The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 05, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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FRECKLES AND PIMPLES REMOVED In Ten Days. Nadinola llwßpp The Complexion Beautifier is en ! «s ? J I dorsed by thousands rate^ ladies, and H. ;•• . ■: • guaranteed to remove ( "''"j all facial discolora- x tions and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. Wonderful Improvement in Typewriters. L. C. Smith, who formerly manu factured the L. C. Smith gun and the Smith Premier Typewriter, has sev ered his connection and is now man ufacturing na improved writing-in sight-single keyboard machine. Write for catalogue. Agents Wanted in Florida and Georgia. H. M. ASHE Writing-in-Sighs Co. Y. M. C. A. Bldg., 71-73 N. Pryor and 17-19 and 21 Auburn Ave., ATLANTA, GA. BECOME A NURSE ing. The salary of a nurse is from sls to S3O and no per week, and a nurse from the Red Cross Nuise Association can wo k “shoulder to shoul der” with the best nurses of this countiy. For full particulars write for Catalog No. 8. A copy of our monthly journal of nursing ‘The Profes sional Nurse” sent for 4 cents in stamps. Schol arship and tuition free. T. aining at home. Red Cross Nuise Association, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. L irgest training system in America. SOUTHERN SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY ATLANTA. GA. 13,000 Graduates in positions. 787 calls from business men last year for bookkeepers and stenographers. Enter now. Catalog free. Address A. C. Briscoe, Prest., or L. W Arnold, Vice-Prest., Atlanta, Ga. Message to America. , £. TENNYSON SMITH. It seems to me that this is the most important crisis in the history of temperance reform in this countiy. The temperance organizations have the opportunity of a lifetime. But more, the Christian church has the opportun ity of the century. 1 believe the battle is now on between the forces of liquor and vice and corruption and the forces of religion, morality and purity. Will the church push the battle to the gate? “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might de stroy the works of the devil.” The duty of the church is to carry out the purpose of the Master and be gin a real work of destruction, and in this warfare we are encouraged by the knowledge that “The battle is not yours but God’s.” A crusade of both education and agitation is necessary and the matter urgent. Will the church rise to the occasion? I believe it will. If it should, it will result not only in the purification of politics and a blow to the liquor traffic, but also in a wonderful revival in the church itself. HOW TO MAKE YOUR FARM PAY MORE. How to make your farm yield the best possible results. That’s the big question with you. There’s an answer. You can have the advice on this subject of eight leading American agricultural experts for the asking. “Farm Science,” a handsome volume just from the printing press, is il lustrated with photograhpic reproductions and contains clear, definite and interesting instructions by these experts on all deparements of farming. There are chapters on “Alfalfa Culture,” “Modern Corn Cultured,” “Best Methods in Seeding,” “Small Grain Growing,” “Profitable Hay Mak ing,” “Up-to-Date Dairying,” and “Increasing Fertility.” Every page of the book carries practical suggestions. “Farm Science” clears up many vexing problems of the farm and points the way to profit. It is undoubtedly the most notable contribution of the season to farm literature. The book is free to you. Send three two-cent stamps to the International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, 111., to cover postage and mailing charges, mentioning this paper, and it will come promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST BABY MEDICINE mhM Baby ease Bowel Complai nts-TEETMNG'TROUStE.S-ffr/t# for freefioa/tfet baby easer ,macon, ga. Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesiooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, inc uiing every nose g ass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service ghen you here is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. MONROE COLLEGE FORSYTH, GA. For Young Women. Monroe College, Forsyth, Ga. For Young Women. Situated in the most healthful section of Georgia, on the main line of the Central of Georgia rail road between Macon and Atlanta. Faculty of 29. Full courses leading to Degrees and Certificates are offered in Literary, Music, Expression, Art, Busi ness, Industrial and Normal Departments. Each department is under the direction of spcialists trained in Harvard, Cornell, Columbia, Chicago and other leading Universities in America and Europe. Grounds and campus consists of 48 acres. There are seven buildings, heated by steam and lighted by electricity. $60,000.00 has been spent during the last year on improve ments, including electric lighting and steam heating plant, steam laundry and system of water works. $25,000.00 is invested in Musical Instruments (Con over Pianos). The arrangement of the two large dormitories and surroundings provide the best boarding facilities in the South. 400 boarders can be accom modated. The location of the College is 655 feet above sea level, which is 321 feet higher than Macon. The favorable location and the most healthful and beneficial home-like conditions make it an unexcelled home school for girls and young women. Physical training and outdoor exercise is required of all stu dents. The enrollment last session reached 422. Next session begins Sept. 10th. For catalogue or information address, C. H. S. JACKSON, President The Golden Age for July 5, 1906. g MOZLEY’S g g LEMON ELIXIR g For % of a Century has been curing people of |g| that almost universal disease, I CONSTIPATION. gg as well as all other troubles Fig gg caused by a torpid liver. P It is a purely vegetable com- I g pound, pleasant in taste, mild I in action, thorough in results. gs Good for baby, parent or I I grandparent. If you have g |H|| never used it speak to your g g neighbor. 50c. and St.oo per bottle g at all Drug Stores. • POSITIONS 5 • We can qualify yon, place you in a t position, and allow jou to pay tuition • • after position is secured. Write at once. * • Stanley’s Business College, * • MACON, GA. • Light Saw Mills and Supplies Engines, Boilers, Fittings and Repairs * 4® TRY & & LOMBARD IRON WORKS AUGUSTA. GA. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS. Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Piles. Fistula. Ulcers. Eczema and all Skin and Female Diseases. Wnve for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address DR. BYE I Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Catl for “Manninghose” TBSr && ■ l ns,Jt on “Manninghose” “Well I Declare!” "The heel and toe of ‘Manninghose’ is made of three-ply thread, and I find that the whole gar ment is made of two-ply, double and twisted yarn.” “Surely it will last well.” Made only by Manning Hosiery Mill > MANNINO, C. O The New HOTEL TARRYMOORE Opens June Ist, and promises the best accom modation ever afi ord ed visitors to Wrightsville Beach, 175 rooms—ll 4 face the ocean. Tele phone in every room. Brilliantly illuminated with electric ligh s. Hot or cold tub and shower baths A, undantly supplied with health-giving artesian water. Facilities for surf-bathing, sail ing, boating and fishing unsurpassed. Excellent cuisine. For rates and other information, ad dress W. J. MOORE, Prop., Wrightsville Beach, N. C. SOOTHING SYRUP ( ' nas been used by Millions of Mothers for their i children while Teething for over Fifty Years, i, x It soothes the child, softens the gums, allayp < , all pain, cures wind colie, and Is the- betrti- Zk '. remedy for diarrhoea, <' ' TWENTYdFIVE CENTS A < 1 13