The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, April 22, 1861, Image 1

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The Mariella SeniWeekly Advocate. VOL. 1. Xfye ftjqricffq 18 PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY, ON MONDAY AND THURSDAY, BY AVm. II.HXTKT. TERMS:— 2.00 a fear in advance, tier Subscribers at a distance must always pay in Advance!! RATES OF ADVERTISING* One Insertion per line, Every Insertion after, per line J? Half Square of 5 lines, per year $ 5 00 OneSqnare of 10 lines, one year 10 00 M For privilege of changing twice a year 10 per cent, added. , Changing/our times 20 per cent, added. Changing atpleasure, 50 per cent, added to above rates. Advertisements respectfully solicited. PROFESSIONAL CARDS: AVID IRWIN. GnEENtEE.BUTLER IRWIN & BUTLER. It Will Yf *T liw , MARIETTA, GEORGIA Business confided to their professional management in the following counties will be faithfully transacted, viz: Campbell, Paulding, Polk, Cobb, Cherokee, For syth, Lumpkin, Fulton and Milton. Also, in the Dis trict Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ,na l ANDREW J. HANSELL, Attorney, Counselor & Solicitor, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, PRACTICES REGULARLY IN TUR ©o©Wfl©T ©OLIYJ' Os the United States, At Marietta, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the Superior Courts of the following t Counties : Co?b, Forsyth, Floyd, Catoosa, Cherokb Paulding, Whitfield, Milton. I also attend promptly to securing and collecting I dainis in any of theadlphliiig Counties. j Marietta, Jan. 1,1858 H ~C . D . PIIILL IP S , Attorney and Counsellor at Law’ J/J A 5 IE VTAGEORGIA. Feb 22, 1862b’ GEO. IV. LESTER; ATTO RN E Y A T LA W , MJ R IE TTAGEOR GIA. WILL practice law in Blue Ridge Circuit, audio the Ec.prcme Court of the State ; also in the District Court at Marietta. marl. ts. M. MYERS, Attorney at Law, Marietta, G-eorjgia. WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO CAttE References: — Denmead & Wright, Marietta. Ga., A. J. Hansell, Marietta, Ga , Irwin & Lester, Marietta, j Ga., Hon. Sol. Cohen, Savannah, S. Yates Levy, Sa vannah. nov23 ts CICERO C. WINN, COLLECTING lawyer, Jl/.1 hr ETTA a EOR ai . 11 <«/ ILL give his entire attention to the e llection V V of all claims ent listed to h’s ' are. <>. tV.I Iv %. v. *i h fmbrw • .1 TTO >• .it L.fW, Marietta, Geortfin. Mar. *J,'6O b ’ N . B. GREEN, ittorncy & Counsellor at Law. Marietta, Cobb Co., (Ja. Will piactk.e.and givejptompt attention to all business confided to his professional care, in the District Court OF THE U. S. at Marietta The Supreme Court ot Ga , at Atlanta, the Superior and Inferior Courts ot tin Blue Ridge Circuit, mid the comities adjoining Cobb, of other Circuits. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE COLLECTION OF DEBTS, AND THK SECURING OF ALL M \NNKR OF CLAIMS. Prompt and efficient attention wiE be given to all nnerot business in the Courts of Grdinaiy in the .ounty of Cobb and adjoining counties. PH IIJ JI’S & BIKKIIAIIER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MARIETTA GA. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding am! alVthe coun ties of the Blue Ridge Circuit ; in Supreme Court, Mid District court of the V. S., at Marietta. Wm. PHILLIPS,J T. BURKHALTER tanl ] v i:. f a Av, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MAKIETT A, OF.ORGI A. UriLLdilligently attend to any business confided to his care in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, M Iron and Paulding. OIAIMS collected as soon as it can be done by law, ■ndjthe inonev promptly paid over. June 30tb, 18&9 MARIETTA, GEORGIA MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 22,1861. MISCELLANEOUS.- ItOTlci? CIRCUMSTANCES having prevented my removing West as contemplated—l offer my services as a Physician to the public for the ensuing year. Office in Connell’s Building, up stairs, where I can be found ti times. GEO, W. CLELAND. W. H. hunt’ JITTO ItJVEY .IT L.lli: MARIETTA, GEORGIA. E. M. A LLEN, fill SIB I i EIII SU GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vi cinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or inserting artifi cial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits calls from those who have very bad teeth, as he is using a preparation for filling the most deli cate teeth, no matter how badly decayed, if not oth erwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable for I years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never change or discolor the teeth. CST Refers to Citizens of Marietta for whom he has operated durihg the past ten years. TERMS.- -Cash, unless by special contract. ; Office, South side of public square, over the Post Office. Marietta, Jan., 186 Dr. N.' nTUoBERU reform physician, OFFERS his services to the citizens of Marietta and surrounding country. Office North side of the square over Page & Haley’ Store. febß-tf WASHINGTON HILL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. BY E. R. SASSEEN, Free Forwarding*. PRIVATE BONDED WAREHOUSES. —and CUSTOM-HOUSE BROKERAGE/ fllJlE undersigned lias, with Messrs. Brigham, Bald, i 1 win & Co., Messrs. Wilder & Ga’lie, and Messrs- i Hunter & Gammell, formed an association for the pur- ! pose of entering at the Custom House avid Storing in I Bond, in accord nice with the Revenue Laws, any I goods arriving pt this port which may be entrusted to his custody. He being the managing and active partner, lias i bonded, with the approval of the Secretary of the | Treasury, commodious warehouses, where all mer chandize coming to this port cm be stored, every at- i tention pad to its preservation, and for its prompt de , livery when entry has been made at the Custom \ House, at the lowest possible tariff charges. Merchandise destined for the. interior will be entered , for payment of duties, or in bond, as may be required j by the consignees. Al! goods consigned to him to b< (orwarded, will receive the greatest despatch at the lowest rate of charge, and in such manner as may be , directed. If the duties are to be paid in this port, funds must be provided for that purpose, but if to be forwarded in bond, the requisite bonds wi 1 be given. Goods entrusted to care Cf U'alersigncd. consigned to points in the interior, will be forwarded by railroad or other conveyance, as directed, tree ot commission. An experience of nt v years in the details , of I tigtorii House business, ami a thorough acquaint mice with the Warehouse laws, in eveiy detail, will ! enable this copartnership to give the greatest despatch consistent with t ic safetv of the revenue. CHAS C. WALDEN. Office in Claghorn& Cunningham’s Buildings, head of, Drayton street, Savannah, Ga. March 15 Im. 1861 NEW YEAR!! 1861 (North Side Public Square,) and Retail .mymsTs, MARIETTA, GEOKG I V HAVE a large and well selected Stock of Dri es. Hardware. I’erftimerv. Statioaeiy, Toys. Das. Soaps. Segars, Chewing Tobacco, <Ve., &i Ad of which will be sold low down for t'T’ CA.SIHE. Weave thankful tot past pitronage and sol : it n ct nt in uauce of the same. HaMMEII'a: GitOVK''. FAMILY STORE. C-dOVES & BUTA’ER. HAS opened ih the Tost Office Buii.ih'G a VARIETY FAMILY STOKE, in which will be found EVERY ARTICLE in tht GROCERY LINE, Liquors excepted—besides a great variety of othei articles. They will sell for CASH AX If SMALL PROFITS.. ts vou want good COFFEE, TEA. SUGAR. MOLASSES. FINE HAMS, LARD. bYRL’r. TOBACCO. YARN. ! or anything in that line, give us a call, and we war rant satisfaction. We will also keep Foolscap, Letter IMper, I’eilS, and other articles o Stationery. Com itvv Pvoduce Os all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. July 14th. ISoU-ly A good lot of Fine Chewing Tobacco Fur rale by at GROVES. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE; MISCELLANEOUS. EXCELSIOR MILL. C ORNMEAL AND i ■ ROUND at this Mill, is acknowledged to be supe ’’ rior to that which is prepared by the old style m iHs. or sale by the G rocery and Provision dealers in S a ri?tta. * March 21 Tan Bark Wanted. rjTIANBARK will be purchased by the Marietta J- steam Tannery, in any quantity, for which will pay three (3) cents per foot, if delivered at the yard. [March 11 | JNO. H. GLOVER. XL<mta333E:JEY. 100,000 Feet on hand. I'HE subscriber has on hand at his Steam Saw Mill, 2| miles from Marietta, 100,000 Feet of Lumber, Plank of any kind, or other descriptions of lumber he is prepared to furnish FOR THE CASH, at $1 per hundred at the Mill, or $1 2-5 delivered at Marietta. A. COOK. may be left at the {Post Office, or at T. J. Atkinson’s store. april 1-ts JARHT ON A; Co' S Excelsior Mills, MARIETTA, Ga. French Burr Stone Mill, lately phtup in Me -L Elfresh’s building, near the railroad, runs every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, and makes the finest quality of Meal and Grist. ground for toll. Mar2l JAR MON & CO, SHOES! o THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the cit izens of Marietta and vicinity that lie has located permanently in this place at the room Next door to Wadsworth''s Store I on the West side of the Public Square. Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes made equal in nir.'e rial, fit or finish to any made North or South. All work warranted. ’TERMS CASH. fobs lv T. THOMPSON. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTED — rpilE NEXT SESSION of this Institution will be' I opened on the 20th February, 1861, ensuing, j 1 For the character of the Institute as a Military 1 College we refer to tl ' report of the Board of Visitors I and the Annual Message of his Excellency the Gov- i ernor. The Board of Visitors for 1860 coinmend •‘the good order and neatness of every thing con nected with the School,” —“ the thoroughness of its instruction ” the high tone ;nd gentlemanly bearing of the Cad ?s individually and as a Corps” and ** congratulate the patrons of the Institute upon the growth, health and muscle of their sons devel oped by Military training.” ... The Governor in his Annual Message accords high praise to the discipline and government of the School and deciaresit to bo “ important to the fature protection and. qreatriees of our Slate.” We invite special attention to the fuel that the Governor of the State is President Ex Officio,” of the Board of control. COURSE OF STUDIES. IN MATHEMATICS: — ithClav.— Arithmetic, Al gebra, Plane Geometry and Trigonometry.— ‘3d Clase- Descriptive Geometry, Linear Perspective and the theory of Shades and Shadows, Surveying, Analytical Geometry - -d Clans - Calculus. IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE Vallue’s Ollen dorf s full couise. Vie de Washington. -3d Class—Man get's Analogy, Charles 12th, Racine. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE.- Bul lion's English Grammar and practical Exercises ; Quackenbos' Rhetoric , — 2d CiaM--BUir's Rhetoric, Composition ami Elocution IN HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY Weber’s Uni versal. Tytier’s Universal. I rost's United States, Mitchel's Ancient and Modern Geography. IN NATCH AL PHILOSOPHY : -Mec anics (Bart lett’s Text.) Opti<s. Agronomy. (Olmsted.) Chemis try Mineralogy and Geology taught by lecture in a nurse of two yeirs. I\ ENGINI.ERING A full course in the First ( lass both Civil and Military, comprising the princi ples of Carpentry, Masonry and construction in iron Ro-vls, Railroad; an I Canals, Fie! Fortifications, permanent Military Wori»s. IN TACTICS: -Infantry of the I.ine (S<ott’s text.l Light Infantry (Hardee s,; Artillery (Anderson's U. S.) Cavalry (Poinsett’s.) Payable one-half in advance tor the present y-rar. For one session of five months, in full of board, tui tion, fuel, lightsslUs Surgeon's fee (no other me<lical charge,).... 5 i Deposit for Clothing, Uniform. &c 45 . T'ne Legislature appropiiated nine thousand dollars | for the benefit of Hie Institute, and have enabled us I to solicit a larger patron ige l»v th-- people. 1\ W. CAPERS Suja-i iritemlent. X ew ± 3 aint Shop. r PHE undersigned having permanently located in • *• Marietta with a view of carrying on the Painting business in all its various departments, has taken the room over the workshop of W K. McCown, on Deca tur Street He would respectfully call the attention I of < itizens and ethers to the same, and earnestly solic i it a share of patronage. £7* Work dene with promptness and dispatch. janlß-ly I. N. HAYS. CKiARsVr A FINE assortment ofgCIGARS from 15 cents apice down, at the POST OFFICE. . x' ON GOV. M’DOBIB. PRAYER. MUSIC BY THE CHOIR. Our God. our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. Before the hills in order stood Or earth received hei frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone ; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising dawni Time like an ever rolling stream Bears all its sons away ; They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day. Our God, olir help ih ages past, Cur hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. EULOG-Y. MUSIC BY THE CHOftt. How still and peaceful is the grave, There, life’s vain tumults past, The appointed house, by heaven’s decree, Receives us all at last. The v icked there from troubling cease, Their passions rage no more : And there the weary pilgrim rests From all the toils he bore. All levelled by the hand of death, Lie sleep’ng in the tomb, Till God in judgment call them forth, To meet their final doom. BENEDICTION. From the Charleston Mercury, The Laws of War. The near prospect of hostilities between the Abolition Government and the Government of the Confederate States, renders some inquiry! into the law of nations, on this subject, ap propriate and interesting. What are the legal consequences, and what the practical bearing, of a state of war upon the individual rights of citizens of the two Confederacies having deal ings with each other, are questions which should be clearly understood. As a contribu tion from a standaid authority to the general stock of knowledge on the subject, we quote, somewhat at length, some extracts from Kent’s Com mentaries. We quote, first, from Lecture 3d, on the Law of Nations, vol. 1 : INTERDICTION OF COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE. “One of the immediate and important con sequences of the declaration of war, is the ab solute interruption and interdiction of all corn* mercial intercourse, ami dealing be'ween the subjects of the two countries. The idea that any commercial intercourse or pacific dealing can lawfullv subsist between the people of the jiowers at war, except under the clear and ex press sanction of the Government, and without a special license, is utteily inconsistent with the new class of duties growing out of a state of war. The interdiction flows, neces-arily, from the principle aheady stated, that a state ot war puts all the members of the two re spec’ivcly, in hostility to each other; and to suffer individuals to carry on friendiy or com mercial intercourse, while the two governments were at war, would be iflacing the act of gov ernment and the acts of individuals in contra diction to each other. It would counteract the operations of war, and throw obstacles in the way of the public effort, and lead to disorder, imbecility and treason. Trading supposes the existence of civil contracts and relations, and a refere co to courts of justice ; and it is, there j fore, necessarily contradictory to a state of war. It affords aid to the enemy in an effectual man- 1 ncr, by enabling the merchants of the enemy’s i country to support their G -vernment, ad it facilitates the means of conveying intelligence ' and carrying on a traitorous correspondence with the enemy. These considerations apply with peculiar force to maritime States, where, the principal object is to destroy the marine ’ and commorce of the ecemv, in order to force them to peace. It is a well settled doctrine in the English courts, and with the English ju rists, that there cannot exist, at the same time, a war for arms and a peace for commerce.— The war puts an end at once to all dealing and all communication with each other, and places every individual of the lespective governments, as well as the governments thbrnselves, in a state of hostility. This is equally the doctrine of all the authoritative writers on the law of nations, and of the maritime ordinances of all the great powers of Europe. It is equally the received law of this country, and was so deci ded frequently by the Congress of the United States during the Revolutionary war,and again by the Supreme Court of the United States, during the course of the last war; and it is difficult to conceive of a point of doctrinemore deeply or extensively rooted in the general maiitime law of Europe, and of the universal and immemorial usage of the whole communi ty of the civilized world. “ It follows, as a necessary consequence of the doctrine of the illegality of all intercourse or traffic, without express permission, that all contracts with the enemy, made dining war, are utterly void. The insurance of enemy’s property is an illegal contract, because it is a species of trade and intercourse with the ene my. The drawing of a bill of exchange, by an alien enemy, un a subject of the adverse | country, is an iliegal .and void contract, be cause it is a communication and contract. The purchase of bills on the enemy’s country, or the remission and deposit of funds there, is a dangerous and illegal act, because it may bo cherishing the resources and relieving the wants of the enemy. , , , The remission of funds, in money or bills, to subjects of the enemy, is unlawful. The inhibition reaches to every communication, direct or circuitous. AH endeavors to trade ivith the enemy, by the intervention of third partnerships, have equally failed, and no arti fice has succeeded to legalize the trade, with out the express permission us the Government. Every relaxation of the rule tends to corrupt the allegiance of the subject, and prevents the war from fulfilling it? end. The exception to this strict and rigorous rule of international jurisprudence, is the case of ransom bills, and they are contracts of neoessity, founded on a state of war, and engendered by its violence. It is also a further consequence of the inabil ity of the subjects of the two States to commune or cany on any cpriespondence or business together, that all commercial partnerships ex isting between the subjects of the two parties prior to the war are dissolved by the mere force and act of the war itself; though other contracts existing prior to the war are not ex tinguished, but the remedy is only suspended, and this from the inability of an alien enemy to sue, or to sustain, in the language of the civilians, a persona standi in judicio. 'The whole of this doctrine respecting the illegality of any commercial intercourse between the in habitants of two nations at war was entensive ly reviewed, and the principal authorities, an cient and modern, foreign and domestic, were accurately examined, and the positions which have been laid down established in the case of Griswold us. Waddington, decided in the Su [•reine Court of this State, and afterwa.ds affir med on error.” The Event of the Struggle- I'lie Revolutionary spirit which is abroad in the land will soon make the slaveholding States a phalanx which neither the tricks of domes tic traitors, nor the force of Abolition enemies can destroy. This is just as certain as that day succeeds nfght, ar.d then will Nemesis show that she has delayed, but not forgotten to punish the Subrnissionists. We shall then have a united, homogeneous Confederacy of fourteen millions fighting for their firesides, their wives, their children, and their sacred honor, against abated foe. When the shock of conflict comes, the terrors and fears which the Subrnissionists have conjured up with so much artistic skill to Lighten us from the path of honor, will disappear like shadows before the sun. The pages of history are filled with the suc cesses of small and homogeneous nations in their conflicts with nations vastly their superiors in numbers. They have nearly always conquered. The twenty nations who formed the vast army of Xerxes were defeated by a few slave holding confederated States at. Marathon, at Salamis and Thermypoke. Frederick, of Prus sia fought all Europe for seven years, and emer ged from the smoke and din of that long con test a conqueror. Charls the Twelfth, of Swe den move-1 his little cock boat of a nation alongside of that seve -ty-fonr gun ship Russia, and flogged her in many a well fought victory. Texas with a handful of brave men, routed Mex ico. The Thirteen Colonies,without arms or mu nitions of war with every fourth man a traitor when the war commenced, achieved their inde pendence after an eight years war.— Richmond Exiiminer. Alchemic discovery—how to turn brass into gold—marry an heiresa. NO 12.