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Page 10 - Wednesday, May 18, 2022
The Sylvania Times
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Fntlil ti> sumiylvanialimcs^^rail.oOfn
or stop by Tlie Sylvania Tutes office
117 North \fein Street, Downtown Sylvania
lor prompt sc-anni ng.
TliiCilv Qf SyklTiK i> iLCL'plinu' uppliralmrir: far (ho [4!li4n4fWiltr
Sew« Suptiiniendent. The position requites a high iitiool diploma or
a Slate ofGA approved GED Equivalent. a valid Georgia Driver's
LiCCnsC and a Class III Level CerLi'ieatuin as a Water Operator under
Stale Certification procedures.. This position plans, supervises end
pariieipales in the operation. maintenance and Tcpair of the City's water
distribution. purification and sewer systems. Experience, specifically
as it rallies 10 Water Sewer operations is preferred. Equivalent
combination of training and experience which provides the required
knowledge, skills and abilities may be considered. Work involves
supervising and training. Water Sewer employees. Positron requires
exercising of independent judgment in resolving daily operational
problems end is performed under the general supervision of the
Director of Utilities.
Starting salary dependent on experience and queti fications Salary
increase after sis-mumh successful probationary period and annually
lhereafter dependent upon budget consuaims. Benefit include health
insurance options for lhc employee, retirement, disability insurance,
vacation, sick leave and holiday pay. Candidate must be able lo pass
basic physical and drug Lest. Applications can be printed from our
website at HYPERLINK "http ffwww.cdjtyflJtylvaniags.cwif 3 under lhe E-ScrvicCs lab al the tup uf the
Home Page, choose Documents and forms. Human Resources Job
A ppiication Appl ical ions may also be picked up from I and must be
returned lo) City Manager, 104 S. Main St., Sylvania, GA 30467
Applications will be accepted umii position is filled.
7ft? City of Sylvania is an EqifiI Opportunity Enpioyzr
Bail Bonding
Joe Nunnally
Brian Nunnally
The tity id Sjlvjnij if aortplirr) application! for lhe position ut
Ulil ty Dcporlment LihCmOn Or Lineman Apprentice.
Ibta-positions require a hiqh srluml diponoor a 5ij;e of bl approved 6ED
Equivalent sml possession of valid Stale of Georgia Kl Class R motor vehicle
optmtors Hhw.
Tk L position pofomc oil rwnbew) decimal Invofied in the
mnstnidrun, ireirKeiunre and rvtrnior of apr lighting and iigu' sisters to
include dtclnral bat ImewsV on po tv and in high places, foUtming written and oral
liBtiutksns. Thes handle oKHsmites, line outages, and emergency problems
as they arise. The applicant mist hast cmiplaed a taiiifeciory a jprtnnr eshi-p as a
Lintmn JpprrnlKf inlV(rMliOd. nviinten.inCe OndiepSir tri mviIwd f'«.tri(4l
line syntits. supplemented bysome-vtxaiionai trainirq preferably indturftiiyi or
arp'equivalent combination of training and Experience wilh provides the required
knowiec^e, skills and abilities.
The Lineman Ippnemita perioms routine tidies in hand nq electric line maleclals.
dipjln$Wcs indteHing pjrt W wbar line*. (Winning n^ediffioJt A4i(*in
the ram Of tiwmpq ton* pfenenn ft Jn eleflritilp'E Wpeo a 'inenmiy hdpen
nr any equivalent rocriiirHEion of mining and ccperience tltat prrtides lbe mpjirrd
knowledge, skills and abiSriB is required. The finer™ Ippcetilice void be npected
toroniplete training 1n become a Lineman lit ilie minimum amount of time required to
dose- The Cliy of Sylvsnls vM presideand enroll emsfloyee In the netessery training.
Starling salary dependent on eiperiertw and quaHliutiofB for both of these
positions. Salary intH«iahtrsir iiiOMhsu(o«slLi|ifnlMtiowryp(fio<f and
enuua'ly thereafter dependent upon budget constraints Benefits include health
inaianee nptions for the rmplrser, netirracnl. lift and Stability imnartf, sararior.
tirk feast and hcTuby pay
i derailed jeh description arri application nay he picked up from [*d iqroned
Ciqy of Sytv^iia, Ifenonnel Cnirtr. WS- Mini Sc, Syfrtnia, Q* SOffiT. 4p(fiCatitrn
can alH he primed from oca vebsite at vjnreiiyuftyfiutiia^.sOtn under the tSmires
tab at It* top of the Rome tege. choose Documents and Tom P:nrcn PeiMuces-
Toh ippl cation Jppilcaiions till be accepted unci' positions are Riled.
The City of Sylvania is an Equal Opportunity Employer
for May 18
Sylvania Police Department
May 5 — Melvin 1. Jones, 65, 1258 Honey Road, Sylvania, Removing/Af
fixing Tag w/Intent,
Driving w/License Suspended/Revoked, No Insurance, Driving with
Suspended Tag, Open Container Violation
April 30 — Miscellaneous Report, Singleton Avenue.
May 2 — Criminal Trespass, Theft by Taking, Saxon Place.
May 3 - Theft by Taking, South Gate Drive.
May 4 — Suspicious Activity, Lee Street.
Screven County Sheriff’s Department
May 9 — Javon Martez Ellis, 25, Best Bridge Road,
Municpal Probation Violation.
May 10 - Davante Brinson, 23, C Street, Sylvania,
State Court Probation Violation.
May 12 - Labaron Brown, 18, Veeta Drive, Sylvania,
Possession of Marijuana, Hold for Another Agency.
May 13 - Tiffany Ann Barrs, 31, Newington Highway, Sylvania, State
Court Probation Violation,
Scavenging and Littering Prohibited.
May 14 - Raymond Roberts, Jr., 32, Abram Street,
Sylvania, Superior Court Warrant.
May 9 — Juvenile Call, Carver Avenue.
May 9 - Civil Dispute, Buttermilk Road.
May 10 - Accident w/Deer, Halcyondale Road.
May 10 - Lost or Stolen Items, Sheppard’s Switch.
May 11 - Criminal Trespass, Cameron Road.
May 11 - Miscellaneous Call, Screven County.
May 11 - Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts and Components, Sylvania.
May 12 - Found/Recovered Vehicle, Burton’s Ferry Highway.
May 12 - Accident w/Deer, Highway 24.
May 12 - Lost or Stolen Items, Newington Highway.
May 13 - Accident, Single Vehicle, Burton’s Ferry Highway.
May 13 - Accident, Single Vehicle, Burton’s Ferry Highway.
May 13 - Accident, Single Vehicle, Bascom Road.
May 13 - Civil Dispute, Savannah Highway.
May 13 - Accident, Single Vehicle, Hiltonia Perkins Road.
May 13 - Accident w/Deer, Poor Robin Road.
May 14 - Simple Battery (Misd.), Newington Road.
May 14 - Harassing Communications, Fish Road.
May 14 - Theft by Taking, Speckled Road.
May 15 - Accident, Two Vehicle, Statesboro Highway.
May 15 - Criminal Trespass, Statesboro Highway.
May 15 - Criminal Trespass, Statesboro Highway.
May 15 - Assist Motorist, Statesboro Highway.
May 16 - Suspicious Person, Oliver Highway.
Screven County Fire Department
May 10 - Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries, Waters Station Road.
May 12 - Motor Vehicle Accident with no Injuries, Savannah Highway.
May 13 - Motor Vehicle Accident with no Injuries, Burton’s Ferry High
May 14 - Brush Fire, Burton’s Ferry Highway.
May 15 - Assist Other Government Agency, Highway 21 South.
Sylvania Place Apartments
119 Sylvania Place Drive • Sylvania, Georgia 30467
* Sylvania Place Apartments is financed through USDA Rural Development certain income restrictions apply.
Quiet residential neighborhood
• Fully-applianced electric kitchens
Special features for mobility Impaired
• Trash removal
• Attractive grounds
Wall to wall carpeting
• Tenant-controlled Heat/AC
Laundry hook-ups in the units
• Good Cents Energy Efficient
Cable TV hook-ups
Generous closet space
Qualified individuals 62 years or older and/or disabled
Lease, security deposit, and references required
For information & an application contact
7-1-1 (Georgia TDD Only)
Reasonable accommodations
Sylvania Place Apartments
119 Sylvania Place Drive* Sylvania, Georgia 30467
1 y 2 Dormitorio
Sylvania Place Apartments se financia a traves de USDA Rural Development. Ciertas restricciones aplican
• Barrio Residencial Quieto
• Completamente aparatos Cocina Electrica
• Caracteristicas De Especial Por
• Recoleccion De Basura
Personas Con Movilidad Reducida
• Bonitos Terrenos
• Pared A Pared Alfombrando
• Lavadora/Secadora Conexiones
• Controlas El Calefaccion/Aire Acondicionado
• Television Por Cable Conexiones
• Cents Buenas Eficiente De La Energia
Arriendo, deposito de seguridad, y referencias necesarias.
Contacta por informacion y una aplicacion:
(912) 564-2869
7-1-1 (Georgia TDD Only)
Sylvania Place Apartments esta gestionado por
W. T. Lamb Investments, Inc. *216 Broad Street
Wrens, Georgia 30833
Sylvania Place Apartments is managed by
W.T. Lamb Investments, Inc. • 216 Broad Street •
Wrens, Georgia 30833
W.T. Lamb Investments, Inc. is a top quality management company that cares for your needs.
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at filing cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter
containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at”
W. T. Lamb Investments, Inc. es una compama de manejo muy buena,
estamos preocupados con su necesidad.
De acuerdo con la ley federal y las polfticas del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. (USDA, sigla en
ingles), se le prohibe a esta institucion que discrimine por razon de raza, color, origen, sexo, edad, o
Para presentar una queja sobre discriminacion, escriba a USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, o Name gratis al (866) 632-9992 (voz).
Personas con discapacidad auditiva o del habla pueden contactar con USDA por medio del Servicio Federal
de Relevo (Federal Relay Service) al (800) 845-6136 (espanol) o (800) 877-8339 (ingles).
USDA es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece oportunidad igual para todos.
Westview 3 Apartments
119 Sylvania Place Drive • Sylvania, Georgia 30467
* Westview 3 Apartments is financed through USDA Rural Development Certain income restrictions apply.
Quiet residential neighborhood
• Fully-applianced electric kitchens
Special features for mobility impaired
• Trash removal
• Attractive grounds
Wall to wall carpeting
• Tenant-controlled Heat/AC
Laundry hook-ups in the units
• Good Cents Energy Efficient
Cable TV hook-ups
Generous closet space
Lease, security deposit, and references required
For information & an application contact
7-1-1 (Georgia TDD Only)
Reasonable Accommodations
Westview 3 Apartments is managed by
W.T. Lamb Investments, Inc. • 216 Broad Street •
Wrens, Georgia 30833
W.T. Lamb Investments, Inc. is a top quality management company that cares for your needs.
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at filing cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter
containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at”
Westview 3 Apartments
119 SylvarirS Place Drive * Sylvania, Ge-aryi;i 3D4E7
1 y 2 Dormitorio
Westview 3 ApartmerHs se financia a 1rav£s de USDA Rural Development. Cieflas restnccicmes apfccan
» Barrio Heiidenelal Quitio
• Compleiameftie dfuraioi Cocina Cltcirka
• Ceretterblitti De Especial Per
• RMOlMcidn De Bttura
Personas Can Movilidad Reducida
* Etonlim Terrenes
# Psrfd A Pgrenl
* Lavadorj/Sccadora Conexiofies
■ Controlas £1 Cale-faccwin/Aire Acofidicionado
* Television! Por Cable ConeNlotws
* Cents Buenis fflelente De La Energia
Amende depouitede segundad, y retenenoas. neceaanao.
Cortwna poc intonn«*yi y un* opIieaeiCin:
(912} 654-2369
7-1-1 (Georgia TOO Only)
Wastview 3 Apartments esta peaUonado pox
W. T. Lamb Investments. Inc. * 216 Broad Street
Wrens, Georgia 3033 3
W. t. Lamb lnv**irranis, me cs una tsmpaflis <j* man*jo muy bworip.
aslamos praocupados con su necesidad.
De aniercRi Mirt >4 t=y federal y 14a puffier del Depi<1 imertO On Agrmjhur* de In* EE UU- (USD*. Slpla en
ingle*). SB It prphibe n eita insUtuoan que rtircjinnnr pgr rprfn de r3S4. color, origen. sew. edad. O
Para presenlar una c-eja Eotxe ditofiminaMn. eserfea a USDA. Dvecfor. twice of Adjudication, 1400
Independence Avenue. SW, Wasson, DC. 20KM410. o fame gratis a11866) 652-9992 (wz).
Personae egn CKC.npnctlad audit rva p faWu puede0 contaddr con USDA por med O del Servicio Federal
de Relavo (Federal Relay Servie*i al ram i E45.6136 (espai’n.’.li o (aMJ 87 7,6339 (injieij
USUA es un provotdor yempleador que c"ece opoduivdad goal para 1ados.