The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 22, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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14 The Genesis of Anti-Saloon League By Allan Sutherland. In view of the remarkable prog ress which is being made by the An ti-Saloon League in its efforts to se cure a saloonless nation and a stain less flag, it is well that something should be known of its history. In 1846, Abraham Lincoln, then thirty-five years of age, prepared and signed the following: Whereas, the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage is productive of pauperism, degradation and crime, and believing it is our duty to dis courage that which produces more evil than good, we therefore pledge ourselves to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Before that time, and since, until 1893, there had been more or less irregular, individual and local efforts made to overcome the rum traffic. Such widely-known temperance speakers as Father Mathew, John B. Gough, Neal Dow, Francis Murphy and Frances E. Willard, had exerted a strong influence against it, but in spite of all that was attempted, the traffic increased, and liquor organi zations were practically in control of many politicians and law-makers of our land. Apathy and indifference dominated, as a class, even Christian men and women; they were divided among themselves; and although a number of states had adopted tem perance measures during the half century before 1893, yet, for the most part, these measures were either re pealed or not properly enforced. In 1874, the Oberlin, Ohio, Temper- IN THE OLD DAYS How close to our hearts are the memories of our childhood. When you were a barefooted little urchin running in the grass, and munching green apples, you were able to digest anything and feel all right the next day. Sunshine and good air gave you an appetite. For many people it is impossible to get out in the sunshine and good air, and for those who are doomed to sit for hours within four walls, perhaps alongside of consump tives or those suffering from catarrh or other disease, it means sickness and ill-health. Indigestion is only one of the many symptoms of impure blood as well as a disordered condi tion of the stomach. Fifty years ago, Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y., found that certain barks and roots manufactured by using glycerine without the use of alcohol or opiates, made into a concentrated extract, which he called Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, made a stimulat ing tonic for the stomach, helped the digestion and assimilation of the food and eradicated poisons from the blood. This is nature’s cure for indi gestion, and by correcting the stom ach, and thereby feeding the blood on pure materials, the red b’ood cor puscles are increased and the body established in a healthy state. No one suffers from catarrh who has plenty of red blood corpuscles and a good digestion. Catarrh in all its forms is a a stagnation of the blood. Introduce pure red blood into the system by taking the “Medical Dis covery” and health is assured. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has borne the stamo of public ap proval for nearly half a century, and will do more to improve the health than any other remedy.—Adv. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, the best laxative and liver regulator, cures constipation, biliousness and headache. ance Alliance was organized, the ob ject of which was “by all lawful measures to suppress the traffic in the use of intoxicating liquors.” From this beginning, the Ohio Anti- Saloon League developed in 1893, and had “the courage and the faith to present a common platform for the members of all temperance organi zations, holding a common creed, so far as the Christian attitude toward the liquor traffic was concerned, up on which .all denominations might agree; advocating a common policy on which the good men of all parties might unite.” This was a most important step in the right direction, initiating, as it did, a unity of action which is sure of ultimate triumph. The Ohio Anti-Saloon League was formally organized in 1893; and short ly after, the non-partisan organiza tion known as “The Interdenomina tional Christian Alliance,” of Ohio, was merged with it. , Within a year, some three hundred local organizations were formed, leg islation influenced, a few local con victions of lawbreakers secured, a state paper, the “Anti-Saloon” start ed, and other helpful activities in augurated; the Anti-Saloon League had at last found a permanent foot ing as a state organization. An organization, somewhat similar, had been formed about the same time in the District of Columbia, and had accomplished much good. In 1895 the American Anti-Saloon League was organized by the coalition of the Anti-Saloon Leagues of the District of Columbia and of Ohio, together with forty-five state and local tem perance organizations. This League came into existence as a natural de velopment of the reform spirit of the times. It was felt that the well-or ganized and powerful liquor organi zations could be and should be over thrown. Immediately after the inauguration of the Anti-Saloon League in 1895, the work of organizing the move ment in the states was begun and vigorously prosecuted. During the next five years there were twenty states and territories in active sym pathy with the movement. Affiliat ed agencies contributed most help fully. State after state has already taken action looking to the suppression of the saloon. Just now, Montana and South Carolina are struggling for the honor of being the nineteenth pro hibition state, and whichever wins, the other will bring the count up to twenty. Ohio, in which the great or ganized temperance movement be gan, is making a gallant fight for the cause, and will doubtless be the twenty-first. The time is almost cer tainly near when not less than half our states will be safely within the prohibition ranks; and surely these will shortly show such beneficient re sults in the betterment of their peo ple that all other states will hasten to confer a like blessing upon those within their borders, and our great country will have the glory of boast ing that it is indeed and in truth a saloonless nation under a stainless flag. To this end, the American Anti-Sa- THE GOLDEN AGE yjIIHIJ BLW dl sLBJJH Ijfefr jgWiL 1 - That’s th© money you should get this year. I mean it. I went County Sales Managers 4 Quick, men or women who believe in the square deal, who will go into partnership with s me. No experience needed. My folding Hath Tub has taken the country by storm. HgLSp / Solves the bathing problem. No plumbing, no water works required. Full length bath WgWFr / in any room. Folds in small roll, handy as an umbrella. I tell you it’s great! GREAT! Rivals SICO bath room. Now listen! I want YOU to handle your county. I’ll furnish demonstrating tub on liberal plan. I’m positive—absolutely certain—you can get bigger J money in a week with me than you ever made in a month before. I KNOW ITT Two Sales a Day— ~ __ s3oo*oo a Month Exclusive Territory. Thar* what ou should get—every month. Needed in every home, badly wanted, I inner Dm*,* eagerly bought. Modern bathing facilities for all the people. Take the orders right IVU/0 r lUllli. V —MMMrasrasgWSgaSSigiiiikrarasmssssssMmns ——profits, Look at these men— ?' Smi:h, Ohio, got 13 orders Erst Week; Keyers, Wis., $250 profit first month; Newton, California, S6O in three days. You should do as well. 2 SALES A DAY LILACS S6OO A MONTH, work is very easy, pleasant, permanent, fascinating. It means a business of your own. 1 Little capital needed. I grant credit—Help you out —Back you up —Don’t doubt —Don’t hesitate—Don’t hold back—You cannot lose. My other men are _ building houses, bank accounts, so can you. Act then Demonstrating quick, SEND NO MONEY. Just name on penny post card _ for free tub offer. Hustle! _ I? QnMnnnn Drno Factories Bldg., TOLEDO, OHIO Furnished Hi ue HOulnSOlli I r6Ssj'* r Canadian Branch Walkerville, Ont. j 5r r *'~Q Every abnormally weak and unde- B = 2 veloped man, woman and child needs ■ —■— exercise. Fifteen minutes each day in simple exer- on | 1 THE HOME EXERCISER W\ = = will put muscle on limb and body, increase blood I 1 = H circulation and improve digestion. Surest remedy Ir J 5 = for sleeplessness, nervousness and vertigo, and the / Jy S S most sensible flesh reducer made. Built of heavy / I = g nickel plated steel springs, so made that by changing / / I H S grips can be instantly converted into / / L 1 AN EFFICIENT CHEST EXPANDER I/A \ =■ to be used for developing chest and lungs. Guaranteed to I I \ \ = = retain its original strength and to last indefinitely. If on f / \ \ s == purchasing and testing, you are not satisfied, return and I I \ \ = your money will be refunded promptly. I| V ' U Send $2.00 today for complete outfit and Instructions. J. I v - ""”' V? Send Money Order. JU" '/ _~r‘ HOME EXERCISER CO., 3004 Carolina Ave., CLINTON, S. C. - BL, Bk■ Mi jmBM r ■ JMM B ft 18 HP* J B ** Guaranteed to destroy potato bugs without JflwL /a? f 'ok fail and without injury to vine. One or two iq *applications usually sufficient to save the en ry/ tire crop. Easily applied—doesn’t wash off. ol Insist upon Stonecypher’s—sure death to < Potato Bugs. At all druggists’ and general. 4? zy Stores. Money back if not satisfied. U y STONECYPHER DRUG & CHEM. CO. X " > X*?a Westminster, S. C. I ROCHE’S HERBAL EMBROCATION FOR For 120 years this Remedy has met with continue^an^rowing'popularity7™'"^" , ™"" ,, ' — 1 BRONCHITIS, LUMBACO and RHEUMATISM I are also Quickly Relieved by a Few Applications. W, Edwards A Son, lE7 Queen Victoria St, All Druggists, «r E. Foncern Co.. London, England. . 0O Beekman St., N. Y. .Jo increase m Price. mwMmMMMMmMMwaNWMMnBHW CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK ANO SALIVATES “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It’s horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and 5) “all knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, fust try a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone tonight on my guarantee. Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vege table, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod son’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your svstem and mak you f ee l miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they like its pleasant taste. April 22, 1915