The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, April 01, 1861, Image 1

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The Marietta Semi-Weekly idioeate. VOL. 1. IS PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY, ON MONDAY AND 1 IM R DA . , BY Wm. II- II i NT. TERMS:— 2.00 a year in advance, in Advance!! RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Insertion per line, I Every Insertion after, per line Half Square of 5 lines, per year S oou One Square of 10 lines, one year 10 0 w :: “ iooo For privilege of changing twice a year 10 percent, added. Changing/oar times 20 per cent, added. Changing atpleasure, 50 per cent, added to above rates. Advertisements respectfully solicited. professional cards. ANDREW J. IIA.NSDLL, Attorney, Counselor & Solicitor, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, PRACTICES REGULARLY IN THE EWif/BhW ©5 T Os the United States, At Marietta, the Supreme Const of Georgia, and the Superior Couitsof the following Counties : Cobb, Forsyth, Floyd, Catoosa, (’iieuoke Paulding, WII ITFIEI.D, M I ETON. I also attend promptly to securing and collecting claims in any of the adjoining Counties. Marietta, Jan. 1, 1858tf XDVID IRWIN. GREENLEE BUTLER I RAVIN & BUTLER. AT TOR KEYS AT UW ? J/. dIITETT. I, GEORG 1.1 'Business confided to their professional management in the following counties will be faithfiiliy transacted, viz: Campbell, Paulding. Polk. Cobb, Cherokee, 1 u svtli, Lumpkin, Fulton and Milton. Also, in th” Dis trict Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ’*UU c. D . PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law’ J/J RLE 7’TA .GEOR G 1. 1. Feb 22, 1862 W GEO. V tJRSTER, ATTOII NE V A T LA W , MARIETTA, (! >RGIA. WILL practice law in Bln<’ Circuit, and in tin- ' Supreme Court of the State ; also in the District Court at Marietta. mail. F . M . M Y ERS, ik 11 o r a?. © y sl t La w, < «t‘( >rigi: i. WILT. ATTEND To All. I’.l-t'.l I vr. I-I Il> i<>ll ’ ' 'I! 1 IWirencrx. Den tn a1 & Wridit, Mariett i. Gi . A •I. Hansell, Marietta, Ga . Irwin N L—tt-r. ALuieiti. . Ila., Hon. Sol. Cohen, Savannah, S. Yates I.esy. Sa ' vannali UOV33 ts CICERO <’. U I sN, COLLECTING LAWYER. J/J 111 HIT. 1, GEOR(. 1. 1 4VILL give his entire attention to the c lleeti >n ▼ V of all claims ent ustid to his care. OetVJ-ly 1. \. s i np* o* , .f ttos: .v <■; v •st f/.fir*, AEariet ta, < reorgia. Mar. 9. ’6O N. B. Ci BEEN. Attorney A CoimM’llor at Law. NLarietta, ( 'obb < ’o . < in. Will pr.wtiee.iin I ”iv<' >i mot itt .’■• ' * -~ eoulide.l to his van-. in t; I’t-o :;!•-! < urt of THE IL S. at Marietta The Si pri me Coi n i of Ga . nt Atlanta, the Si vT.nion and Inferior ( unts ot t Blue Ridge Circuit, and the n-.niti- •• aej- ining Cobb, of other <’ircuits. XSI’EVIVL ATTENTION GIVEN TOTH!: COLLECTION or DEBTS, AND THK SECURING Os Al l M ANN . U ■! CLA IM- Prompt and etlicient nttenli n will’• ion to nm-rot businos in thet'ouits ot Oidimuj in the .ouut y of Cobb and adj >inin , eounti: PHILLIPS* Bl RKI! 11/1 I 11. AT TO R X EVS AT LA W. MARIETTA GA. Will practice in Fulton. F.iuldii... an■! al’, the ties of the Blue Ridge Circuit ; in Supreme Court, and District court of the U. S.. at Mari, tt i Wm. PHILLii'S, J- T lY RKIIAI.II.R ianl I-. I- AW, ATTORNEY AT LAW. M IKII'/FT I. GI'ORGI I. lITIT.L dilligently attend to any bus ne-- contt-l : • V to his care in the counties of Cobb, Chendtee. Milton and Paulding. CLAIMS cot ccted as s■mas it c.-v; : e o '- “y law. wd the money prompt!) paid over. June 20lh. 18ML MARIETTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY' AFTERNOON, APRIL 1, 1861. MISCELLANEOUS, Id. M .AA-LLEISr, RESiQEHT GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vi cinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or inserting artifi cial teeth in the niost approved manner. He solicits calls from those who have very bad teeth, as he is using a preparation for filling the most deli cate teeth, no matter how badly decayed, if not oth erwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable for years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never change or discolor the teeth. jkfT' Refers to Citizens of Marietta for whom he has operated during the past ten years. TEit.US. --Cash, unless by special contract- Office, South side of public square, over the I’ostOllic e . Marietta, Jan., 13'3 W. H. HUNT, T T m.VJ? 1’ e'l T % M ARIETTA, GEOKG i A. “Dr. N. N. GOBER, ~ REFORM PHYSICIAN, OFFERS his sei vices to the citizens of Marietta and surroundin'u? cmtnt ry. Ofilce North side of the square ever Page & < Haley’ i Store. s.-HS-ts 1861 new mRn 1861 ttA.MVLET’S &. GK.OVSIS. (North Side Public Square,) es it SlvlMll DBWMSTS, .18 A§2 S ETTA, EOR6IS A. HAVE a large and well selected Stock of Drugs, Hardware, Perfumery, Stationery, Toys, Teas, ' Soaps, Sugars, Chewing Tobacco, &c., &c. All of which will be sold low down for Wc tire thankful for past patronage, and solicit a , ci ntinuance of the same. HAMMETT \(■ 1 1 \ ES. W. I’. HUGHEY, B. A. RANDALL, HUGHEY & RANDALL, House, S’g’ii and Decorative Painters. CMUATiN HRS, Glaziers and Paper Hangers, ALSO IFbrZ'crs in Fresco and Landscape Painting .18 arietta, «c a e’& ia. All work neatly executed with promptness, and at very reasonable prices. I. gyf*’ Instruction given in Landscape Painting ons i liberal terms. REFERE N C E S : JOI. R. TUCKER, I UAMMEI-r A GROVES, A. S. EONSDMION, I w. A. FRAZER. Sh<>p in se on I st *• ' of N, B. Green s new build ing, near the court house. Fresh. Garden Seeds! W !'. HAVE JUST KE' i'IVltD l(),o;>0 PAPERS URESiI GARDEN SSSDS, 100 lbs. GARDEN SEEDS IN BI LK, 25 bushels EARLY PEAS AND BEANS A FINE LOT OF ONION SETTS. All of which will’c sold < heap bv HAM Mi’. I'l GROVES. ® DRVGS!|i 1! IKK 9TIV A .301 A SIR VNNOI’N' Eta ihiir Customers tiny l.iiw eomtneiieed the New Year with a <ew, Full and : < '<tmplc te s’oi k ot Drugs and Medicines. Our pres nt a-> rtnunt of ” the usual good . ;>t in a Drug Store. i> inav . .ff< ■. d at pi ice- that < annot tail tn suit. P s' .< in ivat't ot ..m ot t!..- tolioalng w mid do well to price th. mat our 1. . : f* <’ ro s ( ti c Si t< rtt i a Oi i. KEh'OSENE I.AMPS from !•() ets. to > .75 cte. h, - ALSO T'/rp, )>; n.‘. / >l'd. _L dial. Lard and Spenn Oils, Lin-eed Oil. bite Lea Is. Painters Geier'. Put- ty, Window Glass, Druggists' Vials. Wo ' r 2- ' /Vt\’ Carry' pat up. ianll ts MARKLEY & JOYNER. I • , o t i r n. piIRTMSTANt IS having prev ted my r m vimg V Wot as c. n'cir.plat-d —1 etk r my as .t Phv-ician to the public for the mis ; , year. Ft? ’ Oftiev in Conn- U s Building, up stairs, where I iwm lx. - kmnd at all times. GEO, W . CLELAND. A PAPES, FOB. THB PEOPLE MERCHANDISE. FANCY and STAPLE Dr-y Goods, SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CAPS, Cfisisia asadl Glass Ware, SIARDWAHE, F a ess i I y Gro c e rws, Sa4diery Fabrics* &g, &c. FFNHE Subscriber has just received and will keep i JL constantly good selections in the above branches of trade and will sell at Lo W Prices. TER M S CASH! janG’6o D. M. YOUNG. A. ISAACSj Wholesale and retail Dealer in : MILLINERY and FANCY &OODS. RIB RONS, FdL L TH ER S, FLOWERS, lb .'id Dresses, Embroideiics, Laces, Blondes, Ruches, Perfumery, <tc , &c., Connelly's Iron front Building, Whale SI reel, ATL XNTA, GE< 'R'EA Xvlrs. -£k. XSJL&CS. . Fashionable Milliner, (connelly’s iron iront store,) IUA/j'c liaV, near Alabama street-, AGanS.t, Geoigia, A large assortment of Bonnets, Head Dresses, Ber- ‘ tha Capes, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings and Fan-j ey Goods constantly on hand. Q j ’ Bonnets made to order at short notice. Octs-ly. FAMILY SUPPLIES? CpHE SUBSCRIBER oilers Hie public, in the upper ; I Stoii’. Sowell range, Cherokee Street, a full stork ,L of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually kept in that line, such as SUGARS, all kinds; COFFEE, all kinds; MOLASSES, SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, Ac •, Ac., tv. Country Produce taken in Baiter, on liberal terms. i Having purchased the store and goods of Mr. B. S. | Johnson, he also oilers a large stock ot GllOI ELIES at that stand, on Cherokee Street., and Mr. ILYMES I will take i>]easurc in waiting on customers. July 27, ’s'.>. tf] E. PAGE. FAMILY STORE. : GiIOVES & BUTNER, ft 3 ‘8 <q m< (1 in the Post Ou ice Bi ilium; a O AEiUaiTV B' V ’8 aS, ¥ STOKBI, iu winch will be found EVERY ARTICLE in the GROCERY line, ] : pi-o <, x. ."-ted besides a great variety of other ' ■iHiclui. Thevwiilsellfor C.lSil A A I) EM. XLL PRO FITS. I f i oil want good COITEE, TEA, SUGAR. MOLASSES, PINE HAMS, T.ARD. SYRUP. TOBACCO. YARN, or anj (Ring in that line, give us a call, and iw war rant satisfaction. We will also keep T-jCttd’ Pnpi-r, I'cns, Ink, and other articles o Stationery. Count ry J?rod iice Os all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. July 14th. 1859- : ’ I >H( ‘1«'( s, r Liil >s &c. 0 Well Ropes, Bed cords. Flow Lines, PAINTED Bi t HETS AND TIBS. CEP \R BUCKETS and 'LUBS, WELL BUCKETS and WHEELS. SIEVES an 1 RIDI 'LES, TEA KETTLES. COEI EE MILL". Brooms, Cotton Twine ami Factory Thread. Formic ly 3VM. ROOi & SON. gy TERMS CASH • ATLANTA HAT J. M. HOLBROOK. U hitrliall street. Atlanta, Georgia. THE »t rnndon of Planters. Farmers an l Country M- rj. hunts, are invited to examine the large and varied a.'.' rtnaent ct Hivs. Caps, die., that i- kypt constant!'" i n hand at H’d/'-R'S HA’I MANL FA< i 'EY Trunks. Valises, xx., Plantation Hats made to older, and sent by Ex; res. to any portion of the country. [jun9-ly] 'IFTsTu TCSr /7FCE7F/77 '—a lot ot White Fish and Iroct lj nov9-K’ GROVE BUTNER SEMI-WEEKLY ADVOCATE. MARIETTA, GEORGIA. MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1861. The Const station o£ Hie State of Geor gia. ARTICLE I. DECLARATION OF FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. 1. The fundamental principles of free Govern ment cannot be too well understood, nor too often recurred to. 2. God has ordained that men shall live un der government; but as the forms and admin istration of civil government are in human, and therefore, fallible hands, they may be alter cd or modified whenever the safety or liappi ncss of the governed require it. No govern ment should be changed for light or transient causes ; nor unless upon reasonable assurance that a b tter will be established. 3. Protection to person and property is the ! dutv of Government; and a Government which i knowingly and persistently denies, or with holds from the governed such protection, when i within its power, releases them from the obli . gation of obedience. 4. No citizen shall be deprived of life, liberty or property, except by due process of law ; and of life or liberty, only by the judgment of his peers. 5. The writ of “Habeas Corpus" shall not be suspended, unless in case of rebellion or iuva- : sion, the public safety may requircjt. 6. The right of the people to keep and bear ' arms shall not be infringed. i 7. No religious test shall be required for the tenure of any office; and no religion shall be established by law; and no citizen shall be de prived of any right or privilege by reason of Iris rcligons belief. 8. Freedom of tlWiight and opmion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, are inhe rent elements of political liberty. But while every citizen may freely speak, write and print, on any subject, he shall be responsible for the abuse of the liberty. 9. The right ot the people to appeal to the courts ; to petition Government on all matters of legitimate cognizance ; and peaceably to as semble for the consideration of any matter of public concern —shall never be impaired. 10. For every right, there should beprovided a remedy; and every citizen ought to obtain justice without purchase, without denial ami without delay—conformably to the laws of the land. 11. Every person charged with an offence, against the laws of the State shall have the piivilcgc and benelit of counsel : Shafi be fmrished, on demand, with a copy of the accu-ution, and with a list of the wit- i ncsses against him : Shall have compulsory process to obtain the ' attendance of his own witnesses: Shall be confronted with the witnesses testi fving against him ; and Shall have a public and speedy trial by an impartial jury. 12. No person shall be put in jeopardy of life or liberty more than once for the same of i fence. . j 13. No conviction shall work corruption of blood, or general forfeiture of estate. 1-1. Excessive bail shall not be required ; nor excessive fines imposed ; nor cruel and unusual | punishment inflicted. 15. The power of the courts to puni-h for contempt shall be limited by Legislative Acts. 16. A faithful execution of the laws is essen tial 1o good order ; and g >od order m society is essentia! to liberty. 17. L< 'dslative Acts in violation of the fun- damental law are void; and the Judiciary shall so declare them. . . 18. Lj- post facto laws, ami laws impairing the oblig ilion of contracts, and retro.activc leg- ' islation injuriously affecting the light of thecit izens, are prohibited. 19. Laws should have a general operation ; and no general law shall be vali d in a partic ular case by special legislation ; except with, consent of all persons t<> be aflecte 1 tlieicl»>. 20. 'The right of taxation can be granted only bv the peop’e: and shall be ex< ri-.-.-.l on- Iv to raise revenue for the suppnt of (?■ ’ern incut to pav the public debt; to provide for the common' defence, and for >;icli othci purpo ses as are specified in the giant < f p >v is. 21. In cases of neccsmtyj private ways and the rin’it to carry water over lard I >r the pm - pose of mining and draining, miy be graiuC’i upon just compcusati'ui bvmg first p.i.d ; and with this exception, priva'e property shall not be taken except for public use : and then, only up m just compensation, except in cases of press ing necessity, t » b> first pr ivided and pa d. 22. Ti.e right of the people to be secure in their poisons, houses, papersand effects, against □ nrcaso:iable - arches ami seizuies, shall not be violated ; and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirma tion, am! particulary describing the place or places to be searched, and the persons and things to be seized. 23. Martial law shall not be declared, except , in cases of extreme necessity. 24. Large standing armies, in time of peace, i are dangerous to liberty. 25. No soldier shall, in time of peace, bo quartered in any I ouso without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war,but in a man ner prescribed by law. 26. The person of a debtor shall not be de tained in piison after delivering bona, fide all his estate for the use of his creditors. 27. The enumeration of rights herein con tained shall not be construed to deny to the peo ple any inherent rights which they have hith erto enjoyed. 28. This declaration is a part of this Consti tution, and shall never be violated on any pre tence whatever. ARTICLE 11. Sec. I—l.1 —I. The Legislative, Executive and Judicial Departments, shall be distinct; and each department shall be confided to a separ ate body of magistracy. No person or collec tion of persons, being of one department, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the others; except in cases herein expressly i provided. 2. The Legislative power shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist .of a Senate and House of Representatives. 3. 'Hie meeting of the General Assembly shall be annual, and on the first Wednesday in November, until such day of meeting shall bo altered by law. A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum to transact business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of their mem bers in such manner as each House shall pre scribe. Ko session of the General Assembly shall continue for more than forty days, unless the same shall be done by a vote of two-thirds of each branch thereof. 4. The compensation of the members and officers of the General Assembly shall be fixed by law, at the first session, subsequent to the adoption of this Constitution; and the same shall not be increased so as to affect the com pensation of the members or officers as the As* scmbly by Nvhich the increase is adopted. 5. No person holding any military commis sion or other appointment, having any emolu ment or compensation annexed thereto, under this State or the Confederate States, or either of them, (except Justices of the Inferior Court, Justices of the Peace and officers of the militia,) nor any defaulter for public money,or for legal taxes required of him, shall have a seat in either branch of the General Assembly; nor shall any Senator or Representative, after his qualification as such, be elected to any office or appointment by the General Assembly having any emoluments or compensation annexed thereto, during the time for wbieh he shall havo : been elected. 6. No person convicted of any felony iuvolv -1 ing any species of the crimen, fals>, before any Court of this State or of the Confederate States, shall be eligible to any office or appointment of honor, profit or trust, within this State. 7. No person who is a collector or holder of public money, shall be eligible to any office in this State, until the same is accounted for and paid into the Tieasury. Section 2. — I The Senate shall consist cf forty-four members, one to be chosen from each Senatorial district, which district shall be com pos <1 of three contiguous counties. If anew county is i. (ablistu<l, it shall be added to a district which it adjoins, until there shall bo another arrangement of the Senatorial districts. Hie Scnatoii J distiicts shall not be changed, except when a new census shall have been taken. 2. No person shall boa Senator who shall not have attained to the ago of twenty-five years, and be a citizen of the Confederate States, and have been for three years an inhabitant of this State and for one year a resident of the dis trict from which he is chosen. 3. '! he pre i ,i'g officer shall 1-e styled the President'J’the Senate and chall be elected rii-a d from their own body. 4. 'Die Sul .-hall have the sole power to trv nb impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation; and no person shall be convicted without the • ■ommi i ■ nc.c ci two-tbio-ls of the members pres ent. Judgment, in cas s of impeachment, shall not fi-xieiid further than removal from office and disqval’.tication to hold and enjoy anv^office of honor, profit or trust within this p Q f] ie j u-tj convicted shall, nevertho* ] ( ... ; ai;’i ct to indictment, trial, . U it and jmi hment ;»■ cording to 1 w. ' U,( l.'i he House of Representatives shall be composed as follows. The thirty having tl I rg<st representa tive p<-; ’ilation shall have two Representatives E :;y other county shall have one • , ntnh've. Tii ■<l •'iguatiou of the coun ties having .wo Representatives shall be made bv the General As-embly immediately after the taking of each census. 2. No person shall be a representative xvno shall not have attained to the age ol twenty-one ye ars, and be a citizen of the Confederate States and have been for three years an inhab itant of thb State, and Dr one year a resident of the count'.’ which lie represents. 3. The ptttidinff officer of tl.c House of Rep nsentethk slrnll be styl -I the Speaker, and Sbe elected vica fro-n thw own > W i ”brLyU>« peach all persons wmo have been or j ' °® CC Aii i for rsi-hig revenue or appropria i 4’m orig-te in th. House e NO 6.