The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 05, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Bagwell’s Business College and School of Shorthand. SHORTHAND IN 2 TO 3 MONTHS BOOKKEEPING IN 3 TO 4 MONTHS CO V4BINED COURSE IN 5 TO 6 MONTHS OUR OBJECT—To jrive a thorough and efficient course of shorthand and bookkeeping at ithe expenditure of time and money SYSTEM-4—Exclusive right in Georgia to tea h the famous Chartier Electric Shorthand. Can be learned in one-half time required ‘or any other syst m. Only short s.. stem that has been adopted by the leading business colleges of United s ates. ■kt ft I TORY--Furnishes good board it actual co,t. Young men under watch care of president. No idlene s o • dissipation allowed. Positions secured for all graduates. Sneci il course for hos? of limite I time a d means which will enable them to secure good positions and thus get a s'art in the bu iness -a orld. Special rates for a limited time. Write or come to see us before making other arrangements. Address BAGWELL’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 198 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. A pF" E. M. KELLY, President E. C. ANDREWS, Secretary k I Liberty Mills A % flB f" Nashville, Tenn. HH HA ' MB 11 T' ' : W ■-'■t.M-H J. u*_ .rm. .■ -■ . 7 . « r JK g-— rfffra IJM* —JP 'JKW 1 ‘i ? 7>j I I ' u Mb x ' v 11 Vi i The Largest Manufacturers of &W?- : '' .V .jit• L ffk Soft Winter Wheat flour Jr j| and Corn Products A % flv In the United States. • * . . ..... ... . --- - • ••--■-* w. ■« i a*— • *•_ ,z--’v„ -'■ >< Hvy-- . . ■ ■ ~ jhL ”^ s ' Jm . •■’* ■* ** zKS W i / uSWjn X ; : ai 4 v -*-XT.>^;>^,.^.« m *afagMiMMM9^cyjMr^4nin/7wwwJwwwWWy I f rlfnWMaMHHlfl \x 17/-MW r J \\ xfMSk V\ V liwW . jgWBKRt ‘ <> .o> ... FMfelaagßHESSjMwf** uFzX. ' ''<> - zi-. £J* ' X'- t, »»L «. "* • * '■ <• ~~~ *• > nr *? '** BSsriBH ■ShST . >■ -X aLitife jy** •'.- • ' v - V* 4 Lgfe B «y^^^*i^aieag -w<SSaaMI ■- < E pll |ir jf_ IB |P ■.. .__' ... t< Y ; •-- The Golden Age for July 5, 1906. Can Cance/be Gured? It t Can. We want every n an and woman in the United States to know what we are doing We are curing Cancers Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or X-Ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Vir ginia. We Guarantee Our Cures. THE KELLAM HOSPITAL, 1615 West Main Richmond, Va. y% Bit Cures Strained Puffy Ankles, 11 Lymphangitis, Bruises and Swellings, Lameness and ■H Allays Pain Quickly without O'W blistering, removing the hair, or la y ,n K the horse up. Pleasant to use. • $2.<10 per bottle, delivered with full directions. Book 5-C, free. JVm ABSORBING, JR„ for man kind, SI.OO Bottle. Cures Strains, Gout, Varicose Veins, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Prostatitis, kills pain. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 114 Monmouth SL, Springfield, Mass The Columbia Typewriter The only visible writer that sacrifices nothing to gain visibility, and is nnapproached in its auto matic movements, easy action, convenience and durability. Either single or double key board, and in either case —visible writing. We think it the best machine on the market. What do others think? Listen: Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 5, 1905. Columbia Typewriter Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sirs: We have been using the Columbia Type writer in our office for twelve years and now have three machines actively in use. The machine has given us uni form satisfaction, with minimum cost for repairs. We espec ially commend it for billing and tabulating purposes. Yours truly, FRANK E. BLOCK CO. Catalogue to ,M THE COLUMBIA TYPEWRITER CO. 39 1-2 Whitehall St. ATLANTA. GA. 32 1-2 S. Broad St. From Pure [CABWEL* M olive oil O by a MISSION at the foot of MOUNT | 11 /4 CARMEL. Palestine, where the olives grow. ! II >. It is absolutely pure, keeps the skin soft ’ II !►* and smooth ana is the only safe soap for |' the Nursery, Toilet and Batk. Recommended Mby Physicians. Sold by Druggists and first < class Grocers, 10c. per cake. Sole Importers j 1/ A. KLIPSTEIN & CO., f? 122 Pearl SL, New York. j j DNB«trA C ' The Survival of the Fittest is well illustrated by the success of Pond’s Extract. For sixty years witch hazel manufacturers have offered their product as “the same thing” and “just as good.” Pond’s Extract never ■ has and never can be equalled. Witch Hazel is not the same thing. On analysis of seventy samples of Witch Hazel—often offered as 11 the same thing"—fifty -two were shown to contain wood alcohol or formalde hyde or both. To avoid danger of poisoning use Ws-extrAC" Hard Job to Stay Sick when you use Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water. A pure mineral water, concentrated, to be quickly effective. Cures Kidney, Bladder, Liver, stmnach and bowel troubles. Also scrofula, sklu diseases and imrure blood. One bottle equal 25 gal lons *’f Mineral Water. Your druggist, or J. -"--.•hols Co., owners. Lynchburg, Va. WAR ON LIQUOR AND TOBACCO. The Kansas Anti-L'quor Society has adopted a new plan to fight the liquor traffic. It is dis tributing free t, all who write and enclose a stamp, a recepe for the cure of the liquor habit. It can be given secretly in coffee or food. Also one for the tobacco habit that can be given se cretly. The only request they make is that you do not sell the recipes, but give free copies to your friends. Their address js Room 68 Grant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 15