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"7 1 st Annual Livestock Festival April 2-7, 2022
VOL. 1 NO. 12 March 30, 2022
Webb crowned Livestock Queen 2022
Emma Webb
-Jake Gay
Staff Writer
The kickoff to the Livestock Festival began Satur
day, March 26th with the crowning of the 2022 Miss
Screven County Livestock Queen. That honor goes to
Emma Webb.
The much-anticipated pageant was sponsored by the
GFWC Sylvania Junior Woman’s Club. The Mistress
of Ceremonies was Brooke Lariscy Lawn, the 1970
Festival queen.
Emma, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mary Beth and
Scott Webb is a Junior at SCHS and a member of the
National Honor Society as well as the Varsity Tennis
Team. Active in high school extracurricular activities,
she is also a member of FFA, Y-Club, Student Govern
ment Association, as well as Family, Career, and Com
munity Leaders of America.
The contestants put in many late nights of practice,
evident by the talent portion of the pageant. A more
talented group of young ladies have never graced the
stage. Ms. Dale Reddick, one of the organizers of the
event expressed her thanks, “to everyone who worked
to make this possible.”
Kaden Williamson was awarded the People’s Choice
award. Leslie Daniel was named Miss Congeniality.
2nd Runner Up was Emily Warren and 1 st Runner Up
was Kaden Williamson.
For this writer, it was a remarkable night, and the con
testants were equally as remarkable with their beauty
and talent. Let us all join in on the festivities this year
and support our community. Congratulations to all the
contestants on a job well done.
Contestants raise
money for former
livestock queen
-Jake Gay
Sylvania Times Reporter
Rachel Carter Williams,
2001 Livestock Queen, was
diagnosed with breast cancer
the last of 2021. This year the
10 contestants of the Miss
Screven County Livestock
pageant raised money and
donated the pro
ceeds to Rachel.
The group
gathered at the
fountain on the
square and pre
sented Rachel with a check
for $640. Rachel is a fighter
and a champion for sure, she
has had a positive attitude
throughout this whole time of
her battle. She is the mother
of Abbey, Molly, and Carter.
She is the wife of Coach Matt
Farm Bureau donates to library
Screven County Farm Bureau Women’s
Committee Chairperson, Wendy B.
Boyd, center, and Planters Electric
Membership Corporation Member
Services Representative Whitney D.
Zeagler, right, recently presented a
copy of the children’s ag book, “How
to Grow a Monster” to Belinda Waters,
Screven County Public Library Rep,
left. The donation was made on behalf
of the Georgia Foundation for Agricul
ture and Georgia EMC.
The Georgia Foundation for
Agriculture and Georgia Electric
Membership Corporation (EMC)
are jointly promoting agricultural
literacy by donating copies of the
children’s book “How to Grow a
Monster” to nearly 400 libraries in
the Georgia Public Library Service
The Georgia Foundation for
Agriculture (GFA) and Georgia
EMC have given each county
Farm Bureau in Georgia enough
books for every public library in
the county. Screven County Farm
Bureau recently delivered a copy
of the book to the Screven County
Public Library.
“How to Grow a Monster,” written
by Kiki Thorpe and illustrated
by Barbara Bongini, explores the
theme of gardening and includes
a gardening-related activity for
children to try themselves. Tapping
into the popular makers movement
(hands-on learning), the book is
part of a series of fun, easy-to-
read stories that focus on problem
solving and hands-on action. The
American Farm Bureau Foundation
for Agriculture selected the book
as its 2022 Book of the Year for its
accurate and positive portrayal of
The GFA is thrilled to partner with
Georgia EMC and Georgia Farm
Bureau to donate the book. The
GFA began donating accurate books
about agriculture to each public
library in Georgia in 2016. Georgia
EMC joined the foundation in this
endeavor in 2018.
Pictured are Leslie Daniell - Miss Congeniality; Emily Warren-2nd
Runner Up; Jada Kate Monroe-2021 Queen; Emma Webb-2022
Screven County Livestock Festival Queen and winner of the Danielle
Robinson Lariscy Interview College Scholarship; Kaden Williamson-
lst Runner Up and People’s Choice, (photos by Jake Gay)
Danielle R. Lariscy
scholarship awarded
-Jake Gay
Sylvania Times Reporter
A scholarship in memory of
Danielle Robinson Lariscy has
been created and the first re
cipient was Emma Webb, this
year’s Livestock Festival Queen.
The scholarship was presented
by Mrs. Lariscy’s daughter,
see LARISCY page 4
Pictured are Savannah and her mom,
Danielle Robinson Lariscy. The Lariscy
family has created a scholarship in her name
and awarded it to the young lady who has
the best interview. That person was Emma
Webb, (photo contributed)
B.G. Roberts, father of
Central High Athletics
dies at 89
-Burton Kemp
Sports Editor
Beaufort Garfield “B. G.” Roberts,
Sr. Passed away in Savannah on
March 19 at the age of 89. For
much of the past three decades he
was known as Reverend Roberts
to many Methodist parishioners
in deepest Southeast Georgia and,
later, in closer parts of Georgia.
Before Reverend became the prefix
to his name, there was Coach Rob
erts. It is by that Coach prefix that
many of a previous generation of
Screven Countians knew him.
B. G. Roberts was a home grown
Screven Countian. He graduated
from the all-Black Screven County
Training School, the precursor to
Central High School, where there
were no athletics. He went on to
Augusta’s Paine College where
there were, allowing him to play
football and run track. After
graduating from Paine he basically
started the athletic program at
the new Central High School,
being the Head Coach at various
times of virtually every sport
there. He even made Central
High’s mascot The Lions, the
same as his Paine College.
He was, however, the only Head
Football Coach Central had dur
ing its decade of the sport. He
was there from the first game, a
see ROBERTS page 10
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Church News .... 4
Legals 8
Sports 9 & 10
Editorials 3
Obituaries 5
Classifieds 6
Farm & Land ... 11
Aprit 2, 2022
JXprit 7, 2022
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