The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, March 15, 1861, Image 1

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Tiie Mariella SeiniMeeklj Advocate. VOL. 1. .Tije IjJqHeffq IS PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY, ON MONDAY AND TIIVRSDAY, ! BY ELTnSTT. TERJIS:—-2.00 a year aaa advance. Subscribers at a distance must always pay in Advance!! “ggS RATES OF ADVERTISIMG, One Insertion per line, 1 9 Every Insertion after, per line 5 Half Square of 5 lines, per year $ 5 00 One Square of 10 lines, one year 10 00 2 Squares “ “ “ “ 15 00 3 “ “ “ “ “ 20 00 For privilege of changing twice a year 10 per cent. added. Changing/owr times 20 per cent, added. Changing atpleasure, 50 per cent, added to above rates. Advertisements respectfully solicited. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C . D . PHILLIPS, Attorney, and Counsellor at Lair, MA R IE TTA GEO R GE I.' Feb 22, 18G2 b' N. ‘I.ELSTKK, ATTO RN E Y A T LAAV , MARIETTA, GEORGIA. WILL practice law in Bine llidge Circuit, and in Hie Supreme Court of the State ; also in the District Court at Marietta. marl. d AVID IHWIN. < I'EE.M.EK BVTI.Ett IRWIN & BUTLER. ATTORN STS AT LA MA RIETT. I, GEORGI. I Business coni <h d to their prof >. ional management in the following counties will be faidifuliy transacted. ; viz: Camptcil, I’aiilding. i’olk. C<jld>, ( hciokee, 1 <»>- syth, Lumpkin, Fulton :.nd Villon, Also, in the Lis j trict Court at M niet i, am! at th<- Court at j Atlanta. nm ■ I i F. M. MYERS, Aitor sa e y a t Xs | NTaiict I :i, (I c< WILL ATTEND TO All. It INI. UNIT: I ' I'l D'IoIIIS CAU E < /fr/f/vw™.-—-Denlimad & Wii d:t. Marietta, Ca , A J. Hansell, Marietta, Ca , Irwin & 1. ter, Mariett i. Ha., Hon. Sol. Coin'll, S.iv. nn ih, S. Yai Levy, Sa- . vannub. no\2". ti CICERO C. VV l>N, COLLECTING LAWYER, MARIETTA, GEORGIA Yl/ILL trive hi entire attention to the c ’’•■vti< n ▼ T of all claims ent listed to his care. Octi 9 ly A . A . * 1 *2. F A , S’ .?T jL.'JBB’, Miiriid t:i, < <r orgin. Mar. 9, ’GO b’ N. B. GREEN, Attorney I'otsEimcUoi* at ILawa, Mariol (a, < ’o., ( in. Will practice, and ;; i\. ' rom pl at tent ion t o all 1 m ; m -- confided to 11is prolessional car in t.■ I)i sri: mi<. ac j of UIK U. S. at .Marietta the :-i ri:i;m: Coi r. r >.f <> a., at Atlanta., the Sudekioi: and Ini i uioi; Court Hot the Blue Ridge Circuit, and the comities adjoining Cobb, of other Circuits. ESPECIAL A rrr.NTli’N <ll VEX TO (ill c.'! Lie 1 ION or Dl'.'.rs, AND rnr, si;ci ttiNG or ai ' mxnni.i: of claim-. Brom pt and etlicieiit al t cut i• >n w :l*. b ■ :,i\ i n t o . ... manner of business in the* out >s. '. I>i ■ .ii. .1J i’* I ■ county of Cobb and adjoining eounti. a Pill 1.1.1 PS X. in R K 11 A L T r.!L AT TO R N EYS AT LA W. MA KI ETr A GA, Will practice in Fulton. I’otldin : i■ H the . ties of th- Blue Kid-re i omit ; in Supremo Court, and District court of the f. > . at Marietta Wm. PHILLIPS .1. T. Bl KKll XI I Ell Jan I '' BL F A W. ATTORNEY AT LAW. .11 XRIETT 1. <«LOli<«2 1, dilligently attend to any basin a eo f. I ’M to his care hl the counties, of Cobb, Ch. ' ’a< e, Milton and Paulding. a’LAIXH collected a- • »o:-. . •it canid \ .aw, and the monev promptl> pat 1 over. June 20th, ANDREW .1. 11 kNSELL, Attorney, Counselor A Solicitor, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, Fit \C tic rs r'l V I.AIt l V t N ITI R / ■ © Os the United States, At Maiictia. the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the >uj>e. or i . ;.;i. : the C..m tie' : Cobb. Foa-mi. I'unn. CMNX.d, ChekoKß lALLDINO. WuirrtKin, Milti'n l also attend promptly tn secnrimJC and collecting Salms in any ot ihe:uljoiumg < mmm Marietta ’ <» l MARIETTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 15, 1861. AIISCELLANEOUS. Dr. REFORM PHYSICIAN, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Marietta and surrounding conn try. Office North side of the square over Page & Haley’ Store. febß-tf R t 8,18 Es T BIM T1 ST. CI RATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vl cinitv for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or inserting artifi cial teeth in the most*approved manner. He solicits calls from those who have very bad teeth, as lie is using a preparation forfiUing the most deli cate teeth, no matter how badly decayed, if not oth erwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable for years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never change or discolor the teeth. IWers to Citizens of Marietta for whom he has operafed during the past ten years. TKRMS.” Cash, unless by special contract. Office, South side of public square, over the Post Office. Marietta, Jan., 183 W P. nt'GIIEY, B. A. BANDALL, “HUGHEY & RANDALL, ~ House, S’gn and Decorative Painters, (FRAIN KltS, Glaziers and Paper Hangers, A LSO HV.-'D r.,- Zn Fresco and Landscape Painting a’ aet a ? co rg ii a, Al! work neatly executed with promptness, and at very reasonable prices. jlypt Instruc'ion given in Landscape Painting ons liberal terms. REFERENCES: JOS .in TICKER, I HAMMETT .t GROVES, A. Si. EONSDMION, | W. A. FRAZER. Shop iii second story of N. B. Green’s new build ing, rear the cjurt house. Fresh Garden Seeds! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 11U >; >0 PAPEI ?S FI IESII G-A RI) EX ■ 100 lbs. GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, •25 bushels EARLY PEAS AND BEANS I A FINE LOT OF ONION SETTS, All of which will be sold Cheap by HAMM Elf & GROVES. (’. J. S II EP A R D , AS the Old Stti’fci <>£ J. El. JlrCliulouk. OAS how on hand a large and well-selected assortment of family supplies, to which he invites the attention of the citizens of Ma rietta and the country, the one priced system will be strictly adhered to. JLs terms will be Cash, or equivalent, that is, Country Produce at Cash prices, or short time to prompt pat iug customers. Bills due on presentation, fpf His determination is to sell good articles at low prices and will expect prompt payments. 3 : <i ■ 1 ■ j'.> JL. SHOES. HAX’ING been heretofore unable to accommodate a!l my customers, I desire now to inform them md the public generally that having laid in a good lot of the best Fnneh’Stock, and also having em ployed competent workmen 1 a n now prepared to supply ail who will favor me with their patronage, with the best Shoes and Boots that can be m ide. 1 intend to keep constantly on hand a few choice ready mad Boots and Shot s, and will endeavor to make it to the int rest of Southern men to buy Southern made B ots ;md >hoes. All work warranto 1. r r t c i' s : Water proof and Quilted bottom Boots SIO.OO ■ • •• •• Footing 6.50 Fine Calf XVelt Boots stitched 8 to 9.00 i •• Pump Sole do Bto 9.00 Footii 50.50 to $6 00 j Kip Boots $5.00 to $7.0“ •• I'liotim.r, I 0.50 <] ICCS $2.50 to §6.1’0 S’ on on Powder S: r;ng street at foot of Railroad PHd'c. R.W. GABLE. !’. S - Repairing also done with neatness and dis pitdi. Marietta. G.t., Jan. 22, Is 1 L. CHEAP CASHSTORE. Jl ST UFA tWllt) V' T the well known >t;in l< f the Su’ ' filer, NortL Ea.-t earner of Public Square the very i»en! Stock' of Good a 1 have ever purchase 1, which will be sold as I oofrw CASH as they can be bought anywhere. Prom ptcus tomers can have till Christmas. I 1 will call attention particularly to my purchases of illvavvand scrviieable goods -as Linseys Ne. Also ' to a" Well svletted supply of Hc22dy-Madc Clothing Aml to a large stock of 1> DOTS and S II 0 E S, of which I have nvetved thhiy nine ease< tb.G week. Cali and pilee my Goods. E- bENNEII. W . H. HUNT. w f TTP K.VJFJ .IT f. .fir, M \RIETT GEORG I\. .A PAP3R POS TH3 S’SOFS.H. MERCHANDISE. FANCY aw STAPLE ' Dry GroocLs, SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CAI’S, China and Class Ware, HABBWAI? E, Family Groceries, Saddlery Leather, Fabrics, &c., &c. rffl HE Subscriber has just received and will keep JL constantly good selections in the above branches of trade and will sell at _L o W Prices. gF° T E RMS GASH! janG’6o D. M. YOUNG. A. ISAACS, "Wholesale a’nd retail Dealer in MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, RIBBONS, FEA TIIERS, FLOATERS, Head Dresses, Embroideiies, Blor.des, Ruches, Perfumery, Ac , Ac., Connelly's Iron front Building, White ElaH Street, ATLANTA, (ftORGIA Mrs. A. ISAACS. Fashionable Milliner, (Connelly’s IRON FRONT STORE,) B'7o’/e Hull, near Aluluna st-'cct, Atlasita, Georgia, y j A large assortment of Bonnets, Head Dresses, Ber tha Capes, Embroideries, Dies Trimmings and Fan cy Goods constantly on hand. O’ Bonnets made to order at short notice. Oct 5- ly. lamily sUppliesTl QQIIE SUBSCRIBER oh« rs ti e public, in the upper | Store. Sewell range, Cher'-kee Street, a full stock I< of GROC’ERH'.S, embraE;)-■ every article u nally kept in that Hue, such as SUGA R-S,-nli ki 115 - COFFEE. :ii’ : ■: MOLASSES, SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, Act, Ac., A. C ouatry F rod nee taken in Ba'ter, on liberal terms. Having purcha-'' I the : tore and goods of Mr. B. S. Johnson, lie also oiler- a l.ii'.e stock ot tlllOCLilll.S at that stand, on Cheiok e Street, an I Mr. HAMES will take pleasure in waiting < n customers. July 27, '59. tf] E. PAGE. FAMII TORE. ' GiIOVES & BUTNER, r B \g Opened in the Post Ch ice Di iliuxg a ijL¥AR!IIT% FA JI BLY STORE!, in which will be found EVERY A.. lICLE in the GROCERY LIN E, Liquors excepted—besides a great variety of other articles. They will sell for CASH A.X 1> SMALL .PROFITS. If you want good COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR. MOLASSES, FINE HAMS, I.ARD. SYRIA’. TOBACCO. YARN, or anything in that line, give us a call, and we war rant satisfaction. We will also ke< p Foolsea } >, Tuettci’ Pnpcr, Pens, Ink, and other articles of ■ Stationery. CoTintuv Produce Os all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. July 14th, 1859- ly | I >uick< ‘i S, IB ll )S &c. 0 Well Ropes, Bed cords, Flow Lines, PAIXTEI) Bi t RETS AND TI BS. CEDAR BUCKETS .<-1 TUBS. WELL BUCKETSamI WHEELS. SIEVES and RII >1 >LES, TEA KETTLES. COFFEE MILLS. Brooms. Cotton ami I* actury Thrcaa. Fit sale by * VLi>- ROOT A SON. TERMS CASH • JyJ ATI. \ N'T \ I X'l' mg £ ir©^v D ,1. M. HOL BItO OK, Whitehall Street. Aiiar.tu. Georgia. milE-‘ttention of Pi u.; Farm, rs and Country I Mer t "mint.--, ar er. .mi.. ‘ tie- Urge am. variv*d assortment ■■ H •■'. <'.ip<. &c., that: is kept constantlv on hand at IB »LBR‘ lOK'S HA 1 MANI FACTORY 'i: x>-.. n Hat- ma le to <•: ’.er, and :- nt ’ E- r< - to any portion of the country. , : ...J 1} ;DUW FINE SUGARS, i For sale lv H AvMETT a ' HIOX Em Nullification anti Secession. Hon. Jefferson Davis in his last speech in the Senate of the United States said as follows: I A great man, who now reposes with his i lathers, and who has been often arraigned :or a want of fealty to the Union, advocated the docti inc of nullification because it pre served the Union. It was because of his deep-seated attachment to the Union ; his de termination to find some remedy for existing Uls short of a severance of the ties which bound South Carolina to the other States, that Mr. Calhoun advocated the doctrine of nulli fication which he proclaimed to be peaceful— to be within the limits of State power, not to disturb the Union, but only to be a means of bringing the agent before the tribunal of the States for their judgment. Secession belongs to a different class of remedies. It is to be justified upon the basis that the States are sovereign. There was a time whc.ii none denied it. I hope the time I ) may come again, when a better comprehension of the theory of our Government, and inalien able rights of the people of the States, will prevent any one from denying that each State is a sovereign, and thus may reclaim the grants which it has made to any ajrnt whom soever. 1 therefore siy I concur in the action of the people of Mississippi, believing it to be neces sary and proper, and should have been bound by their action if my belief had boon otherwise: and this brings me to the important point which I wish on this last occasion, to present to. the Senate. It is by this confounding nulli fication and sccccssion that the name of a great man, .whose ashes now mingle with his mother earth, lias been invoked to justify coercion , against a seceding State. Tiie phrase “to execute the laws,’’ was an expression which Gen. Jackson applied to the case of a State refusing' t< obey the lav,s while vet a member lof the Union. That is not the cast? which is ' now presented. The laws are to be executed over the United States. They have no relation to any’ foreign country. It is a perversion of terms, at lea-t it is a great misapprehension of the case, which cites that expression for application to a State which has withdrawn from the Unio:?. You may make war on a foreign State. Il it bo the pur -1 pose of gentlemen, they may make war against a State which has withdrawn from the ! Union ; but there are no laws ol the United States to be executed within the limits of a seceded State. A State finding herself in the condition in which Mississippi ha-judged, she is, in which her safety requires that shcshould ; provide for the maintenance other rights out j of the Union, surrenders all the benefits, (and they are known to be many,) deprives herself ' of the advantages (they are known to be great,) Levers all the ties of affection, (and they arc close and endearing,) which have bound her to the Union ; and thus divesting herself of ' every benefit, taking upon herself every burden, i she claims to be exempt from any power to execute the laws of the United States in her ; limits. 1 well remember an occasion when Massa i cusetts was arraigned before the bar of the Senate, ami when the doctrine of coercion wa< rife, and to be applied again-t her because of the rescue of a fugitive slave in Boston. My i opinion then was the same it is now. Not in a-pirit of egotism, but to show that 1 am not intluenccd in iny opinion because the case is ■ mv own. I refer to that time and that occasion as containing the opinion which I then enter taintd, and on which my present conduct i based. I then said, if Massachusetts, following her through a stated line of conduct, chooses to take the last step which separates her from the Union, it is her right to go, and I will neither vote one dollar nor one man to coerce her back, but will say to her, God speed, in incmojy of the kind associations which once existed between her and the other States. Fureigx —The Charles.on Cour ier is credibly informed that Gov. Brown, of Georgia, has attached the Northern stock in the Macon and M estern Rail Road, amounting : to about $1,000,000. : M arriage of Mi.-s Lane. —Mis- Harriet Lane celebrated the close of her uncle's alminbtra. tion by being married yesterday to Mr. James Carlisle, the most brilliant lawyer in Wash ington. i Froth Hie Savannah News. ] . A Patriotic Northerner. Such of our readers as have read the letters of our Lowell correspondent, which have ap peared from lime to time during the past six ■ months, will be glad to read the following Ict- I ter, addressed by him to the Abolition Govcr- - nor of Massachusetts. Had there been a great > er number of such men in Massachusetts and • throughout the North, the Union of our fathers might have been preserved. Here is the letter,- which speaks for itself: To His Excellency" John A. Andrew, Governor of the Commonwealth of Alassaehusetts. Sir:—l hereby tender to your Excellency the resignation of my office as a Justice of the Peace for the county of Middlesex, in said Commonwealth. The reason that induces me to take this step is, that I cannot conscientious ly hold a judicial office under the government of a State whose Executive and Legislature seem I to manifest an anxiety to involve the nation in war by the hasty mi l unsolicited offer of the military forces of the State, to be used against the citizens of sovereign and co-equal States, who seek no quarrel with us, who have never trespassed upon us, nor menaced any of our rights as equal members of the Confederacy. It seem- tome that the recent legislation of Massachusetts, in icgarJ to the militia, which has received the approbation of your Excellen cy, (and 1 believe was specially recommended by you in your message,) is unwise and impo litic, not to say reprehensible and criminal.— Such legislation must have a tendency to in duce and develop a spirit among the people that will, if •unrestrained by more temperate councils, to an unnecessary, unprovoked and suicidal war. The caries that have led to the difficulties in which the n ition is unhappily involved, and which are now made the pretext for warlike demoii traiions, are too palpable to bo mista*. Icon. 'l'hi-y can neither by,.disguised nor wink' (■'lout >f sight. \ few years ago emissarics’of European monarchs scattered the seeds of a dangerous lictesy throughout the Noith. For a time its growth was so slow as not to attract’ general notice, :.nd yet its virus was constant ly woikiugai.d gradually poisoning the pub lic mind. Ambitious demagogues, too poor in> intelle it or moral worth to mount to places of power bv the legitimate step of statesmanship and personal tneiit.discovered in that heresy an element that they could turn to their advantage, as tuned ii championship, and political aboli tior.ism reared its hydra head. When al olitioni-m brought forth its first ri pened and only legitimate fruits, treason, rap ine an ! murder at Harper’s Ferry, in the au ' luinn of 1859, its chosen champions still de fended it, and men were to be found base ! enough to declare that “John Brown himself was right. - ’ Such have I cn the teachings, acts and leg i lation of Republican Abolitionism, that the 1 people of the Slaveholding States honestly, and not without reason believe that the party about to take possession of the Federal Gov ernment is determined to rob them of four thousand millions of dollars worth of property of their homes, of their civilization, of all that the heart hoi Is dear or makes life desirable. If it be true, every dictate of patriotism, every -entimen! of i hilanthropv, and every emotion ( f religion commands them “trumpet-tongued to rc -istthe ‘deep damnation’ of such a rule. I fit Le not true, it becomes the imperative du , ty, as'well as privilege, of Northern Republicans te disabuse the minds oftheir Southern brethren of erroneous imprc--ions, by a frank and out si,..ken debration of their purposes and policy- This they refuse to do. On the contrary, mill tarv ordei and the brandishing of swords give living and unmi-tal:able proof that the appre hensions of the south arc not groundless, and ■ that theßepublican party, rather than aban don a r tten plank in a miserable platform, arc Avillimz t<> add the horrors and cahnitics of war to the disasters of disunion. Respectfully your servant M.Bradfobd White. i Lowell, Feb. 12, 1 Mi- Slicd,lon. whose efforts to establish the : h gitimacy of her father attracted so much at* tcut'on in I. aid >n circle-, who pleaded lii« case in ; ■ rs m, and who has struggled so ma- ■ ny v. : s in his behalf, is still not discouraged. It w is s;q po-cd that the last decision against - her was fma' ; bit the la<t steamer brings us - new that -h h- r >s app-alcd to the House of * Lords. NO 1.