The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, April 08, 1861, Image 1

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The Marietta SeinHleeldy Miocale. VOL. 1. IS PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY, OX MONDAY AND THURSDAY , BY Wm. H. HTT2STT. TERMS: —2.00 a year ii» advance, i®* Subscribers at a distance mv,si aiwaps ray in Advance I! mgSB RATES OF ADVERTISING* Ope Insertion per 1ine...... Ij? livery Insertion after, per line r ? Half Square of 5 lines, per year. !. in rn One Square of 10 lines, one year. 10 00 | s ‘iT M ;; r. For privilege of changing twice a year 10 percent, added. • . Changing/our times 20 per cent, added. Changing atpleasure, 50 per cent, added to above rates. Advertisements respectfully solicited.' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. fc*vt» IRWIN. GREENLEE BUTLER IRWIN & BUTLER. ITTOOEYS AT LAW, MA R TET TA, GEORGIA Business confided to their professional management in the following counties will be faithfully transacted, viz; Campbell, Paulding. Polk, Cobb, Qneiykee, l*qi svth, Lumpkin, Pulton and .Milton. Also, in the l>is trict .Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. AN I)K EVV ,1.11 A N SE EL, Attorney, Counselor & Solicitor, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, WAcrtCEt? REdUbARLt IN THE ©JWAISU Os the United States, At Marietta, the Supreme Court of Georgia, ami the Superior Courts ot the following Counties : Cobb, Forsyth, 1‘ tosn, Catoosa, Cherokr Paulding, Whitfield, Milton. I also attend promptly to securing and collecting claims in any of the ad joining Counties. Marietta, .Jan. 1. 1808 1 C . D . P 111 LLII’ S , Attorney and Counsellor at Law J/A RIE TTAGEORGIA. Feb 22, 1862 ty «!<]<>. N. MXHIR, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , MA RIE TTA. GEOR GIA. WILL practice law in Line Ridge Circuit, and in ihe Supreme Court, of the State. ; also <n the District Court at Marietta. marl. F. M. MYERS, Attorney at Law, Marietta, < J eorgia. WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO IIIS CARE References: — Denmead & Wright, Marietta, Ga.. A. J. Hansell, Marietta. Ga , Irwin A Lester, Mariett i, Ga., lion. Sol. Cohen, Savannah, S. Yates Levy, Sa vannah. nov23 tt CICERO C. " ON, COLLECTING LAWYER, MJ RI ETTA, G EOR GIA WILL give his entiie attention to the c lleetion of till claims ent listed to his care. Oct 19 -ly A . * . S I JI I* S O A . .ITTOfLE/r .ZT LJH’, Maviet ta, < roovtri.i. Mar. 9,’60 ly N, B. GREEN, Attorney A Conner ’’.er nt Shaw, M'ai’iOtta. Uobb < ’o.. < ta. Will practice,and givejprompt at: ’tition I • all business confided to Ids professional care, ir the Di : i:iei Court or THE U. S. at Marietta The Supreme Cot nr of (la., at Atlanta, the Superior and Im ehior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, and the counties adjoining Cobb, of other Circuits. tSPEUIAL ATTENTION GtVKN TO THE COLLECTION Os DEBTS, AND TUB SECURING OF Alt. M KNXKR <>F CLAIMS. Prompt and efficient attention will be giv.n to all nnerof business in the Courts of sh dinai y in the .ounty of Cobb and adjoining counties. PIIIEEIPSX IH UKll ALTER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MARIETTA G X. Will practice in FttltOn. Paulding an I all'the eoun- Mes of the Blue Ridge Circuit : in Supreme Court, ♦ml District court of the U.S., at Marietta. Wm PHILLIPSLT. BURKHALTER. ly ' E. I' A W. ATTORNEY AT LAW. H A KI UTT 1. GIORGI I. dilligently attend to any bu-.nes- confided to his care in the counties of Cobb. Cherokee, Milton and Paulding. CLAIMS collected as sx>n as it can be done by law, andfthe money promptly paid over. iaiH’ 20th. 1869. MARIETTA, GEORGIA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL *3, 1861. MISCELLANEOUS: JU. Al. ALLEN, RESIB lITEUIST■ (M RATEFUL t?e citizens of Marietta ami vb X cinitv for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform, all orerations either for preserving the natural, or insetting ciitiii cial teeth in the'most approved manner. He solicits calls from those who.hav.c ufry Grd teeth, as he is using a preparation tor idling the most deli cate teeth, no matter how luidly decayed, if not oth erwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable lor years. It is about the saiuc color as the teetu anti will never change or discolor the te :h. Refers to Citizens of Ma: ietta for whom no lias operated during tnc past ten year-. TEIIAIS.-—Cash, unless l>y spe< ial contract. Iffice, South side of public square, over the Post Cilice. Marietta, Jan., 18a V/. H . HUNT, TTOR.TE 5’ MAIt I ETTA, GE()RG 3A. Dr. N. N. GOBER, REFORM PHYSICIAN, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Marietta and surrounding country. , Office North side of the square over Page k Haley Store. tf 1861 new ™ R!! 1861 II A.NI M IT f T T T Y • (North Side Public Square,) Retail DMSSSTS, .V? A B ETTA, G 8 Y. HAVE a large and well selected Stock of Drugs, Hardware, Perfumery, Stationery, Toys, Teas, Soaps, Segars, Chewing Tobacco, &c., <kc. All oi whit h will be sold low down tor Weaic thankful for past patronage, and solicit a continuance of the same. HAMMb/1 1A (< Id >\ J.S. W. P. HUGHEY, B - '• KAM'ALU lIUGILEY & RANDALL, House, Sign and Decorative Painters. Gt BAINERS, Glaziers and Paper Hangers, ALSO JFbrZ'cr.* in Fresco and Landscape I cuntiny a 3"i<*Bl. G<*OB*<gi«B. All work neatly executed with promptness, and n* very reasonable prices. iFF Instruction given in Landscape Painting ons liberal terms. REFERENCES: JOS. R. TUCKER, I HAMMETT & GROVES, A. 9. EONSDMTON, I W. t. FRAZER. Shop in si"'tm<l stofy of N. I>. Green s new build ing, near the court house. Fresh Garden Seeds’ M E II WE JUST RECEIVED l(),tH)0 PAPERS FRESH GARDEN •Ti rra S! tw? s&JJj s^ y 100 lbs. GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK, 25 bushels EAKLY PEAS AND KEANS A FINE LOT OF ONION SETTS, All of which will be sold ('heap l>v HAMMbITT & GROVES. ffiDRUGS'-ll lIAKIiLEY JOYXF.K A NNOI’NCE to their Customers that they have /I commenced the New Year with a New. i’ull and Complete s’oek of Drugs and Medicines. Our present assortment ot tin* usual goods kegt in a Drug Store, is now ottered at i ri< i - fail to suit. Persons in want <fam ■. f the following would do well to pile tl:< m nt our h. as' : ( rose a e Rara ia ii i«• Kls 1:( HN Id L.WII from 60 ets. to $ '.7 > v .v. :. —ALSO — Turpentine, Thud. Gandies. .1 ii' 1 . Lard and Sperm Oih. Linseed Oil. V lii* ' Leads. Painters Colors, Put- ty, Window Glass, ©vs 41 Prescriptons CaretaUp put up. jimll ts MAI KI EY & J<JYNER. Notice ! VI.L jx'rsous hiving claims agiinst the Canto* Mining Comi ant will present them forthwith to Skid Harris, > qx -.intendent. f >r settlement. dtxU-6iu S. HARRIS, Supt. A PEOPLE. MERCHANDISE. FANCY ASD ST APIS T)x * y Cr oocl s, SOOiES, IE ATS, CAPS, CSsiiia mid falnss Ware? eeak®>wak e, FJ? Uss &S y *’ v c s°ics, Saddlery Leather, fabrics, &c., &c< FfVirE Subscriber has just received and will keep B constantly good selections in the above branches of trade and will sell at LO W Prices. 1’ ER M S CASH! janG’6o D- M. YoUXG. A, ISAAC'S, V,’hoi esale and retail Dealer in MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, 2? IB RONS, FIL I i' FF RS, Floaters, Head Drosses, Embroideiics, Laces, Dior.des, Ruches, Pe turnery, Ac , &c., Con'iieUa's Iran front BiwLna, WlaaSe IL-ul Strs'eS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Krs. Fashionable Milliner. (connelly’s iron rnoNT store,) TIX/Ze E"Il, near Alabama sOerl I Geoigia, A large assortment of Bonnets. Head Dresses, Ber tha Capes, Embroideries, Do ss'liimihings and I'an cv Goods constantly on hand. il j" Bonnets made to orde r at short notice. Octs-ly. FAMILY SUPPLIES. (.TJITE SrBFCHIBER oilers the public, in the upper |' Store, Sewell range, Cherokee Street, <i full sto.' k Is of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually kept in that line,such as SUGARS, all kinds; COFFEE, all kinds; MOLASSES, SYIUUP, TOBACCO, YARNS, Anv Ac., A. Country Produce taken in Barter, on liberal terms. Having purchased the Store and goods of hr. L. S. .Johxson, he also offers a large stock of GROCERIES at that stand, on Cherokee Str< <:t, and Mr. IJAMb-S will take pleasure in waiting <-n customers. July 27, -59. tf] l ,j - I AGE. FAMILY STORE. GROVES & BUTNER, H\s opened in the Post Office Bvii.dixg d .V XKSEITV rAv 2 3IL * * r a’OKa-i, in which will be found EVERY ARIK LE in the (J ROCERT LIN E, Liquors exce;.ted In sides a great vaiiety of other :uticles. They will sell for (1 AII.I A’ /> A'-17.1 LLP ROl 'iTS. If you want good COFI’KE, TEA, SUGAR. MOLASSES, FINE HAMS. LARD. SYRUP. TOBACCO. YARN, or anything in that I'he, givi *ds a .call, and we war rant satisfaction. We will also keep FooLenp, TjCtt (?U Paper, Pens, Ink. and other articles of Stationery. Count ry Produce Os all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. July 1 Ith. 1859- ly Bnckcl s, r Enl >s &c. — (j XVell Ropes, Bed cords. Plow Lines, MINTED HH KETS AND TI BS, Cr.DAi: BUCKETS and TO’.S, WKI.L BUCKETS and WHEELS. SIEVES ami RII’DI.IIS. ILA KETTLES, COFI'EE MILLS. Brooms. Cotton Twine and Factory 1 bread. For s:i! eby WM. R' «)T & SON. ’ fir” TERMS CASH ■ AT LANJTA II AT £ r KYo .1. M. HOLBROOK, XX iiitehall Streel. Atlanta, Georgia. 'T’HE u nt7 nos Planters. F.imiers and Country 1 Mei pliant-, an invite d to examine the ].;rge and varied tis-ortmeut of Ha’s. Caps. that is e-.mst.intl on hand at HOLBROOK S HAT MANU- . FAi'IORY Trunks. Vali-es. Ne., Plantation Hat made to order, and sent by Express to any portion of the country. [jun'J-lyl A R S. 30 Bbbls Refine ! Sugars. A. B, C, and Crushed, on i hand for sale by feb 23 WM. ROOT & SON. ®l]c SUhioccile. i MARIETTA, ----- • APRIL 7. Extracts from Mr: Wigfail’s Speech. But as tiling’s are, it is useless, I am satis fied, to talk about a reconstruction. This Fcd< oral Government is dead. The only question is, whether we will give it a decent, peaceable Protestant burial, ol ’ whether we shall have an liidi wake at the grave [Laughter.] Now, I am opposed to fighting, ami would pre fer a peaceable burial : but if the Republican Senators insist upon fighting, an I they can get the backbone again put into their Presi dent elect-, and can gee Mr. Chase reinstated in the Cabinet, from which he has been ex pelled, I do not know but that we shall have to fight. If their President has recovered from that “artificial pan c’ under which he was laboring a short time ago, r.ndei the Lieuten ant General and the Secretary ot \\ ar I be lieve they advised him to be frightened, so say lhe Republican papers in defense of him; it was done by flic card; he goes by the plat form—if they can recover Idm fi’ctn thb artifi cial flight under which he was laboring and get him to take the Chicago platform fair and square, we shall have a fight; otherwise we shall not. I think myself it would be for the bcm fit of both sections that we should not have an Irish wake at our funeral; but that is for tl e North to decide, and not lor us. dc licving’—no, sir, not believing, but knowing —that this Union is dissolicd, never, never to be reconstructed upon any terms—not il you were to hand us blank paper, and ask us to write a constitution, would we ever again be confederated wi ll you. A'our people have been taught to hate m; your people have been taught to hate our institutions; your people have been taught to believe that you are 1 har isees; that your philacteiies ate full; Hi t you arc entitled to the high places in the syna gogues; and you come and thrust yourselves into our presence, ami thank God before out faces that you are not like us poor publicans, and your companv has become distasteful to us; you tell us that ours is distasteful to you , “grant it, then we will separate;'’ and you siy we shall not. T'hen we arc going to mike the experiment, and we will trust in Providence. Napoleon Bonaparte, who was a wise man, I once said that he trusted in Providence, but lie : said that he found that Providence,always t ok ■ sides with the artillery. AVe have taken the forts i and guns, which you complain of, because we | think Providence again will takesides with the I artillery; and we have been securing a good deal of it. [Langhter.l Then, knowing that : the Union is dissolved, that reconstruction is impossible, I would, mvsell, had I been consult ed bv the Union-savers, have told them that Union saving was impracticable, but that ’peace able separation was practicable. I would have advised that you should treat lhe:e sovereign St: tes with the courtesy, at least,that you tieat -Icd Brigham Young. Whim he threatened io set up for himself, you Sent conirniss’oncrs i therej but, when sovereign States assume the right t?f self-gove'-nmciit, you ‘'.end the bayonet and the broad sword. That is the. difference 1 in the manner in which you treated these two ! questions. I suppose commissioners, m a few days, wil] be here from the Confederate States. They were not s-nt bv my advice. To be vervcair did with vou, I do not think tiierc is any Go\- erument here wi h which they could treat [ Laughter. [ You have a sort of de facto, cer tainly a revolutionary Government [Lughtei] that time and acquiescence on the part of the States mav give the character oi h gitimaey to; but surely has not that stamp now. Cue of the ]-r.rtncr- having withdrawn from the part ner sh i]) dissolves the firm. It is tine th <t, if the remaining partners go on, and still use the partnership name, by impbeat’m they are SU j posed to acquics : in the with drawal, and to have reformed another. In the course of time, seven of your paitncrs having withdrawn, if the rest shall acquiesce in the action of this revolutionary, irregular, wrong ful, de fucto Government that is about to in augurate a President to-day, acquiescence mav give legitimacy to it, and we may proper ly treat with you. [Laughter.] I judge that President Davis, however, will waive the little irregulaiities, [laughter,] and probably send i commissioners here, and then you will have the choice of peace or war; and that is a matter that vou had better well consider. Turn your backs upon these commissioners, attempt to re inforce the forts ahd retake those which wc now have' attempt to collect the revenues, or do any other manner or matter of thing that denies to the free white men, living in those sovereign States, the right which they have asse;ted of self-government, and you will have war, and it will be war in all its stern realities. 1 say this not in bravado, but I say it. because I know it and you know it. ♦ £»*■■“ ■ Photograph of the Southern People.—The New York Times gives the following descrip tion of the people of the South which waS, ro doubt, intended to be very u binding . The remorseless census, to begin with, tells us that more than two of the four millions ov er whom Jeff. Davis rules are negroes, who are denied even the first rights of men, to say nothing of the immunities of gentlemen. Os the regaining wl ite fractio i, the traveled wmld is all too familiar with the sneaking phiz and shuffling shanks of the Carolina clay-cat cr, the death’s-heal ami bow-legs of the Geor gia coin-crack?r, the brutish look of the Fioji da Minorcan, and the piratical visage of the Gulf State ruffians, who are now the ruling class there, ever to write them down as genteel above all who dwell m .America. Neithei wil the towering gentility of the few thousands who constitute the rampart plantocracy, be con ceded by mankind generally ; while the shop, keeper man down there lias much the charac teristics of that style the world over. And still less will it be conceded that tlio negro ov erseer, negro traders, negro auctioneers, or the other white odds and ends of a negro commu nity. are entitled to rank foremost of the gen tlemen of the world. . -rflß ■> * Kansas Senator.— Marcus J. Parrott will probably be one of the United States Senators from the new State of*Kansas. His qualifica tions for the station may be found in the fol-, lowing paragraph from the Republican- paper in Leavenworth : The assertion that Mr. Parrott counseled con cession and conciliation while in A\ ashingtou is mi infamous be, and we dare them to piove it. Mr. Parrott attended the" Caucus of Republican Uomi’icssmen, and voted against every measure w hich favored lowering thj3 Rcptlblican stand ard or backing down from the Chicago plat foi m. T, - ■■iTflg ♦ • < « ►>- € » sasr."—— Preserving Gaine. — It is said that game mav be kept perfectly fresh and sweet for sev eral days, by a sprinkling of ground coffee, Clean your game, that is, wipe off the blood, cover th? absorbent p irts with paper, wrap up the heads, mid then sprinkle the ground coffee over or among the feathers or fur, as the case may be; pack carefully, and the game will pre serve sweet and fresh in the most unfavoiablc weather. Game sent open and loose, cannot; of course, be treated in this manner. _ —•♦»»- - tfGP X( ither Mr. I Jayton, Minister to France, nor h s Secretary of Legation, Mr. Pennington, knows a word of French. As goverrnentdoes not provide an interpreter, they’’ will have to provide one for themselves or remain dummies at the most loquacious court in the world. Ctrtuddr Dog.— A gentleman in Bridgeton, Me., baa hound which lias caught twenty seven red foxes and two black ones this winter. The skins of the latter he values-at SSO each, and the others at *3 each. That is a profitable pup. “nd is worth all he'll fetch. At Virnimi, in the evening of the 28th ult., a c oat many houses were illuminated, in honor of the Con-titutional coriccssions of the Emperor of Austria. Nearly' al! the workmen have been discharg < 1 from the Philadelphia Navy Yard—cause, nothing to do. J' vc thousand of the men of the army of the United States are Irihsmen,and it is said that they are among the most bitterly oppos ed of its .iai'er'ad to fighting against the citi zens of their adopted country. ..Have we a Southern Confederacy ?” asks a Republican journal. It certainly looks as though we had, says the Boston Post. The Delaware Republican reports the peach crop in that. State greatly damaged by the “cold snap.” A boy in New York has been sent to prison for thirty day*’, for stealing newspapers from door stoop*. NO 8.