The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, March 20, 1861, Image 1

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The Marietta Semi-leeW Idw !e. VOL. 1. Tip hkfoeffii ffdbocqfq IS PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY. ON MONDAY AND THURSDAY, BY Wm. TH. 11l jSFT. TERMS:—2.CO a year in advance, Subscribers at a distance must always pay in Advance!! -gS® RATES OE ADVERTISING, One Insertion per line, U Every Insertion after, per line _ 5 Half .Square of 5 lines, per year $ 5 00 One Square of 10 lines, one year 10 00 2 Squares “ “ “ “ 15 00 3 “ “ “ “ “ 20 00 For privilege of changing twice a year 10 percent. added. Changing/owr times 20 per cent, added. Changing atpleasurc, 50 per cent, added to above rates. Advertisements respectfully solicited. PROEESSIONAL CARDS.- C . D . PH 1L L I Ps . Attorney and Counsellor at Liiw r MARIETTA GEORGE 1. Feb 2.2, 1862 if GEO. IV. EESTER, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , MA It IE T'E 1, 6' EO R GE I. WILL practice law in Bine Ridge ( iicuit. and in the Supreme Court of the State; also in the District Court at Marietta. mai l. A V Il> IRWIN. ckeem in i I RAVIN & BUTLER. ITTO RHE IS. AT tIW, MARIETTA <; VOIIC I. I Business confided to their professional management in the following counties will be faithfully tr.-iiuucled. Viz: Campbell, Paulding, Polk, Cobb, Che: 010 >-, 1 • r svth, Lumpkin, Fulton mid Milton. Ai-o, in the I'i trict Court at Marietta, and at tin' Supreme irt at Atlanta. marl F . M . MYE RS , Attorney at kai"A I; t i i( ' i I t, ' !•<.’->. ••„• : . WILE ATTEND TO Al.I. l.t-IMSS E'.Ti: C>!l l> TO 111 ' s'LI References ■: — Denniead & Wiight, Marietta, (la . A. J. Hansell, Marietta, Ca . Irwin A Lecter, Marictt i. (la., Hou. Sol. Colo n, Savannah, S. Va,h Levy, Sa vannah. n0v2.3 ts CICERO <l. V. IXN, COLLECTING LAWYER, J/. I A7 ETE 1, GE()R GIA t.V ILL give his entire attention to tin <■ Uection ▼ V of all claims cut listed to his care. Octi!) ly A.A .S 3 .VH SO A , .JTrOif.VL’ U .//' E.IH’, Marietta, < < e< >i‘.gi:i. Mar. 9,’60 ' ly N. B. GREEN, Attorney A Counsellor at Law, AI: i ri< ‘I 1 :i, < 'obb < < >; i. Will practice,and givejprompt attention to all Im-inc confided to his professional care, in t lie Disriuc i Cor in of the IL S. at Marietta The Seen emi: Coca r of (la.. nt Atlanta, the Sri'Eiuoii and Ixi intioii Com t- of t lie Blue Ridge Circuit, and the co intii J adjoining Cobb, of other Circuits. vsi'ec.iae attention given io the coLt.icrmN or mans, ANU THE SECURING OF Al.l. M \ N N lat OF CLAIMS. Prompt and efiicient attention wiL be given to all nnerof business in the Courts of Ordimuy in the .ounty of Cobb and adjoining counties, PH ILLI PS X Bl RKIIALTEK, ATTO K N EVS AT LA \V. MARIETTA GA, Will practice, in Fulton. Paulding and all the conn ties of the Blue Ridge Circuit ; in Supreme Court, uni I list ri >t court of the I . S., nt Marietta. W.M. PHILLIPS ,1. Bl HKH \L’l ER jiinl lv E. F 1 W, ATTORNEY AT LAW. t| IKIfi?TT I, (GIORGI I, U FILL dilligently attend to any business confided to his care in the counties of C< bl>, t’heiokce, Milton and Paulding. CLAIMS collected as soon as it can be done by law. and the money promptly paid over. June 20th, ISV*. WDRI'.W .L 11 A.\SULL, Ut onicy, Counselor A Solicitor, Marietta, Cobb Count*. Georgia. rRACriCKS KKGCI.ARI.V IN IllE Os the United States, At Marietta. xLo Supreme ( OUl't et Geoigi.i, at.d the •rbrG iubOl th i four Cmmtics : Com*. Fomna. l-orn. CA TN MTS *, V li c RO k K I At . ...So. Wit mt I n, 'hi nw. 1 akoattend ptoiupiH to < <atrmg at.l 50...,:. ; Rainis in any of the .Mjomitlg t. 4 unties. Marietta. Jan I D > ti MARIETTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, A IISCELL A N EO US: T)r IST N" ' ’T? REFORM PHYSICIAN, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Marietta and surrounding country. Office North side of the square over Page & Haley’ Store. >B—tf | E. M. ALDEN, BISID E M EH TI ST .- S <A RATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta ami vi cinity for a liberal patronage during the past i ten years, is still picpareJ to perform all operations eitlmr for preserving the mitural, or inserting artili cial teeth in the most a]:,moved manner. He solicits calls from those who have rer;/ bad teeth, as he is using a preparation for filling the most deli ! cate teeth, no matter how badly decayed, if not oth ' erwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable for years. It is about the same color as tiic teeth and will never change or discolor the teeth. Refers to Citizens of Marietta for whom he has operatetl during the p : ■(. ten years. T.KRMS. --Cash, unless by speci-d contract. Mlicc, South side of public square, over the Post Office. Marietta, Jan., 186 V7 . H . HUN T , { T' r T ’ E 9 Sj P UK 7 ® M AIIH :TT A, G !•:<SRGI A. W P. HVGIIEY, B. A. HANBAI.L, HUGHEY & House, S’gH and Deeiwaike Pahikrs, GRAIN Elts, Glaziers and Taper Hangers, A W’O iiY.i’/HO'.s- In I'resco aval Landsccrnc Painting ilia B” self a, (» (“ g rg’ gg All work neatly executed with promptnezs, and ; t very reasonable prices. j Instruction given in Landscape Painting ons librai terms. REFERENCES: JOS. E Tl'-KEir, 1 11.'.Mil BIT GROVES, A. S. EONSU.I ION, I W. A. n: '.7. :a. Shop iii svond slory of N, B. Green's new build : iiig, mar the c ;:: v l home. Fresh Garden Seeds! v.:: iiavi: jvst iieccived 10,000 PAPEIL E ■ IG A RDEN 100 lbs. ARDEN SEEI BULK, 25 bushels EARLY PEAS AND BEANS A FINE LOT OF ONION SETTS, All of which will be sold Chimp Tv HAMMHI’f & GROViX ('. J. S H E P A HD, M the OM caiud off?. HAS how o t hand a large and well-selected assortment of family supplies, to which he. ini lies tile attciiii. nos th eir/.vns of 'l l rietta and the «ount: y, tie one pile d system will be strictly ndlieivd to. IDs terms will be ('ash, or equivalent, licit is, Cmrntry lh- dime at Cash prices, or short time to prouq I pay im: cu. Rimers. Bills due on presentation. di- ; ti. ■■■,• -b o : mr is to --I goisl nrtiel' Snt low p.rii -s ; :d will r.\p ct promi't payments. ..'J-™ ’ J > ©2 HAVING beau h'ret lore im.d'le m ■ cum ‘Jute a l my customers, I d.-site now to inform them md the publi. lily having l ed in a good 10l es the I st I r nch Stock, and ,d-o 1 iving em ployed eomriet'Cif workmen I am now pr.-pared to supple all who will favor me with their p:itronae ■. with the last Sh.' -s and !’■.>.its th t erm be m ide. 1 intend to keep e -.untly on hand a few < ’m'i ■• a adv made Boms ami >h n-s, and will i :.J< .n or to make it t>> the ii;t i ■■■ i of S-. mt hern men to buy " mt he. a m.i I ? Boots and t'liocs. AH work warranted. r Klli's; Water proi'f and Quilted bottom i'- .as $lO c , “ •• Footing G.jO Pine Calf Welt Boots stitched s to n.mi I ump Sole do a to i n i Footing . it t<> t •! on Kip 800t5......................5-.’•.oi• to s, ,ti-> •• l-’.K'titig Mo,Tai Shoe; $2 5c t ' Sih oO Shop on Powder Sprhig stre.' at. Du . / bridge. R. W . G ALL!’ I'. S -Repairing also ilone wb.h m tics> m, , dm patch. Marietta, Ga . Jan. IS- 1 L. BENNET i ’S CHEAP CASH STORE. JiASJJ:3 IT. 4 'i'the w, :1 ki. ’wn ; S N . 11 IScsl .%forA of Gotitis have ?n rynvl.’ ■whhh vHI be M ~-lo.fw . CAMI t'..m - n ■ ■ / i tom ss <cm law t- ■ I eV. - . ■■ | -,-. . V ; ■ to a w . sUAg I s’r ; y . And t a . . - . k . of which I havs ree-mved tairtv nine c.m - this week ‘ C.dlanlpri'c hmds, L LLNNEiT. i - W >meruhandSk • ■ * i -«i ■. •».. .. < n yyi . . l -w; '• -I > --X ./ ..ik . .Dry &oocis, SHOES, Il A T §, CAPS, Ciiiua, asid Qla/s Ware, IIAILDWAiaE, F a BSS a I y roue rics, iSaddkry Leather, Fabrics, &c., &c. HE Subscriber has just received and will keep > _H_ constantly good selections in the above branches iof trade and will sell at U o W Prices. 0F TER M S CASH! janG‘6o D. M. YOUNG. A. ISAACS, Wholesale and retail Dealer in MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, RIfiRONS, TEA THERE, FLOVvEBS, Head Dresses, Embroideiies, Laces, Blondes, Ruches, Perfumery, Ac , Ac., Conndig's Iron front Building, YYIUiC Elali Street, ATM NTA, GE )R< 11 . aS „ i n . . .. . . ■ Fashionable Milliner, ( CON NEU A’s IRON" FRONT STORE,) 1175/1? Hall, near Alabama street, .A Gania,; .- Georgia, A large assortment of Bomiefs, Head Dresses, Ber tlri (';.»]>• -s. Einbn • derie.s, Dress'Trimmings and Fan cy Goods constantly on hand. QT’ Bonnets made to order at short notice. Octs-ly. FAMILY SUPPLIED <.¥JITE SI'BSCRIHER oilers the public, in the upper ' £ ' St-.-: . Sewell range, Cher <kee Street, a full stock I of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually k pt in that line, stub a-1 SUGARS, nil kin«L-: COFFEE, all kinds; MOLASSKy SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, Att. Ac., A. ■. ii c e taken in Barter, on liberal terms. I ■:. ■’ g< L m Mr. B. S. J>>u.n ‘N. he also uti'.-i a laige stock <>i GROCEiiIES :ii t.hai -t . id, on Chi-i .'me -tri -t, and Mr. DAMPS wi'l take pleasure in waitin'; <-n ciL-tomers. July 27, 's!'. tfj E. PAGE. ' 2E. GiIOVES & BI :r., fi S AS opemd in tb.e Rost (Trier: Biit.thng a b i Y lES's '/fl’Y R ? V ’8 3 5.V <FORE, in wdiii I will I. I ■ . t.II.HT ALTICLE in the GROCERY LINE, Li.pu m vn- !‘'d a gn at vaiiety of other arti. hs. 'Tl.ey will sell for ( .157/ J.YD A MALE PROFITS. If y on want good COFFEH, TEA, SI GAR. MoL.X -cm. 1 iNE HAMS. LARD. SYRl’m TOB.V'CO, YARN, or any fhiti in tlmt ‘ine, give us a call, and we war rant satisfaction. W. ■ ■ ? : • 'L-■•: ii >. ImH 1 F I*:1 ] X 'lt ’(. Il 1111 c, and other ar tides es Stationery. Coiini vy Produce ()f all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. July 14th. I':’ - ly I>u<•k< ‘i s. Tlll >s <Krc. Well Ropes, Bed cords, Flow Lines, F UMED BIA RETS AND U BS, ( EP \ll BUl’KErs and tits, WELL ID KI TS ami Wil EELS. SI i. 11S ami RI I>l »Ll'.S, TEA KEITIES, ( OITEE MILLS, l‘>. C,' •. eand FtfectoryThread. For .-lie by W'l. RO J f & SON. £<• TEIWS CASH r ATI A> TA I IAT '-fF7 J. M, .' > L ’ROW '. WI tel . ' ')•. WM'’’ ‘ \ . -m ■ 4 < mm-.v ! - . ' . la \ • .. ’■ L. ; ;. * -1 •■, .. tD.* I- '■ • rA< ;U? i > e-"di“r, t tdy ;...> "to asy ; - u. a DU no» IINE SEC AIK. i T . I - \ / El.'.. ■ ;r< - E" COTA STITUTIO V N v. u ..j.. g/cIG? Ci. ■■ [continued.] ARTICLE 11. Sec.]. —l. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the Confederate States of America, He and the Vice President shall hold their offices for the term of six years; but the President shall not be re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as follows: 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may determine, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the Confederate Slates, shall be appointed an elector. 3. The electors shall meet in their rer; ocL’ve States and vote by ballot for President r.nd \ ice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of tiic same State with timm selves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as 5 ice Rrerident, and they shall make distinct lists of till persons voted for as President, and of ally -rson > voted for as Vice President, and of the numl er of votes for each, which lists they shall sir.':’, and certify, and transmit, sealed, to tiic seat of gov ernment of the Confederate States, directed to the President of the Senate; the I’resident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then bo count'- cd; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be tiic president, if such number be a majority of the whole num ber of electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then, from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as Presi dent, Ilic House of Represent ativcssball choo. e immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this pur pose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of 1 lie States, and a majority of all the Slates shall be neccessary to a choice. And il the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever tiic right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day, ofMarchnext following, then the \ ice President shall act as President, as in case of the death, or oilier constitutional disa bility of the President. 4. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President shall be the Vice Presi dent, if such number lie a majority of the whole number < f electors appointed; and if no person ha\ ea majority, then, from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be neccessary to a choice. 5. But no person constitutionally ineligible to tiic office of President shall be eligi ble to that of Vice President of the Confederate States. 6. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they >lndl give then’ votes; which day shall be the same throughout the Confederate States. 7No person e xcc pt b natural born citizen of the Confederate States, or a citizen thereof, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, or a citizen thereof born in the Lmted States prior to the 20th of December, It’iiO, shall be eligible to the office of President, neither shall anv person be eligible to that effice v. ’io shall not have attained to the ego of 1 hirtyffive vear<, and been fourteen years a : ■ ident ; hh in the limits of the Confi-l'-re'c S: itc::, :: , u. y may exist at the time of his election. s. In ease oftiic removal of the . re i'.-mt - . ' ■, or of his death, n ig’ ’ ■ i la- bilitv to dischr.rjC tiic powers and ies of the s'ii'l office, the -amc sh.dl d-. volvo on tiic '.'ice Pn -idei.t; ami ti.e Congress m g, by provid.- lor the 0; ■; of lemovr.L »' •. resigna- tion, or inability both of the Pg -ctheit and Vice Preside .!, <! i ’::;ing w. ”t G.iall then act as Pre-i lent, an ■ ' h c.'iieer .i; .11 act accord inglv unt)! id.' . .aL.. . le removed or a PreEdent • h: 1. ek 9. The ’ : ■ ident shall, at stat -1 times . .si re f,..-hi -a ■i ■ ‘ - .rnneueation, which sli 11 neither I • i'icivused nor aicd during the peri- .' r ”.'ik I..'ha*.e been cd cted: and he hall not re within tln.t jeri -d any ot.. ■»' • a iiuni iuC (.outedcrate State-, or any •.»! them. 1 . i- >he et tors on tlm ex'?''ut’on of Lis ofih . be shall take the following oath or affir mation: “I d■> Mcmnly swear (gir affirm) that I will f.E b v cxecc a thu office President of the C b-. ■ a- .1 w.ih ; ■ best of my rve, pt ■ . I defend tl Constf- : . 1. 71 President " Ub ■ c >mi ... : r:' th umv ri.l ? y c..’ the Con fed a ■ ' .and . militia . sever al ' ‘..'.t- wi e:i -. 1 into the r.crvice of tl leratc ' rtes ; he may r quire the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in c -th ik'.- utive Department' upon rmy <ii’je. t relating to the duties of their respective offices : and he shall have power to grant re ■piio.; i pardons for offences agaiiixt the ( States, except in cases of impeach ment. 2. He shall hate power, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, to make treat ies, provided two-thrrds of the Senators pres ent concur ; and he shall nominate, and by and w th the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public minis ters and consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the Confederate States, whose appointmi-’jts arc not herein otherwise ; pijov' led lor, and which shall be established by I law ; but the Congress may, by law, vest the [ appointment of such inferior officers, as they think propel, in the President alone, in the court -’ of law or in the heads of Departments; 3. The principal officer in each of the Exec-, utive Departments, and all persons connected with the diplomatic service, may be removed from office at the pleasure of the President.— Ail ether civil '.ulcers of the executive Depart ment mgy be removed at any time by the Pres ident, or offi'.r appointing power, when their service.- are m.m cessary, or for dishonesty, in capacity, inefficiency, misconduct, or neglect of d ty; and when so removed, the removal shall lie rev wh d to the Senate, together with the reasons therefor. • 4. The ;‘resident shall have power to fill alt vacancies that may happen during the recess ol the Senate, by .panting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session ; but no person rejected by the Senate shall be re-appointed to tiic same office during their ensuing reccss. Sec. 3—l. The President shall, from time to' time, give to the Congress information of the state cf the Co'.ifoderaey, and recommend to .heir ccir ’deration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary oocariom l convene both Houses, or either of them ; and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of ad journment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive am basadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall cimmission all the officers of the Con fed erate St ates. Sec. 4—l. The President, A’ice President, and all civil officers of the Confederate States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimeand misdemeanors. ARIK LE HL ! : ec. I— 1. The Judicial power of the Con federate States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such Inferior Courts as the Con gross may from time to time establish. The judges, both of the Supreme and Inferior Court -, shall hold their offices during good be havior, ami shall, at stated times, receive for their service- a compensation, which shall not bcdiminishe l during their continuance in of fice. See. 2. —1. The judicial power shall extend to : il cases arising under this Constitution, the laws of the Confederate States, and treaties or which slia'l be made under their au thority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, or other public ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to coutroversi • to which the Confederate States shall b< a ] arty; to controversies between two or m- re State s; between a State and citizens of another State where the Slate is plaintiff; 1 'tween citizun.- claiming lends under grants of r- ut States ai d between a State or the citi:: a- there's, and r i"ign States, citizens or subjects; but no Stale hail be sued by a citi> z'il or mihject < f u’.y foreign State. 2. hi ca ■ afecti.: ; ambassadors, other >'■ . : cuiiii.-.t and consuls, and those in v : 1 b • State shall b a party, the Supreme h:;E l.avc c. pcllat urisdiciion, both as aw ami fact, with such exceptions, and un der . uch re.:illations, as the Congress shall make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of h • ' i'•••nt. - La!' be Ly jury, and such trial it ' 1 . '. i.l in 1' e Slate where the said c:i 11 La-. ? boon committed; but when n to.!:.! ib 1 within any State, the trial shall i ■ ich ’ ’ ■ or nlaccs as Congress may by 1 H Ud. —l. ’j : a agai'; t the Confederate Sf the :. <nl. in levying war against i , or ai’ erim,- to their enemies, giving 'bcm aid : A comfort. No person shall be e nvic lof t. n ume s on the testimony >f two n i o the same overt act, or on ....'.A , ■ ' •?. Tim <'on r; vedi have power to declare !' u ■ ..j..: ut of treason, but no attainder of :: sh' l 11 w.'ii' corra■ >t’.on of blood, or for- . n , except during the life of the person at tainted. ARTICLE IV. Shc. ll l. Full faith and credit shall be gE. nin c h I: to l’hc public acts, records ami :.;dic!m roceediugs of every other State. n.-f i . ■ " v, n. y, by general laws, pre- . r in which ..m’.li acts, records, ■ I.all be prove ') and the effect . itizens of each State shall : ■; mv. .1 to all the privilege- and immunities • v ;al so .itC'S, and shall have K: v..' of true t and'-ojourn in any State of ■ <" ;.f< -i;.' V. with their slaves and other NO 3.