The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, April 04, 1861, Image 1

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The Marietta SenirM eeklyAdvocate. VOL. 1* is PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY, ON MONDAY AND THURSDAY, BY Win. H. HTJ3STT. TERMS:— 2.00 a y ear in adval,ce * at a distance must always pay in Advance!! “"©K RA'fSs OF ADVERTISING* , ' V 10 One Insertion per line, ~ Every Insertion after, per line Half Square of 5 lines, per year 10 00 ‘One Square of 10 lines, one year 15 00 2 Squares ‘‘ “ “ ~ 2 0 00 044 ‘ • I For privilege ofchanging twice a year 10 per cen . "chaAging/oar times 20 per cent, added- 'Changing atpleasure, 50 per cent, added toaDoie respectfully solicited. CARDS, davidikwin. G ro ; X -.EE>nm IRWIN & BUTLER. ATTiftOIS AT LAW* MARIETTA,.. GEORGIA Business confided to their professional management in ‘thd following counties will be faithfully transacted, viz- Campbell, Paulding. Polk, Cobb, Cherokee, I'or- Bvth, Lumpkin, Fulton ami Milton. Also, in the. Dis trict Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ’‘R ANDREW J. HANSELL, Attorney, Counselor & Solicitor, Mariella* Cobh County, Georgia, PRACTICES regularly in the ©BSTOii©t ©©fat’ Os the United States, At Marietta, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the Superior Courts ol the following Counties : Conft, Forsyth, Floyd, Catoosa, CftKKoKu Paulimng, WhH field, Milton. I also attend promptly to securing and collecting D aims in any of the adjoining Counties. Marietta, Jan. 1, 1858* 11 C . D . rJI IL L IPS, /Attorney and Counsellor at Law’ MA R IE TTAGEORGIA. Feb 22, 1862 D LESTER, ATTO RN E Y A T L AW, MA RTETTA, G EOR (JR I. WILL pra; rice law in Bine Ridge Circuit, and in the Supreme Court of the State ; also in the District Court at Marietta. marl. F. M. MYERS, Attorney at Law, Marietta, < looruia. WILL ATTEND TO ALL Bl SINES 5 ENTRUSTED TO IUS CARE | References: — Denmead & Wright, Marietta, Ga., A. J. Hansell, Marietta, Ga , Irwin N Lester, Mariett i, Ga., Hon. Sol. Cohen, Savannah, S, Yates Levy, Sa vannah, nov23 tt ( ■(’l-’.KO <’. WINN, COLLECTING LAWYER, J/.l RIETTA G EORG I. I AM/ILL give his entire attention to the collection ▼ ▼ of all claims ent listed to his care. OctlU-ly A.X.Si 71 I* S<> V , dTTO K.VJK V .IT Marietta, Georgia. Mur. 9,’60 ly N, B. GREEN, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, Marietta, Cobb Co., ( 4n. Will practice,and givejprompt attention to all business confided to his professional care, in the District I'm bt ! or the U. S. at Marietta. The Suphemk Court of Ga . at Atlanta, the Superior and Inferior Courts of the ; Blue Ridge Circuit, ami the counties adjoining I’obb, : of other Circuits. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COI.I r.CTION OF DEBTS. AND THS SKl’l ltlNO OF Al t. MANNER OF CLAIMS. Prompt and efficient attention will be given io all nnerof business in the Courts of Ordinuiy in the .minty of Cobb and adjoining counties PIHLLiPSX Bl RhllALl LR, A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W * MARI Err A GA, Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the conn-1 ties of the Blue Ridge Circuit ; in Supreme Court. Mid District court of the V. S.. at Marietta. Wm. PHILLIPS,L T. BURKHALTER janl lv E. I' A ATTO RN E Y A T LA W . 71 ARIETTA. (.I IHU.I L UFILI. dilligently attend to any business confidedi to his care in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, Milton and Paulding. CLAIMS collected as s<x>n as it can be done by law. and the money promptly paid over. June 20th, 185$. I MARIETTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 4, 1861. ' MISCELLANEOUS: M. ALJ .ICX. BE SIDE E ® TlsTi GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vi cinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten years is still prepared to perform ad operations either for preserving the natural, or inserting aitiii cial teeth in the most approved manner. 7 He solicits calls from those who have very bad teeth .A to using a P ,™tio. ; for.illnrg l the ; cate teeth no matter how badly decay ed, it not otn “X disease.l-an.l randeriug them «rv.e«bJ> for years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will-never change or discolor the teeth. . Refers to Citizens of Marietta for whom lie has operated during the past ten years. TF it MS.--Cash, unless by special contract. Office,Eolith side of public square, over the PostOlhce. Marietta, Jan., 186 W. H . HUNT, MARIETTA, GEORGI A. Dr. N. N. GOBER, REFORM PHYSICIAN, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Marietta ami surrounding country. , I Office North side of the square over Page & Haley I Store. _„ f £ bß L tf - 1861 NEW YEAR!! 1861 II Al T Y Al ®V E • (North Side Public Square,) JF/tolesYt/c emt! Slclail ORLhQSISTS, HABE 3 ETTA, $4 EO3 -•% • HAVE a large and well selected Stock of Drugs, Hardware, Perfumery, Stationery, Toys, Teas, Soaps, Segars, Chewing Tobacco, &c., &c. All of which will be sold low down for We are thankful for past patronage, and solicit a ccntinuance of the same. IIAMME'I 1 & GRO\ I‘.S. W. I’. HUGHEY, B. A. RANDALL, HUGHEY & RANDALL, House, Sign and Decorative Painters, GIiAINTKIiS, Glaziers and Paper Hangers, ALSO iPb?7ws in Fresco and Landscape Painting llarirtia, All work neatly executed with promptness, and at very reasonable prices. gff" Instruction given in Landscape Painting ons liberal terms. REFERENCES: JOS. R. TUCKER, I HAMMETT ,V GROVES, A. 8. EONSDMTON, I W. A. FRAZER. Shop in se-ond story of N. B. Green's new build- i ing, near the court house. Fresh Garden Seeds! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 10,000 PAPERS FRESH GARDEN SESDS, 100 lbs. GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, •25 bushels EARLY PEAS AND BEANS A FINE LOT OF ONION SETTS, Ail of which will be sold Cheap by HAMMEIT' & GROVES. liDliLtrSili MAKKkI'V A JOYABiK A NNOUNCE to their Customers that they have Zr commenced the New Year with a New, Full ami Complete stuck of Drug's and Medicines. Our present assortment of aZZ the usual goods kept ' in a Drug Store, is now offered at [ rices that cannot tail to suit. Persons in want of am of the following would do well to price them at our house: cros eh e IS hrh i n Oil 9 KKROSKXH L A MI’S from 60 cts. to $ 1.75 each, ALSO Turpentine. Fluid, Candles. Alc'diol. Lard and Sperm Oils, Linseed Oil. White Leads, Painters Colors, Put ty, Window Glass, Druggists' Vials, U jA S7‘ x Prescriptiotns Carefully put up. janll-tf MARKLEY & JOYNER. Notice ! A LI. persons having claims against the Canton ! Mining Company will present them forthwith to ] Skid Harris, Superintendent, for settlement. decl4-0m S. HARRIS, Supt. A PAPER FOR PEOPLE. MERCHANDISE. FARCY and STAPI& Dry CAoocls, SHOES, BOOTS, 51 ATS, CAPS, Chi is a and Cllass Ware, HARDWARE, Fain i1 y Groceries, Saddlery Leather, Fabrics, &c M &c. FBI HE Subscriber has just received and will keep JL constantly good selections in the above branches of trade and will sell at E O W PriC<‘S. gfj° TERMS CASH! Jiß jan6’Go D. M. YOUNG. A. ISAACS, Wholesale and retail Dealer in MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, RIBBONS, FEA TtiERS, FLOWERS, Head Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blondes, Ruches, Perfumery, etc , &c., Connelly's Iron front Building, White Hall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA IVSIS. E ES.&.&.CS. Fashionable Milliner, (cokxelly’s iron front store,) IVhlte Hull, near Alabama street, Atlanta, Georgia, A large assortment of Bonnets, Head Dresses, Ber tha Capes, Embroideries, Dress Iriinmings and !all ey Goods constantly on hand. O’ Bonnets made to order at short notice. Octs-ly. FAMILY SUPPLIES. LYHTE SUBSCRIBER offers the public, in the upper I Store, Sewell range, Cherokee Street, a full stock L of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually k< [it in that line, such as SUGARS, all kinds; COFFEE, all kinds; MOLASSES, SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, Ac., Ac., A. Cou n. try Produce taken in Barter, on liberal terms. Having purchased the store ami goods of Mr. B. S. Johnson, he also oilers a large stock of GROCERIES at that stand, on Cherokee Street, and Mr. HAMES will take pleasure in waiting <-n customers. July 27,’59. tf] E. PAGE. FAMILY STORE. GROVES & BUTNER, HAS opened in the Post Office Building a V IRSETY IF A Al ! LV STORK, in which will be found EVERY ARTICLE in the GROCERY LINE, Liquors excepted—besides a great variety of other ! articles. They will sell for CAS JI ANO SMALL PROFITS. If you want good COFEEE, TEA. SUGAR, MOLASSES, FINE HAMS, LARD. SYRUP, TOBACCO, YARN, or anything in that line, give us a call, and we war rant satisfaction. We will also keep l?OOl:«Cap, ILettei* Paper, Pens, Ink, and other articles of Stationery. Counifpy Produce Os all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. July 14th. 1859-ly Buckets, Tubs &c. ; Well Ropes, Bed cords, Plow Lines. PAI.VTEI) BUCKETS AND TUBS, CEDAR BUCKETS am] TUBS. WELL BUCKETS and WHEELS, SIEVES and RIDDLES, TEA KETTLES, COFFEE MILLS, Broom<. Cotton Twine ami Factory Thread. For sale by WM. ROOT & SON. TERMS CASH • .J.J ATLANTA HAT J. M. II OL BROOK, liiieliall Street, Atlanta, Georgia* VHP. ,4 t tent ion of Planters. Farmers and Cmintrv 1 Mer {Jiants, are invited to exmnine the large and varied asc-ortmeut of Hats, Caps, ie., that is kept constant!. on hand at HOLBR'>OK S HAT MANU FACIORY Trunks, Valises, No., Plantation Hats made to order, and sent by Express to any portion of the country. [junit-ly] REFINED SUGARS. 30 Bbbls Refined Sugars, A, B, C, and Crushed, oa hand for sale by feb22 ' wm. ROOT & SON. ®|)c MARIETTA, . = - - - APRIL 4. Tlie Constitution of tlie State of Gfeoi’- gia. [continued.] ARTICLE HI. Sec; I.—l. The executive powet sLd.ll be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office during the term of two years, and until such time as a successor shall be chosen and quali fied. He shall have a competent salary fixed by law, which shall not be increased or dimin ished during the period for which he shall have been elected; neither shall he receive, within that period, any other emolument from the Confederate States, or either of them, or from any foreign power. 2. The Governor shall be elected by Hie per sons qualified to vote for members of the Gen eral Assembly, on the first Wednesday in Octo ber, in the year of our Lord 1861 ; and on the first Wednesday in October in every second year thereafter, until such time be altered by law ; which election shall be held at the plac s of holding general elections, in the several counties of this Stats, in the manner prescribed for the election of members of the General As sembly. The returns for every election of Governor shall be scaled up by the managers, separately from other returns, and directed to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives ; and transmitted to the Governor, or the person exercising the du ties of Governor for the time being ; who shall, without opening the said returns, cause the same to be laid before the Senate, on the day after the two houses shall have been organized, and they shall be transmitted by the Senate to the House of Representatives. The members of each branch of the General Assembly shall convene in the Representative chamber, and the Prcs : dcnt of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall open and publish the returns in presence of the General Assembly ; and the person having the majority of the whole number of votes given in shall be declared duly elected Governor of this State; but if no per.-on have such majority, then from the two persons having the highest num ber of votes, who shall be in life, and shall not decline an election at the time appointed for the Legislature to elect, the General Assembly shall immediately elect a Governor rtca voce; and in all cases of election of a Governor by the General Assembly, a majority of the votes of the members present shall be necessary for a choice. Contested elections shall be determin ed by both Houses of the General Assembly, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. 2. No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor who shall not have been a citizen of the Confederate States twelve years, and an inhabitant of this State six years, and who hath not attained the age of thirty years. 4. In case of the death, resignation or dis ■ ability of the Governor, tlie President of the ; Senate shall exercise the executive powers ol the Government until such disability be remov ed, or a successor is elected and qualified.— And in case of the death, resignation or disa bility of the Pi evident of the Senate, the Speak er of the House of Representatives shall exer cise the executive power of the government un til the removal of the disability’ or the election and qualification of a Governor. 5. The G ivernor shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take the following oath or affirmation : “ I do solemnly swear or af firm (as the case may be) that I will faithfully execute the office of Governor of the State of Georgia; and will, to the best of my abilities, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution thereof.’’ Sec. 2.—1. The Governor shall be Command ei'in-Chicf of the army and navy of this State, and of the militia thereof. 2. have the power to grant reprieves for offences against the State, except in cases of impeachment, and to grant pardons, or to remit any part of a sentence, in all cases after conviction, except for treason or murder, in which cases he may respite the execution, ! and make report thereof to the next General Assembly. 3. He shall issue writs of election to fill vacancies that happen in the Senate or House of Representatives, and shall have power to convene the General Assembly on extraordi nary occasions; and shall give them from time I to time, information of the State of the republic, and recommend to their consideration such measures as be may deem necce.ssary a ai)d expe dient. 4. When any office shall become vacant by death or resignation, or otherwise, the Govern or shall have power to fill such vacancy unless otherwise provided for by law; and person:: so , appointed shall continue in office until a suc cessor is appointed agreeably to the mode pointed out by this Constitution, or by law in pursuance thereof. 5. A pc:sou once rejected by the Senate shall not be re-appointed by the Governor to the same office during the same session, or the re cess thereafter. 6. The Governor shall have the revision of all bills passed by both Houses, before the' same shall become laws, but two-thirds of each I House may pa«s a law notwithstanding his dissent; aud if any bill should not be returned by the Governor within five daj excepted) after it has been P icscn ,, General the same shall be a law, unless prevent Assembly, by their adjournment, sl,a 1 P D - n its return. He may a] prove any a .PP! 4 ‘ find disapprove any other approprm . same bill, and the latter shall no unless passed by two-thirds of each House. 7. Every vote, resolution, or older, t the concurrence of both Houses may nt cessary, except on a question of e ! cctl r adjournment, shall be presented to tic j or; and before it shall take cficct, be appio" by him, or being disapproved, shall be ic-pass ed by two-thirds of each House, according to the rules and limitations prescribed m case o <i bill. e o 8. There shall be a Secretary of ate - a Comptroller General, a Treasurer, and Smyq* or-General, elected qy the General r\sscm > and they shall hold their offices for the li period as the Governor, and shall have a com petent salary, which shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which tin y shall have been elected. The General Assem bly may at any time consolidate any two of these offices and require all the duties to be discharged by one officer. 9. The great seal of the State shall bo. de posited in the office of the Secretary of State,, and shall not be affixed to any instrument of writing, but by order of the Governor oi oral Assembly; and the General Assembly sba at their first session, after the rising of this convention, by law, cause the great sori to be altered. 10. The-Governor shall have power to ap point his own Secretaries, not exceeding two in number. ARTICLE TV. g ECI 1. —]. The Judicial powers of tin’s State shall be vested in a Supreme Court for. the correction of errors, Superior, Inferior, (h dinat y and Justices’ Courts, and in such other Coiuts as have been or may be established by law. 2. Tlie Supreme Court shall consist ol three Judges, who shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of two thirds of the Senate, for such term of years as shall be prescribed by law, and shall continue in office until their successors shall be appointed ami qualified, removable by the Governor on the addiess of two-thiids of each branch of the General Assembly, or by impeachment and conviction thereon. 3. The said Court shall have no original ju risdiction, but shall lie a Court alone tor the tri al and correction of errors m law and equity from the Superior Courts of the several circuits, and shall sit at least once a year, at a time prescribed by’ law in each of one or more judi cial districts, designated by the General As semble for that purppse, at such point in ca< h district as shall by the General Assembly be ordained, for the trial and determination ol writs of error from the several Superior Courts included in such judicial districts. [ 4. The said Court shall dispose of and finally J determine every 7 case on the docket of sm h | Court at the first or second term after such writ of error brought; and in case the plf itififf in error shall not be prepared, at the first term of such Court after error brought, to prosecute the cause, unle-s precluded by some providential cause from such prosecution, it shall be strick en from the docket, and the judgement below shall stand affirmed. Sec. 2. — 1. 'fhe Judges of the Superior Courts shall be appointed in the same manner as Judges of the Supreme Court, from the cir cuits in which they tire to serve, for the term of four years, and shall continue in office until their snccessois shall be appointed and quali fied, removable by the Governor on the addrt ss of two-thirds of each branch of the General Assembly, or by impeachment and conviction thereon. 2. The Superior Court shall have exclusive jnri.sdietion in all cases of divoice, botfi total and partial ; but no total divorce shall be grant ed, except on the concurrent verdicts of two special juries. In each divorce case, the Comt shall regulate the rights and disabilities of the parties. 3. The Superior Court shall also have exclu sive jurisdiction in all criminal cases, except as relates to people of color, fines for neglect of duty, contempts of Court, violations of road laws, and obstructions of water courses, juris 4 - diction of which shall be vested in such judica ture or tribunal as shall be or may have been pointed out by law ; ami except in all other minor offences committed by free white persons and which do not subject the offender or offend ers to loss of life, limb or member, or to con*, finement in the Penitentiary ; in ail such cases, Corporation Courts, such as now ei'st, or may hereafter be constituted, in any incorporated city or town, may be vestad with jurisdiction under such rules and regulations as the Legis lature may hereafter by law direct. 4. All criminal cases shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, except iu cases where a jury cannot be obtain ed. 5. The Superior Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cases respecting rifles to land, which shall be tried in the county where the land lies; and also in all equity causes, which shall be tried in the county where one or more of the defendants reside, against whom substan tial relief is prayed. 6. It shall have appellate jurisdiction in all such cases as may be provided by law. 7. It shall have power to correct errors in NO t.