Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, July 27, 1833, Image 1

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CHEIiSMISfiS INTELLIGENCER. THE INTELLIGENCER Is published once u week by Howell Cobb, nt three dollars a yenr, to subscribers, when paid in advance or nt four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at the customary prices. Communication to the Editor must be post paid to entitle them to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. ixi-whvh DrrAKT.vTEixT, GEORGIA. Milledgeville, 17th May, 1833. by an act of the General Assem- * hly of this State, passed the 24th day De cember, 1832, entitled “an Act to provide lor the call of a Convention to reduce the number of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, ami for otlmr purposes therein named,” it is provided “ i hat it shall be the duty of His Excellency the Governor to j>ive publicity to the alterations -nd amendments made in the Constitution in reference )o the redaction of the number of members com dosing the General Assembly-arid the fust Mon day ia October next, after the rising of said Con vention, he shall fix on for (fie ratification, by the people, ofsuch amendments, alterations or new arti cles as they may make for the objects of reduction & equalization of the General Assembly only: ami if ratified by a majority of the voters who vote on the question of ‘•Ratification” or “No Ratification” —then, in that event, the alteration so by them made and ratified, shall be binding upon the peo ple oflhis State, and not otherwise.” And, where iiß, the Delegates of the people of this State, as sembled in Convention under the provisions of the before recited net, have agreed to, and declared the following to be alterations and amendments of rhe Constiution of this State, touching the repre sentation of the people in the General Asssembly therfco, to wit: “Whereas, the third section of the first article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia is in the following words, to wit: “The Senate shall be elect ed annually on the first Monday in November, un til such day of election be altered by law, and shall be composed of one member from each comi ty, to be chosen by the electors thereof.” And whereas a part of the seventh section of the first | article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia is in the following words, to wit: V’l'he House of Representatives shall be composed of members Lorn all the counties which now are or hereafter may be included within the State, according to rheir respective numbers ol free white persons and including three-fifths of all the people of colour:” Ami in the same section, the following, to wit: “each county containing three thousand persons agreeably to the foregoing plan of enumeration, shall btf'entitle.l to two members, seven thousand to three member, and twelve thousand to four members, but each county shall have at least one and not more than four members.” And whereas the aforesaid third section, and the said parts of the seventh seclittn of the said first article of the Constitution, touching the re presentation of the Gener I Assembly of the State, has been found, by experience, to be defrclive. on account of the great numbers in Hie Legislature and the enormous expense on account thereof—we the Delegates ofthe people of the State of Geor gia. in General Convention assembled, chosen and authorised by them to revise, alter ami amend the Haiti two section} and other partajl any, touching the representation of the people of Georgia m (he General Assembly, have, after mature reflection and delibera'ion,. deeland the following to be amendments in lieu of the aforesaid third section, and parts of the seventh section, which, when ratified by the people of the State, shall be taken, held ami considered as i.arts of the Consti tution of the State of Georgia in lieu of the afore said. “The Senate shall be elected annually on the first Monday in October, until such day of elec tion shall be altered by law, and shall be composed of one member from each senatorial district to be chosen by (he electors thereof, which said senato rial districts shall be formed by adding two conti guous counties together throughout the State. *.ri!;:'ut regard to population, as is hereinafter spe ciliedand defined, the county of Murray excepted, which shall constitute, together with such county or counties as may be l erealier formed out of the territory now composing sail comity of Murray, one senatorial district, the whole number of dis tricts shall be forty-five and no mure, ami in the event of the formation ol any new county or coun ties, the legislature, at the time ofsuch formation, shall attach the same to some contiguous senato rial district. Each senator shall be a resilient of the district for which he iniiy be elected, as is required by the present Constitution, of residence in the county. The following shall be the senatorial districts: The county of Murray shall constitute the first district.* The second district shall he composed of the counties of Gihncr and Union: The thirl ol th« counties of Rabun am! Habersham: The fourth, of the counties of Lutnpkin and Cheio kee; 'The fifth, ol the counties of Cass and Flovd: The sixth, of the counties of Jackson and 11, II: The seventh, of the counties of Franklin and Madison* The eighth, of the counties oi'Gwinmtt and Forsyth; The ninth, of tho counties of Paulding and Cobh; The tenth, of the counties of Fayette and DeKalb: The eleventh, of the counties of Campbell and Canell.’ ’I iie twelfth, of the comities of Coweta and Merri wether; The thirteenth, of the counties of Troup and Heard; The fourteenth, of the counties of 11. nrv and Newton: The fifteenth, of the counties of Walton and Clark; The sixteenth, of the coon ties of Oglethorpe and Elbert: The seventeenth, of the counties ol'Girrno and Talliafi rro.- The eighteenth, ol the counties of Wilkes a id Lincoln; The nineteenth, of the counties ol Putman and Morgan: The twentieth, of the counties of Bu’ts nnd Jasper: The twenty lir-t, ul 'he counties of Pike an i I’pson: The twenty-second, of the conn ties of Harris and Talbot: The twenty-third, of the counties of Ciawinrd and Monroe: The twenty fj-rth, of the counties of Dibb an 1 Hous Vol. I—No. 24. ton; The twenty-fifth, of the counties of Jones •and Baldwin: The twenty-sixth, of the counties of Twiggs and Wilkinson; The twenty-seventh, of the connlies of Warren and Hancock. The twenty-eighth, of the counties of Columbia and Richmond: The twenty-ninth, of the counties of Burke and Scriven: The thirtieth, of the coun ties cf Washington and Jefferson: The thirty first, of the counties of Bullock and Emanuel: The thirty-second, of the counties of Laurens and Montgomery. The thirty-third, of the counties of Dooly & Pulaski: The thirty-fourth, ofthe coun i ties of Marion and Muscogee: The thii ty-fifth, of the counties of Randolph and Early. The thirty sixth, of the counties of Sumpter ami Stewart: The thirty-seventh, of the counties of Baker and Lee: The thirty-eighth, of the counties of Irwin [and Telfair. The thirty-ninth, of the counties of | Appling and Tattnall. The fortieth, of the coun ties of Chatham and Effingham. The forty-first, ol the counties of Bryan and Liberty. The forty second, ofthe counties of MTntosh and Glynn. The forty-third, of the counties of Wayne and Camden. The forty-fourth, of the counties of Ware and Lowndes. Ihe forty-fifth, of the coun ties of Decatur and Thomas. The House of Re presentatives shall be composed of members from all the counties which now are, or may be, includ ed within the State, according to their respective numbers of free white persons. The whole number of members in the House of Representatives shall be one hundred and forty four and no more, except in the case of a newly created county or counties; such new county or counties shall have one member for each county, until the taking of the next census thereafter, and the whole number shall be apportioned in the following manner, viz; the fifteen counties having the highest number of free white persons shall be entitled to three members each, the twenty-five counties having the next highest number of free white persons shall have two members each, and the remaining forty-nine counties shall have one member each. V henever, from the creation of a new county ot counties, the whole number of members in the House of Representatives shall exceed the num ber of one and fojtv four, it shall be the duty of the LegaiSatur?,' at its first session after the taking of the 4mt census after the creation of such new count) or cppntms. in apportioning the members, to take one member from one of the counties having three members, to supply such newly created county, always beginning with the county that- has the smallest number of free white persons that may be entitled to three members. The census shall be taken, as heretofore, once in seven years, am) the Legislature shall, at its first session after the taking ofea< h census, apportion the members among the several counties of this State, as is heretofore provided; provided each county shall have one member. JAMES M. WAYNE, President of the. (J (invention. May 15, 1833. Attest, W ilkins Hunt, ) „ . . ll, Wilton B. Gaither, J Secretaries. I, therefore, it conformity with the p-ovisions of the before recited act, do hereby give publicity to the same, and enjoin the voters for members ofthe General Assembly of this State, on the day there in specified, to wit, on the FIRST MONDAY in OCTOBER NEXT, to give their vote of “RA TIFICATION” or “NO RATIFICATION.” as provided in said act. and that the presiding offi ces* certify the same to this Department accord ingly. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Ex ecutive Department, at Milledgeville, this the day and year first above written. By the Governor, WILSON LUMPKIN. Rnono m A. Grf.ene, Seen tary. 16 University of (ieorgia. Extract from the minutes ofthe Board of Trustees, at their meeting in August. 1832. motion <>t llovvcll C< bb. Esq. Besotted, fS That nil Grtidil des ot this College on making ' application for the second, or master’s degree, shall furnish (he Board with the certificate of some res pectable or distinguished individual, of their good moral character and respectability in the community in which they reside Resolved further, That all graduates of other Col leges, applying for the second, degree, shall furnish the Board with their diplomas, and acer ificate of some distinguished or respectable individual, of their good moral character and respectability in the com munity in which they reside. Resolved further, That the foregoing resolutions be nubli.-hcd. ASBURY HULL, Sec’ry. lune 15—18 Sheriff's Allies AND Land Agency. WILLIAM HARDLY Formerly <>t .M’Donough. Henry county, has located hiui«e!f in the Cherokee Territory NEAR NIAV T.CIIOTA. Where lie proposes to attend the Sheriff’s sales in the adjoining counties, and superintend the examining and having endorsed by Justices of the Peace, all small t'.xecutions, that may • e diiected to him. from other counties, for collection ; also, al! large r.xecutioiis that may t>e submitted to his manage ment : he promises nil his assiduity and care in this business He w ill, strictly, pursue such directions ns m*V be given him. Hiseharges will. in all nrrj. be moderate. The Georgia Journal Federal Union, Savart’?! Georgian \ugustn Constitutionalist and t’mirier, ’.ln cm» Telegraph mid Columbus Enquirer, will give 'he Above (wo insertions and send me (heir accmn.t« far payment. W . IL fib 20—I ~ 110 WEL I. 'COBB~ ATTO’SXEV at t.axv. Cherokee Court House, Georgia. Is now prepared to attend to anv profe«s : cnnl I u s'mess entrusted to him lb tenders his thanks tn |t: .«•■> n.-rsons that have, so liberally patronised him in -'ho Com t- where he has pr retired Cmnmuiiicatluii I.' gtis . < attention, come post-paid The Truth —The whole Truth. Cherokee, [C. ll.] Saturday, July 27, 1833. A LIST. Os letters remaining in the Post Office at Cherokee I Court House, on the thirtieth day of June 1833, I which if not taken out in three months will be forwarded to the General Post Office, as dead letters. B Noble P. Beall, C Gen. John Coffee, 2. Nelson Clayton, E- S. Candler, F Elijah Folsom, esq. Alfred Fortune, G Benj. L. Goodman, Edward Garlick, esq- George Glenn, Sargt. Glenn, ; George R. Glenn, G * Z. B. Hargrove, esq. William Humphreys, J. J. Johnson, Miss A. T. Jones, K George \\ . King, William King- esq. L Gen. Allen Lawhon. John Marfin, esq. Daniel Metlivin, O Christian Ogles, Roland Osborne, P Martin R, Paxton, Greenville Pulloin, R H. G. Roynls, Gallant Reynolds, esq. T James M. Towns, John Tate, Jr. W A. A W inn,esq. Lewis Wynn, Win. W Walker, Win. R. Williatnsan, 6—21 W 7 ILHAM GRISHAM P. M. Alotice. AU persons who have made their Tax Returns for in originally Cherokee county, are hereby no tified that the Books have been returned to me for collection as the Collector for Cherokee county Those who have by the late division of Cherokee fallen into other counties cao havean opportunity of paying, upon application to the subscriber by the second Monday in August next, otherwise executions will issue in terms ofthe law. JOILN B. GARRISON, t. c.c. c. j'dy fi—M -21 X O V \ (“E. Whereas my wife, Eliza has left me without any just cause or provocation and run off with John Wear, I hereby forwarn all persons from trading with her. on my account as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting. Murry County Ga May 27th 1833. JESSE E. BEAN, june 29—m —23 Georgia—Cass county. Tolled before Felix H. Walker, a justice of the peace, forsaid county, by James Wofford, of tbeß27tli district, G. M. one dark BROWN MARE, about fourteen or fifteen years old, four feet eight or nine inches high her right hind foot white, branded with a W. on the left shoulder, some saddle spots. trot«, naturally. Appraised by Sylvanos Walker and Da vid Wagoner, to twenty-fivo dollars, this Bth dav of June. 1833., FELIX H. WXLKER, j. p. Ertract from the original. July 1,1833 LEATH EM RANKIN, c. i. c. July 13—22—m. Doctor M. Montgomery. Having settled himself permanently in Floyd coun ty Ga. respectfully tenders bis services to the public in Ilie practice of MEDICINE SUftGERY, &c. He will attend to all calls, in any branch of inrd j icine, and may, always, be found at the residence of J une® Hemphill, esq. Vann’s Vully, until the county cite be established. jniy 13—22 $25 REWARD. STR WEI) or stolen from the subscriber about the 3d ot this inondi, a bright Sorrell mare, flax main I and tail, about five years old, live feet high, w ith some I saddle spots on ber back, consideiably wind-galled be i low the Imcks of the hind legs, ami newly shod id) | roun 1. Tho above Reward will be given forthe de ! livery ofthe mare and thief, or twenty dollars for the i thief and sufficient evidence to convict him; or five dollars for the m ire alone. If stolen the thief has ! made his way towards Tennessee. The supposed thief is about thirty or thirty-five years old, sandy iiair.bluc eyes, five f‘ r t, 6 or 8 inches high, recently from McMinn county, Tenuessfe. MILTON SANDERS. Auraiia, June 28.—m—22 Shenes’ Sales. FOR, AUG I ST. ' W l sL r ''l ’ c so 'd on the fust I ties lay in Angus! next, I v T at the place ot holding court in said county, i within the usual hours ci sale, lite following prop i city, to-wit: i Lol. Pts. Sec. property of to Satisfy I 960 2 4 G. D Lester S.mmvl Hay . 1200 3 3 A’f’red Brady If. IL Cone ; 12: .» 3 3 Alfred Brady H. IL Cone 1 I JOI 2 4 W. W. Law rence William Kibbe 1 223 1 4 M. M'Lood Watson & i Warren ! 633 2‘J 3 A. 11. Perkins Watson A Wan cn ' 2'2 I 3 Wm Worsham JoeiD. Ili.ks 118 J 4 J IL Page E B. Smith i 1231 2 3 A. Siveafbian J >!m Pittman 397 3 3 J. M Foster B. Ragland 9’o 3 3 Samuel Davis W. B. Marshall ’ls 18 3 Parti, t Whorton D-N. Pittman 499 1 4 S. W. Blount N. L 2. S.Stur-es |• 'I 19 3 V. tn. Doyle R. Rutland I ‘-92 2 3 11. Devm.e Stephen Corker ! : ‘”” 21 ” Henry M'Norri" Wade I.r.swn !'1'! ! » 21 3 Samuel Tilley Joseph Perry One ,\ir. i! and Vice l J. Keeton W. \Vn.!<-,v,’.| ih JACOB I’ARLH R. ; ju’y 13—22 D 8!. ff. Cherokee Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR AUGUST. be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, . * » at the Court-house in Cherokee county, with in the usual hours ofsale, the following property, to Lot. Dis. Sec. As property of To salify. 4G3 3 2 John Rose Henry Rose L 9 15 2 II W. Roberts L& J. Hooper 247 3 2 John S. Heas M. Stricklen 778 3 2 O. T. Dickerson J. M’Whorter , 659 15 2 W. Parker E. Ormsby B‘2l 2 2 Samuel Hurst Rorbert Carlisle 754 2 2 J. VV. Hamilton B. Whithurse 637 1 5 2 J. II Barton W. Racket 1033 2 2 J. Bradberry J. Wardlaw 897 15 2 Thomas Calley C. Meeker 754 15 2 Wiley S. Allison John R. Cargile 9) 3 2 Richard Cotton John R. Cargile 684 15 2 T. Cameron John A. White 333 2 2 B. Ginkins J Ainesworth 2 14 2 Wm VV. Wash J. R. Johnson 267 2 2 E. R Kellum Watson&Warren 733 15 2 RS. I‘ownel J. Cartlege 671 15 2 Joshua Mercer William Glover 273 3 2 J. D. Brewster J. H. Hammond 130 14 2 E. Hamilton M’Junkin 511 15 2 S. Pope M’Junkin ASmith 1049 15 2 Wade Perry J. P Winn J. P. BROOKS. July 13—22 Sh’ff Lumpkin Sheriffs’ Sales. FOR AUG ST. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court-house in Auraria Lumpkin coun ty, w ithin the lawful hours of sale the follow ing prop erty to-wit:— Lot. Dis. Sec. A-property of To satisfy. 253 12 1 VV m. Leverett Wm. H. White 592 12 1 John Hunt John Morrison. 254 4 1 G. B. Reeves L. Dumphey. 1137 12 1 F. Richards E. Wood 194 12 1 Noah Boyd Thomas Davies 1093 11 1 John Gregory M. Nicholson 338 11 1 Fletcher &. Fitsimons Gaudry & Legnel 418 4 1 Isaac Russel M. Cunningham 39 13 1 F O. Mann M. Pendigrast, 55 12 1 F. Cullins M. Pendigrast 111 4 1 J. B. Robbinson M. Pendigrast 158 13 1 Jonathan Adams T. Townsend 120 13 I G. .V W. Jeffreys N. Fish 1071 4 1 Patrick Sawyers Baldwin & Craig 1148 4 1 F. Smith J. R. Cargile 1063 4 1 W. P Glover Willis Green 222 13 1 W. Ridley J. Montgomery 1185 4 1 PR. Mays J. C Lot bridg’d 942 4 1 J. Newman J. A. Tippins 134 13 1 J. Brown S. Henderson e -9 12 1 E. Roberts E. H. Burrett I 1163 12 1 VV. Allen G. >B. Aiorris & Robert B. Lott 977 4 1 II Mc’Lail J L Calhoon llll»6 4 1 B. George S. Mc’Junkin 1030 12 I J. Choice Wm. Sims 856 12 1 C. Culberhouse VV. Green J N. Wilson 279 12 1 A. Lambert J. Flanigan 591 4 1 J Whorton M’Juakin & Smith 235 4 1 J. Stewart P. Lamar 90 6 1 M. McLeod Watson Ct. VV arren 527 12 1 S. M’Junkin Samuel Day 776 5 1 D. Wadsworth JT. Childers 222 13 1 Wm. Ridley R. L. Laine 455 12 1 David 11. Barnes F. Cullins & Sons 951 5 1 James Wofford Jones& Sim ns 412 13 1 Basel Gi w ing P. J. Murray 588 12 1 T. W. Mills T. B. Leeper 675 4 1 Caraway Taylor T. G Hall 76 4 James Corbin VV. B. Shelton 740 4 1 E. E. Gather VV. 11 Kim- brough Wiley Bryant 117 15 1 Jesse Dm rence Clem Powers 971 12 1 W illis Gilley Officers of Car- roll Superior couit 318 12 1 John Mullius S. .M’Junkin 1693 12 1 J, Barron & others 733 12 1 J. Strayhorn I. N. Young 899 4 1 C. Crawford Wm. Ezzard 585 5 1 J. T Hardage J. W. Jones 11 13 I Isaac Know Is Butt L Cato 508 13 1 George Row John Choice 826 4 1 James Atwell W. C. Osborn 69 1 VV. Wil tarns &. J. Corbin 11. Malcmnb 111 15 1 Philip 11. Alston M. &■ Hawks 1097 12 1 Samuel Jeter Peter 1 amar 428 15 I W illiam Jackson I. IL Raw lam 3’>7 12 1 Wm. O. Dabney S. Appleton ; 0-7 4 1 Jefferson Adams J. W illiams j 177 13 1 Robert Gill S. Pridgeon I 111 13 1 Philipl! Alston L. R. Beaman 11051 5 I James Watters, I‘. J Murray ' 45 13 1 J A. D. Lawrence Thomas Kilt-s 1 One unfinished frame I house. 30 by 16feet, being <>n 1 the lot selected fur the county scite ; levied on as the ; property of John Cochran to satisfy a ii fa in favor ol i B. I'. Patton. One high pressure engine, of six horse power, with jail its appendages, as it now lies on lot no. 40. Ist dis trict including amalgamators ccc; levied on as the j property of John Loud to satisfy a ii fa in favor of J |G VViliiamson. | (hie Bay Horse, levied on as the property i f David j i Mi l.vee, to satisfy a fi fain favor of John 11. Jones, i : jmi. ' i i SAMUEL JO?;r.S ’ july 13—22 Sheriff. ! i - | Gihviev Shov;i‘kS* Sales. ■ id be su'd on t! •fr : 'l'm : dav in Augii. t next, , j VW at the Com’t-lLa;-.-in Gi’nur county, wi'frn the usual hours of ;..'e the f-d;. v. lug property to wil : ! I Lot Dis. Src. pre; trhi i f tn SitHfy 2;5 24 2 I '.i-lm V-. i : s P. .I. Murray I •'] 24 I J--‘.e M Mimi .I’ Cooper 1’ • I’2- 2 J t ’anliss '1 1’ Cnopr r 'I 9 2 }?. I .i.'ey H Cooper 1-1 2 ’>: ::•:<!';!• ! ./ i ,7 ;-iu’oi:s I'i 2 V- ion Cti’-.p if.-we I C<-bh i 12 2 W. VV lia’-’y J-rncs C Autry 8 2 'i I’icrce ./ tnvs'ia: II -12 G 2 (?. Vugrr. dge J. h-. M. Wade j 65 9 2 T. B. Sliarr Dutham.V i , Leonard < 1 3 2 VV Goodman E. Williams 65 9 2 T. B Shaw W. A. Carr I C. W. Nixon A. L. Robinson 13t> 8 1 ./ Rin.l.rnu h J Rail 47 11 2 J’-hti fluff f fft p's of flip court LEVI VV. ELFrSTUTL’ R. • *i’y 13-12 jfh’tr Whole No. 24. For sale. The following GOLD and LAND LOTS are offered for sale, viz : Ao. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec. 185 2 1 21 9 2 158 15 3 3*9 2 1 230 9 2 260 16 3 423 2 1 100 12 2 668 19 3 842 3 1 292 13 2 547 20 3 254 4 1 102 15 2 1162 21 3 152 6 1 431 16 2 35 23 3 105 8 1 712 16 2 98 23 3 195 8 I 309 17 2 94 27 3 346 12 1 423 17 2 197 27 3 1214 12 1 624 17 2 350 1 4 642 14 1 597 19 2 372 2 4 1267 14. 1 197 27 2 520 3 4 211 1 2 573 3 3 88 5 4 364 1 2 396 4 3 39 8 4 537 1 2 44 5 3 19 11 4 835 2 2 205 6 3 42 1 3 4 177 3 2 256 8 3 201 14 4 149 4 2 283 10 3 404 16 4 271 4 2 167 12 3 For particulars, apply to either of the subscribers, JAMES EPPINGER, . , W lILIAM July 20—p—23 AW Fg VIE undersigned have entered into copartmeri _H_ ship in the practice of Law, and hope by strict attention to business confided to their care, and the assistance of Judge Underwood, to merit a share of public patronage. They will practice in all the counties of the Chero- I kee Circuit, and the adjoining comities ofthe West ern and Chatahooche Circuits. Their Office is at tho Court House, in Lumpkin County. EZEKIEL VV. CULLINS. GASTON M. UNDERWOOD, jniy 20—23—r.. For sale. I Lot number TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THREE in the fifteenth district of the third section. For terms apply to my agent J. M. Allen, in Perry, Houston comity, or to myself, seven miles west of Perry inay 25—ca—15 VVIIA IAM BALL. Fhe subscriber Will attend the Superior Courts ofthe following counties ofthe Cheroke Circuit, viz ; Cherokee, Murray. Forsyth, Floyd, Cass, Paulding, Cobb and Lumpkin. S. ROCKWELL, june I—p—l 6 Achiiies 1). Shackleford, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MAS permanently settled himself in Cass county at the place selected for the county Site. Ro w.h attend punctually to all business intrusted to hii care in the Cherokee Circuit. Communications may be addressed to Tivnl?,. n . Post Office, Cass county KUn3 june 29—m—20 Strayed or Stolen, ROM the Subscriber a small BLACK HORSE. H. eight or nine years old, five feet high branded on the left op as well as I now recollect with a perpen dici.lar h ie, 'hree or (our inches long, drawn through two ha’fcircles. A liberal reward will be paid for hid delivery to inc, and all reasonable expenses paid. . . „ NATHANIEL NUCKLES, july 27—24 blaM DS EDS. CV.V.UK’S SVV>POE.YAS. Juror’s Summonses, AIT® M lIIRIA GE LI CESS ES. I’ur sale at this Gffiice. A DUTCH SERMON. The following admiiiiLle pioduc ion deliver ed befote a company of volunteer soldiers du i in? our revoliitionnry snuggle, upon the eve of going “forth to glorious war,” was ca'cul .led to nnpiess them with lit rculeaii stiength and cout •fge . Mote f. .e!'d<, ven fust you come here, }uu v, as poor, and now, fiiends, you is proiit and yous go:ten on your unicotms, and dmn vils }(,u like ,i dotig s upon an hog’s pack : now mme L sends let inc tit,-il you dis, a nmn is a mail if he’s no lugger as my dumb. Ven Tavid vtnt out to flight mit Goliah, he took nothing vid I,im put tme sling; now don’t mistake me, mine friends : it was not a linn sling : no, nor ‘ g n sling : ro, nor a mint valor sling : no, it w s a sling made vita biikcry stick. Now ven Gt.iiuh seen T.ivid ct.n,ing, lie says, “You littlo damp scoundrel, docs you come io vigfit me? I wtl give yt;u to the pin’s of the fi. lt ;unl ||;e peas!:-, ot the a;;. 2 avid says. “Gol;aIt, Goli- ab, the ta: e is not always with the schwift, nor IS the battle mit the s itmg : and a man is a man if he’s no bigger as my di;tn!i.” So Tavid lie • ixes a stbenc in his sling ami he draws it at Go>;;'ii, ami knocks Itim tile tn the voreliead am! den r I »vid fakes Goliah’s swurt and cuts tit fits heat, and cen all 'he pretty goals comes out, and stiewf'd flowers in Ins way, and sung, “Saul is a great man, ver ho has kilt bis thou s inds, put I’avid is greater a« be, vor lie lias kilt Gohali.” Noiv r mitie fie i;ds, w l.en you roes out to vigb.t mit the damp BiitLh, remember u!i :t I deli yon, data man is a luau if Lt's uu l-’gy’.’t ;ts my dua.b.”