The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 01, 1906, Image 20

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i Say 'Red Rock! j Say It Plain! ; ABSOLUTELY PURE j NO ALCOHOL RED ROCK | GINGER ALE ■ * The only drink that is endorsed and used by » | | the best Physicians, Sanitariums and Ministers, » I 1 not only in the South, but all over the United ► f— — States. A positive relief for any kind of stom- » / ach troubles. Made from pure Ginger, Granu- » lated Sugar and other ingredients that are abso- ► lutely harmless. ■M| ifl® ’ I W- AU Drug Stores and Grocery ! ||g|| Stores sell Bred rock * IK > » 11 in mw ! (This paper --would not accept an ad. for a beverage that was injurious) jhOl| NEW, NATURAL, SCIENTIFIC. I We to remove the cause of, and permanently cure, J ■ ■ any case of Stomach and Intestinal Trouble, and also over- I • come all related disorders, such as Asthma, Rheumatism, ' Bronc hitis, Diseases of the Nervous System, Catarrh, Kidney & ■ \ and Live!* Diseases, by our own spe ial mode of treatment f'.< which is new, natural and absolutely scientific. The treat- I g| ment is interesting, pleasant and INVARIABLY BENEFICIAL. S Improvement begins at once. Complete satisfaction GUAR- I ANTEED. Write for full information. A 40 page book on I health and disease sent free for theasking. Ask for pam phlet 31 Address The Biggs Hygienic Sanitarium, 408 W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. | . . Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory :s second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose g.ass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you here ' is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. Cabbage Plants = Celery Plants and all kinds of Garden Plants. Can now furnish all kinds of Cabbage plants, grown in the open air and ■ will stand great cold. Grown from seed of the most ' reliable seedsmen. We use the same plan;s on our • thousand acre truck farm. Plants carefully counted • and Properly packed. Celery ready last of December. pOilw isl • Lettuce, Onion and Beet plants, same time or earlier, pj ® Wil pl| • Cabbage ready now. Reduced express rates promised, iV'WtIH f ■ 9 which, when effective, will give us 60 per cent, less than r J • merchandise rates. Prices: small lots. per thou- r ¥ 9 sand; large lots, SI.OO to $1.25 per thousand, F.O. B. Meg- • getts, S. C.; “Special Garden Fertilizer ” $5.00 per sack 9 ■ tw* o f 200 pounds, F. O. B. Meggetts, S. C. The United • States Agricultural Department has established an 9 Experimental Station on our farms to test all kinds of vegetables, especially Cabbages. The results • of these experiments we will be phased to give you at any time. Yours respectfully, • N. H. BLITCH CO., Meggetts, S. C. «■»*»•?• ».<?■» ® IthFdODGL : of a woman’s life, is the name often given to ■1 Your menses come at long intervals, and grow so '| Kj stop. Some women stop suddenly. The entire cha. || Ei or four years, and it is the cause of much pain andW KI which can, however, be cured, by taking 7 CARDUI T I Woman’s Relief I i B It quickly relieves the pain, nervousness, irritability, miserable- B • ness, forgetfulness, fainting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, weak- ■■ • ness, tired feeling, etc. Cardui will bring you safely through this B • “dodging period,” and build up your strength for the rest of your life, « At all druggists in SI.OO bottles. Try it. B ♦ WRITE US A LEITER “EVERYTHING BUT DEATH ■ j freely and frankly, telling us all your I suffered,” writes Virginia Robson, • troubles. We will send Free Advice (in of Easton, Md., “until I took Cardui, ■■ Sa plain, sealed envelope). Address: La- which cured me so quickly it surprised B|| • dies’Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga my doctor, who didn’t know I was Ba • H Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. taking it.” 89 ’ • THE WORLD’S BEST BABY MEDICINE ♦ j 25cts.-Soc-ts./I£LZMW®Sra _ BABV EASE! Bowel Cornplaints-7"££77///V(F7'^C?4/23Z£S-Ayr/Ye/brßA&yeasec T •• SUPERIOR SERVICE I •> i IS OFFERED BY THE J Seaboard Air Line Ry. I • Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; ? Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, ? Washington and New York and the East. • THE SHORT LINE T • Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW T BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers, Pullman Buffet g, Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service—Meals a-la-Carte • C. B. WALKER, D. T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T. A., Atlanta. 1 W. E CHRISTIAN, G. P. A., Atlanta. • ZZ •f ■ «» Seymours* Buff * j The Celebrated "Aristocracy Strain”—'l’he 1 ■ddWKwWSs ribbon winners at poultry shows and State .ji: tLsK-1 strain for sale. EGGS FROM THE > 5 WIR: Write lor c rcular giving prices and listoH GEO. W. SEYMOUR, Ex-Prfirf 2521 Beech Street. - ■ ! lor the purpose of st imulat ing yotiti™ inuiiities, to organize anil sustain literß first dozen hooks to an.v nev. socit ty \\ hlw ami properly can- foi -a circulating