H. Bryant or any other per-on or persons i
w hatsoever are hereby revoked and declared void |
la testimony whereof. I have hereunto -et rnv hand I
and affixed my seal, this twentieth day of May in the J
year eighteen hundred and thirty tl.rcr- i
Test—Dxxirr. Davis.
til >KGr . GKirnv. J- I C.
June 15—m —IS
Cass Sheriiis* Sales.
FOR .\U’,U'T.
T IT I, becnld on tl.” t I ur-«day i i Angus!
▼ > next at (be Com-t House in ('■•». county be
tween the lawful hoursot sale the following properly
to wit:
Lot of !.u’<! nmn’-ers s hundred and seventy-three
in the fourih dislri; t of t -e ih.rdsecth ii. < county
b vied on as the pi\-pirtvot George 'A . V, i liam and
Thomas P. rimiiy to 'lx o: e .Execution tiom a
Justices Court in Cow tta County in tav< roi lln in
ns Dothard—Levied on aid returned to me by a
Const; Ab’
Also lot number five hom’n-d an-l ‘y in the lou th
district ot the third, section, levied on as ;!ie property
of Lew is Landers to s; tisty s<mdty fi. Ins. trom a Jus
tices Com: iu Madison c i::.ty in t.wor o; J; nies Car- i
ruthers—Levy made auJ returned t-> nu- < v c -n-'
stable A M DONALD, I
juue 15—13 Dept. Sheri'J. i
Murray Sheriffs’ Sales.
WTLL be sold on the first Tuesday in July,
at the place where colonel J. J. Humphries
lives, tae place of holding the Courts for said county,
as directed by the Inferior Court, between the usual
hours oi sale,the following property, to wit;—
Lot number twenty-seven in the fourteenth district j
of the third section, levied on as the property of |
I’homas Johnson to satisfy alifa in favor of Spencer j
and .Mays against Thomas Johnson and Robert j
Brown and Sundry other ii fas against said Johnson;
levy made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, lot number eighty-eight in the twenty-fifth I
district of the second section, levied on as the proper- i
ty ot William W. Young to satisfy aftfa in favor of 1
B Brown against R. R. Manciil, William W. Young
and Benjamin B. Smith; levied on and returned to
me by a constable.
Also, lot numbertwo hundred and thirty-five in the
tenth district ot the third section, levied on as the
property of John Slaughter to satisfy a li fa in favor
of John Thomas; levied on and returned to me by a '
Also, lot number one hundred and thirty-nine in the I
thirteenth district of the third section, levied on i
as the property ot Richard Bush to satisfy afi fa in
tavor oi H. 11. Tarver, levied on and returned to me
by a constable.
Also, lot number three hundred and eleven in the.
twenty-eighth district of the third section, levied mi
as the properly ot Stephen W. Stephens to satisty a
fi la iu tavor ol James Long; levied on and returned to
me by a constable.
j Also, lot number one hundred and eighty-nine in
| the ninth district of (he thii d section, levied on as the
! property of Robert Johnson to satisfy a ii la iu tavor oi
I M. Jj. Nail; levied on and returned to me by acon
! stable.
j Also, lot number one hundred and fourteen in the
I fourteenth district e>t the iourth section, levied on as
(the property ol Benjamin Morris to satisfy a li la in
tavor oi John Grieve, lor the use of Joseph li Lump
Also, lot number one hundred and ninety-three in
the eleventh district ot the third section, levied on as !
I the property ofThomas Hogan to satisfy a fi la in fa- j
i vor ot the Uificei-j ot Carroll -’superior Court tor costs, i
I Also, lot number two hundred and eleven in the I
■twenty-tilth district of the third section, levied on as ‘
the property ol James Tilley to satisfy afi ia in fa- !
; vor of Pemberton and Reynolds; levied on and re-!
turned to me by a constable.
j Also, lot number two hundred and thirty-six in the I
j twenty-eighth district ol the third, levied < n ‘
! as the property oi Andrew rtcolt to satisfy a fi lain |
favor ot A. B. Sturges, and Co. levied on and re- t
turned to me by a constable.
I Also, lot number two hundred and and fifty-seven
j in the twenty-eighth district of the third section, iev
: ied on as tile property of Elijah Nash to satisfy a ft la
( in favor of DavidG. Baldwin for the use ot Catlett J.
I Atkins.
zXIso, lot number one hundred and two in the
I eighth district of the fourth section, levied on as the
property of Elijah Nash to satisfy afi ta iu tavor ol
David G. Baldwin for the use of Catlett J. Atkins.
Also, lot number one hundred ami nine in the
twelfth district, of the fourth section levied on
as the property of John Harris in tavor of F C. An
doe lor the use of P. J. Murray, levy made and re
! turned to me by a constable.
I Also, lot number three hundred and twenty-two
lin the seventh district of the third section levt
led on as the property of Samuel I axtonto satisfy a
j fi la from a justices court of Hall county in favor of
I P. J. Murray levied on and returned to me by a
Also, lot number 138 in the thirteenth dis
trict of the third section levied on as the property of
Bryan Pace to satisfy a fi fain favor ot \V 7 iiliam Graves
against Bryan Pace and Howell Cobb security, for
the use ot said security.
Also, bn number two hundred and thirtv six in the
seventh district of the third section, levied on as
the property oi Thomas Ussery to satisfy a li fa in fa
vor of the officers oi Houston Inferior Court.
Also, lot numbertwo hundred and ninety in the
sixth district of the fourth section, levied on as the
property John Leverton to satisfy a fi fa in favor oi
A. Crawford Co. levied on and returned to me by
! a constable.
Also, Io! number two hundred and sixty-two in the
eight district of the fourth section, levied on as the
properly of Rowlen A. Talb< t to satisfy a fi fa in fa
vor oi William Maroney, leviedon and returned to me
by a constable. i
Also, lot number thirty-six in the fourteenth district
j of the third section, leviedon as the. property of Da- !
vid Holland to satisfy a li fa in tavor ot High A VV ig- |
gins, leviedon and returned to me by a constable. |
Also, lot number t wa> htmdrt d mid forty-tour in the :
seventh district of the third section levied on as the j
■ property of Joseph Linsey to satisfy sundry fi fas from ;
a justices court of Burke county in tavor oi Reynolds I
A VV alls, levied on and returned to me by a consta ’
Also, lot number three hundred and nineteen in the
tenth district of the third section, levied on as the I
property ot I-aac Gray to a fi fa in favor oi I
Robert Ashley against said Gray and slatt Brunson j
levied on and returi.ed to me fy a constable.
Also, lot number ten in the eighth dis rict of the
third section, lev ie-l on as the property ot Daniel j
Brown to satisfy ati fa in favor ot H I! Tarver, lev- 1
it-d on and returned to me try a com-tabl.?.
Also, lot number one liundrt-d and eighty-five in tin- !
twenty-sixth uistrict ofthe bird section, levied on as .
ttie property ot Junies (ialliher to satisfy a li fa in fa '
vor of James Long levied on and returned to me b\
a constable.
Also, lot number two hundred and thirty in the 14th 1
district ot the third sect ion. le'ied on as tile property j
! of Thomas L. Brown to satisfy an attachment issued
' from Lowndes county in favor mil W Sharpe lev
ied on and returned to me by a constable.
1 june 1 —IC Sheriff.
Lniversit) oi Georgia. I
I Extract from the ofthe lioaril of Trustees, at
their muting in 1 “32
if motion ot H vv n.t. Cobb. Esq. Iteso/veet,
' Jr I nat all G. aduites ot this t’oilee'e on making
application for the second, or master's degree, shall
lu::.”-:t the Board with the cerlificu'e <<f some res-
Ict rile or distinguished individual, oi their good
moral cliai' iclt r and respectability in the community
in w hich they reside
lit solved J .rthtr. That all graduates of other Col
leges, applying tor the second, degree, shall turnisk
the Board witli theii diplomas, and a certificate ot
some distinguished or respectable individual, of tbeir
od moral character and respectability in the com
munitv in w‘ ich they reside.
R, si.‘red further, That the foregoing resolution*
be published.
june 15—
’The 1 nteiligencer
W hole Ao. I J).
Georgia—Murray county
Tolled before Roger Harkins, j. p. by Ar chibaltl
Sloane, of Esq. Dranes district, a small BAY HORSE
about five feet high, six orseven years old blind in the
iight eye, his hind feet white and a small star in his
lorehead and a small lump under his left side, no
j brands perceiveable, apraised to thirty dollars.
I Extract from the minutes.
J. SLOAN, j. i. c.
, .May 2.,—15
I , Eelal/lished in lei}'.}.
THE Subscriber has completed a new edition of
his book OF SPECJMEN, with which his customers and
other Printers disposed to buy from him, may be
I supplied on application at his foundry, Nos. 18 and
lib, Augusta street, behind the City Hall. He would
rematk, lor the information of those who have not
j been in the habit of dealing with him, and because a
i different practice has been extensively’ introduced,
that his Book contains nothing but the actual produc*
tions ot his ovv ti foundry, and presents a true speci
men of w hat will be furnished to orders. The as
sortment is very complete, has been deliberately and
caretully, in twenty years, brought, to its present
high state of perfection, and embraces a variefv of
styles adopted to diffrerent tastes, and to the various
departments of Piinting, Newspaper Book and Job,
highly finished, and cast of the most serviceable me
tal. Not to notice the varieties which are distin
guished by their numbers in the Book, it contains
ROMAN & ITALIC 27 sizes, from Twelve-line
Pica to Pearl.
TWO-LINE and TITLE, 15 sizes, Two Line
! Columbian to Agate.
SHADED, 13 sizes, Ten-line Pica, to Long
P: liner.
IT v LIAN, 7 sizes, Seven-line Pica to Long
pi irner.
A \ 1 llfUI., 17 sizes. Ten-line Pica to Nonpariel.
BLACK. 12 s : z ”s, Eour-'in.: 1 ica to Minion.
j oP. N BLACK, 5 sizes. Four-line Pica to Great
I Primer
, SCRIPT, 2 sizes, Double Small Pica, and Great
! Primer.
| Besides Music, Back Slope, Ornamental Letters,
i Lottery Figures, Piece Fractions, Superior Astrono
j mice], and other Signs, Space Rules, Brass Rules,
| O namentai Dashes, Long Braces, more than ’■:< 0
j kinds ol Flowers, end 1000 Cuts and ornaments lor
1 Books. Newpapers aud Scientific works.
I Orders tor any of these, aud also for Presses, Chas-
I es, Composing Sticks. Cases Furniture, Priming
Ink, or tiny thing required in the Printing business,
w ill be executed on the most favorable terms A with
the utmost promptitude, a large s,ack of the. Foundry
articles bei .g always on Hand.
; New-York. Jan. 28H832.
Important to Merchants,
IMPROVED Fire proof Iron Chests, Safes and
stron” money chests tor jieicuanis a. u duuks
I The improvod Pattent or Double. Fire proof lioq
I Chests invented and manufactured hj tin subscriber,
j offer complete resistance to both Fire ano Thieves,
: and are allowed to be superior to all others yet in
! Vented
I Ttie Chests have been in extensive use in this and
other cities of the United States tor the Inst ti ree
years, have been fully tested t>y fire ai.<; arc titled
with locks that cannot be picked. The subscriber has
built many fire proof chests ot large dimensions tor
the use ot banks, with others the iollowing namely:
for the market bank, the traders bank, and the orien
tial at Boston, the Bristal county bank at Taunton,
Mass, the bank at St. Marks, the Collector atu Trini
dad de Cube, and the largest Iron chest in the world
the savings bank in this city, its weight being upwut us
' of 11pounds.
Merchants and others who may wish to purchase a
chest will please address the subscriber, giving (lies
inside dimensions of the same, as well as the length
and width ofthe largest books in use, or apply to his
I agents, Messis. J. B Herbert & co. of Savannah, who
j have an assortment on hand. The chests are sold by
weight and cost from 50 to S2OO each.
< . J GAYI.ER,
218 Water-str. near Peck Shp, New-York,
Foudrinier and cylinder paper maehinas. Paper cut
ting machines and Drying niachies, for Calico Prin
j ters atnl Paper Makers, made to order, and warranted
equal to anj now in use in the United States.
, Also—For sale. J. L. 8.-own’s superior Patent Bal.
| ances. graduated to home and foreign weights, with
I apparatus complete.
i April (i—B
|jiw Aolice.
I The undeisigned has located himself in Casj
'county, and will practice LAW inthe several counties
:ot the < ( i'ruit. All I etters addressed (o him
■ at Two-Runs, will be promptly attended to.
march IC>—m—s
r cj mnF m ""i jo e t; ■
j Having located at Cherokee Court House, will
I practice in the various branches of the profession, in
j the several counties of f herokee circuit. He j.iornis
! es diligence in tin- adjustment ofall business submitt
■ ed to his caie arid attention.
i f<l,2f»— I
F 1 or sale.
riIREE in the fifteenth di-trict ofthe third sc<’i->n.
For terms apply to my agent J. M. Allen, in Perry,
Houston county, or to myself, seven mib-s west of
may 25—rx—15 WD I I \ M B V LL.
I yyjpp-
Agreeable to nn order of the honorable (i>f<”io
; Court of Murray County, th” Superior and sos-” r
Courts and Courts of Ordinary, in and for srid con y
will he held at the place where Co'. J. L Hump! nes
now lives, until otherwise altered tn I,aw.
junel m—l 6. dept ct. c.
All Communications, of any kind, in'< i <!ed for
tne. will reach me earlier to be directed to Spring-
Place, I’. O. Murray countv.
JAMES C. BARNETT fsherlff.
j, ]ne ]—- f —]6 Murray county
The Clerks Office of the Superior and Inferior
Court, and the Office of the Clerk of the Court of
Ordinary, of .Murray county, will be kept i.t (he
place where Nelson Dickerson naw lives, on ihe
road leading from Long Swamp to Tennessee, fi\e
miles above Spring Place *». o. until otherwise alter
ed by law.
JOHN SLOAN, c.i. i.
June I—m—ls.