The Kennesaw route gazette. (Atlanta, Ga) 1882-18??, September 01, 1875, Page 7, Image 7

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TRAVELERS’ OFFICIAL GUIDE OF THE Railways & Steam Navigation Lines IN THE United States and Canada. The only publication recognized by the Quarter master-General's Department as the standard autho rity for comparing distances, etc., and THE ONLY RAILWAY GUIDE in the country endorsed by the General Ticket Agents' Association as the authorized source of information to the public in respect to the time tables and lists of the officers of passenger and accounting departments therein represented; also containing Official List of Purchasing Agents of the several railroads. For s»ale by all Perhnliriil Healers. News Agents, and Booksellers : also, on Trains, and at the several KaUroad Depots and Ticket (Mires in the I nited States and Canada. N. B.—From its large circulation, and from the fact that it is used as a manual of reference by the chief executive officers of railroad lines everywhere throughout the country, the TRAVELERS’ OFFICIAL GUIDE Furnishes for all parties interested in railroad supply business an invaluable and appropriate advertising medium. For information as to terms and rates of advertising, apply to the National Railway Publication Company, Publishers and Proprietors of the TRAVELERS OFFICIAL GUIDE, ISTo. 4233 South Fifth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. IF. F. ALLEN, Editor & Business Nlanayer. L. G. TILLOTSON L CO., Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in RAILWAY & TELEGRAPH MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. MANUFACTURERS OF Railway Car Finding's. JVT I’UUSII IMPORTERS. Rubber Goods, Cotton Waste, Car and Engine Springs. Dealers in Railway Supplies of Every Description. No. 8 DAY STREET, NEW YORK. “ RHEUMATISM.” DR. RUSSELL'S Rheumatic Remedy cures Rheu matism and Neuralgia, without fail. It also corrects Indigestion, cures Dyspesia. purifies the Blood, and renovates the entire system. Made and sold by Dr. J. B. RUSSELL. 43 Broad Street. Atlanta, Georgia. Price $5 per pint bottle. See what Mr. .Tames Ormond, Proprietor of the Atlanta Paper Mills, says it has done for him : Atlanta, Ga., .March 21. 1875. Dr. J. B. Bussell—Bear Sir : I have been subject to severe attacks of Inflammatory Rheumatism every Fall and '■pring for many years past. The most se vere of these Inad a year ago last fall, at which time I began the use of your Rheumatic Remedy, which entirely cured me, and up to this time have had no return, and hope never will. I can also add that my general health has been grealy improved by it, for it quickly dispels all symptoms of indigestion, heart burn, etc., to which I have been heretofore subject. Respectfully, J. Ormond. Read what Colonel Edward Parsons, Atlanta’s leading coal and lumber merchant, says it has done for him : Atlanta. Ga., May 13, 1875. Dr. J. B. Bussell—Bear Sir : In justice to you. and that others who suffer may learn where to find relief, 1 cheerfully certify that under a severe attack of Rheumatism your remedy was recommended to me. I used one bottle, and am entirely cured. Gratefully yours, Edward Parsons. Dr. Russell's Medicines are the product of the com bined skill of the physician and pharmacist, and are, therefore, no quack nostrums, giving temporary re lief from pain, and entailing after disorder and disease. THE GBEAT KENNESAW ROUTE i OFFERS NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN New Orleans and Baltimore. Mobile and Baltimore. Pensacola June, and Baltimore. Montgomery and Baltimore. Opelika and Baltimore. ATLANTA and Baltimore. IT OFFERS ONLY ONE CHANGE BETWEEN Galveston, Tex., and Baltimore. Eufaula, Ala , and Baltimore. Columbus, Ga., and Baltimore. Macon, Ga., and Baltimore Augusta, Ga., and Baltimore. Rome, Ga., and Baltimore. THE KENNESAW ROJJTE GtA-ZPJTTE. Pennsylvaniaßailmd *IS THE GREAT Trunk Line and Mail Route OF 77LE UNITED STATES. IT TA VERSES the most interesting portions of the North American Continent, and unites by un broken tracks all the principal cities on the Atlantic Coast, on the Great Lakes, and in the Missis sippi Valley. THROUGH TRAINS Are run over its lines between New York, Philadel phia, Baltimore, and Washington, in the East, and Buffalo, Rochester, Erie, Cleveland. Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Louisville, in the North, West, and Southwest. Close connections are also made with all Southern lines through to Mobile, New Orleans and Galveston. The Pennsylvania Railroad —IS THE Best Constructed Railway on the American Continent. It is laid with Double Track of Steel Rails, secured on Oak Ties imbedded in broken-stone ballast, which renders them impervious to the action of frost or freshets and prevents annoyance from dust. All bridges are of iron or stone, constructed on the best known principles for safety and durability. The Pennsylvania Railroad RUNS THE MOST Perfect Rolling Stock in the World. ITS ENGINES are models of mechanical excel lence, and its passenger cars are unequaled for com fort, elegance, and strength. Superior Hotels and Eating Houses are provided at all essential points, which, from their excellence of management and reasonable charges, have become the model establishments of their kind. The Pennsylvania Railroad Enforces upon all its Employes STRICT COURTESY AND POLITENESS IN THEIR INTERCOURSE with the public, and uses every effort to secure the comfort and contribute to the enjoyment of its patrons. The Pennsylvania Railroad Will be the only line running trains directly to the Centennial Buildings and Grounds in Philadelphia, DURING THE Great International Exhibition of 1876. Its connections and depots for this WORLD’S FAIR are now arranged and completed, so as to secure the most ample facilities and perfect accommodations to visitors from every section of the Union. The Georgia Railroad Passengers from tlie West and East to points in NORTH & SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA and FLORIDA, Will And it to their advantage to take the old estab lished Line via The Gsorgia Railroat Persons taking this Line will have an op portunity of seeing the Great Natural Curiosity, Stone Mountain Arrangements are being made to run Palace Sleeping Cars from Louisville, Ky„ to Savannah, Ga., By this Line, commencing as early after October Ist as possible, affording tourists to FLORIDA! An opportunity to visit AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. A choice of Two Routes from Augusta to Savannah, is offered. Ask for Through Tickets by the Georgia Railroad, thus securing Through Cars, Smooth Track, and Quick Time. J. A. ROBERT, General Ticket Agent. Arkansas and Texas Short Line VIA j|ms«DrfiE|{oo(M 144 Miles Shorter to Arkansas anti THAN BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. Time, Distance and Money Saved. CONNECTIONS COMPLETE. ONLY Direct all Rail Route to Little Rock, \ Kensett, Newport, Hot Springs, Arkadel ) phia, Fulton. Texarkana, Jefierson. Shreve port, Marshall, Longview, Dallas, Sherman, Dennison, Palestine, Hearne, Waco, Houston, Rich mond, I’ agle Lake. Columbus, Weimar, Schulenburg, Flatonia, Harwood. Luling, ,San Antonio, Galveston, and all intermediate points in Arkansas and Texas. Direct connection in same depot at Little Rock | with trains North and South on Cairo & Fulton Railroad. Passengers reach Jacksonport and Batesville, via Newport; and Sealcey via Kensett; Pine Bluff via Little Rock; and Clarendon via Brinkley to Augusta. Also in same Depot at Argenta with trains on Little Rock & Fort Smith Railroad for Lewisburg, Russellville, Dardanelle, Clarkesville, Van Buren, Fort Smith, etc. , Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars on all night trains. Ask for Tickets via Memphis. For tickets and information call at 287 Main Street, or at Depot, foot of Washington Street, Memphis, | Tenn. | J. H. PERRY, W.E. SMITH, Gen. Ticket Agent. Superintendent. TRY THE RAI WAY. See advertisement in another column. OHIO & Mississippi R. R. FOR— St. Louis and all Points West. Leave Atlanta7.oo a.m. 4.10 p.m. “ Chattanooga..l,4s p.m. 10.15 p.m. “ Nashville9.oo p.m. 6.20 a.m. j Arrive Louisville3.3o a. m. 2.20 p. m. Ex. Sunday. Daily. I Leave Louisville7.2o a.m. 8.00 p.m. I Arrive St. Louis7.2s p.m. 8.15 a.m. Arrive Kansas City9.3o a. m. 10.40 p. m. No change of cars Atlanta >o Louisville. No change Louisville to St. Louis. Only line running two Ex press trains from Louisville to St. Louis without de tention,making direct connections for all points West. C.B. CHAPMAN, R.T. BRYDON, South'n Pass. Agt., Gen’l Pass. Agt., Louisville. St. Louis. The Mansion House, GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, Will compare favorably with first-class houses. FAMOUS SUMMER RESORT. Salubrious climate. CALNAN & ROATH, Proprietors. SRSSSIiSiS ffWO FOR (fATALOGIfes’. BROWIN CO., Carriage Line and Barone Express AGEN'IS ON ALL TRAINS. General Railroad Ticker Office, No. 3 Brown House Block, - MACON, GA. RATES FOR CARRIAGES: i Passengers to or from depot, each, - - $ 50 Baggage to or from depot, each trunk, - -25 Pleasure driving in city, first hour, - -200 Pleasure driving in city, each additional hour, 100 Passengers outside city limits will be charged extra according to distance. Baggage checked to all points from your residence. TO TRAVELERS— If you are going North. East, South or West, step into Brown & Co.’s General Railroad Ticket Office, No. 3 Brown House Block, just opposite Macon Depot, select your route, and purchase your tickets. Information as to Rates, Routes and Connections, cheerfully given. GO TO TEXAS! THE( DIM RAIL LINE Quick Time! Pullman Drawing-Room and Sleeping Coaches! Westing house Safety Brake! LONE STAR ROUTE! CLOSE CONNECTIONS! iKternatioiial & Gt. Northern KAILROAD. It is the Best, Quickest and Cheap est to Waco, Bremond, Calvert, Bryan, Hearne, Rockdale, and all points in Central Texas. For above points your Tickets should read— Via Texarkana and Hearne, over International & Gt. North ern Railroad. For Houston, Galveston, Hempstead. Brenham, Austin, Columbia, Schulenberg, Flatonia, Columbus. Luling, San Antonio, and all points in Southern and Southwestern Texas, your Tickets should read via Texarkana and Houston, over International & Great Northern Railroad. New and Elegant Day Coaches and Pullman Palace Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars are run on this line. This route is pronounced by all those who have traveled over it to be the best built road in Texas, with its solid road bed, smooth and perfect track, fine iron bridges, good eating houses at convenient points along the line, and its unsurpassed equipment, renders to passengers all the comforts of modern rail way travel; and nowhere else can the passenger so completely depend on a speedy, safe and comfortable journey. To be convinced of the foregoing state ment—TßY IT ! It is the shortest, quickest and best all-rail line to all points in Eastern, Central, Western and Southern Texas. H.M. HOXIE, Gen’l Superintendent, Houston, Texas. TRIPPE & McCOY, ATTORNEYS AT [AW ATLANTA, CA. L. Lierman. C. Rosenbaum. LIEBMAN & ROSENBAUM, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Havana and Domestic CIGARS. Factory and Office, 120 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PATENT OFFICE! THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PATENT AGENCY IN THE UNITED STATES Is thatof the U.S. PATENT RIGHT ASSOCIATION, 94 CHAMBERS ST.. P. O. Box 4.M4, New York City. Patents obtained with fidelity, cheapness and despatch. Twenty-five years experience. Thousands of references and testimonials from grateful clients in all parts of the United states and Canada. The only firm selling Patents in the United States. Send green stamp for the handsome monthly magazine, the “Patent Right Gazette,” containing full information. GIVE ITS A TRIAL. E. MAXWELL & CO., DEALERS IN Railway Machinery & Burning Oils PEERLESS AND PLUMBAGO CAR GREASE. RUBBER ELASTIC PAINT, Adapted to roofs of all kinds, especially to tin, car and wood roofs. No. 719 NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. 7