The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Georgia) 1926-1971, December 13, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO PROBERS IGNORE 1 ‘-A ' ! ¥ i \VIEW OF TELLEZ N e i SENATE COMMITTEE GOES FOR tWARD WITH ITS PLANS. . WASHINGTON, December 13—(AP) —Disregarding the \'*ew of the Mexis can ambassador that the senate was powerless to summons officers of his governmient before its fommittée, the special committee named 10 inquire into charges published in Hearst pa pers that a fund of $1,20.0,000 was created by Mexico to influe'nce four United States senators went ahead t - day with plans for a thorough inves tigation. Nid Already a subpoena ha Leen issve by the committee for Arthin M. Fliag Mexican consul general at New Yori ‘fhe committee expects him to tesiy a'lthough the Mexican. cinbassy has! announced that no right exists to cull Tlias. Department is Mum | ‘he ite depirhment again declin e wodaV¥ W digeuss Lhe internatioral complications that might be involved in the attempt of the senate come miltee to subpoena Elias. Framination of international law precedents. appear 10 make it clear however, that a consular officer can not be required to produc® in the courts of the country to which he is assigned any of the books or records ot hi! otice or to answer any ques tion inyolving the affalrs of his own governen! A showdown probably will come af ter the commiltee begins its open heatines Thursday. In Germany an airplane is being constructed to carry a crew of eight and sixty viscenvers. It {g over 120 feet long with « wing gpan of nearly 160 feet. \ \ | A Ny . W\ W L ‘w‘.."_' " N R ¥ &y '\: \ :'—;‘,‘.',‘(\ \ W o & 13 \:-.“} n A 7 | AN ’:\ \ ! 4 N)Y R A i e o v RN T e ‘ PV N ~ b, 79 \ ! s il ¢ : RN ' o 0, , b : / .._\*%n‘ ‘;:;1:’;.-; fid"(t," . '. A - Ay MR ‘ ,&,’w,' '.,,‘ ’r;‘\_‘ ; ome-rolea st i L F eAEAR Ry ‘s (S cigarettes W ~ ‘ G g 3 . I OUGHT to.. P’ve been rolling *em for many a moon. And the best I ever | smoked were rolled with Prince Albert, g-&”m% i . o qe QTR SR S sk sy pr : the National Joy Smoke. You Delieve [Ty et this the instant you get a whiff of P.As r.mgmmugwm;tf e S ; b I e O C‘B’ ; class-by-itself fragrance. When you roll § l;:;fili"*' Y one and hight up, that’s the real thrill. 't WP . ~.r'. i S VS : ’4(« Cool as a cave where the sun cannot -;j i]; e ';‘ Itlrf =y il WY d 1 ake @ leof 0':“ of reach. Fragrantas honeysucklein bloom. i fl![ e ,H:i!‘?; v, : " this boo ~p cn . . kil el Al 3 sooo o e Mellow and mild, yet with plenty of J SEANERAN To ad own O T njade . o &e oo R _ d:;e:ogcvtogc‘i gpx;;b“:tdc body to satisfy completely. And for pipe- ”'rj"fl%gé*ié‘”od I .- ® 2 at A m 2 . TR AT T i Francta, famos fxg“fi::. smoking, boy, P.A. surely is the goods. p— | T e e ' cigare? iO': R. Jo RVPC s may _ ; ! '.”s“o‘YComP“V ;h‘wt as wel 8 have ‘hebe;:cco de\:;;‘ 10750 Leaves, 3¢ . . e . . - ==no other tobacco is like it! oy Wiamton e, e o . Government, Cannot 7 | Use Rum Evidence . State Cops Obtain ~ WASHINGTON, Dec. 13--(AP)— Deciding a test case, the supreme court held today that evidence oh-‘ tained Ty New York state police cannot iawfully be used by the gov ernment in prosecutions under the ‘prof-ii»ition enforcement act. | The court sustained a plea that liquor found 'in a car taken by state police at Masgena in August 1924,| could not legally be used as evi- | dence because the car had heen searched without a warrant, e—— / Englishman With Doty ’i Seeks Legion Discharge | A | | PARTS, December 13--(AP)—The | pardon of Bennett J. Doiy, of Biloxi, 'Miss.. and his release from the French Foreign Legion have stirred up hin-1 lglif;h circles in Paris to seek a com panion’s release, ! Official representatations have bheen m.ide to Minister of War Painleve m' beihalf of Johnfyy Harvey, an Ixn glithman., Harvey was a member of the party of five including Doty, who desr ted in Syria. He was sentenced to five .years imprisonment and now is servirig his term at Clairvaux civil penit:>ntiary. The French war office has started an investigation of Har vey's case and it is expected that he will he: pardoned shortly. ‘ | T\ $lOO AN OUNCE Forty ounces of distilled catnip oil, the yield from three-fourths of an aci*e cultivated by the Biological Survey near Saratoga Springs, N, Y., is valuled at $lOO an ounce. :, More than 4,000,000 copies of the ‘,.nn:-, “A Perfect Day,” have been E:il\uw. ) * { i 10 3 A rCH . v AT » "t * HOOSIER REPEATS AS CORN KING R R s Rk ks kK e Wk ;R R A e5O Re T 1 T 2 :v:,",.“ RN % o ‘o 7 R e wigs serignn it 3 4 Z o P X R 15, RHS N o W v s ;x 4 S . oMR | \ -_-’;;':",:: O :,;3'l‘ 5 SG A 4 T A SR R R i Bk GG s 3 e G vy £ Tl j:’;;_;fji}; 5 ‘ W A o%" 4 }l'/’, i O / "{ & N by i A o S e (Ao R Gt - i 24 fis’ kRS ¥ g sy e &% G b ARS A ! B Y e A P 2 R ; S B Ve iy b ias IR e ) R AR T R sl e 232% o A 2, B Ry, AR A 7 i A /.???‘f”f:'f":‘f:fi:v::;?;f, : 700 Nflf S 2v V% 5% 9 '2’ 4? 5% iB, R R G R s e ‘a7 iR B s N i , o S fifli"_fl‘%‘d, ¥ 1 s i i ';32‘9 N ,;(, ,\ ¢ & z'/z;//'// i AZ\ ? o R A ;A:.::.i:"';'::-,,;'?i: 7 R =% $i 0 R 0 ) ash RO R N i ‘f /, .-. ‘ b o ~‘\{ W ‘{E,"":'fff"':f " f-” bW > Y L 4 e 7 % 3 &% i % Ui, g g A Z Vi ? AP 1 byt i B g K "",‘,')éj Wiy AR ; Z s o O ’! ny g o 2",'*‘;}' Ko o N © T R e : i ; % Wit ROES B 7 AL i it ~ ‘2 AR W 0 £ . B 4 10, |ga s g . & f,.a Te s B T TSN S N, e oo ;" ;‘C 38 S B B SO it SIS SRR R LR R g R AR (ol s W S T T 85 e R A 1N % flb’ ,’g% R vid Bt %6\ o R "‘5l:-:‘:~:~fi\;i3l‘:”‘s' g 2 Lly Spsl S B A.&f B s A AR | S BRR 7 R ’.":~:»:-:5-'3fi-$,';.--:{:3,-, ® . Q% Ry IR (N RS ey A R RL A MR BRI R R kT R N e T $8 v e ) .':5, ‘,',,}:Kv‘.v i f.».'”::" e:,3i % ', v._% 9 :E-:’ ,> 7 :;E; o ~..‘.,'4 eSS 4 BBt A IR i e biit W R o SR T 7 . LRII g Rl ek B Ny Sot g el seDA i s e Y&' ol ISR P R IR, B i B Ao be ootioncoy Y o A WOERETTLO. 15y S { D R RGTCC R - R s, RIS s 4 '”. Wfi W % s e RSN Y DAL R A s TRt 3] Y R e TiU S S USRI I S ! & el B . ‘ l : e o 4 | 5 SR e - 2% YR sotSl D] 2; 4 SRR | ] | 2 R RS LA i : S 3 B s . ; ‘ e 4 %DR 5 N ISR T 7 P "3 ‘ W Rea G R 2 ; el b L e e i 1 SR T 1 e e YRR Sb o 2% | X% Rl ek WG &8 22 7K s b s eRRS e BB AR gk 3 iy Sis * R G o, AL IR soy G 35 .- YL ™ R ——pa— - - <l5 o s yorar -\ For the second time in ninc years Charies E. Troyer, Wabash, Ind,, farmeer, is ¢oxn champion at the international lay and Grain show. He i shown above with some of his trophies, { - WABASiZ, L ind,~ (AP)—Charles . Troyer, warld’s champion corn egrower, selects his prize winning cars of corn l'ke a beauty contest jury culling photegraphs. Troyer, farmer near here, was crowned corn king af the Interna tional Hay and Grain Show in Chi cago. repeating a triumph of 1919, The 1927 exhibit consisted of 10 eas of corn, but they were selected from a mountain of 56000 cars, It took five weeks of culling to get the THE CORDELE'DISPATCH pile down .to 1,000 ears. In selecting the prize-winners his step was to choose a standard ear by which the cther nine were graded. With that found, Troyer painstaking 1y selected th/e other nine. Xach ear }\\'as ten ar{d a uarter inches long; eaclh weighed a pound and a quarter Ean(l each had 20 rows of 60 kernels. ’ Troyer's hobby and livelihood is corn growing, His wife says corn growing is about the only subject NATIONALIST HEAD . ! PALTHE BITTER AT RUSSIA CHIANG KAI-SHEK TEREATEVS‘ TO BREAK RELATIONS. SHANGHAI, December 13—(AP:— General Chiang Kai-Shek, who was drafted yesterday to re-enter the Na tionalist movement as leader of the Kuomintanz canference, declared to day that unless Soviet Russi “discon tinued its intrigue toward China” the Nationalist government would be compelled to break off relations. Tais the general added would necessitate the closure cf the Soviet consullates 'in Nationalist territory in China. “I'he Kommintang” said General Chiang, “has made be responsible for the tremendous task of reuniting the party factions and reorganizing the national government in order that the revolution may progress. I intend to exert my full strength to bring peace to the Nationalist territory and to re sume warfare against Chang-Tso-Lin, upon whose elimination depends na tionwide peace in China.” ‘ While real unity of the Nationalist factions is considered difficult of rea lization, Chiang Kai-Shek is believed to be the most likely person capable cf its accomplishment. QUICKSAND GIVES UP PREY NOTTINGHAM, England—After sinking to his chin in quicksand, 10- year-old Robert Hayes was rescued by three young women. SRS s Lt S TR R she hears around the house. The Hoosier farmer, wom the Indiana Corn' Growers’ Association gold med al for producing more than 100 bush els of corn to the acre on a 5-acre plot five times. He has more than’ 1,000 cups and medals that corn has won for him. Chi tic Evid ! PLUS FACTS—CONTINUED SCIENTIFIC ADJUSTMENT OF THE SPINE CONTROLS AND RELIEVES HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE CASE NO. 9 Man, age 55, high bleod pressure, 1 stroke of apoplexy, invalid from it— dragging left foot and leg, lett hand paralyzed—speech and mentality pro portionately impaired; was pitifully helpless. After 30 days adjustment, was s 0 much better, took job walking coliecting insurance in city of Savannah. After 3 months adjustments was normal. This 8 years ago.” No more symp toms of old trouble—good health. Af present a business citizen of, Fla. : : LET US EXAMINE YOUR SPINE, 5 DRS. BABCOCK — THE CHIROPRACTORS | Residence Qifice 301 E. 11th Avenue — Phone 131. | Hours 10 to 12—3 to 6—Other Hours by Apvpointment. A B IN CASE OF T & BREAK-DOWN o A& y / Go to the nearest phone and " = L N g i Ban . WA oo e ~» - fast as the speed laws will al l Ffl 4 (’6§ low, haul your car to our au- SSa “m““““““w agg \ to repair shop and put it in ~ '\\ ‘(® V// ) cr‘cfiler for :,f'ou in a hurry. We N\ S 8 sey 2 TR There is no repair job that @ e ;AC cannot do well and quick " PHONE 144 MOORE’S GARAGE AND SERVICE STAT(ON SEVENTH STREET NORTH CORDELE, GEORGIA THAT KEEP ON GIVING ;\“\)3/\\ \\\§) <O ¢ 2R We Have A Full Line of Attractive Gifts That Are Time and Labor Saving. ‘ A FEW SUGGESTIONS - Percolators, Toasters, Urns, Urn Sets. ¥loor Lamps — Table Lamps. Electric Refrigeration—Electric Ranges. South Jeorgia fiwmpam CORDELE, GA. . lumbing and Heati Plumbing and Heating I am back in Cordeie in my old line of work. Please remember to call me when you have plumbing troubles. All work given prompt at tention. Phone 523. \\ 12111‘11 (e NS Easy G 270 g P e n\\\‘\ A T, . RN Tires $5.00 and up, accord- \\u‘ \ \\\‘\x ‘.v\\\'?v\\‘\\ ing to size. We will sell you a\\- : , A u\l& \‘A\\ at wholesale price. Save the g@ \ middle man’s profit. We v‘__ “‘fi\\t\\yfs will take in exchange, Syr- ‘%\fifi}'@e‘?\\‘\ ' up, corn, peanuts, peas, N\}-‘&\‘.’“\h{'“ serap iron, metal, cows, Q\vé 7% ?1, hogs, old worn cars or any- | Mlla ' thing of value, 3 ’}i CORDELE HIDE & RUBBER €O, 3{3‘\\:\ /‘ PHONE 120 - CORDELE, GA. ‘\§\g§§§l// TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1927