The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 05, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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16 ■ e ■ *■*■ ■ . I SAY IT PLAIN! This is the exact size and shape of I an elegant ladies’ I Bpjßi*—2?W Purse Mirror we I sen( l you for I tl SIX cents in I stamps with this I ad. cut out. iHagKn & Dodd Co., I ATLANTA, GA. I The Golden Age for July 5, 1906. "T ®b A piano° O Nearly 500 L. ®. B. Club W Pianos Sold Inside of Seven Months and Every Customer Satis fied. The following is an example of the appreciation ex pressed by over 400 club members: Gaylesville, Ala., Sept. 2, 1905. Messrs. Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sirs—Club piano received in good order. We are well pleased with it. Better and nicer than pianos sold here by agents for from $350 to SSOO. Our little town is pretty well stocked with pianos of different makes, and it is considered I that we have the best piano in tow n. We thank you for your selection and prompt shipment, mix. x. & »nox Yours with best wishes, To club members at $287 (Signed) J. R. Williams. monthly with interest quar- . Write for Booklet No 38and full particulars about free terly, or yearly terms if you life insurance to club members. like LUDDEN & BATES S. IT. H., SAVANNAH,GEORGIA. L. & B. Pianos are Warranted for a Life Time. A Remarkable Georgia Remedy. HALL’S CHRONIC COUGH CURE. A Vegetable Combination of the most powerful Blood Purifiers, Tonies and Cough Remedies named in the United States Dispensatory. It has no equal as a cure for Consumption, Cancer, Catarrh of the Head, Throat, Lungs and Stomach, Asthma, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Fistulas, Hemorrhages of the Lungs, Carbuncles, Syphilis, Immediate or Constitutional Blood Poisoning, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Skin Eruptions. Price 50 cents and one dollar per bottle. For sale by druggists or write, HALL’S CHRONIC COUGH CURE COMPANY, Cordele, Crisp County, Georgia. Editor’s Note.—This is the first testimonial that I ever wrote for any remedy; but having used Hall’s Chronic Cough Cure, and also investigated its use by others. I believe it is a remedy of unusual worth. W. D. Upshaw, Editor The Golden Age. COX j|b College and Conservatory College Park, /SfecHsk . . <' Delightfully situated in a beautiful Oeorgia. suburb of Atlanta, with most salu- IL<|> - r ’ ons climate, COX COL" LEGE and CONSRRVA TORY offers many advan. tages to students from any '•fl-P art America. Sixty-fourth session WOWW/ fl begn,s Sc P u 1 Ith « ’y o6 ’ ’• with 25 instructors from American and a European universities and conservatories. • Broad courses of study, high standards, fine patronage. Music, Painting, Elocution are specialties. Conservatory, under distinguished di rectors, has 9 teachers, 50 pianos, pipe organ. Building equipped with all modern conveni ences ; many improvements made recently. For catalogue and illustrations, address ADIEL J. MONCRIEF, President, or WILLIAM S. COX, Manager. ij ■! JmH The foremost Osteopathic College in the East. Situated in the world-acknowl a edged center of medicabraining, with Hospitals. Anatomical Museums, Free Public ■ Lectures and Clinics open to Osteopathic students. Dissection and Clinical advantages unequalled by any other school. For cata- I logue address the College. 33rd and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. the best (I) Zgyw. of the really good coffes N £ B^ ,d MAXWELL HOUSE BLEND. *1 I sea * ed can from your grocer for proof of purity. Welsh Neck High School, Hartsville, S. C. WEspOWMWfiafe- . | 1. One of the largest and best equipped eo-ed ucational boarding schools in the South. 2. Twelve years of successful history. 3. A competent corps of instructors. 4. A large plant, electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold baths. 5. Students prepare lessons under direction of teachers every night. 6. Healthy location: pure artesian water. 7. Thorough course of study; literary, music, business. 8. Our graduates make success! 1 men and women. 9. Very moderate cost; write for our catalog. It will please you. ROBERT W. DURRETT, Principal.