The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Georgia) 1926-1971, April 09, 1926, Image 1

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GEORGIA WEATHER | Cloudy tonight and Satur day, cooler Saturday and! and in extreme east i VOLUME NO. 9 TWO DEAD, 18 MILLIONS LOST IN OIL TANK AND SHIP DISASTERS 2 TAfi'(F.R COLLISION TANKER IN DRY DGCKS WREAK DISASTER IN SERIES OF EX PLOSIONS. Two nersons are dead, thirty five missing and eighteen million dallads in proverty has heen destrov ed in four disasters involving ol shins and proverties in widelw gonnwatad narte of tha countrv, ~ Thirty members of the crew of the Duteh steamer Silvanns. are Missine e tha yvaent of a eolliaian with o Standard Oil tanker in the Mississin ri river below New Orleans. Tivn nepeawg wave haliayad 1:i'le? end meare than two score injured when anot;her.Stmdard 0l tanlar evninded at New Orleans dry dock Hnge rropertv loss was snfferad in two oil resevvair ifelds. at San T uis Ohispo and Brea, Jalifornia. A+ the former field, it is rated as the preatest petroleum conflagration in history. with loss of fifteen million and two persons Kkilled. ! Both tank farms were owned b_v: the Union Oil Company. | Twenty-Seven Lost NEW ORLEANS, April 9—(P)— Twenty-seven men were believed lost from the Dutch steamer Silvanus. burned after an explosoin following a collision with the standard oil tanker Pointe A La Bache. " Seven are missing after a seriouz of explosions on the Standard Oil tank, 0. T. Waring, in dry dock here and the death .ist probably will be increased by deaths among two score injuring in the Waring explo-- sion Of the twenty-seven missing from the Dutch steamer, the majority are Chinese. | ; 7 ilgimg Check of Dead ; NMRLEANS, April 9—(_.4’)—-# Hunc§Wßg} of men connected with shipping ,apd allied interests worked today in an effort to determine the pumber- of dead and to recover the Lodies of the men lost in the two er plosions aboard ships in New Orleans and off Pointe A La Hache yester day. ; The Dutch stearer, Silvanus, col lied with the Standard Oil tanker, Thomas H. Wheeler, off the point and thirty five members of the crew are missing. Fifteen were picked up or swam ashore. Forty-four were injured in a se ries of explosions on the. Standard oil farfkeri O:-T. Waring being. re: paired in the dry dock. The living todaypending recheck .are two hun- ; Goodness ¢ i what a nickel -« will buy! - € / 4 ("" :,\.\”\ £y f/ . - \ @R / |- - ( '»l.\‘ " v"",, R @ AB W, < 7% v, /' Qv‘,“‘. —._b / /'; AN _) Drink Bottled Delicious and Refreshing Cordele Coca-Cola Bottling Company Cordele, Ga. Phone 87 A. C. Towns, Manager THE CORDELE DISPATCH MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS Movement In Lower House Seeks Discharse Of Highway Engineer Betty Booth Concert Company | at Coming Redpath Chautauqua 1 sirdriagersccintist g . von RV 045 R SRR g ;r’:x AN P b :':-3""z*(':;"::‘,,.-.:.,:-::-:-4(: RO G T A R SRS T B T GA R eAR g, 2. & . 4 2 P I by o % ¥ CONCKIRRN o cBS? WA g 7 E2N e R 2 e 7o . an Z BRI T §7T £ % e DRt AL e D }«' ‘)‘\ g "2 5 W s< s ft g SRR USRI amr S boid 1 G, ooy A ’: WA S BNy AR ity iy 2 4:. .::' :‘%}\ A ! 2 \ ;‘.4.»"; h P fk ‘:< < < R R F g i B R CRRRRPREIRAR (U 0 sTR : 7 Cf-:i.‘»:'-i?};;;":i“ Fiodiingh W 8 GEE 3 "4"(*" i,‘AR § g ERRRRRRE - YlO L N R B RKiorey A T B PR STiLA IS oAb R B OO °"’ se{Y g PR T Vgt SO RSI S oVR SRR PRETRte UK NP S P Soede s . ‘-:’%i? R a 2 SR RN S, DN RS T ERRREER DY < 8 s W g B R SRR RS e RAR T So R % SO RRRTEY S e B N e BRENGI [ R L : o BST (RN TR AT PRI j;t,:::‘--z-_.v'eiz': igN RN SRR R R AV WE NLS T PRy S i R MRt iRS R N BESRNRL .+ o e g Teßk i AR Y ‘.':‘;';g;-::;:-‘;.;:,:-';:;:;\_ 30'"1 ¥ S R SRR 0 R e R Rosocid o A e o AR SRR RN R gfi;;g, Sl omed o MR el SRt RIO S BB S R R e B e NG URRE. -ARAN AN FRORR N RRERSSERR o g R B ISR GR SR i 3 < B R G e N S PP AT VSRS -SR O O B AR R oT B b Ph Ty R ?1':1’,:3"5" R R B S R N R R RO R R ST RR S S R O R i v_:_;'«_?;';?.fi;; SRR S o ee s eel ey SRR BT ¢ O ' _:'::-.:j;1;:5:;31:5:;;55..3:.\?.;:1;‘:;_‘.;._:'{;/ & 5::?::"?55'15?"-';»,. 2 % I::f}fj"i?_'._‘".i‘ 8 & .g\ “X»}h,' U, '-.';‘A,"l f,: 3 ;I¥‘ R TNet o S e e e R L ame RR B g qDR R 'ix e Wi SR eR R S RSI Se B LR L B L G AR R e e B eYI e SCENE FROM “A MASTER’S BIRTHDAY” “A Master’s Birthday,” an original operetta based upon striking events in the life of the great composer, Franz Schubert, will -he featured on the program of the Betty Booth Concert Company at the coming Redpath Chautauqua. Much of Schubert’s beautiful music is woven into the theme of the operetta. Another part of the company's program is devoted to notable instru mental and vocal concert numbers and costumed songs of picturesque charm, Betty Booth, mezzo soprano and pianist—the feature artist of the com pany—comes from the Tmperial Vienna Opera Company. With her are Hugo Brandt, distinguished Polish pianist and composer; and I’aul (‘]:wk, well known violinist. GREAT OIL FRE NO CONFIRMATION OF REPORTS OF DEATH OF TWO MEN IN . FIRE. SAN LUIS OBISPO, Salif., April 9—(&P)—The siv million barrel oil ! fire on the Union Ooil Compan¥’s i tank aid reservoir farm here, started ! by a lightning bolt Wednesday, was { thought to have spent most of its ' force today. y [ A ‘WITHERINGTON ‘ | | - SELLS BUSINESS :o‘LOCAL FURNITURE MAN FOR 21 ‘ YEARS MAKES DEAL WITH | FORT VALLEY CONCERN ‘ 5 J. M. Witherington today closed :1? l!leal with the Georgia Agricultural | Works of Fort Valley in which the lat .ter concerrn acquires the furniture lund house furnishings business of l.he*; latter in Cordele. Mr. F. B. (‘:111:)\\':1)" who has been with Mr. Witherington in the conduct of the leading furni cura business here for a period of i eighteen years, will be manager in fu- Rure. ‘ For a long period Mr. Witherington fias maintained a business in Cordele which has won high business stand ‘ing for him and he retires assuring his fyiends that their confidence in the past is greatly appreciated. | Mr. Callaway and the new mvnors‘ promise a progressive business policy and a store which will more than mect all needs in their line for the future. dred men, on or near the ship. No announcement is yet made of the number of dead. Five officials are re rorted missing. HARROWING FIGHT TO SAVE MAN IS LOST CHICAGO, Apr. 9 (£)—Two men aided by a woman risked their lives %n an unsuccessful attempt early to | day to rescue Leo J. Ainsworth of ‘('im:imlati from the window ledge of la fire swept hotel. ‘ Three hundred feet above the side "walk, men formed a human ladder from the window below, but bhefore they could effect a rescue, Ainsworth (fell to the sidewalk when his burn ing fingers were unable to hold long ler, ] Scores of pedestrians gazed in hor ror powerless to aid, CORDELE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1926 (] CORDELE GIRL IS ! CHOSEN MAY QUEEN :‘MISS ELIZABETH CANNON IS GIVEN PLACE OF GREAT . HONCR AT WESLEYAN. | MACON, Ga., April 9—(P)Mizs Elizabeth Cannon of Cordele, mem ber of the Wresleyan College Senior Class, was today eclected queen of the founders May day festival which the faculty and students will stage on May 12. ' Migs Cannon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon, is one of the most attractive and most charming young women in this sce tion of Georgia and enjoys a wide popularity both here and in the co! lege community where she has been a student four years. % NEWSPAPER ETHICS ‘WASHINGTON, April 9. —@)— - Ncwspaper Ethics formed the topic of today’s deliberations at the Panameri . can congress of journaliste meeting here to consider yroblems of the pro fession and its function in the de velopment of an understanding and | friendship among the twenty one A-i merican Republics. ' - JOINS SPANISH FLYERS s ! | CAIRO, April 9—(&)—~Captain - Esteves, commander of the Spanish | Madrid to Manila fling exepedition " arrived here from Bengazi, rejoin-- ing his companions who arrived yes terday, : ' i Ll s G MARKETS AT CLANCF ! 3 ald a ’ NEW YORK COTTON ‘ OPEN CLOSE P, C. MRy IRTE . {RRD (18N f()('l()hv!' Viainiae LNAB 1751 1748 {Januury L e e s ] e | CORDELE COTTON i ——— { Middling closed SAT | LOCAL CREAM MARKET | ki P Standard butter-fat i 0D 1 4 e—— 5. g e ——— G S——————— | PEANUT MARKET lCholcc Clean No. 1, per ton ... $lOO,OO HOUS:: PASSES MOTION TO HOLD | OVER TO THURS. TO END SESSION LABOR LEADERS CHALLENGE DRYS TO WINE AND BEER REFERENDUM ‘CLAIM UPRISING ’ 1S SOLID REVOLT i - AGAINST DRY LAW | P | LABOR WITNESSES WOULD AC ;' CEPT BECR AS AGAINST VIC i 10OUS CONCOCTIONS | WASHINGTON, Apr. 9 ()—A chal {lenge to dry leaders to join the move ‘ment for a nationwide light wines and ! beers referendum was issued today before the senate prohibition commit ]?ee by spokesmen of the American .f‘("«d:‘!‘alioll of Labor appearing as wit esses for the wets, and the personal fropresentative of President William "C}l‘r:\";n of the federation, William Rob erts, told the committee “‘present up riging of those opposed to the Vol stead act is a stable, solid movement. ‘ “I sincerely believe those who op i pose light wines and beers realize I that a referendum would decide in 1 favor of modification of the Volstead act. The defenders of the Volstead act apparently prefer to see the peo l nle of our country seriously affected hy vicious concoctions of liquor rath ‘ er than to make it a temperance cou 'Lry hy legalizing the manufacture of > nlid beers,” he said. TAX EXEMPTION FLECTION COMES WILL BE HELD SATURDAY IN ROTH CITY AND COUNTY WITH ALL PRECINCTS OPEN. The election in the city of Cor dele and in the county of Crisp for ive purpose of apnroving the lav providing tax exemptions for a pe-- riod of five years for new industrio: in both the city and the county. will be held tomorrvow. Plans ha been made for vofers all over the county to cast their ballots in ther home precincts, but all save those in Arabi can vote in Cordele at the court houge if they go desire. In the city election the ballots wi'l be cast at the city hall. Citi zens of Cordele may vote in boih the city and the county clections, They nust do that to be counted in both elections. BURGLARS CLIMBED |, HIGH WALLS FOR | r 1 I LITTLE E P | ATLANTA, Ga., April 9—(P)— Scaling a high wall to obtain en trance through a skylight, burglars last night robbed four booths in the’ central curb market of thirty five’ dollars in merchandise. | — e e SBl i aious ) . 1 Save Your Baby Chicks A ‘» 5 Put AVICOL ; 9 in the drinkivg water Avicol is guaranteed for the treatment and prevention of { white diarrhoen or baby chick c]wlcr:x.. Easily used and inexe pensive, I'rice Ho¢ and $l. | Sold tngern Moneye i Bacrk Cuarantee. b T}m“ # ~ A T AT | g O Filr ) B ¥ | AN, - K-"'\" S - i > - ' Stops Chickg/Dying ' [ | ’ ' . ! STEAI’S DRUG STORE PIONLE NO. 1 | SAFE I BLOWERS It DARIRNG CRACK ’ AN & i , ‘{ ‘J AT TEYAS STATION ? SAFE WAS SHATTERED AND RE ! PORT WAS SO LOUD THAT ’ ROBBERS WERE FRIGHTENED ] AWAY OR HURT. i i i The most daring dash {or the coin i of the realm ever made in this town 5 occurred at ¥:n o'clock at the Texas gasoline station within a stone’s ‘ throw of police station and in the i came block when safe blowers enter | ed and blew the safe, shattering it in i a complete job and creating a report { so loud that persons attracted prob ? ably foreed the pernetrators to es-- ‘ eope without their booty. | The money drawers in the safe ‘ were untouched and some sixteen t dollars deposited there overnight re: ! mained in its place when S. J. Hef { ringlen and the police came to make | an inspection. A rear window in the «tation wag up and it was this exit i <hich was used. No other opening ' in the building was touched, and the window sash was up and it was this oxit which was uged, No other open ‘me in the building was touched, and ; the window sash was raised as ! though it had been left that way over nizht. Nothing indicated a forced en ] trance, ! The safe was so badly wrecked that it would have been difficult for the robbers to have gotten their hooty and escaped before being dis covered in the uact. No clue was left and none has been found today that would lead to arrest of {h 14 An automobile was seen to circle the block several times just beios ! o’clock and in it was a woman whe apparently was keeping watch for the robbers. The car is supposed to have been in waiting and when it was scen that a quick escape had to be made, the safe blowers entered and sped away. The ageney sustained the loss cof the safe alone. MERCHARTS PLAN FORWARD MOVE HER ORGANIZATION 5 COMPLETED AND WORKING REGULATIONS ADOPTED AT LARGELY AT TENDED MEETING. The retail merchants of Cordele comyleted their organization Jast nicht by cleeting their officers and ‘umn‘u\'ims their working regulation: at a meeting in the assembly rooms of the board of trade attended by thirty or more of the local mer chants. R. L. Dekle was named pres) dent, W. G. Gleaton, first vice presi dent, and I'. 1. Bartholomew secend vice president. Miss Orba Cobbh wa made seeretary. and treasurcr, The actors were chosen a week ago, C his body T.. M. Coker is chairman X 4 FLDER BARWI(K SUFFERS NERVQUS BREAKDOWN Friends here and elsewhere, will learn with much regret that Elder R. H. Barwick suffered a nervous collapse several days ago at Thon aston whe he was in a meeting witl Elder 8, H. Whatley. While slightly improved, Elder Barwick is not yet able to 'be removed from the hose pital at Thomaston, ESTABLISHED IN 1908 BLOW AT W. R. NEAL R 4 ° ° ‘WCOULD INSTRUCT STATE HIGH WAY DEPARTMENT TO DIS CHARGE CHIEF ENGINEER ATLANTA, Apr. 9 (P)—Resolutions instructing the state highway depart ment to discharge Chief Highway En gineer W. R. Neal were introduced in the house today by Representative Martin of Troup. Mhey were referred to the commit tee on public highways. WALTER RIFRS IS ! ..:R Xl4 1 HERE FOR TONIGHT MOVIE ACTOR AND PARTY WILL BE GIVEN AT SUWANEE HOTEL Walter Hiers, wife and aunt, Mrs. Bishop, reached Cordele this after- F(mn for a brief visit to old friends in ihis community. Ie spent his boy hood days in Cordele and was greet ed today by many of these at the un ion stationr when he reached here, There will be an informal reception at the parlor of the Suwanee Hotel at nin~e o'clock tonight when friends will visit the widely known movie man and greet the party while here. They will leave tomorrow, | RUSSIAN WORKMEN ! E ¢ ’ i VICTIMS OF POTSON | | | | Ciei i MOSCOW, Apr. 9 ()—Twenty-sev-' 4on workmen were poisoned while Urinking tea from a galvanized tank svhich investigation showed contained hoison. Soven are dying and the rest in ('l'it.-‘ 'l:'(',zd condition. A plot to poison the entire staff’ of the factory where the ‘ “men were employved is suspected. ONE STATE - ~ FOR US ALL SRR City or eountry, north, south, east or west, let us think as Georgians—not merely as sectionalists, This bank is statewide in its in terest—and in its strength. sl UK G I A ST AT 2 ANK '————'——W PLEDGE OF LOYALTY I shall welcome in my cofi# munity of a!l methods ag measures that have provém beneficial in other commuy ties. 8 NUMBER 134 SENATE FAILED . 70 REACH VOTE ON | LONG WRANGLE ENDS IN no’ng | DECISION TO ADJOURN SESS i NEXT THURSDAY 3 ? ATLANTA, Apr. 9 ()—The géndiy lassembly will adjourn sine die Thg ] day at one o'clock, if the senate o curs in the resolution passed by . | house today by vote of one hnnddl’ fourteen for and sixty-six againgh The house vote followed lengthy H cussion and a wrangle over procegis ure. % | House Debates Adjournment . ATLANTA, Apr. 9 (#)—The hogs ‘debated the subject of sine die e journment today with one faction g ‘oring adjournment at noon today [ 'Qhu other, including Spea.kor Ne J : suggesting a hold over till .--. : Hay. ol 3‘ ' Before the resolutions were pnt,fgk debate, the house concurred with " F genate in an amendment to flw’ 'authorizing an appropriation for sy port of the veterans service hj oddl which provides the office of anh ' sistant director carrying a salgty @ itwenty-four hundred, to be abolisHdl after two years. C Representative Davis of DoKalb, y jected to the bill on the groundg:thdl /t saddled another bureau on the !‘_-_' paver and while it sought to &l:d"‘ l world war veterans, it did not przfi b that the assistant director's po?fl! be filled by veterans. o Senate Accepts Cigar Tax = | ATLANTA, Apr. 9 (/)—The senats’ adopted the house bill amending the law relative to’ occupational tax bßg dealers in cigars and cigarettes by vote of twenty-seven to nothing :‘ .proceeded with the regular caleu:l\t ‘bhefore taking up the question of ll“ die adjourmment. ; TRIAL POSTPONED BUFFALO, April 9—(#)—Tre trial of Richard Reese Whittemote for the murder of two Bank of Buf ' falo employees was put over ‘ju April 19th on motion of defense counsel,