North Georgia times. (Dalton, Ga.) 18??-1868, November 22, 1860, Image 1

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J. T. WHITMAN, ) 71 J. L. CALO WELL. I 1 £brlH?tov((i;i j&s; Published every Thursday Evening. TERMS $2 Cash in advance, or $3 if payment bo delayed 6 months. .Advertising: Ratos: Oxk Dollar per square (of yes links or less.) for the fir>t insertion, and fifty cents for each sub sequent insertion. Those sent without a specification of the number of insertion, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. , Business or Professional Cards, of six lines or un ifier, Six Dollars, per annum; and where they do .■jot exceed 12 lines. Ten Dollars. A liberal contract will be ma le with those who wish to advertise by the year, occupying a specified Space ' ’ ty All AnvrtvttstMEkrs not paid in advance, ■will bs considered DDE in THREE MONTHS TROM DATE OF APPEARANCE. Lejgal Advertisements-. Sale es Land or Negroes, by Administrators, Ex ecutors or Iruar lians, are required by law to be held on the FirstTcksday in tiie month, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 2 in the dfternoon, at the Court Hou-e in the County in which ‘be prop erty is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public ga zette forty days previous to the day of sale. Notiice for the sale of personal property must be given in like mannerten days previous tosaleday. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate enust also be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Lander Negroes, must be published for two months. Citations for letter' of Administration, Guardian whip, Ac., must be published thirty days—for dismis sion from administration, monthly for six mouths. For dismmission from Guardianship, forty day. Rules for enclosure of Mortgage must be pub lished monthly for four months—for establishing ?ost papers, for the full spate of tlir.e months—for compelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where bftid has been given by the deceased, the full •pace of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise or dered, at the following RATES: Vitatiens on letersof Administration Ac, $2 75 “ Dismissovy from Admr’on, 450 “ “ “ Gardianship,.. 300 f-eave to sell Land or Negroes, 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors, 3 00 Sales of personal prop rtv, t-n days I square. 2 00 bale of land and negroes by Executors Ac.,... 5 00 1 strayes, two we, ks, 2 00 'F«r« man adverting’.i< wife (in advance),... 500 For announcing Candid. it, •« name ... 5 (M) CoNHCACT AIIVKimSI.NO. Olli. hill. Sil,. 12|>1. square without change,. ..... saj *8 st,, xpj Ch inged qnar erly,. ... I 7 10 ‘>,s Changed at wi11,.......1 8 ; 12 ! 14 18 2 squares without change, J 9 ' 12 15 2o Changed quarterly,...,! 12, IS 25 Changed at will, i 15 20, 25 30 2 squares without change, ' Isj 15' 20 25 Changed quarterly,....! 18 2", 25! 3o Changed at ........ 2’l 25 30 35 J column without change, ■ 25 30 411 40j Changed quarterly...... 28 32 45 45 Changed at will, i 35' 45j s<>[ 55 1 column without change, ! 60 7" 80: 100 Changed quarterly 65' 75 9'> 110 'Changed at will 76, 85 100 125 Si u widssu fe Jn this line we are prepared to do work of almost «very description in the neatest style on short notice, ■and upon reasonable terms. Our material for print ing Cardsand Handbills, plain fancy and ornament al, is very superior, and enables us to offer superior inducements to those wishing anything in that line. Blanks, Circulars, and all kinds of fancy work done to order; also, Dosters to any reasonable size. professional Carbs. J. a’ R. HANKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dalton, YVhitfield County, Georgia. Jan. 1, ’s9—ly. M7jTCRRAWFOn~ 1 TTORNEY'AT LAW, Ringgold, Cot-.osa Coun- A ty, Georgia. Jan. 1, 's9—ly. THOMAS S? MAY, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Cohuttah Springs, Murray ! 21. County, ’Geergia. Jan. 1, ’s9—ly. ~JANIES H. ANI Hl’r SONj Attorney at law, Ringgold, Cotoosa Coun- I ty, Georgia, will practice wherever, in theChero j kee Circuit, business may be given hila Apr. 26 ’6o—ly. : C. E. BROYLES? - 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, Dalton, Georgia. Office ! Cv on King Street, first door West of Paxson’s ■Corner. Jan. 1,'59 —ly. A. T. HACKKT, E. M. DODSON. HAC KETT I >OI )SON, ATToKNEIS AT LAW, Ringgold, Georgia, will practice in the several counties of the Cherokee Uirchit.. Nov.B. ’6o—ly. 'XVILEIAM K. MOORET Attorney and counsellor at law, Dal ton, Georgia, will promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to his care. Jan. 1. ’59 —ly. aTjTm iTj7er7 A TTORNEY AT LAW, Wainesboro’, Georgia, 21 will practice in all the Counties of the Bruns- Vick Circuit—and also Lowndes and Bernen of the Southern Circuit. Jan. 1, ’s9—ly. ■J. T. M’CONNELL.] [l. N. TRAMMELL. M’CON N ELL& TR AMELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ringgold, Georgia, will practice in the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Jan. 1, 's9—ly. Leander w. crook william ik evins. CROOK & EVINS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Dalton, Whitfield coun ty, Georgia. Marcn 29, 1860. y. 1 .j. s. pTbowell, Attorney and counsellor at law and Solicitor in Equity, Spring Place, Murray County Georgia. Sanuary 1,’59 —ly. W 711 A Y N E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ringgold, Cotoosa Coun ty, Georgia, will practice in the several Counties | Os the Cherokee Circuit. Apr. 26 ’6o—ly. F. A. WFI al T A MS. A l ANUFACTURER and dealear in all kinds of | i’ 1 I-'nritil n re. Moss and Hair Mattresses, : Looking Glasses, Plates Ac.; Peach-tree Street, At lanta, Ga. mar 10—ly. JOHN OATES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Spring Place, Murray County, Ga. April 26, ’6O. tF. bTculb erson, A TTORNEY AT LAW, I aal’uvette, Win, < r Coun z\ ty, Ga. Snpt. 15, 1859--ly. _ A. B. SMALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dalton, Ga., associated with John M. Jackson, K-q., and will give prompt attention to collecting business. Sept. 20, ’6o—ly. JOSEPH V? SLATE, Attorney and counsellor at law, Spring Place, Ga., will give prompt attention ko all business entrusted to his care. Swpt. 20, ’flO.-ly — II- ■•V-'C-..- ® j * ‘ Xi JOHN ’Ji- McCUTCIIEN & POPE? " • ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS AT LAW, Dal | I L ton, (la. ill practice in thecounties of ' Walker, Chattooga, Gordon, Murray, Whit field, Catoosa, and DaPk; also, in the United j States District Court, at Marietta. j "wiLLIAM LUFFMAN, I 4 TTORNE7 AT LAW, Spring Place, Murray Co., !2 V Ga. Office up-stairs at the Brick Store. April 26th, 1860—ly JESSE A. GLENN, \ TTORNEY AT LAW, Dalton, Georgia, will prac -21. tice iu the several courts of the Cherokee Cir- ■ euit, the Supreme Court at Atlanta, and the United States District Court at Marietta. January 1, ’s?—ly. JOS F. Pll glenS " \ TTORNEY AT LAAX , Summerville, G oorgta, will practice in the several courts of the Chero- I kee Circuit. Also, the Supreme Court at Atlanta, and the United States District Court at Marietta. February 17, ’s7—ly. I. Y. SAWTELI~ A TTORNEY Al’ LAX\ . Atlanta, Ga., office with 21 R. M. Simins, Keystone Building, Whitehall Street. Strict personal attention given to Collec tions, and all other business entrusted to his care. July 5, ’6o—ly. E. n’ GRAHAM, A TIOKNEY Al LAW, Trenton, Georgia, will Z Ipraerice in the Courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to his care-. Trenton, Ga., June Btlq 1860-—ts i/r. j. R. McAfee. 01 FKhS his Proiessional services to the citizens of Dalloli and surrounding eoiintrv. He mav be found at the new Brick Office, formerlv occupied by R. Q. Sterns, on King Street, at all times, unless professionally engaged. match 17’08—ly S. K. RVRKHOLDfeh. .B. DKXS’IS-. .W. 11. CIIESKBROUGW. BURKHOLDER, DENNIS & CO., Co nt in ismi oii II cit hauls, NO. 26 BROAD STREET, New York. July 7 1859 ty ■ L. S. SALMONS. A. F. MATTHEWS. J. 8. SUIMONS. Wholesale and Retail DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Ladies’ and Gent’s Shoes, Boots, Hats, and Ready-Made Clothing. YVhitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. May 5, ’s9—ly. E. C. WADE& CO., FACTORS and Commission Merchants, Savannah, Georgia. Edward C. Wade, Savannah, Ga., Peyton U Wade, Scriven Co., Ga. Ma-ch 1. 's9—ly. J. M. HOLBROOK. A r ANI i A’ fUL'EII of Hats and Caps. Who’csale 1 and Retail, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geo. Oct. 18,’6<)-ly. r vv. t. i>ay j. w. heath. i DAY &II I-?VFI I. 1 4 TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW', I Zx. Jasper, Pick’ms County, Ga., will practice in l t' c several counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit.— Prompt attention given to collections, and monies promptly paid-jv--n Oct. 18,’60.-ly. P. C. CHAPMAN. }. A, CHAPMAN. C HA PMAN & BRO., (src(:j-:ssoi:s io lo MeCLENDOX.) DEALERS in Groceries, Produce, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco-, Ae. No. DX Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. march 1— ly. ~ WILLIAM aFFiTiJnFc ( t ENERAL Commission Merchant, for the sale of I Bacnn, Lard. Flour, Grain, &c., first door be low Hardman & Griffin’s, 3rd Street, Macon, Ga. Prompt attention will be given to the filling of ail cash orders for Groceries. February 24, ’s9—ly. R. B. B. BROWN,” HAVING disposed of his entire interest in the Drug business, will devote bis entire attention lio the practice of medicine in all its branvh€s. Os- ■ lice on Hamilton Street at his old drug store. Feb. 9th, 1860-ly I. HALLMAN, j MECfIAXICALdc SL kGICAJ. DENTIST, g? I ""^ a " ,lian * s prepared to per- ! (WtsGsSSL form any operation, or execute any j ”J_LT fj* artificial work in the dental profes | sion. lie hopes by p-irtieular attention, carefulness, : and experience, to mvrit the patronage and influ ! ence of the citizens of ballon and surrounding ■ vicinity, which he respectfully solicits. All plates I and artifice'll jobs done with neatness, and in the i most fashionable style. Office up-stairs, over Col. J. ; A. Glenn's Law Office. ! Dalton, Ga., February 24th, 1859—1 v. I—’ - - ’ X>XT. MANLEY, OF NEW ORLEANS, Physician to New Orleans Hospital. Inventor of the celebrated Lung J Tester, author of a large work on Consumption, Can : cers, Diseases of Females, and all distsises of the ■ Lungs, Throat, Blood, Liver, Stomach, Nerves, Skin, I Eyes, Ears, &e. May be consulted free of oharye by I those who are suffering from Chronic or long stand : ing diseases at Dalton, Ga., at the Chester House, on • the Ist of every month. One day only. Dr. M. will 1 not interfere with the practice of resident Physicians, j and asks none to come except these who cannot <sb j tain help elsewhere. April stl, '6o—ly. A. & DEED, Manufacturers and Dealers in est? SIIOCH, No. 42, Courtkiiidt Sr., (rjPPOStTE the merchants’ hotel,) Addington Reed, | NEW YORK. , Ferdinand Reed, f JOHN THOMAS. 11. MYLIUS, WATCHMAKER JEWELER, Dalton, coi’izia, WATCHES CAREFULLY REPAIRED. j May 17, 1860 ly By State Authority, 1 the preetige of 38 yearn nvccexn and crperienix, ; (Hartford, Connecticut.) lACORPOKATIiI* in 1819. {PROPERTY insured against tl»e dangers of fire and perils of Inland Navigation, at as liberal ratesand rules, as risks assumed pet mil of foi sol vency and fair profit,. Especial attention paid to In sqtance of Dwellings and Farm Property. Out buildings ami contents-—Mich insured for periods of 3to 5 years, on the most favoiald terms. Clerics first (.lass indemnity may b«! vtrcct.e’l without delay, with this favorite and pre eminently aide Corpor ation, through C. B. Wellborn, Agt., Dalton, Ga. Loses equitably adjusted anti promptly paid. ! Charter perpetual. Surplus, January, ’6B; $506;- 387.88—Losses paid, $10,437,312 84. March I,T>“ ly. JUSt, Received" 1200 lbs. of Putty ahd for sale by BLACK & DtIWDY. Dalton, Greorg’ia, Thursday, Nov. S 3, 1860. J?octvii. Memories. BY UEOKGK D. FRENTicS. Once more, once more, my Mary dear; I sit by that lone stream, Where first within thy timid ear 1 breath’d love’s burning dream. The birds we loved still teil their tale Os music on each spray, And still the wild rose decks the vale— But thou art far away. In vain thy vanished form I seek, By wood and si ream and dell, Ami tears of anguish bathe my cheek Where tears of rapture fell; And yet beneath these wild-wood bowc.'S Dear thoughts my soul employ. For in the memories of past hours There is a mournful joy. Upon the air thy gentle words Around me seem to thrill, Like sounds upon the wind harp’s chords XX neb all the winds are still. Or like the low and soul-like swell Os th t wild spirit-tone XVhich haunts the hollow of the bell VX hen its saddening chime is done. I.seem to hear thee speak my name In sweet, low murmurs now, I seem to feel thy breath of flame Upon my cheek and brow; On my cold lips I feel thy kiss, Thy heart to mine is laid— Alas; that such a dream of bliss. Like other dreams must fade. What is Home without a Mother ? XVhat is home without a mother, XX hat are all the joys we meet, XX’hen her loving smile no longer Greets the coming of our feet. The days seem long, the nights are draary, And time rolls slowly oil; And O, how few are childhood’s pleasures XX’hen her gentle care is gone. Things we prize are first to vanish, Hearts we love to pass away, Am! how soon, e’en in our childhood, XX 6 beho : d her turning grey; Iler eye grows dim. her step is slower, Her joys of earth are pa sed, An 1 sometimes, ere we iearn to k now her She has breathed on earth her last. Older hearts m.iy have their sorrows, Grief that quickly dies away, But a mother lost in childhood Grieves the heart from day to day. XX’e miss her willing hand. Her fond and earliest care, And 0 ! how dark is life around us— XVhat is home without her there! The Light oh the Shore. Our life is a bubble, And Tinie is the ocean ; Each wave is a trouble, And Love the commotion. Our breeze is a sigh, That wafts us •Ase u’er , And soft woman’s eve, The light on the shore. From the rock of Despair XX’e let go the rope, Through the breakers we wear XViih the anchor of hope; “Heigh ho!” is the cry, True Friendship the store, And soft woman’s eye The light on the shore. Though we weather the blast, And cherish the cargo, Grim Death comes at last! And lays an embargo 1 XX’hen thus called to die, May we still look before, Still keep in our eve The light on the shore. IST* Men and women are never more fre quently outwitted than when they are trying to outwit ollieri'. It is b' ttir to have ofie God on your side than a thousand creatures; as one foun tain is better than a thousand cisterns. Never be idle Always have some thing to go. Remember moments are the golden sands of time. There is an efficacy in calmness of which we are unaware. The element of se renity is one which we peculiarly need. The purest joy we can experience in one we love, is to see that person a source of happiness to others. a® There is no exception to the rule of three. As your income is to your expendi ture, so will the amount of your debts be to your cash in pocket. There are three kinds of friends friends who love you, friends who do not trouble themselves about you, and friends who hate you. ItetY* Life, we are told, is a journey—and to see the way in which some people eat, you would imagine they were taking in provis ions to last them the whole length of the journey ? makes us proud when our love of a woman is returned ; it ought to make us prouder still when we can love her for her self alone, wiihout the aid of any selfish re flection This is the religion of love. Good manners should begin at home i Politeness is not, an article to b- worn in full | diess, only to be put on when we pay of re i ceive a eomp’imentary visit. Plutarch says in h : s life of Alexan der, that the Bibvlonians used, during dog i days, to sleep on skins filled with water In ; these days many men sleep on skins filled ; with bad whiskey. ! Intellectual pleasures are of a nobler I kind than any others They belong to be j io'js of the highest order. They are the in ■ elinltions of heaven, and the entertainments ' of the Deity. Men who follow nnv business for a livelihood, should make that l>ii<iiies>; tl.eir sillily. Boys whose mivlls are iriv.ys |,< of on anything < Ise but their Imsitess ti.-v. r make efhvicnt workmen, nod iron-o qte i tly become vagabonds. BSaY’ Let the foundation of thy ff- cthHi be virtue, then make the building as tich and as glorious as thou canst ; if the fminda tlon be beauty, or w alih, and the building virtue; the foundation is too weak for the bliildihg, find it will fail. Happy is he, the ' palace of whose affection is founded upon vir tue, walled with riches, glazed with beauty, . and rooted with honor, Uisfdliuicous. Tho Face at the Window. It was a woman’s face Lsaw as I drew rein at Cuthbert Hall—a pale, calm, al most proud face, with larfe Creole eyes, and coal-black hair, looped away from the cheek in heavy and shining folds. I had seen many more beautiful faces during my winters in h’«w Yoik and Washington—my summers at Cape Mav, Newport, and Nahant; and, besides, I was expecting to meet at the ball a certain Southern belle and heiies.-. r ii sister-in law of the friend who had inviied me at his house. So I gave only glance to the pale stranger, aihiLjdism uiiiting, rang the bell. A slave answered the sum inons, and, conducting me into the libra ry, went to call Ins master. In a few mo* inents the door opened, ahd the lady whom I had seen at the window came in, with two curly-headed children clinging about, her, She Dade me good morning in a voice stVeel as the thrill of a lute string, and sai<l. with some embarrassment I “1 am sorry that Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert are both out riding ” “Ah ! and so am I,” was the answer; “out I suppose they wid not be long; for though they did not expect me to*day, 1 wrote them I sluuld probably be here this week.” “ Then, yon are Mr. Vincent ?” ‘•Richard Vincent, at your service; and now introduce yourseif?” “I—l—l am"—she paused, wound one of the little girl’s ringlets about her fin* ger in her confusion, and began again, “1 am’’—once mure she hesitated, and 1 resumed: “1 have guessed it —you are the gov erm ■« !’’ t>he smiled, but the color mounted to tier very temples. “Foor and proud/’ 1 soliloquized; “how dial Idiisli becomes her At tins moment we heard the t amp <•( hoir-es’ feet, and saw Cuthbert ,-i;d his beautiful wife dashing up the bsoad aven ue leading to the mansi-m. The govern" ess nastily left me, ami I shortiy alter saw her talking to my friends in the veiandah. Their brief conteicnce over, my host ami hostess entered and gave me the cordial welcome which is the characteristic of the South. When the greetings had been tiiterchangid. 1 turned to Cuthbert and said; “Pray where is Miss Dupont, the charm* ing sister in*law of wnom you spoke?’’— He and his wife exchanged significant glances, and I contained—“l am all impa tient to see this pioagoii; don’t keep me long in suspense 1* ■ “I will not —you will meet at dinner I’’ The next moment the dressing bell rang, and the host led the way to the guest Chamber where he left me to make my toilet. In those days I was not in different to personal appearance, and with the aid of an attentive slave I arrayed myself in the most elegant suit my ward* robe afforded. “1 wonder if I shall suit the heiress?’’ I queried, mentally, as I took a lass sur vey tn the mirror and descended the dins ing'hall. There, near the table, sat Cuth bert and his wife, the f'aCe I had seen at (he window, and not far from the govern ess a young lady with a fair complexion, a blooming cheek, the sunniest of blue eyes, and a profusion of golden hair. 1 was a connoisseur In ladies’ dress at that per od, and took in at a glance her costly India muslin robe, with its frills of Meeh n lace, the splendor of her bracelets, neck* lace and eardrops, and the exquisitely wrought, golden comb, which looped up the rich tresses. Why was if that my face wandered from her to the pale, cahn governess, with her bands of raven hair, and her great eloquent eyes, and a dress that fell about her like a “Dnnmist ?” "Blanche,” said my host, “allow me to present an old and valued Ir.etid, Richard Vincant !” The blone beatify* colored, simpered, and with an inclination she intended to be like that of a prima donnatoan applaud ing crowd, acknowledged my bow. “Miss Marguerite." resumed Cuthbert, •‘this is the guest we have been expect ing’’’ She bowed with the grace of a queen, and I as resp<‘ctfuily as if she had indeed been one, as I said. “We have bad the pleasure of meeting before, Cuthbert I" “As I told yon,” murmured the govern ess, “I went down to tell him you were absent.” The ceremonies of dinner now began, and as a seat had I ”en assigned me be side Blanche, I tried to play* the agreea fj£. but I often found my thoughts Wan* dering to the pale, silent girl opposite.— When the meal was over, and the ladies had left the l’o m. we lingered at <mr wine. “What do you think of my sister I’’ ask I ed Cuthbert. “She is very beautiful,” I replied, “And have you fallen in love at first sight ?’’ “If I have f shall not tell yon !” I ex* I claimed, and then we went tin e.liatti’ g Ina merry strain. When we adjourned to the great, cool, luxurious p.o'or, 1 I found Mrs.Cutlibert and her s ; > r. but the I governess was walking loand fro -,>n the - terrace, apparently absoib -d t:„, i The uanal small talk ensued, and .t last, ! at my request, the lleirtiss sat d iwn at i the piano, am! played and sang with much I skill. I had »l>sei v.-d a harp :n 'lie holt* doir adj; nt, find lugged her to sweep its sti ings l'ii me. ‘ I cannotsite KiiiJ. M iss M , rile ea--; I will call her ’ Aml nt v'iij ' i the v. iitdov , t-’!' ( xela med, impel i >is ome Marguerite, a<j w sh you to t.'tly smho airs on the Itaip.” f i,e g'-.vertieSs lie§itatl'd a moment, Came in am! to..k a seat (it tip. hatp. As Site sat Ih-ne I noticed fm the liisf time the Riiphib f.i,,;, t-tmns of her lingers, the ifi'aCelttl pifise f her head tip the stately imrk; but I * <r,,| thrive wltt'ii she smoie the tilloids of the harp anti began to sing. I xVaa sh.. n.n impiuvisalriUU ? 1 thought she must be, so full of soul was the music she poured forth, and wlietl she concluded I asked .Mrs. Cuthbert whose Ccmpositton it was. “Her own,” she replied, “and she never knows what she is going to sing when she commences.” I littered no fulsome words of cotnmen dation to Marguerite, but my eyes must, have spoken volinnes of approval That night when I retired to rest, fflv dreams were tmt haunted by the heiress, but by the pale face 1 had seen at iliti window—the face of Marguerite the gov erness. The next morning I was awake at. an early hour, and glancing out saw Margue rite, gliding across the lawn. 1 liast< tied to join h t ; her cheek wote a rich glow; het dark, lustrous eyes were full o| light: her lips tremulous with smiles; her White apron was full of snowy blossoms, and she bad wreathed a spt ay of jasmine amid the blackm'ss of her hair. How we be gan to talk 1 scarcely know, but I never was so entertained by any woman as by her. I could touch upon no suljec in lit erature or art w ith which she was not fa rtiiliar, and Madame de Siael might have coveted her Con Versa! imial powers. On the lawn we subarated, but when we met at breakfast in the presence of the Cuth berts and the supercilious heitbss, 1 saw that the old governess’ look had come back to her face, and she was more reii* cent than ever. My friend proposed a horseback excursion to a boiling spring in the r.eighboihootl, and wtien ottr patty assembled on the verandah, I noticed w ith the keenest disppoiutment dial the gov erness had been exclm ed, I rode at the bridle rein of the fail Blanche, who looked very pretty in the blue habit, aiid with her vet.el cap set Coqnettishly above tier golden i.Csses, but I found it an eil’o.t to interest my sell in her common place chit ciiat. 1 fell a sense of relief when we dismounted al the hall, and as soon as I tiaU led my parinei in, bounded up the siancase. Un the way to mJ’ Cham er 1 parsed an op i. door, atld through it caught a glimpse ol Marguerite. the two cniidivn wete busy at their tasks, ami she sal patiently correcting a sketch wutch <ii,e ul liu-m had made. A portfolio .ay lieslde her, which, I doubted not, was rilled with hei own drawings. She heaid my step, and looking up saw me on the Huusirimid. “What ' ’ she exclaimed, ’’ “have yon returned so soon ? 1 did not expect you for an hour or two. 1 hope you nave en joyed yiitirsclf.” “No, 1 have not. I was really* disap pointed because you did not go.” A faint smile passed over hei face. “!—1 ” she muiteied; “you can’t under stand etiquette, it you sdipose a govern ess is to tie made an equal.” 1 felt the blood rush to my brow, us I replied. “There are many false notions in soci ety; 1 am sore Mrs. Cuthbert’s governess is the equal of any one here, and as such 1 legard her.” Her face crimsoned, and for a time there was a silence, which i broke by say ing: “Is this the schoolroom ?” “Yes.” “It looks very cool and plesant; may I come iu “I suppose Mrs. Cuthbert would have no objection.’’ “1 hope not,” and with these words I moved to the table at which she was sit ting. “Does that portfolio belong to you ?” I enquired, laying my hand on the article inquestion. She bowed assent, and 1 re sumed —"Shall 1 have the pleasure of ex amining its contents ?’’ “Certainly, sir.” She was calm, grave, quiet, but when I drew forth the pictures and began t> expatiate upon tin in, her leticence vaic ished. Her eyes lit, ihe pale cheek glow ed, her lips —those mobile lips of hers— parted, and she talked with the enthusi asm ot girlhood I'ne sketches were in deed wonderful, and at last I said: “It is a shame for yon, with vour ge nius for painting, to dmdge as a govern ess I’’ ( Again that peculiar smile flitted < ver her features, as she murmnied: “The poor must do what they can—not what they would.” At this moment we were interrupted by the children, and I left her. In the afternoon, as I was lounging on a luxurious sofa in the library, the door opened, and Marguerite appearted, but at sight of me precipitatel retired “Stay I stay !’’ cried I. following her. “No, no, I cantiot, —I did not dream you were here; I was lonely, and came down here for a book.*’ “Come and get it.” With sohm relnc tatice she entered and look a splendid] • bound Copy of Tasso from the -lielf. 1 glanced at it and said: “What! do Jon read Tasso ? b “A little.” “Then take a seat beside rhe, and we will read together.” She hesitAted an instant, and then as sented. 'Hie liquid Tuscan language sounded Very beautiful, syllabe'ed in her accents, and the spell with which the gov erness bad bound me, deepened w.itb every passing moment. A month wore on, and one night I sat in rnv ciianibi-r, bolding co'iimnnica’ion with my own heart. The fnce that Ili -d seen at the window on my arrival, tlm fas,, that had seemed so pale, co ealm "ml c -bl. had since assume'! every Va'i-Oy of 1 x pK'ssion. I had cetin 1 , ’hi her th woo Blanche. I had faden in iovß with the goverm'ss! Yes, t was in love at last Ylargiwriie liitnlitcil nil my sleeping arid waking dreams. I was mtisiiig thus when I heard a tap at my door, and Cuthbert (Uitered. “Well,” he said; “A pciinj* for your thongli’B.” “I am thinking,” I replied, “how mys terious a thing love is!” “You are in loVe. then —glad of it— glad of it. jfianCllt! will be it happy wo man !” “’Tis— 1 tie hot BlahciitJ!’’ I stammered; “ ’tis not, Bliinche my heart has chosen —I love the governess 1” “The governess I” said Cuthbert.— “Zounds, man; what dp you mean i” “1 have to-day laiid hand, heart and for tune at her feet; if she accepts me, I shall envy nobody in the wide world.” Cuthbert meditated awhile ere he re sumed. “You must be sincere. or you would noi,marry M r:guertte.” “Oihcere-pGo<! knows I am!” My host gazed at me, ami laughed il nerry laugh, that lang loud and long through the hail “My dear fellow'.” he began, “you are the victim of a little ruse. My sister-in law has had a mortal fear of falling the prey of some fortune hunter, and when y-w .on your arrival, mistook her for the go\ ernes-, she could m>( reV>,L the temp tulion to carry out the bit <>i a confab we bad with her in the ver andah. she begged us not to undeceive you, and we humored her whim. She coaxed the cousin who was staying with us to act the part of the heiress, and as she had taught the children during the absence of their Fieueh governess, they were not likely to betray her secret— Blanche Maiguerite Dupont, come here and confess 1” “Dear, dear Richard, I know I can trust y on.” Blanche is now my wife, and peeping over my shoulder at the iiianusci ipt, she bids me teil the world she has never re peated the stiatagem that won my love. Fashionable Women. Fashion )• iis m.ire women tnan toil oi Sorrow . !>bedtene.: to fashion is a great- er trail <giessi-n <1 the laws of woman’s ini'the, a greater injtiiy Io her physica and itimital c'iist.tution, than the hard slnp.> ul p..\eny and neglect. The ,-lan women at hei task w ill live a.d grow old. and see two or three generiGions of hei mistresses fade and pass away. Tp. •a asher-winnaii, with -carve a ray of hop. to cheer her, will live to see lie. la-hionable sistCns all dm at mind her Tiie kitchen mud is l.eaity and strong, when her lady lias to be nursed like a sck baby, li is a sad truth that fashion pampered women are almost wor hles.- for ail thegieat ends of human lile. They nave but little force of eharactei ; they have stilt less power of moral will, and quite as little physical energy. Tney live for no great pm pose in life ; they acco n pli.-h no worthy ends. Tin y are only doh forms in the bunds of milliners and ser vants, to be dressed and fed to order.— They dress nobody ; they Iced nobody; they instruct nobody| they bless nobody, ami save nobody, They write no books; Tn. y set m; , , c h example of v rims and womanly Lie. H i hey rear chi dreii, Ser vauin «..a a.. .>ii j.,,-,, ~, and give them birth. And when reared what are (li. y ? What do they ever amount to. btit weaker scions of the old stock ? Who ever heard of a fashionable woman’s child exhibiting any virtue or power of mind for which it became eminent ? Read the biographies of our great and good men and women. Not one of them had a fashionable mother. They nearly all spi ting from strong minded women, who had about as little to do with fashion as with changing clouds. Facts for Pc or Farmers. “Those farmers who have most difficulty to make both ends meet; always plough most and keep most stock. Now tnese men take the true plan to keep thumselves always poor, because their crop and stock arc always poor aud bring little.” So writes John Johnson iu a letter to the Secr.taiy of our Society ; aud he thus illustrates his statement : “ it is good profit to raise 3UU bu-hels of wheat from teh acres, but when it takes thirty acres to raise that amount, it is raised at a loss.— So it is with cattle and sheep—you will see the thinking farmer making lour year old steers worth ftom to each, and In.- neighbor s at the same age not worth over $23 to {>4o.” His advice to the latter is, “ if his land is exhau.-ted. he should plough no more than he can thoroughly manure.— Seed with clover and grass, and let it rest, and that field will not only pay well for til lage, but :t will furnish manure (if rightly managed) to make another field of the same size rich also.” And then keep it tich, do not run it with grain until again exhausted, or the end of that laud wi I be worse than the first,— Country Gentleman. Goodness, like the river Nile, over flows its banks to enrich the soil, and to throw plenty into the country. Goodness is generous and diffusive: it is larg'.ness of mind and sweetness of temper- balsam in the blood, and justice sublimated to a richer spirit Goodness is justice and somewhat m .re. Goodness is modest aiid sincere, in . oil■ nsivc obliging : it rutiles and dis ! turbos nobmiy, nor puts anything to pain Without uiccs-lty. God never accepts a good inclination instead of a good action, wheie that action may be done ; nay, so much the contrary, that if a good inclination be r.ot seconded by a good action, the want of that action is thereby made so much the more criminal and inexcusable. A good inclination is Lut I the first rule drautrht of virtue; but the tin ! ishing strokes are from the will, winch, if l well disposed, will by degress perfect it; if] ill disposed, will bv the superimluctiou ot nl I ;, quicklj dJ.c. it. ! —- Tin: Gross llk .- the <-on.-<»d < f Scriptures, am! as it ».•!<• I>"iii <iaiv ami boi d‘i iaml o‘ o''l and hew (hitio-:. I iie cn> 8 confederates iiea' en and eaeth : the cross re j.iins men and angeis in the unanimity of their anciein c.omoid. The cross is the death , of vide, and the fountain and life of all vir tie, 1 The cross is tile courage of those that are j fighting bravely ; the recovery of those that I are fallen; the crown of those that ate viclo« i rious. The cross subjects ns to an iriomen tary death Ivnd recompenses us with eternal life. X-eT Why is a mu.l .Kt- a tool? Bmanse ( it holds a lady’s hand without squeziug it. ( Vol. I l-No. 47. Column of Jt-2T“old age is fast approaching,” as the little boy said when the old man was after him for stealing his apples. CSF* A Scotelunxn visiting a churchyard with a friend, pointing to a shady, quiet nook, ■ Siiid ; “This is the spot where I intend being j laid if I am spared.’’ jtjF" A negress, speaking of her children, said of one who «aft lighter colored than the . rest : ‘1 neber could bear datar’ brat, kasehe . show dirt so easy.’ Why, Hans, you hake the most , feminine cast of countenance I ever liava seen.’ I “Oh. yali,” replied Ilans, “I know dt? .reason , J for dat—)mine nioder was a voomans.” A red-nosed gentleman asked a wit whether he believed in spirits. “Aye, sir,’’ 1 replied he, looking him full in the face, “I sea too much evidence before me to doubt it.” ®@“ Some liishmen, at Detroit, bad an in terview with the Prince bf Wales, and became so enthusiastic that one of them shouted, “Be dad. and come back four years from now, and we’ll run yon for President.” Do you go to school now’, Charley!” “ Yes sir, I had a fight to day, too,” he re» plied. You liad 1 Which whipped?” “Oh, I got whipped,” he replied with frankness “Was the other boy bigger than you ?” “No, he was litih-r ’’ “Well, how came you to l»t a lit’lwf boy whip sou ?” ‘Ob, yen eee, h« was madder than 1 was.” JW\ man who does not claim to be a jn gs of sU-ine, says.: ■ “ Last Spring I liotiglit a little pig out of a Irove, atid be was good for eating, but didn't rrow much lie git so after a week <.r two, hat he wotild eat a latge l>ti> ketful of dough, >m! as er Im had swallowed it ail 1 pi< ked up lie pig ami put him in the same bucket I had ed him f om, and die little cuss didn’t fill it half full ! A minister’s wife says: “The first time I took iny eldest boy to church, when <e was two yeaiH ami a halt old, I managed, •vith caresses and frowns and candy, to keep him very still till the sermon was half done. By this time his patience was exhausted, and he climbed to h s feet, and Stood on the seat, I.><>king at die preacher (his lather) quite in tently. . Then, as if ne had hit upon a certain relief for his troubles, he pulled me by the chin to attract my attention, and exclaimed, in a distinct voice, “Mamma, make pana say Amen!” t&f Not long since, m South Carolina, » ele'gvman Was preachingon the disobedience OT w lien vu m» •?t 3? to the Ninevites. After expatiaiingfbr a con siderable length of time on the truly awful consequences of his disobedience to the di vine commands, lie exclaimed, in a voice of hun 'er, that passed through the congrega tion like an electric shock, “And are there any Jotiahs here!” There was a negro pres ent whose name was Jonah, who, thinking himself calle ! on, immediately arose, and turning up his white eyes to the preacher; with Ins bioadiffist, grin and best bow, answer ed, “Here be one. massa.” B’qT' A friend, says an exchange, returning from the depot a few mornings since, with a Lottie of freshly imported Mains Law, saw a young lady whom he must inev- I'ably join. So putting the bottle under his arm, he sa e'y walk -d alongside. “ Well said tue y<>:ing lady, after disposing of health and weather, “what is that under your arm?’’ fioin which she discovered a dark liquid • hopping •• 0, nothing but a coat the tailor has been mending for me.” “0, it’s a coat, is it ? Well, you'd better •any it back and get him to sew up one hole more—il leaks.” A Yankee Story. Once while steaming down the Ohio, I heard one that was genuine. I had been sit ting in an arm chair under the lee of one of the chimneys, and on the huricane deck, reading a late novel, in which I was so much absorbed that I did not notice what was pass ing around hie, until my attention was attrac ted by a Yankee at.d a Cockney, who were evidently trying to find out who could tell the mos unbeltevab e yarn. Ihe Cockney led the way ; and turning the subject upon hog killing, told of a gang of six hands in Menie England, who would kill s ! x hogs a minute, and clean them. “ Wai, squire,' responded the Yankee. “1 beli.-ve 1 know o’ somethin’ a leetle ahead <>•’ that, notwitbstandin’ that's a purty big ’tin.” “ ’Ow’s that ?’’ f “ Wall, you see, mv frien*. I’ve got an old (Tiii le Nate, my mother’s brotlier, who got dp a little etisse lest masheen to clean hogs with that you ever uid see, It want like nothin’ in all Natnr’, but it worked mitv slick You see. Uncle Nate spent his hull life at i‘, and got it just e’en, a’most perfect. He'd (hive a hog in. and wun knife would stick it; and then hot water’d squirt on to i' ; then another knife’d scrape off all the '.<r ussels, and take out the innards; and a contained thing would cut it up, ami drop it into the bar’l cleen dun. Wai, you seek fellci cum down all the way from Busting to : see the thing g.»; for he was in the pork pack jmg up thair, an 1 didn’t know but what he I might va ttn git wun. Wai, sur, Uncle Na c t'Ot ih« (liing in ninnin’ order, and then tc c ii>l he f'-ilei tu ook at it. 1 happened tn jus (hen, so Uncle Nate got me to drive in the pig, white lie lei on steam. Ha hadn’t nior’ii loch tue lever, till the thing started, aud you’d ought to bin tliair. You know a pig alters squels when be is stuck. Wai, sur, I lieerd that pig sqiiel, and I heerd ’im fall I into the bar’l aftei he was cut up ; but, I swar ! to man, I never could tell which happened fir-t.” ’• Will you ’ave something to drink willi j me, Mr. Fiikens ?” asked the Cockney. i “ Don’t ctd’e if I dtt, kernel/’ replied Fils kins And as they went down after a drink; ( 1 agaiu turned to my novel.