Newspaper Page Text
Page 2 - Wednesday, April 20, 2022
The Sylvania Times
thesy lvaniatimes .com
in the
Lemon Meringue Pie
1 cup sugar
4 Tbs cornstarch
3 Tbs butter
4 eggs (separate yolks &
1 1/2 cup boiling water
1 tsp lemons rind
3 Tbs real lemon, or juice of
1 lemon
1 pie shell, baked
Mix dry ingredients and
add water, egg yolks and
butter. Cook over medium
heat. Stir constantly and add
lemon rind and juice when
mixture thickens. Pour into
pie shell. Beat egg whites
with mixer; add 1 scant Tbs
sugar per egg and continue
to beat until you can turn
the bowl upside down and
the mixture doesn’t move.
Spread on pie and bake at
375 until the meringue is
lightly brown.
Never Fail Fudge
3 cups sugar
2 scant Tbs cocoa
1 1/2 cup milk
3 Tbs white Karo Syrup
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups chopped pecans
1 stick butter
Mix sugar and cocoa togeth
er and add milk. Stir in Karo
syrup and cook on high only
until mixture comes to a roll
ing boil. Turn heat down to
medium and cook until soft
ball stage. Pour immediately
into bowl containing butter
and vanilla. Add nuts and
beat until firm (when fudge
barely stands up in a peak)
Dip by tsp onto buttered wax
paper. This makes about 50
bite-size pieces.
Tomato Pie
1 unbaked pie shell
2 cups four cheese blend
3 slices bacon, cooked &
2 or 3 slices of tomatoes
1 medium onion, thinly
Olive oil
Basil, salt and pepper
Prick pie crust every inch
or two with a fork. Sprinkle
cheese in the bottom of pie
crust; then add bacon, onions
and tomatoes. Drizzle olive
oil over tomatoes; sprinkle
salt, pepper and Basil over
top and bake at 350 for one
Our own Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers??
Thomas Milner and Emma Webb enjoy the 2022
Screven County Prom.
Need Lawn Maintenance?
Call Lane Today!
- £5rass; Cutting
- Yard Wbfk
- Pine Straw
- Shrub Trirmin^
- £ Mdtl’
Pink Houses
itf iot Cane Ser/ira
Lane Clark
Dozier's Doggie Daze
Secrets why
dogs make us
Part 3
Having or having not a
fish, a bird or a cat in our
home, it does not make a big
difference as regards of the
way we organize our daily
routine - as we can easily
perform solely our regular
activities and so they can
- without any of both get
ting affected too much by
it. However, when it comes
to having a dog, this is very
different - as you truly live
together and any absence
of yours affects the dog and
vice-versa. Dogs cannot
stand being alone and not
sharing-receiving love and
care by people and it goes
for people too relating to
Typically, we want for our
home to be dreamily sys
tematized and kept the way
we like it. Well my friend,
when having a dog home,
you absolutely need to learn
being tolerable with having
some dog hair and a lot
of chaos on every comer
of the house - just for the
sake of enjoying the love
and pleasure of having
this lovely animal around
you and your family. As
suredly, this experience
will increase your adapt
ability sense even for oth
er new events in life
People do not have a
modest relationship with
dogs; contrary, it is a com
plex and very strong one,
as it is filled by many ele
ments such as the passion
ate connection, daily com
munication, social effect
and by the strong mutual
commitment. Therefore,
human-dog bonds are
much stronger and tighter
than that of humans with
other animals.
filnr yovr Pat a Pay at th* Btavty Shop!
■ Lain & DtT
. Tteth Brusliliif
Nail Trimming
- and. mere
ipjt m ptU traUdfat
[91 2J *51.5BQ3
111 Maple Street, Sylvania, Ga. 30467
C&mntunlty. Trust Progress.
District 4 Screven County Cc uni^ione ■
My Goals as
COMMUNITY- a feeling of
fellowship w'th others, gained from
working together toward shared goals;
l RUST- earned by local government
through transparency;
PROGRESS- growth in jobs and
housing, so thot out children live
and work emong us and
join our community!
Remember to vote
in the REPUBLICAN Primary
Important Dates
April 4- AbE3Gitca Bal ots available
May 2- Early Voting Starts
Mgy?4- Primary Election Doy
elect stacy scott ini nceyd istr icl4
paid For by the Committee tc Elect Stacy Scott Mincey
District a CommtSEionw
Raindrops keep falling, but residents still celebrate Easter
-TaNissha Major
The April Showers were
gracious enough to hold off
for everyone to enjoy the
Easter egg hunt this past Fri
day. With the sunshine and
smiling faces, a festive fun
-filled time was held in the
courtyard of Pine View. We
were blessed to have Ditch
Pond and Cypress Pond Bap
tist Church sponsor and serve
for this event. The residents
were so happy to see familiar
faces. No matter the age,
everyone enjoys taking part
in Easter egg hunts. There
were ladies and gentlemen
hunting as well as others
watching being a part of the
On Easter Sunday, Rev.
Scarboro of New Light Bap
tist Church provided spiritual
support for the residents.
This Sunday was the perfect
Sunday for the service. Due
to restrictions that were
put in place throughout the
pandemic, this was the first
church service that the
residents have been able
to receive in person.
On Monday, the
residents started the day
off with morning exer
cise. We exercised to B.J
Thomas', Raindrops Keep
Falling on My Head and
Carpenters, Rainy Days
and Mondays. It was
only fitting to exercise
to these songs as the rain
fell throughout the morn
ing hours.
Tomorrow we will
have Residents Council
Meeting. This meeting is
very important for the resi
dents. It serves as a platform
allowing the residents to
give input of planned ac
tivities, the lunch menu, and
many other events that take
place at Pine View.
We continue to have bingo
on Tuesdays and Thursday
of each week. At this time
we are asking the commu
nity for contributions for
bingo snacks. The ladies
and gentleman usually en
joys individualized snacks
(cookies, chips, candy),
sodas, juices, fruit, etc.
We would really appreci
ate any fomi of contribu
tions towards this cause.
Remember to keep
PineView in your prayers
as we continue to care for
the needs of those we all
love. Until next
""--A T ° (912|451.NEWS|63S7)
Your AD Spate!