The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, April 19, 1861, Image 1

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The Marietta Semi Weekly Advocate. VOL. 1. Jfye lYfaHeffy llNiosW, IS PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY, ON MONDAY AND THURSDAY . BY 'Win. H. HTTISrT. TERMS: ---2.00 a year iai advance. fyafr* Subscribers at a distance must always pay in Advance ! ! '”©l RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Insertion per line, 9 fcvery Insertion after, per line •> Half Square of 5 lines, per year $ ’’’ One Square of 10 lines, one year 2 Squares •• “ “ “ ;;;;;;; 2 000 For privilege ofchanging to'ce a year 10 per cent. *>»«• . Advertisements respectfully solicited. “ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AID IRWIN. GKEENI.EE BBTfeto IRWIN & BUTLER. /AITOR HEI S> AT HW ? .. GEORGIA Business confided to their prose ssional management in the following counties will be faithfully transacted, yiz: Campbell, I’tiulding, Polk. Cobb, Cherokee, Imi fivth, Luinpkin,. Fulton and .Milton. Also, in the Dis tract. Court at Marsetu’., and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ni'il ANDREW J. HANSELL, Attorney, Counselor & Solicitor, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia’, PRACTICES REGULARLY IN THE Os the United States, At Marietta, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and tire Superior Courts of the following . Countiefi : 'Conn, FoßrtYTir, Floyd, Catoosa, CiiEitoffk I’aulding, Whitfield, Milton. 1 also attend promptly to securing and collecting jiaimsin any of the adjoining Counties. Marietta, Jah. 1, 1858 t! c . I). i’ll 11 i ILT s . Attorney and Counsellor at Law* MA R IE TTj 1 GEORGIA. Feb 22, W iv. lemthh, ATTO RN E Y A T LAAV , M.l RIETTA, GEORGIA. WILL practice law in Bine Ridge Circuit, and in the Supreme Court of the State ‘, also in tile District | Court at Marietta. >' u 1 • F . M . MYERS, Attorney at Law, Mariet tn, < r eorgia. Wilt. ‘Hend to all business entiu stkd io ’ii" care h'eferenrrs: — Denmead & Wiight, Marietta. Ga., A. J. Hansell, Marietta, Da , li win & Lister, Marietti, tin., Hon. Sol. Cohen, Savannah, S. Yates Levy, Sa vannah. |»ov23 it CICERO WINN, COLLECTING LAWYER, A/ .4 RIETT. I G EOR GIA IM7ILL give his entire attention to the c llection T V of nil claims ent us ted to his care. O<tU' Iv A.A.SIJI F 9 <> A . JTTOK.V/JF .IT /y.lll*. Marietta; Cleoriria: Mar. 9,'60 U N. B. GREEN, Attorney A < OiinM*llor at Law . i Al Ariel ta, Cobb < ’6., < la. Will practice.and givcjproiupt attention to all liu-int s* honfided to his professional care, in the lh« i titci Cmm or the U. S. at Marietta The Supbi me Court of Ca., kt Atlanta, the Superior and Ini ration Couits of the i Blue Ridge Circuit, and the comities adjoining Cobb. I of other Circuits. tSPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TH K COLLECTION OF DEBTS.' AND THE SECURING OF Al l It INNER OF CI AIMS Prompt andetlicient attention wil" be given to all liner of business in theComts ot Ordiinuy in tin i ounty of Cobb and adjoining count: ’. I’ll ILLI PS& HU RK HALTER, ATT OR N EY S A I L A \V , MARIETTA GA. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the coun- Mcs of the Bide Ridge Circuit ; in Supreme Court. Ind District court ot the IS. at Marietta Km. riiiLLii’s t t. Burkhalter lan 11 v «. p A U . ATTORNEY AT LAW. M IKIKTTA. <illOß<il A, WILL liilligently attend to any busines- confided to his care in Hie counties of Cobb, l hervkee. Stilton and I‘aaldiug. CLAIMS collected aS soon as it can be dime by law. money promptly i»ai 1 over. June M>th. 1809. M ARIETTA, GEORGIA THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 19,1861. MISCELLANEOUS, 3. C ' i' 1 V E. CIRCUMSTANCES having prev< nted my removing West as contemplated—l offer my services as a Ph'-’sician to the public for the ensuing year. gif’ Office in Connell’s Building, up stairs, where I call be lound ti times. GEO, W. CLELAND. JITTO R 3’ .f T 5F*, MARIETTA, GEORGIA. E . M. -AXtLEISr, RE S1 0£ SI OEH 11 ST. RATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vi- X cinitv for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or inserting artifi cial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits calls from thofie who have very bad Mh, as he is using a preparation for tilling the most deli cate teeth, no matter how badly decayed, if not oth erwise diseased —and reiidtring them serviceable loi years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never change or discolor the teeth. Ijaf” Refers to Citizens of Marietta for whom he has operated during the past ten years. TERMS.--Gash, jinless by special contract. Jfficc, South side ot public square, over the Post Office. Marietta, Jan., 18'3 , Dr. N. N. GOBER, | REFORM PHYSICIAN, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Marietta and ] surrounding country. ' Office North side of the square over Page & Haley’ , Store. febß-tf ' WASHINGTON HALL, ; AT LA A TA, G EORGI A. BY E. R. SASSEEN, Fi'ce Pint ate bonded avareiiouses, AND CUSTOM-HOUSE BROKERAGE. riMIK undersigned has. with Messrs Brigham. Bald 1 win & Co,, Messrs. Wilder A; Ga'lie, and Messrs- Hunter & GaiHinell, formed an association for the pur- i pose of entering at the Custom House and Storing in i Bond, in accord inee with the Revenue Laws, any goods arriving ft this port which may be entrusted to ! his custody, | He being the managing and active partner, lias bonded, with tli’e approval of the Secretary■ ot the Treasury, commodious warehouses, where <ill mer chandize coming to this port cm be stored, every at tention pit d to its preservation, and for its prompt de livery when entry has been made at the Custom House, at the lowest possible tariff charges. Merchandize destined for the interior will be entered ! f r payment of duties, ot in bond, as may be required 1 by the consignees. All goods consigned to him to bi I forwarded, will receive the greatest despatch at the , lowest rate of charge, and in such maimer as may be ■ directed. If 11’*' duties are to be paid in this port, funds must be provided for that purpose, but if to be forwarded in bond, the requisite bonds will be given. Goods er.tmSted to care of under,signed, consigned to points in the interior, vi 1 be torwardc i by railroad or other conv<-vance. ns directed, free of cornmis-ion. An experience of nenrlv twentv years id the details of Custom House business, ami a thorough acquaint nine with the Warehouse laws. In evety detail, will enable this copartnership to give the greatest despatch consistent with t ie sait ivol the !• i’"e. CHAS C. WALDEN. Cilice in Claghom & Cunninghams Buildings, head of; Drayton street, Savannah, Ga. March l-"> Im. 1861 NEW YEAR!! 1861 tl IMMETT UROV (North Side Public Square.) ll 9 holcs/fle (tnd Retail DRUSGISTS,i JI AISIFTT %. *• H AYE a large and well seleetel Stock ot Drugs. ■ . Hardware, I’erfmmry, Statioaeiy, I’oys. i>as. ■ Soaps. Segars. Chewing Tobacco, \e.. <Nc All of which will bo sold low down for We tire thankful tor past patron ige and solicit a e> ntlnmmeeof the same. lIAMMI. 11 X GRO\ I.>. FAMILY STORE. GdOVES & BIJTNEBj HAS opened in the P<«T Offick Building a > IRIIITY I' 1 MI L* MTORI'.. in which v ill b? found E\ El’Y’ ARTICLE in the GROC EBY LIN E, Liquors excepted besides a great variety of othei articles. They will sell for t’JN// AED SMALL I'ROE ITS. I If voti want rood COFFEE. TEA.SUGAB. MDLAS.sES, FINE H \MS. LARD. SY KIT, TOBACCO. YARN or anything in that line, give us a call, and we war rant saliaiacticHi. We wifi alto kcup FooUcnp. T.ettCU; Plipeu, 1-*CIIS«. Ink, and other articles o Stationery. Country Produce Os ail kinds, taken in barter on lila ral terms. July 14 th. 1859' 1y i A "oorl lot of Fine Chewin- Tobacco fcjLr sale by HJMMETI X GROVES. A FOR THS PEOPIaE. miscellaneous. EXCELSIOR MILL. c OR XME A L A NT) IIOAIIN / > ROUND at this’Mill, is acknowledged to be supe ( ? rior to that which is prepared by the old style mills. or sale by the G rocery and Provision dealers in March 21 I Ta sa ISa r k YV aas ted. ■ r fTANBAR,K will be purchased by the Marietta .1. steam Tannery, in any quantity, for which I will pay tlnee (3) cents per foot, if delivered at the ’ yard. [March 11 | JNO. H. GLOVER. Xj.TF3)aE3B3ES3Et.. 100,00(1 Feet on hand. i'HE subscriber has on hand at his Steam Saw Mill, 2?> miles from Marietta, 100,000 lutT of Lumber, Plank of any kindj or other descriptions of lumber he is prepared to furnish NOR THE CASH, at SI per hundred at the Mill, or SI 25 delivered at Marietta. A. COOK. g?7“orders may be left at the {Post Office, or at T. J. Atkiiison’s Store. april 1-ts J IRAI 0 N <C- CO' S Excelsior Mills, MARIETTA, Ga. r G<3IS French Burr Stone Mi-‘ ltUelj T put up in Me J- Flfresh’s building, near the railroad, runs every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, and makes the finest quality of Meal and Grist. g«/“Corn ground for toll. Mar2l JARMON & CO. F BOOTS f] SHOES! (J fpilE undersigned would respectfully inform the cit -1 izens <•!’ Marietta and vicinity that he Las located permanently in this place at the room EAT Nxl door to Wad sir orth's Store / on the West side of the Public Square. Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes made equal in male rial, tit or finish to any made North or South. All work warranted. TERMS CASH. febS Iv 'o'. THOJBB*SOIV. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. rPHE NE?vT’SESSION of this institution will be I opened on the 20th Febrnarv. ISfjl, ensuing 1 For the character of the Institute as a Military College we refer to tl e report of the Bo nd of Visitors ami the Annual .Message of bis Exeelmncy the Gov ernor. The Board ot Visitors for ISt.t.i commend the good order and neatness of every thing con uected with the School,” —‘‘ the thoroughness of its instruction “ the high tone ml gentlemanly bearing of the C.-.dt-ta individually and as a Corps” and ‘ congratulate the patrons of the Institute upon tin l growth, health and muscle of their sons devel j oped by Military training.” Tlie Governor in Lis Animal Message accords high praise to the discipline and gov«>y. ; ;;-;-,t of the School deciares ir to be “ important to the future protection and greatness of our State.” We invite special attention to the fact that the Governor of the State is President ‘‘ Ex Officio,’’ of the Board ot control. COURSE OF STUDIES. IN MATHEMATICS;-- 4th —Arithmetic, Al gebra, ITme Geometry and Trigonometry.—3d Class- Deseriptive Geometry, Linear Perspective and the theory <>f Shades and Shadows, Surveying. Analytical Geometri - 2d Cl<i.« -t alculus. IN TH E FRENCH LANG I’AGE Valine’s Ollen dorf s full com sc, Vie de Washington.-3<Z Class—Man get's Analogy, Charles 12th. Racine. ENGLISH LANGI' \GE AND LITERATURE. Bul lion's English Grammar and Practical Exercises : Quackenbos’ Rhetoric . -—2 d Class Blair’s Rhetoric. Composition and Elocution IX HISTORY’ ANDGEOGRAITIY Weber’s Uni versal. Tytler’s Universal, frost’s United Stites .Mitchel's Ancient and Modern Geography. IN NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ; Mec anics (Bart lett’s Text.) Optics. Astronomy. (Olmsted, i Uhcmis trv Mineralogv and Geology taught by lecture in a course of tn o ve rs IN ENGINBERING : -A full course in the Fir-t Class both Civil and Military, eompris ng the princi pies of Carpentrv. Masonry and construction in lion Roads. Railroad.; ari l Cmills, Fiel lurtiticatioi > I’-niiancnt Military Works. IN TA< TICS:- Inmntry of the Line (Scott’s text.. Light Infantry (11 iidce’s. I Artilb ry (Anderson's U. S Cavalry (Poinsett s.) T I Payable one-half in advance for the present year. For one session of live manths. in full ot board, tni ti >n. f tel. lightsslos n’s no other medical h urge,s Deposit for Clothing, Uniform. Av4s The legislature appropriated nine thousand dollar for the Denefit of the Institute, and have enabled us to solicit a larger (sitron ige bv th-- people F, W. CAB’LBtS, S iperinte:. . nt. 2STew l 3 aint Shop. r pHE undersigned having pe>-inancntly located in * .Marietta with a view of <-arrv*ng <>n the Fainting j business in all its various departments has taken the i nxuii over the workshop of W I;. McCown, on Deca tur Stre-t He w aid r> -p»- tfullv . alt the attentbm ot citizens and cth- r.- to the same, ami earnestly solic it a share of pat roll ge £?-' Woik done with promptness ar. 1 dispatch. janlS Iv I N. HAY’S. I < IG 1 K S’ ! \ lINE uss >rtment of CIGARS from 15 cents apice down, at the POST OFFICE. Qllje SlimocaU. MARIETTA, - - - - APRIL 19. BomLardi! east of Foil Stiwitei’- It affords us p finite pleasure to record that Fort Moultrie has fully sustained the prestige of its glorious name. It fired very nearly gun for gun with Fort Sumter. Vt e counted ti.c guns from eleven to twelve o’clock, and found them to be 42 to 4G, while the advantage' was unquestionably upon the side of Fort Moult ie. In that fort not a gun was d'smouiiteil, not a wound received, hot the slightest permanet t in jury sustained by any of its defences, while ev ery ball from Fort Moultrie left its mark upon Foi l Sumter. Many of its shells were dropped into that fort, and Lieut. John Mitchell, the worthy son of that patiiot she, who so nobly vindicated the cause of the South, has the hon or of dismounting two ot its parapet guns by 7 a single shot from one of the Columbiads, which at the time he had the office of direct" ing. The famous iron batteries —the one at Cum ming's Point—named for Mr. C. IL Stevens, the inventor, and o the celebrated floating Batte ry, constructed under the direction ot Captain Hamilton, liave fully vindicated the correc ncss of their conception Sh-t after shot fell upon them and glanced harmlessly away, while from their favorable position their shots fell with of" : feet upon Fort Sumter, and the south east pan copee, tinder the lire of the Stevens battery, at j nightfall, if not actually bieached, was badly damaged. At this battery the honor of firing the first gun was accorded to the venciable I Edmund Ltillin, of Virginia, who marched to the rendezvouz at the sound of the alarm on ( Monday night, and who, when asked by s< m: , person who did not know him, to what compa ny he belonged, replied, “to that in which there is a vacancy.” It were vain toatiomptan exhibition of the anthusi ism and fearless mtrepidily ol our citi zens in every department m’ this eventful day. Bouts passed from post to post without the slightest he-itati m under the guns of Fort Sum- ( ter, and with high and low, old and young, rich and poor, in uniform or without, the com mon wish and constant elLu t was to reach the posts of action ; and amid a bombardment resisted with the most consummat' skill and perseverance, ami with the most ( flint nt appli ance’s of military art ami science, it is a most remarkable eircumstan te, and o ie which < x lib its the infinite goodness of an overi tiling Ihov idelice, that, so fur us we have been able to learn from the most Carehil inquiry, not the slightest injury lias been sustained by the de fenders ol their country. It may be added, as an incident that contri buted no little interest to the action of the day, that from early in the forenoon three vessels of war, two of them supposed to be the liar'- riel Lane a* d uve, lay just beyond the bar, inactive spectators of the contest. licther they will attempt to enter during the night ai d encounter the batteries on cither side that line the shore, is yet lo be determined : il so we wdl piesent the records 4 a bloody issue in our next. Fort Sumter did not return the fire of our Latteries for over two hours, and ceased firing at seven o’clock, p. in., though oiir men con tinued to the hour of going to press. Fort Moultrie, 4J u. m. We commenced firing this morning at 4 ’ 3 m., and have continued a steady fire until the present, and are still firing. Idle bails from Fort Sumter arc doing little or no damage, not a p" rson having been ii jured. Ihe Morris Isl and battelies appear to be doing a great deal of injury to their side ot Sumter. Major Anderson has one gun bearing on Ft. .Johnson, ore cm each of the lower batteries on this island, and five on Fort Moultrie. z\t pre sent there are three United States war vessel.' off the harbor. .All the guns beating on th -m are loaded and manned, ready for action. From the Charleston Mercury of the 13lh. i We stated vesterda . that on Thursday, at I thre' o’clock, p. m., Gen. Beauregaid had made I a demand upon Major Andi rson f< r the evacua tion of Fort Sumter through his Aids, *'•>!• ncl Chi snut, Captain Lee, ami Colonel Chisholm, and that Major Anderson had regretfully de clined, under the circumstances of his position. It was, however, understood that ui less re infoic. <1 he would necccssarily yield the post in a few days—say by the fifteenth. An eff >rt was therefore, made to avoid an engagement, without incurring greater risk ot reinforcement. At one and a half, a. m.. Colonel Chestnut and Captain Lee reached Fort Sumter from Gener al Beauregard, and. we gather, were prepared to enter into any arrangement for non-action is to Fort Sumter, if i.o as-istai; e wcie given to the efforts of reinforcement ; but p .-tponc merit merely to mature hostile plans was irn-< possible. No satisfactory agreement l>-ii>g : propose ! and time being important, at three and a half o’clock a. in., M >jor Amite son was notifn I tt.a’, at the <■••.» nation ot an hour, the batteries would open ther fire upon him. The Ai ls then pas~ed th net? in a boat to Fort Jo msom and Col. Chesnut oidcred the fire to I begin. Precisely at fmr and a half o’clock, a shell was tired from the signal Lattery on I James’ Island, which making a bcaatiful cnrve, b irst immediately above Foi t Sumter. Within fifteen minutes all the Carolina batteries were in full play. The inhabitants of Charleston forthwith thronged to East Bay Battery and *. other points of observation, and excitement prevailed through the day amid various and stii ring rumors put afloat from time to time.— Major Anderson, having no oil to light up his t casements, and the morning being slightly e murky and drizzly, did not respond until broad :i (lay. z\t a quarter before six he opened his e fire by a shot at the Iron Battery, on Cutn -1 ming’s point; then at Fort Moultrie; the Float s ing Battery, located at the west end'of Sul i . van’s Island; the Dalilgreon Batterry, Major i Trapicr’s Battery, and Fort Johnson, inter - speising his attentions by paying respects to the numerous mortar batteries, by which lie, i encased in brick, is surrounded. Hour after I hour has the fire on both sales been kept up, ■ delmcratc and tn.flagging. The steady, frequent ’ shock of the cannon’s boom, accompanied by • the hiss of balls, and the hoi rid,hurtling sound ’ of the Hying shell, are now perfectly familiar to the people of Charleston. While the early • sun was veiled in mist, we.saw shells bursting within fold illuminating Fort Sumter, or ex ploding in the air above, leaving a small thick , clou 1 <>f white smoke to mark the place. We • saw solid shot striking the dark walls, and in i each instance followed by a fume of dust from 5 the battered surface. One man was. visibly i stricken prost ate on the wharf,and carried in i the fmt; and several guns dismounted. she • walls, too, in several spots, w<?re damaged And while Sumter has certainly and manifest ly been injured, no loss is yet sustained on our our part. Fort Moultrie is intact, so far fighting capacity is concerned. The Iron Battery is ready for continued work, altera full and fail- trial of its powers of resistance ; also the Floating Battery. The practice of our as marksmen, lias been excel! nt and highly satisfactory to officers of science and exper once; and great gratification, at the last; accounts, six o’clock, p in. not one man of our army has suffered injmy. From the London Telegraph. The Blockade of Souihti'a Ports. ! With regard to the blockade question, wc have stated that it cannot be s lived by any government i i but must be left to the maritime powers of Europe —which, acting (Upon the law of self-preservation, must, of I I course, forbid all attempts to exclude their ■ I commerce from the ports of the South; the 1 ruin of which, though it might gr itify the pas- ■ | sions,would not serve the interests of the North. Such a policy of coercion, tin ref uc, would be at once shortsighted ai.d ineffectual. The new tai ill', for which Air. Lincoln is not n spon sible, though he will probably not be unwil" Img to accept its Cons quences, is an unwise measure on the part of those who fiained it. It is not merely pioicetive, but in a large ('(>-< gree prohibitory. By imposing excessive du ties, it closes the markets for forejgn p ro . i ncts; and. by relieving the inan’jfacturer from competition, d< prives him of all stimulus to im prove the works of his industry—the consu mer, of course, thus sacrificed to the producer. But, apart from those mighty interests, the pol icy of rmglaud is distinctly represented by the fact that, whatever revolutions may convulse the New World, we stand totally apart from tlmm. Peace between Gre it Britain and the 1 nit(‘d States is necessary to the national life of bo*,’u. por what would a war signify ? The ccs>atioii of a trade amounti to thirty mill" ions sterling annually, the stoppage of one third of our factory system, and c i enormous diminution of our general pr<>sp<’ ty. There" f >re, whover mav be President ot’ America, and whether there be one Confederal ion or two, our relations with the United - tales must re main unaltered. If the North triumphs, we slni.'l rejoice to while the progress ol human freedom. If the South, with its boasted army of thirty thousand volunteers, c ri i< s tlfe day, wc have our cotton inaiket to look after. Un der no circumstances can wc entangle our-elvcs in the complication of New W 7 oi Id politics.— Lam asbire forbids it. London, Birmingham, Bri<tol and Glasgow echo the protest. Mans , ■ Chester and Liverpool unite their voices in fa,- I yoi <>f perfect neuti ality. And why ? Because American commerce is English commerce, and w cannot stir a finger upon the Atlantic with out equally compromising the two empires.— President Lincoln has the interests of the Un-> ion o piotect, and Lord Palmerston is bound o defend those of Great Britain : but the for mer cannot bf allowed to blockade our flag out of the Southern port--, er the latter be stini" ulate I to any [j .tzan advocacy of Northern ambition. L'eut. AVheelcr, of Arizona Territory, reached Montgomery, Ala, a few days ago and 'sneaks in glowing terms of their patriotism. They are unanimous for joining the Confeder at • States. Mr. AVheelcr states that the geo graphical position of Arizona precludes the ' j.lea of its becoming a great agricultural coun try, b.t it abounds in silver mines which only r-'q ire to be properly worked to yield immense wd’tb.and will be an arqu siticn otheConfed erat ! States worthy of being considered. A man i- slo.v to perceive his own slowness of perception. ! Money is well spent in purchasing tranquility of mind- NO 11.