The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 10, 1906, Page 18, Image 18

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18 Holds America’s Highest Prize Walter Baker & Co. s Breakfast Cocoa E Finest in the World 46 HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA Sold in % -lb. and &-lb. Cans fill WEIGHT WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. SOUTHERN SHORTHAND and BUSINESS UNIVERSITY ATLANTA. GA. 13,000 Graduates in positions. 787 calls from business men last year for bookkeepers and stenographers. Enter now. Catalog free. Address A. C. Briscoe, Prest., or L. W Arnold, Vice-Prest., Atlanta, Ga. Ej Perfect Health. Have You Got It? If not, but you desire if, you would find our FREE new book on health and disease of great value. This book is valuable because it explains how to gain health and strength without drugs and medicines. All it costs you however, is the price of a stamp —we send it absolutely free. Good health for yourself —or for some one dear to you — would be worth a postal; sen us one today, mentioning this paper, the Golden Age, and we will send the book promptly. This book teds how chronic ailments of all kinds are cured here at the bani arium by methods that are thoroughly modern, with out drugs or surgery. If health is worth having, this book is worth asking for today. Addr< ss, The Biggs Hygienic Sanitarium, GREENSBORO, N. C. If you want to be cured of Cancer, Tumors, Chronic sores without the use of the Knife or X-ray, go to KELLAM HOSPITAL 1615 East Main St. Richmond, Va. There you will find what you are seeking a cute We are endorsed by the Senate and Legis lature of Virginia. WE GUARANTEE OUR CURES. Publisher’s Column. The publishers of The Golden Age beg to make the following announce ments : I. During the month of May all subscribers (old and new) paying for a year in advance will be complimented with a copy of our new wall map of Georgia. 11. Or, if preferred, we will send instead of map that wonderful story, i ‘His Life,'’ a volume of 226 pages giving the connected story of our Savior’s life as told in the four Gospels. 111. Special Offer for New Subscribers: The Gclden Age from date your order is received until January Ist, for only SI.OO. (Any old subscriber securing us a new subscriber on this offer will be entitled to a Wall Map, or “His Life”—in ordering, state which you prefer.) IA . Club Offers: To clubs of four we will send The Golden Age one year, and give the map cr book—as preferred—to each of the four—for six dol lars. (All names and addresses must come with order.) A . To clubs of four, we will send The Golden Age from date of your order to January Ist, 1907, for $3.00. AI. Special Sunday School Offer: To clubs of ten we will send The Golden Age for three months for $3.00. We want The Golden Age to enter every worthy home. If there are good homes in your section without The Golden Age, there is needed a word from you to tell them what they are missing. A GOOD CHANCE FOR CLEAN HUSTLER. An enterprising and reliable representative is desired in each locality. The work pays well if pushed. If you can give good references, and want the place, write us. Unless we should already have a satisfactory representative in your neighborhood, we will trade with you. Special Opportunity for Young Man or Young Woman Desiring to Enter College. Mr. W. D. Upshaw is well known as the friend of struggling boys and girls who desire a college education. He believes in the wholesome rule Help those who help themselves. ’ ’ Through the Golden Age he is offering’ a great opportunity to every boy and girl of pluck and grit who wants a col lege education. This offer is too confidential for publication. If interested write us with references, stating your age and what college you wish to at tend. Ladies Can Wear Shoes 11(111 A one size smaller afte using a Hen’s Foot-Ease, a IX riHHH power to be shaken into the shoes It makes lUUIVUU UUIIW I IVVH tight or ne>v shots feel eay; gi es instant re- y U . ~ , , H ief to corns an buni' ns. It’s the greatest < om- To advertise Successful Agriculture weM fort disc verv of the ae-e Cures La «r QB are going to give away one hundred■ UP i- ? ag „ ( - ules and prevents thousand of these pretty little dolls. They E swollen feet, listers, ca’lous and sore spots, are jointed, both arms and legs, hand-M A len s Poot-Ease 1 acer ain cure for tired, M 80me curly hair* pretty blue eyes, shoes, sweati g, hot, aching feet. /• t all druggi ts and stockings. shoe stores, 25c Don't accept any substitute. Trial JSaSc'IT You will be proud of it, and we will al- narkno-pq FUFF hv wail ah™ 2 so send you 3 months trial subscription ages i t> Addie* , Allen S. !» / to Successful Agriculture, the prettiest Olmstead, J.eKoy, N. Y. publication of its kind in the U. S. It has a department for each mem- .. . of the family. Send 10c » J;l Usrf for postage and expense. Do < it today. S EDITOR SUCCESSFUL AGRICULTURE, COUPON I i Vjf [Wil ft I|l I I fflFgSvTlll 16 Union Block, St. Paul, Minn. I gUgjU ?|||| Ills * J I accept your offer to test your magazine on your I Ml 9 . rgß three months’ free trial offer. I r r w ■ After receiving three months’sample copies I wi>l I / | do one of two things,-either send you 50 cents for a a" full two year’s subscription, or write you to stop <1 I fg* \ the magazine, when you are to cancel this subscrip- I I I* ■PY-UTb.® nUA tion and the three months’sample copies to be tree, | 1 1 1 Unre stan d A hv \ Name, g IB ' - p. o. Address I . || that has never been equalled. Btate I The guard on the spring pre- I I vents tearing the cloth. The I only pin that fastens from either ■ side and can’t slip through. See SALESMAN WANTED a IUI ,* O that all cards have our name on. One wide-awake hustler in every County Send 4 cents in stamps for sample to take orders for easy selling Fay-Sholes I IWjrzH// worth double the money. typewriters. Liberal proposition to a reli- 1 iHJJ* ■/ I able man. llSn CONSOLIDATED SAFETY PIN CO., 614 Majestic Building. Chicago I Box 159 BLOOMFIELD, N. J. JUST SEND ME ONE DOLLAR' *1 I* and I s hiP C- O. D. to any railroad station In the ■ ■I""" iWWMroH/MWBST U. S. this fine Willard Steel Range. Anyone can say I ” thcy have * he beßfc range in the world, but I will fur- Dish the evidence and leave the verdict to you. After you examine this range, if you are satisfied in every BlaS!l.aj;H;uii way, pay Agent $14.00 and freight, and you become ■Mth® possessor of the best range in the world for the tSHMBII money ‘ The range has six 8-inch lids; 17-inch oven; WilwS 15-gal. reservoir; large warming closet; top cooking surface, 80x34 ins. Guaranteed to reach you in perfect order. Shipping weight, 400 lbs. Thousands in use and every one of them giving satisfaction. Writ© for * uli description and testimonials. WOOD OR WM. G. WILLARD ■ COAL ,»io™«u«JsSSSfi!J222| No. 62 WILLARD BLDG. CT* | SJIZX 820 CHESTNUT STREET 3I. LUUIS, MO. The Golden Age for May 10, 1906. ■HOLLEY'SI ■ LEMON ELIXIR. ■ HR Is not a new and untried remedy. I More than % of a Century attests ■ I its wonderful curative and health- I I giving properties, and serves t > I H show that it has no equal as a cure ■ for Constipation, Biliousness, Indi- I H gestion, Sick-Headache, and all I ■ other ills arising from, a I TORPID LIVER. ■ ■ Being strictly a vegatable com- I H pound, it has no harmful or even I ■ unpleasant effects. lis action is I ■ gentle but noi.e the less thorough— I ■ cleansing the stomach and bowels I of all impurities, and toning up the H I entire system to a healthy con- B dition —leaving the person feeling B B good, because every organ is made I to perform its part perfectly. I 500. AND SI.OO A BOTTLE. ALL DRUGSTORES. I “One Dose Convinces.” There are types of Fever which if treated with Quinine will run from four to six weeks. These same types are cured in from one to two days by using Johnson’s Tonic. Some types, Quinine cannot cure at all, such as Typhoid Fever and yet John son’s Tonic will cure this type every time. Send si.oo and we will send two bot tles charges paid. We will send your dollar back if you are not satisfied. Refer to any Bank in Savannah, Ga. Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Co. Savannah, Ga. Wonderful Improvement in Typewriters. L. C. Smith, who formerly manu factured the L. C. Smith gun and the Smith Premier Typewriter, has sev ered his connection and is now man ufacturing na improved writing-in sight-single keyboard machine. Write for catalogue. Agents Wanted in Florida and Georgia. H. M. ASHE Writing-in-Sight Co. Y. M. 0. A. Bldg., 71-73 N. Pryor and 17-19 and 21 Auburn Ave., ATLANTA, GA. KUIDINE. DIRECTIONS: For Kidney and Bladdei Trou bles, two tablets three times a ay. For Indiges tion two tablets after meals. For Costiveness, one teaspoonful of liquid on retiring. For bleepi lessness take three tablets on retiring. A Box of ‘ Kuii ine’’ Tablets. 50c or sl. Bottle of “Kuidine ’ Dissolved 50c. or sl. MOUNTAIN IRON MINERAL COMPANY Spartanburg. S. C. Your Druggist or direct from M&nufacturers.