The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 10, 1906, Page 20, Image 20

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20 Say Red Rock! Say It Plain!! When you buy RED ROCK from your grocer or druggist, you buy a drink that is abso lutely pure. It contains no alcohol or dope. The doctors and ministers recommed RED ROCK. But you must see the RED ROCK Crown on the bottle. Hagan &• Dodd Co. Atlanta, Ga. SUPERIOR SERVICE ' n ( IS OFFERED BY THE Seaboard Air Line Ry. Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers, Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service—Meals a-la-Carte C. B. WALKER, D. T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T. A., Atlanta. W. E CHRISTIAN. G. P. A., Atlanta. Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose g ass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. Th® service given you here Is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. FIRST PRIZE xN oar XX XX zv R A Nil DEPOSIT ®BBBBiSBKiL. M It is adapted to all power purposes—cotton gins, oil mills, yarn and hosiery mills, farm and dairy machinery, grain eleva- tkCZ llllll„ ? „ T tors, feed mills, water works, electric lighting, irrigation, etc. y y ’ K laty wlf R. Ri rare raid. Notes Takeo Write for catalogue and price list of the best built engines in the world. Address bS?<iScs“ wm."<>S THE HAGAN GAS ENGINE AND MFG. CO., GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. The Golden Age for May 10, 1906. rBEATEN BISCUIT-) I FREE SAMPLE AND RECIPE I ■ Send us your name and address today, so we can send you by return mail, free sample and ■ recipe formaking genuine “Old Fashioned Southern Beaten Biscuit, ’ the kind your mother ■ ■ and grandmother ate in Ante-Bellum days. You never tasted anything so perfectly de- ■ M licious. The sample we send is not beaten In the old way; it is made with tne DeMUln ■ ■ BEATEN BISCUIT MACHINE, the original, perfect beaten biscuit machine. So simple a child can operate it. Lasts a lifetime. Made in three sizes—three prices. Thousands now ■ ■ in use all over the South. Write today for free sample and Booklet B. IJ. A. DeMUTH, 819 South 14th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. J TH E WORLD’S BEST BABY MEDICINE; BABY USE Bowel baby ease The Ancient Wise Men Kept a Reserve Fund. Modern wise men and women learn a reserve profession. If you are wise you will combine both. While filling one position, or waiting for one, prepare by a home Study Course in Shorthand for emergencies. It costslittie, only tlvo people knolv your plans, you are saving time, and get the best instruction, being taught by an Expert Court Reporter. Massey Reporting Co.. 1201 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta.. Ga CT-C-tf'' “ SPLENDID! (?) /Tv (f v. H Never tasted such coffee before.” \J|Z I III) V That’s what they all say after drinking <£B| MAXWELL HOUSE BLEND M (Uh. for the first time. Get a sealed can from your grocer. You’ll I I r*--—agre . So will the Coffee. Cold Sulphur Springs In the Mountians of Virginia. Elevation 1,800 ft. Sulphur, chalybeate and freestone waters. Abundant shade. Homelike and attractive. Hot sulphur baths. Terms moderat . Address, J. S. CRAIG, Proprietor, Cold Sulphur Springs, Va. L. & B. PIANOS NEW SCALE Four Hundred Dollar Models TO CLUB MEMBERS AT $287. Cash or Easy Payments. Nine out of every ten pianos are bought on payments —gifts to the family— Many are taken away on account of the death of the wage earner. Join the club, now forming. Save nearly a | hundred and twenty-five dollars— and besides in case of death of purchas er we give the family a receipt in full for balance due on piano— provided contract has been in force six months and the payments have been made ac cording to agreement. It costs you nothing extra to protect your fam ily write for Booklet No. 38 ..its I free and will explain everything. Over 300 L * B. Club Pianos sold inside of four months to satisfied customers— They are warranted fer a life time. Address LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H. 36 YEARS IN MUSIC. SAVANNAH. - - GA. % '< ’ $> /k'W> lEliMi ~M-. BjW ; ~U gmHh • iTs •i>-Jy ?; 7 W If gw ■/ Wear Stylish Clothes To every man, young or old, who ia interested In good, stylish, serviceable clothes, we will send our handsome Spring Fashion Booklet and several Samples of Cloth upon receipt of two 2c stamps for postage. We especially want to interest men and young men, who aim to dress well, in our Suit Special at sls. These garments are hand-tailored; perfect in fit: guaranteed to give good service, and one price to all. We, the makers, set the price with a shield on the sleeve which plainly reads sls. Your local dealer sells them at the same er" , 1 ■■> price as the larg- jfcdtWßh I est stores in the A tzvi/SEo-uist. sk largest cities. It X - uRir 1 \ does not matter tfgoarc»co *..o< where you buy 1 m. WA f them, you are sure I rWjszljJV- > I to get good values J L n 1 +' \ Cl « Ot ? eS / Schwab Clothing Ox 1 when you insist on f s.i.iL«a. 1 getting garments li J with this shield. "Il’soniheSleete" Wear stylish clothes this Spring. Send two 2c stamps for our Fashion Booklet and Samples of Cloth. Address SCHWAB CLOTHING CO., Dept. 25, ST. LOUIS